A/N: What's this? A new SYOT?!

President Remus Snow

President Of Panem, 20, Male

I quickly pull on my blazer and spread a smile across my face.
"Are you excited?" Asks my seven-year-old daughter.
"Of course, it's a quell twist announcement!" I cry.
"You don't look excited." I pick her up and laugh.
"That's because Daddy gets a bit nervous in front of big crowds."

Suddenly, I hear a loud noise from outside my house.
"Everybody, please give it up for President Snow!" I drop Lucie, my daughter, to her feet and open the grand doors. I am blinded by the brightness and become almost deaf from the roaring crowds. I rush off to the microphone and begin.

"Welcome Panem and thank you for listening in to our quell twist announcement!" I shout and my nerves immediately disappear. I take the envelope from atop the table beside me and open it, I almost drop the paper when I see what's on it. "As a reminder to the rebels that they had the choice of peace but chose for their beloved to die instead. The tributes will be reaped from any age and whoever is reaped will decide a family member to replace them." I hear nothing but howls and claps, I couldn't imagine having to choose one of my family to go. Don't get me wrong I love The Hunger Games but there is a reason it's not just volunteered participation because hardly anyone wants to go. Of course, there are careers but do they really want to go that much?

"Thank you, President Snow!" I carry on looking, blankly, at The Capitol audience, stuck in my own mind. "That's your cue to go Sir." I blink and shake my head, before heading back towards my house. I wonder who these next tributes will be...

A/N: No, I am not discontinuing Dancing Stars, but this is the sequel! I decided to have submissions open, just so I have a big variety and you guys have more time to submit. The deadline will most likely be not long after I finish up Dancing Stars. I will be attempting to make these chapters longer than Dancing Stars, and the District 11 Male will be closed because of the plot of one of last year's tributes.


1) Not first come first serve, I will pick the tributes that will fit the plot. That means no reservations.
2) No Mary Sues or Gary Stus', they will be immediately unaccepted.
3) Google form submissions only.
4) I know the struggle of being a guest but no guest submissions.
5) You have so much time to submit these tributes so please take your time! The more detail the better the chances of victor or final 3.
6) When submitting know that I will be expecting you to read along. By the time I have finished the story I expect you to be at the bloodbath at the least.
7) No need to review every chapter.
8) Have Fun, of course!

I may be making another prologue, so see you then!
