'I can't believe we're doing this,' Rey said as she zipped Rose into her silk dress.

'I know, I'm glad we are though.'

'Me too.'

Rose looked at herself in the full-length mirror. Her strappy cream silk dress hung to her curves, and fell to the floor, her hair was piled on top of her head in a cascade of curls with real white roses carefully placed through it.

'You are a vision,' Rey said standing behind her and putting her arms on her shoulders.

'No, you are,' Rose said.

Rey spun in her strapless white fitted dress that came to just above her knees.

'Not bad for two gals who barely slept last night,' she observed.

Rose giggled.

'It was just all the excitement,' she said.

'And also, the knowledge that as we spent the night together in bed watching romantic comedies, Hux and Ben were spending the night singing karaoke at Finn and Poe's insistence.'

'I'm still sad we missed that.'

'Finn says he has videos,' Rey said with a gleam in her eye.


There was a knock at the door.

'Knock, knock are you decent?'

Finn and Poe entered and Finn immediately put a hand to his mouth.

'You two are the most beautiful brides I've ever seen.'

Rose and Rey smiled and hugged him.

'Are you two ready?' Poe asked.

'Absolutely,' Rey replied. Rose nodded.

Finn took Rey's arm and Poe took Rose's as they headed out into the main venue.

It had been a wonderful idea of Finn's for them to have the joint wedding blessing at the beautiful old library building, Rose felt like a true princess walking out into the fantastic hall, surrounded by all the books of times gone by with Poe by her side. Rey followed with Finn.

To their sides sat their friends and family. Rose felt a pang of sadness that her own family were not able to attend but she knew with all her heart they were there in spirit. She waved at Leia and Han who she had become very fond of since becoming better acquainted with Ben. She was glad that Rey had found a family who loved her as fiercely as she did.

She felt sadness that Hux's father had declined the invitation but held out hope that they would still be able to rebuild that bridge one day.

Her breath caught in her chest when she saw Ben and Armitage standing together at the head of the room wearing matching tuxedos. The look of love in Ben's eyes was enough to floor her but then her eyes latched onto Armitage's. The look he gave her was everything she could ever wish for and she knew she had found her prince.

Finn had appointed himself officiant and welcomed everyone for attending. Then he turned and asked Rose to read her prepared vows.

Rose trembled as she turned to face Armitage. He took her hands in his and squeezed them reassuringly.

'Armitage, we didn't come together in the most conventional way, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. You are everything I could ever want. I love you and I am so happy to be your wife.'

Finn looked tearful as he nodded to Armitage.

'Rose, I never thought I would find love. Talking to the opposite sex was never my strong point, and then you came into my life like a warm breeze, and everything with you was so...easy. From the start I felt like you were my home, and I'm so overjoyed to call you my wife and I will show you every single day we are together how much you mean to me.'

Rose bit back tears. Finn sobbed like a baby.

Finn turned to Rey and Ben. Rey was the first to speak.

'Ben, we had a rocky start but now you are my moon and stars. Sometimes people come along who make you feel like you can touch the sky, and that's how you make me feel, like I'm walking on air and I never want to come down. I love you so much and my love for you grows with every passing day.'

Ben took Rey's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing in gently then keeping it held within his as he spoke.

'My darling Rey, there was a time I thought you were lost to me and I was… broken. I thank my lucky stars every day that you were willing to give me another chance. You are my whole world and I will love you until my last breath.'

Finn wiped away another tear.

'I now pronounce you men and wives, again! You may kiss the brides!'

Ben suddenly dipped Rey and she laughed as he leaned down to kiss her.

Armitage cupped Rose's cheek gently and kissed her so passionately her head spun.

Their friends and family clapped around them.

The newly blessed couples walked out of the hall hand in hand and hugged and kissed their guests while the library staff set up for the reception.

After accepting hundreds of congratulations, the couples had what seemed like a million photos taken and then Rey started to moan that if she didn't get it eat soon, she would faint. Luckily it was announced at that very same moment that lunch was ready to be served.

The couples re-entered the library which had now been set out with a number of round tables. Their guests cheered and clapped as they entered the room.

Rose felt full of love, sitting next to Hux at the top table with Rey by her side giggling with Ben, she felt so full of joy she thought she might burst.

Hux leaned close to her ear as they served the main course and told her she was the most beautiful woman in the room.

Rose shivered and bit her lip as his breath tickled her neck.

Finn made a speech which included many clips of Ben and Hux singing 'when a man loves a woman' at the top of their lungs. Rose laughed and kissed Armitage's cheek as he hid his face in his hands, Ben picked up his champagne glass and used it as a microphone as he mouthed along to the words.

They cut the three-tier wedding cake shaped like a pile of books together. Rey eating twice as much of it as anyone else.

Later, Rose and Hux danced their first dance together to the song to when you say nothing at all and Ben and Rey danced to Rule the World.

After all the food had been eaten and all the champagne had been drunk, Rey and Rose hugged goodbye and parted ways.

Armitage had booked a bridal suite at a five-star hotel and had arranged for chocolate covered strawberries and two dozen red roses to be delivered to the room. As Rose breathed in the delicate scent of the flowers, she looked at her husband lovingly.

'How did I get so lucky?' she asked.

'I'm the lucky one, Rose,' Armitage said, walking up behind her and putting his arms around her waist. He placed a soft kiss to her collar bone.

'I'd still be lost in corporate hell if it wasn't for you. You saved me, Rose.'

She twirled in his arms and smiled up at him.

'So, I'm the hero in this story?' she asked with a grin.

'You are,' he said pressing his forehead against hers.

'What happens now?' she whispered as her heart hitched in her chest.

'We live happily ever after of course,' Armitage replied as he pressed his lips to hers.