Chapter 1: Prologue

This story has been collecting in the back of my mind ever since the 2019 remake came out and even before then as speculation. For a bit of context, I did enjoy the remake in some parts, but I overall hated the changes made to the characters and the lack thereof made towards the story line. Rather than complain and curse the Disney name-brand, I decided to see how the story could've been rewritten. Now granted, I won't be simply copy-pasting the original transcript with minor alterations, but some aspects will be similar to the original. In other words, point A will still go to point B, but the way we get there will be different.

Enjoy the chapter!

Across the mighty savanna and all its inhabitants, the afternoon sun had passed over and had begun it's descent in the sky. The heat of the day had made some creatures weary, yet the approach of night soon gave a small gesture of relief towards the prospect of the more comfortable part of the day. Herds, flocks, and families of all kinds began to call back their young in anticipation of the change, though many still roamed around with the promise of return after exhausting the time they had left playing with each other.

It was that moment, as the sky had turned the color of deep rubies when the great king of the land had returned back from his duties. His majestic golden coat was made all the more brilliant by the setting sun's rays, making his pelt glisten like the reflections on the great lakes spread over the land. An early afternoon breeze brushed through his billowing, impressive mane and filled his nostrils as he inhaled, then sighed. His former exhausted expression turned more relieved and calm from what the day had given.

Many animals at that time stopped and took notice of their king striding past. For any other creature, a predator of that stature and strength would be frightening, but instead the creatures only regarded him with warm looks of reverence, some dipping their heads down in humble respect. All those who knew him saw only a lion of noble, compassionate heart and strength of both body and mind. They listened to him, followed his advice, and in return felt their own innate duty to follow in their paths of the Circle of Life and the preservation of the harmony and peace of this great land.

Such was the unique status quo of the Pridelands. Though true the innate nature of life and death still played it's part within their lives, with predators still hunting prey, there had been somewhat of a shift between the relationship. Something of acceptance to the natural law, yet a balance brought on forth for that nature. Though the prey would die to sustain the predators, the predator's body would one day pass and become the grass the nourish the prey it had once eaten.

The realization of that cycle had created somewhat of a respect between the two, which had further developed as generations passed into a ritualistic matter, with the notion that predators would only hunt for hunger purposes and that they would respect the natural cycle of life. Thus the Circle of Life had been realized and the lead predators of the Pridelands had soon after created a kingdom where they and prey could coexist without completely violating their natural instincts.

As the generations had gone on, the Pridelands had come to be a flourishing, lush kingdom with the animals taking akin to a fellowship with the lion pride, coming to see them as royalty and thus a place of guidance and aid. With it had come the responsibilities, to which the ruling lion was expected to take on, less the natural order be thrown out. Within this kingdom there were its own representative leaders for each of the herds and flocks and such, however only the lions were given the full responsibility of maintaining the Circle of Life in every area of the kingdom. These duties were sort of a trade-of for them being the one to control the herd populations and such. In other words, if the lions wanted to be on top of everything, they had to take care of everything.

While the influence and popularity of the reigns for each generation shifted, the current king Mufasa appeared to have a more successful one so far. Under his rule, herds and populations grew, prosperity and harmony was throughout the land, and the Circle of Life flourished.

At this moment, the great lion king himself was returning back from his responsibilities of the day towards Pride Rock, his home and place of ruling. As he walked softly, yet proudly across the savanna, a shadow swooped over him and he stalled. Before him the black-and-white feathered form of his trusty majordomo alighted down before his feet.

"Sire, I am happy to report that the last of the herds have returned back safely to our land. Another successful migration if I do say so myself," Zazu explained, looking pleased with the both of them.

The great king Mufasa smiled and nodded. "Good work Zazu, I am grateful that everything has gone fine and that the herds will be comfortable for the next couple of months."

As he resumed his pace, the hornbill flew softly beside him. "As am I sire. May their presence sustain the lives of others and help the Circle of Life continue further-"

"Your majesty!"

The tranquil lull of the conversation of the conversation and the peace of the atmosphere was shattered as another player came into the area. A lioness of tan hue and red eyes rushed over towards the pair, panting heavily as she came to a stop before them.

"So sorry to interrupt your highness, but it's Sarabi." She paused to inhale, before bringing her face up, a warm, congratulatory smile upon her face, staring proudly back at his shocked and frightened expression. "It's time!"

The stunned expression of the king's face lasted only for a moment before a grin spread across his face. He immediately bounded forward, rushing as fast as his feet could take him back to his pride.

Though the light had begun to dim and the stars had begun to reveal himself by the time he had made his way to the base of Pride Rock, the great stone structure stood out proudly before him. Home to the lion pride for generations, it served as both a home and a place of unity and guidance. Those who were confused or in need of help could approach the base without fear of being hurt or hunted, instead feeling safe with the prospect of receive advice or aid.

As he came towards the top of the stone steps and upon the platform, nearly the entire pride, sans the queen and the resident medical expert, were outside the den entrance. The occasional heavy breaths and loud roars would've sent him barreling in had the lionesses not stepped before him, barring him from entering. Despite the tension, he reluctantly agreed to sit down and wait.

"Sarabi will be fine Mufasa," came a soft lilting voice, followed by the peachy-tan, pregnant form of one of the group. She more waddled then walked over beside him and sat down, offering a voice if comfort and support to the excited, yet frazzled king.

"But what if she isn't? After everything before, we'd tried so many times, I-I just-"

His frightened stammering was put to an immediate close as she planted a firm paw upon his lips and fixed a determined gaze on him. "Mufasa, I have known both you and Sarabi for all my life. Sarabi is the most determined, kind, and strong lioness I have ever known. An incredible, selfless queen and she'll be the best, most caring mother the Pridelands have ever seen, so just give it time."

Her serious tone washed over his concerned form and he exhaled, offering a surrendering look towards her. "You're right Sarafina."

"As usual," she teased back, trying to lighten the atmosphere with a hint of mirth. She then brought her paw to her swollen belly and rubbed it gently before him. "Besides, your child will have someone to accompany and play with soon enough. That must take off some of the pressures of being a new parent."

A chuckle broke through his maw and his paw arose to press against his forehead before slimming back to brush back his mane. "Thank you 'Fina. You don't know how much this means to me."

She playfully balled up her paw and batted at his shoulder, grinning at his sudden gasp of surprise. "No problem. Someone has to be the voice of reason around here, too bad it isn't someone else we know." Her luminous mint eyes stared over his shoulder towards the shadowed side of Pride Rock. Though darkness had begun to meld the details of the landscape into grays and dark colors, a small cave could be distinguished still. And from within the cover of blackness, a pair of bright, glaring green eyes were turned up towards them. Within a moment, they had blinked and turned away, avoiding the ceremony taking above them.

Mufasa's eyes captured the entire exchange and his lungs released a defeated sigh. "I wish I knew how to talk to him. Maybe if things were different then-"

"If Scar wants to miss out on his niece-or-nephew's birth, that's on him," she replied sternly, glaring back at where he resided.

"Can't ever know what that one's thinking," another lioness piped up.

"Used to be such a sweetheart, now won't even be there to congratulate his own brother and sister-in-law," another agreed.

"Now hold on a moment," he interrupted, stepping closer towards the rest of the group. "I know my brother has... grown distant over the years, but he still has his qualities to his name."

One of the lionesses snickered. "Yeah, like what is on his face." This drew some muffled giggling from the group, and even Mufasa seemed to be holding back a grin.

"Now, now, that's enough. If you have any reason for me to speak with him regarding troubling matters or have any suggestions of how to deal with him, I will accept them, though otherwise I suggest we leave him be."

The group seemed to settle down at the logic in his words, though impulse and mirth overcame self-control as a voice spoke out, "he'd make a very nice throw rug."

Mufasa sighed, though even he could not withhold the corners of his mouth quirking up as he turned towards his majordomo. The rest of the pride had broken out into laughter, some beginning to tear up from the giggling shaking their chests. "Zazu," Mufasa spoke out quietly, biting his lip to restrain himself. The hornbill only stared smugly back at him.

"It's not a bad idea. And every time he gets dirty you can go out and beat him." At this point some of the lioness had sunken to the ground, sucking in air to replenish their sore lungs. Even Mufasa could not hold back his chuckling anymore.

"In any case sire, I have alerted the shaman, Rafiki, about the birth. He should be arriving shortly," he announced.

A warm smile crossed the king'a face, somewhat asymmetrical however with his cheeks puffing out. "T-thank you Zazu."

As the giggling died down, several of the pride turned towards the den's entrance. At that moment, a lioness had exited to the outside, looking tired, but overall pleased with herself. She sought out the king and curtsied before standing straight before him. "Congratulations your majesty. Sarabi has had a healthy birth to one cub." She shuffled to the side and gestured with her head. "You may now see her and your child."

The pride had straighten themselves up and were now murmuring excitedly among themselves, however Mufasa seemed numb and frozen in place. A nudge forward from his close friends and subjects had him slowly and stiffly making his way into the den entrance. He spared one glance over shoulder, taking in everyone's expectant, encouraging faces, before he walked in.

The air was still and filled with the scents of lions and ancient stone, however a certain scent entered in the young king';s nostrils as he made his way towards the back of the den. A crack in the back of the rock, large enough to let several rays of moonlight in, illuminated his oath towards the sweat-covered, panting, and utterly gorgeous lion he had ever laid eyes on. Even in her exhaustion, she was beautiful. Her warm, sunset-colored turned towards him as he walked forward, gently softening and beckoning him over.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he came forward, eyes never leaving her. Slowly, she twisted her front towards him, revealing her crossed legs and the golden bundle that squirmed blindly against her soft, warm-earth colored fur and mewled.

"One cub this time. A boy," she said tiredly, but proudly. He watched a moment longer before pressing his muzzle gently against hers and nuzzling sweetly.

"He's wonderful Sarabi. You did amazing." he whispered back.

She murmured and brought her face down to gently lick her cub's messy, spotted fur. "He's got your fur and your spirit, I can tell."

"Let's hope he got some of your spirit as well. Your intelligence, your compassion, your strength." He knelt down and smile at the new prince. "You have no idea how loved your are, Simba."

"Our little Simba," she repeated, taking in the name on her tongue and exhaling with a tired smile. Her head fell against his as the sound of footsteps clicked against the walls from the entrance. Hushed murmurs pricked at their swiveled ears.

With a nod, she sent her husband to fetch the rest of the pride to see their future king. In a few moments, he had ushered them all in and now stood alone on the outside. The sky had turned to stars and the moon smiled softly down upon him. A soft breeze wafted up from the world, filling his nostrils with the lingering warmth of the day, the scent of earth and life.

His pads made gentle thumps as he strode on over towards the edge of the platform, jutting out for all to see and to see all as well. The nighttime savanna was beautiful in its own right. Though the herds and flocks had gone to rest, the moon illuminated the quiet beauty that befell the landscape. The soft breeze lulled all the daylight animals to sleep while the nocturnal world grew alive in its place.

All across the great landscape, the sheer size and diversity of it all came out. A mountain range edged one side, another distantly broke into the desert sands. Gorges, canyons, cliffs, hills, valleys and more accentuated the landscape. The moonlight filtered down upon the various lakes, streams, and deltas, turning the reflecting waters silver and bright.

This was the Pridelands. This was their kingdom and the kingdom which his son would get to inherit and experience.

For a moment, the grin on his face could rival the silvery-white orb above him, yet not even the sun's brightness could compare towards the overwhelming feeling of giddy joy and happiness that swelled within his heart.

Finally, he was a father, a dad, and soon everyone would know the good news.

As dawn finally broke, his words proved true. Guided by the wind, light, and spirit of life, creatures of every kind came forth towards Pride Rock. Herds, flocks, troops, and various other groups all came before the illuminated stone structure, eagerly awaiting the presentation of their future king.

A lo and behold, the shaman soon appeared over the edge, holding above his head the golden son of their king. All at once, the cheerful braying and cries of all who were present filled the air. Cheers of praise, joy, and excitement called out to welcome the new prince. The birds of the air, creatures of the earth and waters, all contributed their voice, no matter how small or how big.

For some creatures, the respect was even deeper. Lowering their heads and bodies, they bowed in humble, reverence to honor the royal family and their heir. Many others followed suit and a the light shone from the heavens, illuminating the cub's form.

But not everyone took joy in the ceremony unfolding. Some distance away from the event, in one of the drier areas of the Pridelands, a single lion surveyed the ceremony. The area he was in had a few fallen trees and several boulders protruded from the ground, one of which he was sat upon. Though his body was a still as the lifeless rock, his focus was concentrated on the tip of the platform and the presentation of his nephew.

His face darkened and his lips peeled back in scowl to reveal yellowing fangs.

A shadow passed over head, circling around him before the figure alighted down beside him. Several dirty, ragged feathers fluttered lazily to the ground as the vulture addressed the lion.

"It would appear another contester for the throne has appeared. Not even a day old and beloved by all," he said, his voice raspy, but eloquently held. "Seems rather silly, starting out life with such pomp and circumstance. In my flock, you'd barely even get acknowledged when you hatched." He cleared his throat and turned his head up. "So my lord, how to you intend to take out the little spawn. With the events that have previously taken place, its going to be harder to remove him."

"Oh do not worry, my feathered friend."

The voice replying had a smooth edge to it, like the crystalline, reflective surface of a pond. However, what lurked behind each word was like a serpent's venom, silent and deadly.

"I have plans to take care of both my brother and his scion. We need only wait and bide our time." He then stood up, stretching out his long, lanky form. "In the meanwhile, I have an order for you to take. Go seek out the matriarch Shenzi, tell her to meet at the border by sundown."

The order suddenly registered a sense of dread within the vulture and he shuffled frantically around his paws. "B-but my lord! The matriarch has been rather clear on herself and her pack remaining isolated from any lions. And given the last event that happened, it-"

His voice was cut off by a surprised squawk, then a shriek of pain and alarm as suddenly he found his back pressed harshly against the boulder and his left wing being pressed down such that several of his flight feathers, he could feel, were being unnaturally twisted.

Cold fear ran down his spine like cold caterpillars as finally the full face of his lord was revealed. On one side of his face, a glaring, harsh green eye stared furiously at him like a torrent or wildfire. The other side told another tale entirely.

The other eye, while a thin ring of green encased the pupil, the black dot had grown murky and white with the tell-tale signs of lost sight. The blind orb would've been frightening enough had not a trail of scars that ripped straight down from his forehead to his cheek, crossing entirely over his eyelid, really brought home the frightening side of this lion. To make matters even more graphic, where the scars flowed, his reddish fur had fallen out, leaving most of that side hairless, and several scabs dotted just beneath his eyelid.

Hence why this lion had forsaken his original name in favor for the designation of Scar.

Lips peeled back to reveal the dripping, razor teeth and the vulture could only squirm and pant in terror.

"You will go and tell her to meet at the border tonight or else I will personally send you there freshly plucked and seasoned," he growled, the full fury of the fire blasting into his face.

With another shriek and a quick, furious hit, the vulture found himself flying not of his own accord and descending rapidly to the ground before avian instinct overcame his fright and he was airborne. As he flapped desperately towards the shadowy border, the eyes of Scar followed him for a moment longer.

A loud sigh emanated from him and he turned, the facade of a cool, icy pond overcoming the torrent of rage released a second before. With the mask of coolness returned, he focused upon Pride Rock and began his trek towards it.

Oh how he did anticipate this family introduction.

Side note: I accidentally clicked the backspace key when writing the second half. I had to redo the entire second part! DX

Well there you have it folks, the first chapter of this new story. Now obviously some things are going to be the same, you can definitely impart that the Circle of Life and the "Don't turn your back on me Scar" scene did occur, as well as the "Everything the light touches" scene as well.

I suppose this is one of the biggest things I'm going to have to face with this story, not relying on the original source material, but also trying to keep in touch with it enough so that it still has its feel and such. If ya'll still remember my "A Change in Fate" story, you might remember I did take out several parts of the transcript there, but I solemnly swear that won't be the case here.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I really hope you enjoyed the lines I gave Sarafina, some interactions between Mufasa and Sarabi, and the introduction to Scar and his own majordomo vulture. If you did enjoy it, please consider leaving a review, any and all constructive criticism is welcome and fell free to shoot me out some ideas if you'd like. have an awesome day and I will see you in the next chapter! Sincerely, v.t.7