A Long Way Home

by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Another What If based on the episode, COUNTDOWN, what happened if Rick didn't return to the precinct after leaving after seeing Kate in Josh's arms? It starts with Canon dialog, courtesy of Dust Jackets Dot Com, then goes quickly and completely AU. The journey continues with a new Kate and Rick, hope you enjoy!

I don't own Castle; I use the characters for amusement purposes only, except the ones I create.

A/N This may or may not end up as a Caskett fic, if that bothers you, please wait for updates to see which direction the story goes. Respectful comments are always welcome, trolls will be deleted.

Also, we may take liberties with the timeline from Canon and use events to make this a more believable fiction, thanks.


She was over him, no really, she was, Like Hell she was. She had been on 5 dates, all disasters since he left. Even Doctor Burke had grown tired of how did he put it, "Kate you whine about your situation, but you fail to put in the effort to change your mindset, so until you do, I cannot help you." Hell, that was a low spot, getting rejected by her therapist.

She decided if this may be her last time to see Rick, she needed to say Goodbye, and accept he was gone. She read the dedication to her books again, he had written more emotional messages to her mother when she was alive, so she decided, she would go. She didn't have to stay, just show up thank him for the help in the case, her Mom's Scholarship fund, they had awarded the first one a few weeks ago, and to say goodbye.

She finally realized her next big goal was to pass the bar exam later this year and start a new career, away from memories. She could do this, he wouldn't know, to him she would be happy just as happy as he was. Now all she had to do was pull off an academy award performance in 7 hours.


Chapter 23

New York

4 Years Later

Rick was in New York now, had it really been 3 years since he had moved to England, and a full year since he returned to the States?


Gosh, time marches on for everyone. He and Beth were now living totally separate lives, she had waited patiently for these years for him to make the next move, it never came and even when she urged him to attend counseling sessions with her, he refused. He didn't need a shrink to tell him why he wasn't getting married, he was still in love with someone else. She knew in her heart he would never commit, never be totally hers, so she took the action and moved on and out of his life.

He had completed the Bond series, then an additional five more books making him as he used to call it Patterson wealthy, even though he split the revenue with Beth for the last five books, exactly in half. He felt guilty that she had wasted 3 years of her life waiting, God, he knew what that was like, and the guilt was immense.

They had to appear in court in London since they had purchased real property together in both names, Rick was signing over his share without contesting, yet the court still had to approve. He saw her for the first time in about 3 months at court, and she looked as beautiful as ever, but he didn't want to marry for the sake of marriage. She was actually the sweetest person in the world, even thru the split, they were both still very much concerned about how the others feelings.

When asked if he had any final words to say, Rick apologized to her and thanked her for believing in him when only a few others had at the time.

"Beth, please, believe me, I do love you, more than almost anyone, but to enter a marriage where I take a vow to put you above all others would be a lie, something we both promised each other to never do. I don't have to say any names, you know, but I want you to also know that these years have been some of the best of my life, and I owe that to you. I know you probably hate me, and you have that right, but should you ever need anything, please reach out, if not to me to the extended family that still loves and cares about you." He was almost in tears when he concluded,

The judge then turned to Beth and asked her if she would like to respond,

She nodded her head yes, cleared her throat, and then began,

"Rick, I don't hate you, I never could, and in some ways, people will think I am crazy but I want to thank you for giving me the best years of my life. I know you won't lie, we both promised that the first day we became a couple, and I know this is hurting you to have to end our relationship. I would rather leave you with love and a kiss, even after this time, than to have spent 25 years in marriage with you to find your heart was never truly mine. That would be the ultimate betrayal, and I thank you for having the courage not to subject me to that, even knowing what it would cost us as we end our relationship today.

"One of our friends told me that this had been a waste of time, all the time we spent together, all of the career goals that I have been able to achieve, now replacing the man Lord Barrow who hired me to be an Administrative Assistant to you what seems to be so many years ago. It's because of you, your love, and your encouragement that I hold that position as Managing Editor of Fox Run Publishing, and because of you, I will never stop believing in eternal love. I may not have found it with you, but Rick, you weren't a waste of time. Part of a country song, yes, you changed my taste to include American Country Music has a verse that says:

If you don't need me when you get lonely
If you don't want me, to call your own
If all this hoping, just leaves me hurting
You still would be the sweetest waste of time

I think those words sum up how my feelings are today, and I want you to know I to am here should you ever need me for anything, I wish you all the best Rick, I hope you find what you and I both know you need,"

The judge was silent for a moment, then said "without further comment, the court has decreed that the deeds to all common property are now transferred to Elizabeth Smithers and that through this decree all claims, present, and future by Richard Rogers, AKA Richard Castle or his heirs would be invalid," a final smack of the gavel and it was over. Years of hope for Beth, for trying to fall as deeply in love with the woman who loved him for Rick, but in the end, he couldn't live a lie.

As they were preparing to leave the courtroom Beth took Rick's hand.

"Hey, it's OK, remember I never wanted to live a lie, and you promised that we wouldn't. Thanks for having the courage to keep that promise."

"Well, it's not easy to walk away from you, from all that has made me feel happy for the last three years, but Beth, I want you to know, I tried, I really did. Even though she's married and is living her life in America without me, it wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry, I truly am." Tears came to his eyes,

"Hey, it's OK, I'll be fine, remember, I was the one who pushed, even though Gina warned me, I still did, and I guess I knew it would end like this. I'm sorry to Rick, I do love you, and I wish you happiness, go find her Rick," a quick kiss on his cheek then she was gone


One of the first things Rick did when he returned to the states was to sell the Loft, far too many memories, as well as all of the real estate within New York City. He was staying at the Four Seasons in between trips to the Hamptons. Rick was still entertaining the idea of selling the Haunt, Bryan had wanted to buy the bar for years. He had been managing it for the last 5 years for him, so he had always promised him the first chance, he was still wrestling with the idea when he received a call from Lanie.

"Hey Writer Man, it's good to hear your voice again, are you home for good now?"

"Yes, Lanie I am, although haven't quite figured out quite where my home will be yet, I sold the Loft and the Hamptons isn't the best place to be with Winter coming on.

"How are you doing, I understand you're back at work and another little one on the way, so how's life for you."

"Really, it's been good, don't get me wrong, I mean we fight from time to time, but I know what people say when they say they met their soul mate, I know I have mine."

"That's great Lanie, I'm happy for you, you deserve it, and I promise I will get around to meet the family before they are in college" he laughed,

"You better, oh and Rick, how are you? Don't bullshit me, I can still smack you, even in my condition"

He laughed, thinking of a very pregnant Lanie taking a swing at him, "Well I'm good, not great but good. Beth and I parted on good terms, she made it easy, but I wasn't ready for the next step and she was"

"Speaking of, and I know you may not want to hear this Rick, but Kate's single again, her marriage lasted 5 months before she had it annulled, don't know any of the details but she's a lawyer now. The only way I found that out was when I saw her at her Dad's funeral last year."

"I'm sorry to hear about Jim, he was a great guy, Kate is a Lawyer? Back to her first love, good for her, I'm just glad the whole Bracken mess is over for her sake"

"Rick, Kevin is the Captain now, and asked me if we could all get together at the Haunt this Saturday? The way the last several years have gone, it would be good to reconnect once again, God only knows what this year could bring."

"Yeah Lanie, that would be great, I'll call Bryan and have him reserve the section for say 6:00 PM?"

"Yeah, that would be great, even though you're getting off cheap, now that I can't drink, but I'll make you pay some other time."

"It's a deal, Lanie, oh, do you mind if I invite Gina and Rich, her husband, I think they would like to see you all again as well."

"Hey it's your Bar, your tab, I'd love to see them, so yes please invite them.

"Great, I'll see you guys Saturday"


Rick had an appointment with a real estate agent to discuss a home in upstate New York, and a vacation home in North Carolina, that was very close to the office of Fox Run Publishing, and Gina. He decided rather than invite her over the phone, he would stop by.

She saw him the moment he walked in the door, and made a beeline to him, grabbing him in a huge hug, then kissing him quickly on the lips

"How are you Rick, Gosh I thought I would have heard from you before now, I mean it's been almost a year since, well, eh, you left England" she finally got out.

"I'm fine, Gina, actually I'm good, not great but good. I know you work with Beth, so you know the story, hey I'm sorry it didn't work out, I still love her, I'm just"

"Not in love with her the way you have been with Kate for years, I understand Rick, and strangely, so does Beth."

"She's doing well Rick, she's happy and I think she's seeing someone steady now, not that you care"

"I care, Gina, I want her to be happy, she's like you, much too sweet to be alone in this world, you have far too much to give, how is your other half doing."

Gina's face pales, and her stomach twisted as if she were going to be ill,

"You don't know Rick? I know you've been traveling with Alexis and her husband for a few months, and keeping yourself busy, but Ritchie was killed 5 months ago in an accident. He was riding his bike back from the Hamptons, and a truck went left of center and hit him head-on, he never felt a thing he was gone on impact."

"Oh Gina, I'm so sorry, I feel like an ass, why didn't you call me, I mean I was back in the states, I could have been here in a day if you needed support,"

"Rick, you know Ritchie had two sons when we met, well they're men now, Bobby is 21, and Kenny is 25 so, they took care of me, I was blessed to get two swell kids, who are now young men. They even think of me as Mom G, so I was blessed, plus Alexis called and wanted to know what you or they could do. I didn't want to cloud things, I mean," she started laughing

"Gina are you OK, what's funny?"

"I was just imagining Alexis writing a note for Shane to be excused from school so he could travel with his Mom and Dad and his Papa to attend the funeral of Alexis's Mom, who is really her step-mom, or her Dad's ex-wife's new husband and how that would have sounded to school officials"

When she had finished, Rick was laughing along with her, he held her close and then said, "I'm really sorry Gina, I would have been here if you needed me, you know that, right?"

"I know Rick, and I love you for it, but I think Ritchie's family may have had issues with my ex-husband being here. Our marriage may have been short, but it was a great marriage, and he left me very well off, and happy. I'm glad we never started back up, that was a question he asked right before he proposed, and I think that had we gone the friends, or in our case ex-spouses with benefits it would have haunted him."

"I'm glad to Gina, although you still look pretty hot" as she smacked him on the arm,

"You and I both know that only one woman will ever satisfy that hunger inside of you, but getting off that topic, what are you doing here anyway."

"Well, we're having a little get together at the Haunt on Saturday, Lanie, Kevin and folks from the precinct I haven't seen, and wanted to know if you would come. I'm close to closing on a home in Jericho NY, and my realtor is right down the street so I thought I would invite you in person."

"That's really sweet Rick, to include me after all this time, but I have a date on Saturday," she sees Rick's puzzled look,

"I'm babysitting my grandson so Kenny and his wife can have a weekend away, it's rare I get to spend two whole days with Garret, so when they ask, I always say yes. Thanks for the invite, but even as ruggedly handsome as you still are, I'm going with my baby face killer" she laughed,

Rick smiled, "You look happy Gina, I'm sorry about Ritchie, but I'm very glad your boys have grown to love you as Alexis did, you're a hell of a Mom, and looks like you're starting off the same way as a Grandmother. Wow, Gina who would have thought you would ever be a Grandmother, but look at you, hot as hell, Granny" and he ducked as she threw a manuscript at him and laughed.

He hugged her, in a long friendly type of hug, I love you but not the sexual type of hug, and it felt good for him to hold her again. "Thanks, Rick, I needed that, and I need you in my life as a friend, I'm still pulling for you with Kate, just don't be an Ass if you see her again. Time softens wounds for us all," She kissed his cheek and he left,


Saturday 5:30 PM

Old Haunt New York

Rick arrived early to ensure the corner of the parking lot was reserved for his guests, Brian had already beaten him to it, just solidifying the fact that he cared as much as Rick about the building and its history. He had taken great care of it over the last several years, keeping the building original as much as possible. As he thought, it truly had been a very long way home for him, but the site of the Haunt and promise of old friends made him feel young again.

At 6:10 PM Rick felt two arms go around him from behind, he turned and there was Roz Karpowski, just as lovely, and built as she ever was. The only thing changed was her shyness as she grabbed him in a lip lock and furnished plenty of tongue, his body automatically reciprocated, and Roz held him tighter, finally breaking when she was out of air.

"Damn Rick, I never knew you kissed that way, I would have attacked you years ago" she laughed,

He felt a tap on the shoulder, and then once again a beautiful and more mature Ann Hastings had copied Roz's move, but her tongue action was telling one story, ready when you are, again, they broke and she leaned back, "It's great to see you, Rick, you've been missed by so many of us" then she settled for a kiss on the lips as the growl of Lanie could be heard behind her.

"Don't be giving me none of that tongue, you got that straight writer man, I'm a married lady, with children, "

Rick was laughing as he pulled Lanie in for a long hug, whispering "it's great to see you again, I missed you guys."

Next behind Lanie was Jenny looking as beautiful as always, and then Kevin, and then he almost fainted, he gasped loud enough for those close to him to hear,

"Hello Rick, it's been a long time, I hope you don't mind me being here," Kate said, looking more beautiful than she ever had.

He pulled her into a hug, for the longest time, both whispering in the other's ear, their friends thought that neither would let the other go, finally, she pulled back and kissed him, then whispered, "Yes, I do, I always have and I always will love you"

The End

A/N Letting the reader come to their final ending or open to a sequel, for the Caskett Shippers it was a stretch to get the two back together, but I hope you enjoy my take on how things may have gone. Also for the reviewers, both those published, respectful comments though thinking I had lost my mind, and to those who agreed with the ending, the story was completed two weeks ago, I appreciate the passion the fandom still has, for Caskett and our show. I heard from a lot of you, some were published as reviews others, well I still thank those who sent flame mails, or told me how they would end the story, it proved you care and you were reading. To all, thanks for reading, and reviewing.