Chapter 3: Levelling Up

After Ash had woken up for the 3rd time today, he felt a lot more refreshed. Unfortunately he had to deal with his mother who he was now talking to on the phone. She was worried about his wellbeing but after explaining that he was fine, she had started to calm down. He honestly needed to hear her voice, if he was honest he was a little shaken up after that encounter. More than he let on. He had been smacked in the face by reality, as if the world said this wasn't going to be some heroic tale. Ash now knew that the world wasn't all full of nice people, and that there were some like those Team a Rocket people who seemed to make this place awful for others.

"I suppose I ended up sheltering you more than I thought." Delia sighed as she was busy washing dishes as she levitated another plate towards her. "I'm glad I sent the Professor to watch over you. And I'm also glad that he has decided to train you a little bit too. I'm sorry Ash. I should've let you trained from an early age, then maybe you could've held them off more."

"Mom, I don't blame you at all." Ash said smiling at her. "Honestly, this has kind of changed my mindset a little."

"Oh? In what way?"

"Well, I still want to be a Master, that hasn't changed. But now, I want to be stronger so I can help protect people from bad guys like the people I saw in the forest."

"That's a very noble goal dear. But you just remember to rest first before you do any of that ok? How long do you think you have to recover?"

Ash looked to the desk at reception to see a woman with pink hair wearing a nurses outfit. "Well Nurse Joy says I can be discharged today. I just need to do something called recharging."

Delia smiled. "Oh, well that's just how you get your Element back. It's like when you're hungry or tired and you need food and sleep to recharge your body. They give you something to recharge your Element. For example, I use meditation to help charge up my Psychic powers. For you….. well I think you can guess what you'll need."

He smiled nodding as she looked at the clock. "I have to go now. Be good, train hard, and be sure to change your underwear each day!"

"…..yes mom." Ash really hoped nobody heard that.

The screen was black now as Ash sighed to himself walking back to his room, only to see Nurse Joy waiting for him holding a pair of clamps in her hands as he felt a little blue. "Don't worry Ash, it'll only be a little pinch I promise. Now please sit on the bed and hold out your hands please?"

Gulping but willing to trust the nurse, Ash held out his hands as Nurse Joy put the clamps on each of his thumbs, the pinching sensation hurting a little but he chose to stay strong as she turned her attention to the battery next to her. "Now, you'll feel a numbing sensation at first, but that'll just be your Element charging up again. Now, I'm only going to up the voltage slowly overtime okay?"

He gave a nod as he started feeling the sensation of the bolts starting to go into his body. Sure enough the numbing sensation occurred in his hands, but that was a small price to pay as his hair stood on end feeling his body power up as the voltage increased. He felt amazing! Like he just ate a combination of a feast and a ton of energy drinks! But that pumped up feeling would end as Nurse Joy turned off the voltage and took the pliers off him.

"Okay, you should be good as new! You must have been through quite a fight, your reserves were almost empty. But not to worry, your injuries are healed up and you are able to use your Element once again."

Deciding to try it out, Ash clapped his hands together and sure enough, sparks started to appear from the contact. "Also I got a package today from Pallet Town addressed to you."

Ash smiled taking the package as over the week he was recovering and couldn't answer the phone, his mom had sent him over a fresh pair of clothes as well as a backpack since he unfortunately left his old stuff behind during his encounter with Team Rocket and it got burned up. He knew what do to do as he walked off to get changed.

"Ah, Ash! Good to see you all healthy again!"

Ash smiled seeing Oak walk out of the training arena as he had smartened up his lab coat again. "I was just having a spar with young Misty. She's certainly a skilled fighter!"

He then looked down at the young fighter to be. "But onto business. I managed to book out a training gym for today so we can help you better understand the extent of your Element. Now you need to take this seriously okay Ash? If you truly want to be an Elemental Master you have to be dedicated."

The young man nodded as they walked into the gym. "I promise Professor- wooooaaaah!"

What Ash saw was amazing. It was like an obstacle course mixed with a gauntlet run of different targets. There was a track that had hurdles on it, as well as a podium with a clock nearby. On the other side were a variety of training dummies of different shapes and sizes. And on another part were a set of tennis ball cannons aiming at a net. It seemed like it wasn't really a gym, but more of a basketball court which Oak fashioned into a training routine. All for Ash.

"Okay Ash, this is the start of your week long endeavour. Now since you didn't do any training at all before grabbing your Element, that means you aren't leaving here until you have a good sense of control as well as your own style to tackle the official Gyms of the Kanto region."

Oak pointed to the starting line of the track layout. "I want you to run from that spot there to the end where that clock is. I'll be there monitoring your time. Most Electric Users prioritise speed and I believe you should at least develop that."

"Okay Professor, I'll do that." Ash responded as he did his stretches watching Oak go to the other end of the track looking at the clock as Ash then took to the starting line waiting for the starting signal.

"3… 2….. 1….. GO!"

Upon hearing that, Ash went on a full on sprint as the electricity in his body kept pumping and powering his legs as he realised he was about to slam into a wall. Thinking fast he dug his feet onto the ground which caused him to tumble over and rolling forwards until he finally came to a stop once he collided with the wall. He was dazed and his eyes were replaced with swirls as Oak let out a chuckle.

"Very good Ash! Three point two four seconds! Not bad at all! But maybe let's work on you actually stopping." Ash sighed as Oak kept on chuckling. By the entrance Misty shook her head as she was busy watching, sipping from a bottle of water while she observed Ash picking himself up and move to the cannons.

"Next up, we need to test how good you are at dodging! It's very simple, I'm going to launch these tennis balls at you and you have to try and not get hit."

"Uhhh, Professor. This doesn't feel very safe."

"Oh nonsense, it's just a couple of tennis balls. Now get ready!"

Ash yelled loudly as the cannons activated and two tennis balls were now coming his way. He managed to dodge the first one by jumping left but unfortunately his right leg was exposed as one managed to strike him, sending him tumbling down. "No good Ash! Let's chalk that one up for improvement!"

Seeing Misty leaning on the wall, Ash asked her why she wasn't wanting to help train to which she nervously replied. "Probably best that we don't interact while your Element is activated."

Confused, Ash was going to press further but was interrupted by a tennis ball slamming into the side of his head sending him sprawling to the ground yet again. "Let's try that one more time Ash!"

He groaned loudly with his face on the floor as Misty let out a giggle while covering her mouth, finding the sight funny but didn't really want to damage his pride any further. One thing Ash knew for sure is that this was going to be a long week.

A couple of days had passed as Oak told Ash they were going to explore Viridian City today. "But Professor, what about the training?"

"Doing too much training will do you more harm than good Ash. And while I'm proud of the progress you have made these past couple of days, let's not risk damaging yourself."

It was true. In just a couple of days, the ten year old boy had made significant progress. He actually developed some muscle on him to help store more power inside him. Not only that, but his speed had increased as well, his best time from the track was now one point seven six. Granted it was only a small track but progress is progress. Ash even learned how to use his speed in his attacks, rather than going all out on strikes like before in the forest. Needless to say, he owed a lot to Oak for helping him get this far.

The two had stopped to grab some ice cream and were now sitting on a park bench overlooking the scenery. A beautiful fountain in the centre of the park as people were chatting and walking about, children were playing with their friends as their parents watched from afar. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining bright. "It's breathtaking isn't it Ash? This world that we have built. Centuries of humans helping each other lead to building these fine cities today. But there are some people who wish to take all we have built together for themselves."

Ash looked up at the Professor who was deep in thought. "You mean Team Rocket?"

"Indeed. You should count your blessings that you were able to escape. They're a ruthless bunch who I fear are only just starting to show themselves now. Ash, I ask that you be careful in the future. They're dangerous and are willing to do anything to achieve their goals. Will you promise me that you will be careful?"

"Of course Professor. You have my word." Ash replied as he furrowed his brows licking at his ice cream. He wanted answers to this Team Rocket. But unfortunately, Professor was either just in the dark as he was or didn't want to tell. Ash hoped it was the former.

"Let's now change the subject Ash. Because it seems you have forgotten one crucial detail on your challenge in Pewter City."

Ash blinked, as he looked at him again. "What do you mean? I feel like I have a good shot."

"Do you not know what the Leaders Element is?"




"OH NO I FORGOT!" Ash clutched his head with his ice cream now forgotten on the ground. How could he forget about his Element?! He uses the earth and his electricity is pretty much useless against that! And that's all he's managed to come up with so far!

"Not to fret young man. I may be able to provide you with a way. Call it an additional step in your training."

He turned to Oak once again who gave him a wink and a chuckle. "You really mean it Professor?"

"But of course, I'll make sure you have at least something to challenge him with. But for now, let's just enjoy the peace and tranquility."

Ash smiled again nodding… until his face plummeted seeing his ice cream now on the ground. So much for a good day.

It was night time as Oak and Ash continued the training regime when suddenly they were coated in pure darkness. The power had gone out as Ash used a bolt on his finger tip to give a little bit of light to shine. "What do you think happened Professor?"

Oak didn't like this one bit as he told Ash to follow him. Outside, there was nothing to see. Literally, all the light in the area was off so they couldn't see anything much. But they could hear the panicked screams of the residents when suddenly Ash yelped as a hand grabbed his collar hoisting him up. "I got you, you low level criminal!"

Both got a look at this person, only to see a woman with light blue hair and a cop uniform who suddenly looked very confused. "What's Professor Oak doing plotting with a criminal?"

"Hey! I'm not a criminal! I'm training to be a fighter, what's the big idea?!" Ash yelled flailing about trying to break himself free as Oak approached the lady.

"Officer, you have the wrong man. This is my student and I've been training him this past week. What is going on? Why is the power out?"

Officer Jenny let out a nervous laugh dropping Ash. "Forgive me, it's hard to see around here. We got reports of the city's generators being sabotaged. All the employees running them were found passed out and now we are without power."

"This is awful!" They saw Nurse Joy run up to them. "I have patients in my hospital, who are in great danger! If the power doesn't come back on soon, I fear what will happen to them! Is there any way of restoring backups?"

"That's not possible, the backup generators were targeted too! They were tampered with!" Officer Jenny exclaimed. "Whoever did this, they must be counting on stealth for whatever they're doing."

Nurse Joy then gasped loudly. "They must be after the patients! I have people inside who possess rare types of Elementals inside them, oh what are we going to do?!"

"Ash! Professor Oak! There you are!" They all turned to see Misty running up to them as she looked like she was running a lot. "Officer Jenny, I found a water wheel! It must've been what the residents used to run this city before the generators were installed."

Oak clasped his chin in thought. "Then it's decided. Misty, you and Officer Jenny should go to the water wheel and supply power to the town, it's good enough until we can fix the generators. Ash, you and I will go to the hospital with Nurse Joy to help defend the patients. If she's right about what these saboteurs are planning, then we must help. Nurse Joy do you have emergency batteries?"

"I do, but they're not good for long term. They're only meant to last until the backups come back on!" Nurse Joy explained as she was on the verge of panicking.

"Then we shall help you set up and do all we can to help. Let's go everyone!" Oak yelled as everyone went off in their separate directions.

Misty and Officer Jenny managed to arrive at the water wheel as Jenny shone her flashlight at it. "You sure you know what you're doing?"

"Of course Officer. I've had plenty of training with my Element." Misty explained drinking the last of her water and stashing the bottle in her backpack before breathing as her symbol consisting of a water drop started to glow. She went to the now dried up river bed and held out her hands as a gushing flow of water rushed out her palms hitting the water wheel, the force of it now starting to turn it. But it was still not enough as she stopped the stream. "Isn't there supposed to be a river?!"

"There is! But it got clogged up long ago! Follow me, we'll try to find it!"

Misty nodded as she saw a thin line of damp ground which meant it couldn't have gone far.

At the hospital, Ash and Oak were helping Nurse Joy set up the batteries hooking them up to the machines of the various rooms. Nurse Joy wipes sweat off her brow making a mental note to hire staff after all this was over. Ash looked over every door and entry point just like Oak instructed him. It was long and stretching hallways with only the moonlight to help him see. Honestly it was a little scary, as Ash imagined being in a horror movie. Suddenly he heard a noise as he turned around before jumping in the air narrowly avoiding a poison needle. There they were, Jessie and James as they had very surprised looks on their faces not expecting someone standing guard much less the person who was there.

"The twerp actually survived?" James said in astonishment while Jessie glared walking forward. Ash made no attempt to back away however. He knew their tricks and he knew how to harness his power now as he ducked to the left avoiding fangs laced with poison. He then held his hands out sending a bolt of lightning into her chest sending her flying into James.

"So you can actually put up a fight now?" Jessie growled. "No matter, our fight isn't with you. So kindly let us grab these people and we will let you go."

Ash glared as he wasn't backing down. Instead he shot forward and before any of them could react he collided his head on James side as he slammed into a wall. He then dodged a punch from Jessie as she kept going on the offensive. But Ash was still dodging, the Elemental Stone inside him had doubled his reaction time. But he was running out of steam. He couldn't keep this up for long, he just had to stall until the power came back on. Ash gritted his teeth staring down Jessie and James as they took their stances too.

"There it is!" Officer Jenny yelled as they saw a blockade of rocks clogging up a flowing river, which was running in another direction. They could tell that it was still able to flow this way due to the amount of water that was leaking through. Misty had a plan as she told Officer Jenny to run back to town and help Ash and the others.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle this on my own." Misty explained tossing her backpack to the shore as she stood in front of the blockade. Officer Jenny understood and took off towards the city once again.

'Okay, just relax. This is nothing to you. Just focus.' She told herself as she took deep breaths through her nose as she closed her eyes, pulling from deep within her when the urge to vomit had now rose. But it wasn't vomit that was coming up as water started to fill her mouth, making her cheeks bulge. She continued her breathing and each exhale prompted more water to come up.

'It's all or nothing now!' Misty yelled in her mind as she let the floodgates open. A torrent of water poured out of her mouth at such a high pressure that it collided with the blockade as it made an audible groan, with more water leaking through as Misty tried again shooting more water at the rocks until finally it couldn't hold anymore as the water on the other side broke through and rushed to the direction of the dry river bed.

Misty was about to cheer….. until she realised she was in front of a massive wave of water and rocks. 'Maybe I should've thought this through.'

"Hold still!" Jessie yelled as Ash kept dodging her attacks. This was his only option as his body was starting to ache from charging his attacks, which meant his reserves were running low so the only thing he could do now was use it to amplify his speed. "I knew I should've finished the job with you back in the forest! You're so annoying!"

James meanwhile had an idea. Jessie was fighting the boy, which his attention was entirely on her. And what that also meant was that the patients were unguarded. "It appears our luck has changed!"

So with a brand new plan, he quickly slipped past the two fighting using the dark hallways as cover, before finding the hospital room he was looking for. And there he saw a dark skinned girl who was currently sleeping. She had long dark blue hair as it was honestly a mystery to why she hadn't woke up yet from all the noise. But more importantly, was the symbol on her hand. It was the symbol of a dragons head. She was a Dragon Elemental. And he was now getting ready to grab her and leave post haste.


James was about to ask who that was until his vision went black as he collapsed to the ground out cold. Nurse Joy stepped out of the shadows wielding a frying pan that she took from the canteen panting. 'Good, he's out cold. And Ash is keeping the other one occupied. They're not going anywhere with this girl.'

Nurse Joy tossed the frying pan to the floor, cringing as it made a loud clattering noise. The girl in the bed started groaning, she was now waking up but then Nurse Joy walked over and sprinkled a green powder from her fingertips onto the girls forehead who slowly drifted back to sleep. 'I'm sorry, but it's best for everyone that you stay asleep right now. We can only hope that we can get you home safe and sound soon.'

Suddenly she jumped as an explosion was heard. "Please Ash, try not to destroy the hospital…"

Ash panted as he was on his back after taking a rough landing, he tried getting up but was having trouble as everything felt like it was in slow motion. This wasn't good, he was all out of electricity to use as Jessie approached him, growling as her eyes glowed purple.

"You've been a pain for too long tonight! Don't feel so high and mighty now you have nowhere left to go? Well, when I'm done with you they'll be lucky to find enough pieces of you to fill a coffin!"

As she was approaching him, her hand morphed into claws that were dripping with poison. But before she could strike, both were temporarily stunned as suddenly the lights turned back on, filling Ash up with hope. Misty did it! But now he had an idea.

Rushing into a room he grabbed a battery and taking a deep breath, started to collect himself. 'Nurse Joy won't need this now!'

He then shoved his hands in it and screamed loudly as electricity coursed through his veins. On the other side of the room, Jessie took a fearful step back.

"Oh no, this isn't good."

Dropping the now depleted battery, Ash glared at her before he clenched his entire body as electricity started sparking from him before he thrusted his hands out and yelled loudly. A giant bolt of lightning struck Jessie as she screamed in agony while he discharged more and more before finally she fell to the ground groaning loudly as she was now covered in soot. Ash pumped his fist letting out a grin as he did it! But he saw the now destroyed room. The walls were charred, and the ceiling had a few panels crash down onto the floor. Ash let out a nervous chuckle also remembering the destroyed battery. "I really hope Nurse Joy will forgive me for this one….."

"And that should be the last of them." Oak declared as he had tied up the last of the grunts who were also there. Though it was strange that they didn't even put up a fight. No matter, at least the water wheel had worked and would continue to do so until the generators and backup generators were fixed. Jessie and James were tied up too as Misty had joined the others with wet clothes as well as a couple of bruises from colliding with rocks.

"In the name of the law, you are all under arrest!" Officer Jenny declared as her squad walked up to the team to escort them into the van.

James, who was now awake let out a chuckle. "Unfortunately we have other plans, but let's try this again in the future!" He grinned and opened his mouth letting out a plume of smoke that caught everyone off guard as they began coughing loudly while trying to see through the thick smoke. When it cleared however, they were infuriated that the squad were gone.

"Are you kidding me?! They got away!" Officer Jenny growled tugging at her hair while the rest tried to find Team Rocket. But to no avail. They did indeed get away.

Oak let out a sigh but chose to look at the bright side. "We managed to disrupt their plans at least. Good job on getting the water wheel running Misty."

She let out a giggle as she rubbed the back of her head. "If only I planned on how to get away after I removed the blockade."

He nodded before turning to Ash. "And as for you. I think your training is complete."

Ash did a double take as he stepped back. "Wait what? But we still have three more days!"

"That may be so, but I think you've proved today that there is nothing left I need to do to prepare you. You fought off criminals and thought on the fly, and I believe if you can handle criminals, then you can handle the Pewter City Gym leader."

The young boy had a prideful smile on as he nodded, doing a bow. "Thank you Professor. For everything. I promise to take your teachings in my life and get better."

Oak chuckled as he took something out of his pocket and handed it to Ash. It was a case with a series of indents. "Something to help store the badges that you'll win on your journey. Can never be too safe right? ?"

Ash nodded again as he laughed loudly charging ahead. "Pewter City here I come!"

But he suddenly found himself unable to move anywhere as his legs were flailing in the air. He turned to see that Nurse Joy had vines as arms holding him up, and preventing him from moving. "You aren't going anywhere young man, until you help repair the room that you destroyed!"

He tried to harbour an explanation, before he just gave up and dropped in defeat. "This feels like less of a victory now…."

Everyone around started laughing at his misfortune, but Ssh took it in stride as he started laughing too.

[Next Day]

Ash sighed as he looked at the path leading towards Pewter City, when Professor Oak approaches him. "Feel ready sonny?"

"I'm not sure… now that I'm actually doing this, it feels weird. And intimidating."

"Well of course it is! Not a challenge if you feel like you can win all the time. Just remember your training, and of course that special move I taught you."

Oak patted his back leading him off, this time with full on confidence in his abilities. The two smiled at each other as they both gave a thumbs up. But the moment was soon interrupted.

"ASH KETCHUM YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Both watched as Misty stomped her way over to Ash, glaring at him. "Thought that you could get away from me that easily? Well guess again! I'll be by your side until you get me a brand new bike!"

He blinked as he rubbed his head. "Uhhhh, sure. You can tag along. And I… guess I'll have to start saving up."

"Darn right mister! Now let's get going! You're not getting me a new bike by just standing there!"

With that, she grabbed his collar and started dragging him off. Ash and Oak looked at each other as he was dragged off as they smiled. "I promise Professor. I'll make you and mom proud. I promise."

Well definitely a longer chapter, and that's honestly the goal. I hope that each chapter is longer than the others every time.

So yeah, Nurse Joy is still around and this was my first attempt in doing fight scenes. We also now know what Mistys Element is (is anyone actually surprised?) and now she's joining him on his adventures too.

Also, we do know that girl in the hospital. But we'll get to that another time.

Thanks again for reading guys!