Chapter 1: The Beginning

In the vast region of Kanto, we are introduced to a stadium filled with cheering crowds, as they all see a man take to the centre of the arena. This man was in his late 50's and sported a white lab coat, as well as a shirt and tie underneath complete with brown pants. He gave a smile adjusting his scruffy looking light brown hair before addressing the cheering occupants. "Thank you all for this most energetic welcome. As you all know, I am the Elementals Professor known as Professor Oak."

The man now named Professor Oak placed his hand in his right pocket before pulling out a stone with a symbol of a flame on it. The stone pulsed and was now glowing in his hand. "As you all know, this is an Elemental Stone! The very culmination of what makes us who we are as a society! These stones can bond with a persons very soul and grant users the ability to harness said elements!"

He now held the Elemental Stone high in the air for all to see. "For example, if a Fire Stone fused with your soul it would grant you the ability to harness flames. Now there are many different ways to use these Elemental powers."

As he is explaining, a clip played of a group of people shooting water from their mouths, hands and fingers at a burning building. "Some people choose to use this power to help others in need such as our own firefighters!"

The clip changed to a woman in a garden patch blowing dust from her palms into the soil, which in turn causes flowers to sprout out quickly from the ground. "And others use it to help preserve our planet and oceans!"

The last clip played of a pair of very buff bald men holding each other in a grapple lock grunting as one overpowered the other. "But of course, the one everyone is most familiar with is the art of battling! Where many young boys and girls train their chosen Elemental powers to challenge the many gyms in our beloved Kanto Region!"

With the clips all over, Professor Oak smiled once again placing the Fire Stone back in his pocket. "As for people such as myself, we devote our lives to answering these stones many unanswered questions. Why do they bond to our soul? Why do we not choose, but in fact the stones choose us? All these questions and more, we try to unravel every day, but it seems more often than not we're left with more questions."

Professor Oak chuckled as he once again addressed the crowd. "But of course, we're not here to listen to boring old me talk about history are we? No, today we are all here to witness a friendly bout between two champions!"

The occupants of the stadium roared and cheered as two figures appeared from either side. One sported spiky red hair and wore a blue suit complete with orange accents, and wore a black cape too. His brown eyes narrowed as he smirked at his opponent. This was Lance, champion of the Johto region. His opponent was a woman with long blonde hair that covered one half of her face as she smiled. She wore all black with her black coat having fur on the collar and sleeves. She was Cynthia, champion of the Sinnoh region.

Lance walked up to the Professor along with Cynthia and bowed. "It's an honour having you officiate our match Professor Oak."

Cynthia smiled as she also bowed. "Indeed. It's rare for me to fight a Dragon Elemental such as myself so I am quite excited to see how strong you are."

Professor Oak nodded as he stepped back allowing the champions to take their spots in the arena. Lance discarded his cape as he took a stance which lowered himself to the ground and positioned his hands to look like claws as Cynthia simply took her hands out of her pockets smiling. The Professor was about to yell begin when suddenly the entire world went dark.

"Nooooooooo!" A boy wailed in agony falling off his chair after finding the TV had turned off. He saw his mother stand there with the remote and gave her a look as if she destroyed his favourite toy. "Ash, you know it's late. You have to have a good night sleep if you want to impress the Professor tomorrow about the Elemental Summoning."

The ten year old boy groaned as he fell onto his bed. He had messy black hair followed with black eyes as well as little marks on his cheeks. This was Ash Ketchum, and he had a big day tomorrow. "I can't help it mom I'm just so pumped! I'm going to be an Elemental Master! The strongest ever!"

His mother sighed as she ushered him into bed, she had brown hair in a loose ponytail and just like her son, black eyes too. Delia Ketchum knew her son was hyperactive at times but this was on a whole new level. "You do know that you need to behave tomorrow okay? You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself would you?"

After getting him in bed Delia had bid him goodnight as he was now left in darkness. Except for the moonlight peaking through his blinds. But Ash couldn't sleep. He had big decisions to make for tomorrow.

Tomorrow was the Elemental Ceremony. An event where boys and girls who turned 10 are chosen to see if they are compatible with the three Elemental Stones that the Professor has. However, that did mean the odds were against him. Three stones, and who knows how many other kids were going to be tested if they were compatible.

'Right let's think which one could be better suited to me.' Ash was in deep thought as he knew what the three types of Stones the Professor had. Grass, Water, and Fire. 'Grass could be good on a tactical scale. I could train to use vines and trip up my opponent.'

He then grimaced as the image of Ash bring tangled up in vines with him crying for help popped up. 'But then again, that requires too much precision and feels too complicated…..'

Ash sat up as he looked around seeing a replica of a Fire Stone. 'Of course! Fire! That's the most powerful of the three!' He grinned imagining himself with flaming hair cackling as he beat down every opponent that he saw. But then it changed to him panicking and flailing about as he accidentally set a forest on fire. 'But then again, fire is the most destructive and it's easy to get carried away…'

He then looked to his glass of water on his bedside table and smiled. 'Then it has to be water! There's water everywhere, so it would be easy to train with. And best of all it would be cool to use the water on my opponents! Okay, now that I have my choice it's time to think up cool battle moves-'

Ash was interrupted by a ringing sound. His alarm clock, as he realised that he had fallen asleep! "Oh no! That means I slept in!"

Panic had set in as he stumbled out of bed still clad in his green pyjamas as he sprinted out the door of his home and into the streets of Pallet Town, seeing the Professors lab in sight. But dread filled his heart as he saw someone walk out with a cocky smirk. He had brown hair that was spiky and he wore a purple shirt with a pendant on his neck. Gary Oak, the Professors grandson. Ash sighed as he slowly walked up to the boy who laughed.

"Slept in did we, Ashy boy? No matter, all you did was lower the bracket for the true Elementals to shine through!"

Ash deflated even further as he asked the inevitable question. "Did a stone accept you, Gary?"

Gary grinned pulling back his sleeve showing a symbol on his wrist. "You betcha! The Water Stone is bonded to me! Pretty sweet eh?"

That only served to dampen Ash's mood more. That was the one he wanted. "Well, as much as this is fun, some of us have more important things to do! Smell you later!"

Sinking to his knees, Ash felt like crying. Because he didn't listen and go to sleep early, he ended up missing the event entirely! He doesn't even know if he was compatible with the stones, because he wasn't even given a chance. "Oh my, is this the new fashion in town?"

He looked up to see Professor Oak with a cup of coffee in his hands. "Why don't you come into my lab boy? You'll be doing your feet no favours by standing on gravel and stones."

Ash sighed but complied as he followed the Professor into the lab where sure enough, there were three capsules and all three were empty. "Yes, I'm afraid the three have been chosen. You know, the ones who showed up on time?"

"Is….. there really none left?" Oak paused at this, as he felt an increase of power in one certain capsule. "Hmmmm… there is one. But you know it's not so simple. The stone has to choose you-"

"But I have to try!" Ash yelled standing up. "If I'm not compatible then so be it. I'll find another way to become an Elemental Master! But I should at least try."

Oak nodded as he figured that was a fair argument as he had walked over to a panel on the wall opening it up to reveal another capsule. Opening it up, he revealed a stone that had a lightning bolt symbol on it as well as pulsating with raw electrical energy. "This is the Thunder Stone. Now Ash, you do know not to get your hopes up right?"

Ash gave no answer but walked up to the Professor and slowly took the stone in his hands. It levitated there as nothing was happening. "So, do I have to do something or-"

As if on cue, Ash screamed in agony as the stone glowed in a dazzling light, the electricity clinging to him as the machines in the lab started going haywire, some even exploding at the sheer amount of energy. But Oak remained calm, just watching as the light dimmed down revealing Ash on the floor on his hands and knees. No stone in sight. But a satisfied smile came to Oak once he took a look at the young boys right hand as a lightning symbol formed on it. He was chosen.

"Well, it seems you were right to come here young Ash. You have been accepted as an Electric Elemental." Ash blinked seeing his hand as a grin slowly formed on his face. He did it. He did it!

"I did it!" He laughed jumping about in glee as he pumped his hand in the air. But in doing that, a bolt of lightning erupted from his fist and hit the Professor. Ash screamed running to him and bowing up and down very fast. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Cooked on the floor and dazed, Oak let out a weak chuckle. "Well, at least we now know you have adapted well haven't you?"

It was the next day, as Ash was dressed. He had on his hand picked outfit that he chose, as well as his trusty limited edition hat that he decided now would be the perfect time to wear it. Delia came in as she beamed at her son, proud of what we was about to do. "What do you think mom? Do I look like Master material?"

She giggled as she lifted his hat and her right hand was enveloped in a purple aura as his hair moved on its own. "You always do, but Masters should always look like they made an effort to smarten up."

Delia herself was also an Elemental. More specifically of the Psychic variety. Her most common use of it was using her Element to work around the house, and using telekinesis to fix her sons hair right now. "Now, when you get over to Viridian City, you call me immediately okay? And please do make sure not to go too crazy with your lightning."

Ash nodded as he put his hat back on. "I know mom. I won't let you down! I'll be a Master and I'll train hard!"

Delia smiled once again as she lead Ash out the door as they walked through the early morning streets of Pallet Town. "I know you will. But promise me one thing?"

Ash was puzzled as he looked at his mom to continue. "Don't do this alone. Make sure you have friends to share your adventures with. Not to mention they could help you with honing your Element and coming up with strategies with some tough opponents."

He smiled as he hugged her before letting go, and staring ahead at the wilderness before him. "I promise mom. Well, here we are. Route 1. The start of my adventure. It almost feels… surreal right now."

Delia nudged him forward as he looked at her. "Go son. Be the very best like no one ever was." Ash smiled nodding as he ran off. "And don't remember to change your underwear!"

Ash fell on the ground as he pulled his hat over his face. "Moooooom! Yes I will okay! Bye!" He picked himself up and ran off into the wilderness.

Delia now has a serious expression on her face as she turned to the Professor behind her. "Oak, I was wondering if you could do me a favour."

In the tall grass, Ash smiled as he ran. Ran faster than he ever did. He felt free! He felt like nothing could stop him! "Alright Kanto! Get ready, because here comes Ash Ketchum!"

To be continued…

Hello everyone, welcome to yet another story. I decided to try a different formula with the Pokemon series. So allow me to give a good summary.

So in this world, Pokemon do not exist. Instead, people are chosen by these stones known as Elemental Stones. Think like the Mega Stone from X and Y but with their respective emblems on them. This is essentially what gives the people their type. So Ash is effectively an Electric type and Delia is a Psychic type.

Obviously, this will include a variety of changes to the world. There will be elements of Dragonball in this story too as well as other animes. Not to say characters will be there, but more like ideas from those series will make their way here.

Of course, Ash won't be the only Elemental. Our other main cast such as Misty, Brock, May, Dawn etc. will have their own Elementals too. See if you can guess who will have what type. And as of right now I'll only include characters up to Unova since I haven't seen after that. (Sorry all Serena fans) but that won't mean they will never show up.

It's a big AU for me that I'm pulling off here so likely I'll be revising the world building to help you find folk what I wish to include.

Shipping will be kept a secret for now too.

That'll be all for now, so I'll see you all in the next one.