The following is a non-profit fan production. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is owned by Nintendo, and Hyper Light Drifter is owned by Heart Machine. Please support the official releases.

Please enjoy the story.


Edelgard couldn't remember when she started having these nightmares.

Not nightmares in general but the ones she was having now. They started immediately after the experiments. Those ones always went the same: Happy memories quickly ruined by darkness, rats, blood, endless pain, and a horrible, horrible stench, one she couldn't figure out where it was coming from. The princess always woke up with a cold sweat,and would spend the rest of the night clutching her blanket, refusing to go back to sleep.

She still had those nightmares but not as often anymore. It was almost always these new nightmares, much different but just as horrifying.


Edelgard was surrounded by nothing. Nothing except the blue sky and the reflective ground. The princess looked down and saw her reflection: Her standard Garreg Mach Officers Academy uniform, red cape and all. In her hand, she held a simple iron ax.

Then, a searing pain shot through her abdomen. She doubled over onto her knees and hands, and vomited a pure black substance onto the ground. The dark liquid quickly started moving around and behind her. The princess slowly looked around to see that the darkness was growing. As its mass increased, limbs began to grow from it, stretching in every direction, and the sky began to darken and the ground turned into a dark red.

Edelgard saw pink lines, one from each side, begin to make their way across the dark being. Eventually, the lines split into two, moving in different directions from each other and the original line. The lines joined together, making the shape of a diamond, with a pink dot formed in the center of it. It seemed to form a face, or an eye, one that was staring straight at the princess.

The many limbs and tendrils of the towering darkness began to move around and towards Edelgard. The imperial princess took notice and grabbed her ax. With one mighty swing, the darkness was bisected but quickly reformed, bigger than it was before.

Edelgard turned and ran away, heart wildly beating in her chest, and the darkness hot on her trail. From her own steps, more of the darkness began to appear, grasping at her retreating form.

One more step, and Edelgard was too slow. The darkness has caught her, it began to swirl around her. The many limbs were grabbing onto her holding her in place. She kicked, punched, and screamed but nothing came to help. A dark tendril came over her mouth, blocking her voice. The darkness was moving all over her, covering her body so that there was none left to see.

The last thing she saw was that one eye moving closer and closer.


Edelgard woke with a jolt and a scream, cold sweat pouring down her face. After a few seconds of panting, her hands were moving all around her body, checking to see if the dark being was still there. Seeing that she wasn't held down, she checked her surroundings. One look told her she was in her dorm in the Officers Academy. The princess sighed and fell back onto her bed.

"Another One," she mumbled to herself.

She really should try and go back to sleep, the three houses were meeting the professors tomorrow.

Edelgard closed her eyes, and all she could see was the dark beings bright, soulless eye.

She didn't get anymore sleep that night.


Hello, welcome to my new thing!

I recently played Hyper Light Drifter and was blown away by it. The gameplay is fun and challenging, the music is great, the pixel art is beautiful, and the story is very interesting.

Seeing the Drifters hallucinations made me think of Edelgard… For some reason. I don't even know how, it just popped into my head and I thought it made sense. I hope it does to you, too.

I don't know if I'll continue this but I'll just see how this goes and if I feel like it.

Thanks for reading! You're awesome!