(Fairy Tail)

Naruto smiled as he saw Lucy become accustomed to the guild's eccentric lifestyle

"Thinking about giving her the celestial keys you have?" Mira asked wearing a black sundress, she now had large JJ-cup sized breasts and a bubbly ass

"Maybe she has a good spirit" Naruto said as he wouldn't have wasted time with someone who wasn't good in spirit with the lives of celestial spirits as the keys were basically a ball and chain for them

"I think she'll be fine she has potential especially if you're training her" Mira said cutely as Naruto helped everyone in the guild helping them and improving their skills with their magic

"That's true so how are you doing my lovely barmaid?" Naruto said staring right at Mira the only thing between them was the bar table

"Fine honey" Mira said placing her hand on top of Naruto's and on said hand's ring finger was a platinum wedding ring band that had blue diamonds

"We're all fine sexy" Cana said in a drunken slur, she was currently wearing a bikini top that barely held back her average K-cup sized breasts and in small short shorts that revealed her perfectly outlined her athletic ass "c'mon have drink with your fiance" she said having her own ring which was a brown metal and the color of the diamond was champagne

"She's cut off" Naruto said to Mira who nodded in response

"Aw you're sweet for caring" Cana said as Naruto always watched how much she drank so she wouldn't drop dead from too much alcohol "but you don't need to worry" she said grabbing his crotch

"Ok that's enough" Will said approaching the bar, she now had average JJ-cup breasts and smooth athletic ass "we agreed not in public...regrettably" she said as all of Naruto's lovers voted and agreed no public sexual acts...unless Naruto agreed, she had a completely pink ring from the metal to the diamond "so who's the 12 out of 10 blonde?" she asked...admiring the girl's physique, Lucy had K-cup sized breasts and a rather nice large ass

"Lucy she's a celestial mage" Naruto said as he drank a glass of water

"Taking her as a student?" Will asked curiously

"Maybe" Naruto said wanting to see her in action

"Darling!" Juvia yelled as she tackled him into a hug, she wore a blue and gold tank top thad was tight around her K-cup sized breasts and a long white skirt that reached her knees and showed off her round and plump ass, she had a baby blue metal ring band with sapphire diamonds around it

"I met Bora" Naruto said surprising the water mage

Juvia was surprised when he said this as she hadn't thought about the man who stole her heart only to break it in years

"I beat the living hell out of him and he got arrested" Naruto said as he had a few connections on the council and called in some favors as he knew Bora had acquired much money from his illegal acts and wanted him to suffer for all the crimes he commited

Juvia grabbed his jacket and pulled him into a deep erotic kiss

"Are you Mirajane Namikaze?" Lucy said as she saw most of her pictures in sorcerer weekly

"You greet Mira and not me" Will said faking a pout as she was also a model and did photos with Mira a lot despite Erza's telling her not to

"I swear when are they gonna put me in there?" Cana asked slurring a little but was quickly sobering up, it was known that Naruto was married to Will, Mira, and Juvia but was engaged to Cana and Erza

"How did you get with Erza?" Lucy asked as she was curious since sorcerer weekly knew next to nothing besides that they were together

"Sis grabbed him and stuck her tongue down his throat" Will said nonchalantly with a small smirk as that surprised and rocked the whole guild to its core, she had to push Erza in the right direction as the girl was to shy for her own good 'but she's such a shameless masochist' she thought with a smirk

"So does anyone want to team up for a mission?" Lucy asked with a little blush from Will's answer, she wanted to team up with someone as she didn't have much experience

"I'll go" Will said with a seemingly innocent smirk all her sister wives and soon to be looked at her blankly knowing exactly what was going through her head

"I'll come along to" Naruto said not trusting Will to not do anything perverted that would either affect Lucy in the wrong way or traumatize her

"Great" Lucy said thinkinking it would now be a quick mission

"Two S-class mages going with you the mission should be a cakewalk" Mira said as S-class missions never went to long with Naruto as he had the best record out of any Fairy Tail mage S-class or otherwise

Lucy was a little lost as she didn't know about the ranking system for mages and then asked what they thought her rank was

"B-class" Naruto said with certainty "you're fairly new and have a decently large amount for most people" he said as she seemed stronger than some of the senior members like Nab, Maco, and Wabaka

"Well that's great" Lucy said appreciate of her rank as she wasn't so low she was considered easy


"Why'd I agree to this mission?" Lucy said running at an impressive pace from a manticore "and why aren't you two helping?!" she yelled out knowing Naruto and Will could hear her

"Because I want to see what you're capable of" Naruto said as he watched closely while Kurama and Matatabi fought and Will watched Lucy's chest 'so far she's handling it better than most would' he thought as he saw she was afraid but wasn't running away from the manticore just putting some distance between her and the creature

"Open gate of the golden bull!" Lucy said as she brought the key to the ground and Taurus appeared

'She only has Aquarius, Cancer, and Taurus for offensive keys' Naruto thought as the rest served other purposes that were not related to combat 'they're not bad but I wonder if she'll find out Aquarius was messing with her about needing water' he thought as he couldn't believe she fell for that 'Cancer could've done a better than Taurus as he is deadly precise with his scissors he could've snipped it's wings' he thought knowing that a downed flying creature increased the chances of a person limited to the ground

"Moo" Taurus said as he wounded the manticore making a gash appear on it's side as it soon fell to the ground

"I got it" Lucy said jumping in joy

The creature opened its eyes and rushed to Lucy knocking Taurus out of the way and readied it's scorpion tail to go in for the kill

Lucy saw the creature approach and raised her hands to try and shield herself but after a moment the attack never struck she opened her eyes and saw Will holding the manticore's tail

"Not bad Lucy" Will said as she then fired a large lightning bolt reducing the creature to ash

"Word of advice never take your eyes of the enemy unless death was certain" Naruto said as taking your eyes off an opponent was asking to be killed

"Thanks" Lucy said in appreciation as they saved her life

"No prob" Naruto said grabbing a claw intending to give it to Mira as he helped her learn not to rely solely on one take over and whenever he fought a demon like creature he'd grab a piece so she could create a transformation as take over magic required either a piece of something or absorbing the actual creature into them in a battle of dominance for control over the body


"Why the fuck does she get to keep it all?!" Kurama yelled angrily

"Do you ever shut up?" Matatabi said lying on Will's head as Kurama was her second most annoying sibling the first being Shukaku

"Because this was her first mission and we really don't need it" Naruto said as he completed so many missions and rarely did any damages he had saved up a fortune "plus what do you care all you did was sleep?" he asked curiously

"Because if I knew you were handing it to blonde I would've stayed home you rent my services" Kurama said as he rarely did anything for free and due to Naruto's skills he rarely did any work so he decided instead of wasting his time he'd charge Naruto for dragging him along

"And do what all you do is sleep, curse, and fight" Naruto asked as Kurama loved to do all the things he mentioned

Kurama merely grumbled mumbling curses under his breath

"Yeah that's what I thought" Naruto said as they all walked

"Are you sure this is ok for me to keep?" Lucy asked as the mission was 300,000 jewels more than enough to cover four months of her 70,000 jewel rent

"You can make it up to me if you train with me" Naruto said as he was impressed by her

"I'd take the deal everyone who's trained under him has become S-class" Will said as he was an excellent teacher and the results were always evident

"If you work hard enough you can make it when the time comes" Naruto said as he knew she had a lot of potential "and here's proof of how much potential I think you have" he said handing her Virgo's key

"You had the golden celestial key for the maiden?!" Lucy asked in surprise

"Yep and now I want you to prove to me you deserve this one" Naruto said showing her Loki's key "I want you to get stronger and when I think you're ready I'll give it to you" he said giving her a reason to strive to get stronger

"I'll do it" Lucy said with pure determination wanting the golden key

(few days later)

Lucy walked in the guild looking tired and exhausted looking just about ready to cry

"It's ok" Will said as she knew the feeling of being beaten into the ground from Naruto's training

"How's it going?" Happy asked seeing Lucy's state "Naruto's training?" he asked as he tried it once thinking it was easier than Kurama's and he soon learned he was dead wrong "does she know he was going easy on her?" he said making Lucy begin to let out a loud whine

"Nice" Will said giving the little blue cat a look

"How did it go with Virgo?" Mira asked as it had been awhile since she saw the maiden spirit

"Great she even gave me a weapon" Lucy said as she brought out a cylinder which shot out a blue stream of energy

"Not bad" Will said eating a piece of the whips energy 'this stuff is amazing' she thought taking in the taste of the celestial power

"Cool another thing to train you on" Naruto said as he walked in and went to the girls seeing Lucy's whip

"Haha you lucked out blonde" Kurama said enjoying other people's suffering

"Flea bitten mutt" Lucy said mumbling under her breath but everyone there heard her

"Who the fuck are you calling a mutt?! I'm a fox you big tited bimbo!" Kurama said only to get smacked on the head by Naruto

"Sorry he's a little...no he's totally out of his fucking mind" Naruto said as he stopped himself as there was no real way to defend Kurama

"It's fine" Lucy said with a little angry huff as she hated when people insulted her above average rack "hey Naruto how did you get those golden keys anyway" she asked curiously

"Well Loki gave me his after I saved his ass, but Virgo is an interesting story" Naruto said with a smirk as he remembered how he got the celestial maiden's key

(flashback few years ago)

'Oh my god' Naruto thought as he was tracking down Virgo's current owner as he sensed her displeasure whenever he was brought up so he decided to track him down and when he found his mansion he saw the man 'I swear he looks like a combination between Mr potato head and french men' he thought as that was generous assumption 'oh god is that Virgo' he thought as he sensed the power coming from a monstrous woman who entered along with some very disturbing looking maids 'no just no I'm ending this' he thought as he stealthily stole Virgo's key


"I swear I thought you were fucking with me my eyes are literally burning I mean that one looks like a horse and she looks like a combination of human and goblin" Will said as she spotted two of the four women "my eyes are literally burning this guy is fucked up in the head" she said as she wanting to rip out her own eyes

"Yeah well I need your help I highly doubt this guy has done anything legal to get this place" Naruto said as he ran back to the guild to get Will as she had developed great skills of digging up dirt on people

"What was your first clue" Will said as she had heard the man's name before as he made illegal dealings but was smart enough to cover his tracks 'shit I think I remember someone saying he kidnapped and imprisoned a guy' she thought remembering that tidbit

"So any idea where we can find some proof" Naruto asked as he had to admit Will's skills in intuition had developed to the point where they almost rivaled his own but whenever opportunity struck he'd test her

"This guy kidnapped an author a while back to write a book maybe if we can find the book and some documents anything incriminating will definitely help" Will said knowing the magic council being the massive dicks they were would give them a hard time since they disliked Fairy Tail and wouldn't do much without absolute proof of crimes and a book and some documents maybe the only things they could acquire may not be enough

"This guy has an ego he definitely seems like the type to keep trophies" Naruto said as people who think they couldn't be touched almost always kept momentos

"Of what?" Will asked a little afraid to ask

"Seeing how he has unique taste in women he could be a rapist or maybe steals valuable artifacts" Naruto said as he took a good look around and saw that certain things there seemed a little more valuable than the house and with how he viewed the women he hired he wouldn't put it past the man to kill the women who no longer desired to be in his employ

"I swear sometimes I both want to know and don't want to know how you gained the experience to know and make these deductions" Will said as she was certain some of the things Naruto said and did were based of being exposed to certain circumstances and events that lead him to being so intuitive and skilled

"Let's pretend I told you and leave it at that" Naruto said as they then broke into the man's mansion found the book found a lot of evidence of his crimes including that some of his art was stolen

"Who dares steal from me the great Everlue?" Everlu said screaming loudly

'Not as dumb as he looks' both Naruto and Will thought as most wouldn't notice it till the next day or just play it off as if it was never there to begin with, they came out of the shadows and approached the man

"Oh my lord you're both hideous" Everlue said thinking Naruto and Will looked ugly "especially the red head" he said finding her unattractive

"At Least I don't look like I got hit in the face with a hot shovel" Will said glaring at the man

"I'm pretty sure being called ugly from him with his taste in women it's a compliment to us" Naruto said as he saw the women he was attracted to and what he found attractive was horrifying

"Like I care, his taste in looks can be beaten by a blind guy!" Will said wanting to beat the man upside the head

"Enough of this" Everlue said reaching for his side only to notice something was missing "where is Virgo's key?!" he yelled out in panic

"Looking for this?" Naruto said holding out Virgo's key and then summoned her revealing her form to be that of when Naruto first saw her causing Will to wolf whistle

"Oh my lord she's an abomination!" Everlue said only yo be knocked out by Naruto

"Ok Will he's all yours with what the rube knights will take him in but I should be back in an hour or so so have fun" Naruto said leaving Will who had a sadistic grin on her face as she stared at the man who called them all ugly

"I'm so gonna torture your ass" Will said as her hands were engulfed in lightning

"May I please watch? and ask you to do the same to me as well" Virgo said as she truly disliked the former owner of her key

"I like you" Will said with a god honest smile

(flashback end)

"So the guy was arrested for multiple crimes and is now serving life" Naruto said as the rune knights found even more proof of criminal acts inside the mansion after a long search

"I swear how'd you get no time for torturing that guy?" Mira asked as it still baffled her to this day as she had done similar acts in the past and was at least had to pay some fines

"Those rune knights didn't have the balls to arrest me and that lttle shit stain wouldn't say nothing because he knew I would torture his as if we were being held and also I have some dirt on some council members" Will said with a smile

"What kinda dirt?" Mira asked fully interested as she loved gosip

"The kind you don't want other people knowing or saying it in public" Naruto said as Will informed him about the dirt she had for safety reasons incase someone on the council got dumb enough to try and threaten her

"She's back!" a guild member said running inside screaming loudly

"This is always fun to watch" Will said as everyone besides the group at the bar screamed in terror

"We need to get the fuck out!" Natsu said panicking in fear

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Gray said as he like everyone tried to rush through the doors

No one made it out as they were sent flying as someone came inside, it was a woman with long scarlet red hair, she wore the chest piece of armor that outlined her large I-cup breasts, a dark blue skirt that did nothing to hide her nice round and a little plump ass

The woman dropped a rather large horn "the horn of a monster I killed" she said stating the obvious

"Was it strong?" Will asked curiously

"Not very" Erza said a little disappointed as she desired a challenge when she took this mission, after years of training with Naruto an S-class mission had lost the challenge it once held "has everyone been behaving?" she asked firmly

"Everyone except Kurama" Matatabi said getting a glare from Kurama from across the room as he heard her

"Where is he?" Erza asked with a glare

"I'm right here you redheaded psycho" Kurama said as he hated all redheaded women as he was sealed inside two already in his life

"Erza this is all yours if you calm down" Naruto said as he used requip and brought out a slice of some premium strawberry cheesecake

"Thank you sweetheart" Erza said tackling him in a hug her personality doing a complete 180 then began to devour the slice cheesecake

"You are so easily bought sis it's amazing" Will said as she knew Erza would do anything for cheesecake

"Thanks a fight between those two would be bad" Mira said to Naruto as those two were at each others necks like Gray and Natsu except the damage between them would be far worse

"The old man wouldn't like that" Naruto said obviously as the master left a while ago to go to a meeting

"He's not here?" Erza asked finishing her cake "I needed to speak to him about some information I had come across" she said as she explained the information about a dark guild gaining possession of a demon from the book of Zeref

'Any demon from that book just spells trouble' Naruto thought running into both violent and intelligent demons from the book 'lullaby may not be strong but its ability makes up for it' he thought as he read up on demons that had records in certain books and lullaby had a lot as it was used as a weapon

"Well let's go" Kurama said looking forward to violence

"No you're staying" Naruto said as that surprised a few people as he rarely denied Kurama when he wanted to partake in something "it'll teach you not to run your mouth next time" he said as he saw Kurama pout


"I'm...surprised to see we are getting assistance from such a well known dark guild" Erigor leader of Eisenwald said as he was very afraid of who was in front of him

"Yeah well we have our orders" a man under a cloak said as he sounded board

"We are only here to further our own goals you just happen to be assisting in it" a woman under a cloak said sounding completely neutral and emotionless

"Well we very much appreciate this" Erigor said having a cold sweat as he knew these were people not to mess with

(Next morning near the train station)

'Something feels different' Naruto thought as he felt a tension in the air 'something is gonna happen' he thought as he always believed and trusted in his instincts

"Why a train" Natsu said as he looked at the mode of transportation in terror

"It's not gonna be that bad" Lucy said trying to comfort the fire dragon slayer

"Yes it will" Naruto said not sugar coating it as Natsu was terrible on transportation and soon saw Erza approach with her luggage "no" he said instantly sealing her luggage "I don't know why you do this sometimes" he said as he knew Erza was eccentric in a lot of ways and her temper varied depending on certain topics or actions but the amount of time wasted with putting it away then packing it up

"You're no fun what if I need something?" Erza said giving him puppy eyes

'I swear all the women know how to use this against me' Naruto thought as all of his lovers knew how to use this


'Someone's here' Naruto thought as he ventured into the train going into an empty cart as they were about to reach the stop soon "who are you?" he said as a person soon revealed themself and even though their face was hidden in the cloak he knew it was a woman based on the rack she had

"It's nice to see you again Naruto" the woman said as she remained stoick

'Again' Naruto thought not recognizing her magic power...but could tell she was telling the truth "who are you" he asked curiously

"You'll find out soon" the woman said disappearing

"I'm missing something" Naruto said as he felt like something else was at play and he was an unknown piece in a game he didn't know he was playing or even apart of, he was brought out of his thoughts as an explosion was soon heard 'Natsu' he thought knowing only one person to cause such damage and when he ran to the train cart he felt like he saw a ghost 'Shikamaru' he thought seeing someone who looked very much like his childhood friend and Natsu on the ground suffering from his weakness

"Another Fairy Tail fly" the man said as he used shadow magic

'I swear the resemblance is uncanny' Naruto thought as he almost felt a little guilty about the ass kicking he was gonna unleash on his old friend's lookalike

"You I know you" the man said gaining Naruto's interest

"Yeah white flash and all those other names I got" Naruto said as he got a lot of names over the years

"Well it was nice knowing you" the man said about to use his magic but saw his shadows fade

"Before you ask I used my light to create an invisible light sphere around us increasing the light around us reducing the shadows so they're nonexistent" Naruto said as he knew the weakness of shadow like powers and knew how to weaken it or make it useless

"So what now?" the man asked his finger itching toward the flute on his felt

"I'd freeze because if you move your hand any closer to that flute I'll fry your hand" Naruto said as he figured out how to increase or lower the heat of his light much like Natsu did with his flames, he added a little killing intent to get his point across "I know you are not as bad as anyone from your guild" he said feeling that the man was misguided not a horrible murderer like most dark guild mages

"You better watch it pineapple head this guy will tear you apart" Natsu said moving slightly despite his motion sickness

"Yeah right" the man said and only after he said that Naruto appeared before him and knocked him out with a hard chop tho the back of his neck and stole the flute "be glad you look like someone I know because I rarely give second chances" he said teleporting the guy to a different location leaving a note with him before teleporting back to Natsu

"Where did he go?" Natsu asked curiously regaining some strength

"Not important" Naruto said helping him up "we need to get this to Makarov" he said making Natsu's eyes widen as Natsu knew whenever Naruto used Makarov's name it was serious

"What did we miss?" Erza said as she and Lucy appeared

"The hell were you two?" Naruto asked curiously

"The train stopped you two didn't get off" Lucy said as Happy got them

'Really?' Naruto asked himself as he saw they were past the station "I must've been distracted" he said thinking back to that cloaked woman


"I can't believe they all failed to those flies" Erigor said angrily as he sent all his men to retrieve the flute after it was taken only to learn they all failed and were defeated, the only upside was that the flute was going to the desired location

"It was to be expected" the woman in the cloak said not even surprised

"This is so fucking boring let's go already" the man in the cloak said hating the fact he was ordered to wait

"We will leave now" the woman said as she knew it was time


"Hit the deck" Naruto said as he felt an energy blast being shot ahead of them as they were driving to the guild masters meeting and now were being attacked

"I thought you beat all those assholes" Natsu said regaining his strength as the vehicle crashed and he broke out

"I did but their leader wasn't there and unless he uses energy that wasn't him" Naruto said knowing the man used wind magic

"That was me" the woman in the cloak said appearing from behind some tree

"I swear you're sending me some mixed signals here" Naruto said as he got up from the crashed vehicle "what do you want from me?" he asked the woman

"Nothing and everything" the woman said simply

"Oh god a cryptic be more specific" Naruto said as he hated these types of people

"You will learn eventually" the woman said as she then engulfed them all in light

Naruto recognized the spell as he saw all of them be engulfed by it and soon saw he was separated from everyone else "I'm gonna ask this only once how do you know my spell?" he asked angrily as that spell was a variation of his hiraishin using light that engulfed others to teleport everyone it came in contact with "I haven't taught my skills from my home world to anyone so unless you are some kinda genius to have copied it how'd you learn it" he asked trying to remain calm

"That's a story for another time" the woman said coyly

"Listen I have enough women in my life who like to fuck with my mind so who are you?" Naruto said reaching for her hood getting close enough to see her eyes which were purple in color only for her to fade away 'an illusion' he thought quickly in surprise thinking the woman was skilled

"Why aren't you attacking me?" the woman asked curiously

"For some reason I know you're not the enemy" Naruto said getting a weird vibe that she felt a strong connection to him

"Thank you and I do believe I have bought enough time" the woman said getting Naruto's attention

"Why distract me? I have the flute" Naruto said as he knew it was still in his jacket "and none of that in time I'll know and understand shit?" he asked as he felt tired of not getting any answers

"We never cared for the flute only Erigor" the woman said making Naruto even more confused

"Then why help him? why do any of this?" Naruto asked a little agitated

"We were ordered to follow you and another in your group" the woman said getting Naruto's attention

"Who" Naruto said as there were many reasons why a person would target him, but to figure out why and what connection it had to the other three in his group was dealers choice, with Natsu it could've been the fact they were dragon slayers, with Erza it could've been the many missions they did together or their relationship, and with Lucy...not much but with the woman in the cloak knowing him and him not know her and the timing and the nature of this mission he couldn't disregard some deeper possibility no matter how small it may be

"I am...unable to tell you" the woman said sadly

'Somethings up she wants to tell me' Naruto said feeling her desire to tell him and sadness

"My mission is complete I must take my leave" the woman said walking away

"Wait" Naruto said as he reached toward her only to have her disappear via hiraishin


"Were you successful" a man said with a far away look sounding neutral as the cloaked woman kneeled before him "yes my lord they were very strong" she said firmly

"That's wonderful" the man said sounding happy "and how was it to once again see your master" he asked her curiously

"It made me both happy and sad my lord" the woman said a little lost curiously

"I understand truly I do but everything will soon make sense to them both" the man said understanding her

(with Naruto's group)

Everyone walked in silence feeling Naruto's inner turmoil approaching the guild masters meeting location

Naruto couldn't stop thinking about what happened and the other's told him


Naruto listen to how Natsu defeated Erigor proud Natsu learned one of the fundamentals of controlling his fire better 'thank you Macao' he thought as he heard what the man said to him and Natsu years ago about how to make fire not burn, then his blood went cold when he heard what happened with Erza and Lucy's enemy

Erza told Naruto how their enemy was animal like along his hands and feet and when he used his magic it broke through Erza's armour and when he wounded her the armor exuded an unusually dark aura that he easily recognized he had only one conclusion 'etherious demon' he thought as he had run ins with Tartarus lesser demons

(flashback end)

"We're here" Naruto said as they opened up the doors and the current excitement inside stopped

"Why are you three here?!" Makarov asked as Naruto going on a mission with Erza and Natsu spelled total

"Don't worry the most that was destroyed was a train cart and some parts of the woods" Naruto said not mentioning the train tracks Natsu destroyed as he repaired it so there wouldn't be any train accidents

"Oh thank god" Makarov said as he was glad Naruto reduced damages with the more destructive members he went on missions on never going pass one or two thousand jewels

"This is why we're here" Naruto said answering the man's earlier question revealing the demonic flute handing it to his guild master

Makarov held the flute and channeled some light magic into the flute

"Ahhh!" the flute yelled out in pain

'I knew it was alive nothing made by Zeref is ever just an item' Naruto thought as nothing made by the wizards magic was never as simple as it seemed

"Puny humans I shall destroy you" Lullaby said in anger as it began to grow

"It reminds me of Kurama" Lucy said seeing the violent tendencies they shared

"More violent less murdery" Erza said as dealt with Kurama constantly

The flute grew to a giant monster destroying the wall

"We didn't destroy it" Makarov said as he wasn't paying for something his children didn't do

"Aw man this thing is pathetic" Natsu said as he looked at the creature

"If this thing didn't possess the ability to kill with sound I'd let Lucy handle it" Naruto said stepping outside through the hole it made

"And what will you do little human? Do you know who you are up against?" Lullaby asked ready to kill him

"Light dragon roar!" Naruto said burning the demon to ashes

All the guild masters besides Makarov were in shock as the demon Naruto killed was not even something the magic council couldn't kill


"You have an amazing power" a well built man said to Naruto as he sat next to him at the bar as the guild masters were throwing a party in his honor

"Thanks" Naruto said seeing Erza drunk after drinking a beer, Lucy doing a little better as she was tipsy, and Natsu was still going strong as he was just as immune to alcohol as he was due to their elemental cleansing properties which burned away anything foreign that was detrimental to their health

"Why do you waste time with those weaker than you? I felt your power you are more powerful than your master, why is he still your better?" the man asked firmly

'Oh god one of these' Naruto thought as he understood the man quickly knowing he was the type to rule with force thinking power ruled and determined all "easy two reasons the job sucks with all the paperwork and I respect him power doesn't determine all" he said knowing that he had faced Makarov before in a spar not even eating the man's light magic as he wanted to gauge his power and progress he lost to the man and was glad as it gave him something to strive for as they had similar skills being better than each other in certain areas they're experience speaking for itself as they fought

"Pathetic you have so much potential yet you squander it" the man said releasing a little power

"If I'm so pathetic what's that make you?" Naruto said moving closer to the man whispering it as he smirked releasing more power than him

The man tensed up as he felt the true power behind Naruto's small release and to say he was frightened was an understatement

(few days later)

"You two ready?" Naruto asked as Erza and Natsu challenged him to a fight

"Ready" they both said eager to fight Naruto

Naruto focused his light magic creating a solid sword in one hand and the palm of his other hand, he knew both were skilled in their combat style arts but also knew much of what opposed their styles

Natsu and Erza charged him both on opposing sides making him rely on one hand for both of them 'they've gotten this teamwork thing down' he thought as they were using both hands Erza was dual wielding while Natsu tried to restrain his arm so he could unleash a barrage of punches 'but they don't stand a chance' he thought as with all his training with kunai he knew how to handle a blade and all the fights with combat specialists, but before he could deliver finishing blows they were interrupted

"We have an arrest warrant for Erza Scarlet" a council woman said making everyone freeze from the seriousness from what the woman said


"You didn't have to come" Erza said on the train headed to the magic council

"Yes I did" Naruto said instantly "what douchebag leaves his fiance all alone to face trial?" he said as he knew there were plenty of people who didn't stand by those they cared about

"Guess you're right" Erza said with a smile as her heart fluttered every time she heard him call her his fiance and she clenched her hand feeling the ring under her gauntlet and as much as she hated to requip it off for compat reasons she loved to admire it whenever she got a chance, it was a silver band with some gold on it to resemble her armor and had a ruby diamond that resembled her hair, she smiled as Naruto wanted to get her a diamond that reminded him of her hair "I apologize for all of this" she said sadly

"Never apologize for those dicks" Naruto said as he wanted no one to apologize for some corrupt bastards

"I apologize" Erza said then realizing her mistake as Naruto gave her a look "you may strike me now" she said bowing her head

"Later we're here" Naruto said as the train stopped


"I see your skills have improved" Naruto said as besides himself everyone in the room was frozen

"I have to admit even I am amazed by these results?" Ultear Milkovich said having mid J-cups and and firm bubbly ass "how are you so immune to this" she asked as it baffled her to no end how he was immune to her time magic

"I just chalk up all the weird shit in my life weird about me as luck, a curse, or simple insanity" Naruto said as that was the basic line his life was always on

"So you know this trial is a formality right" Ultear asked curiously as she knew he always made statements to people letting them know not to fuck with him

"I know" Naruto said moving to a certain councilman "so who's controlling this idiot?" he said looking at a blue haired councilman neutrally as Erza hated him and he understood but he also knew he was being controlled and with the amount of time from when it was cast to now was to strong for him to break without killing him like it was a few years ago when Ultear told him about it

"Zero or Brain whoever or whatever the fuck he calls himself" Ultear said in hate as that man was the cause of so much pain in her life

Naruto's blood boiled on the inside as he knew what that man had done as he may not have been able to find him after so many years of searching

"You're thinking about him again" Ultear said feeling happy and sad that he wanted to beat the man half to death for her and the many others he's hurt

"Yeah" Naruto said remembering how he and Ultear met when he was attacking the higher up dark guilds as Hades sent Ultear to spy on him in the hopes of recruiting him and when he dug into her past he followed it to the research division building Zero/Brain ran and found some hidden files and personal notes on Ultear and when he made it known to the woman who he knew spied on him she went ballistic but thankfully he teleported them away to a remote location allowing her to violently grieve upon him

"I'm still so sorry" Ultear said thinking to all the violent things she tried and did to him and he took it trying to ease her of her anger and then comforted her despite her wounds

"Trust me my best friend stabbed me multiple times a few cuts and gashes are nothing" Naruto said as he blocked the killing blows and after those failed she decided to get physical punching him furiously as tears poured down her face till she accepted the truth about her mother

"I swear you either are crazy or have horrible taste" Ultear said giving him a hug

"Definitely crazy there is no way I have bad taste" Naruto said not willing to believe there was anything wrong with the women he loved

"Well let's get this bullshit trial on the road" Ultear said as they took their spots where they were when time froze

"Alright you dicks lets get this show on the road" Naruto said as he had a plan in motion


"I can believe you got away with that" Erza said as she and Naruto were on a train ride home

"Never doubt espionage" Naruto said as he recorded the whole meeting with the council abusing their power making threats

"Ok but why am I still in handcuffs" Erza asked as Naruto bought the cuffs and keys off the guard

"I believe you said 'I may strike you'" Naruto said with a fox like grin

(later at Narutos home)


Erza was currently face down on a bed naked as the day she was born her hands handcuffed behind her

"How is my sluty knight doing?" Naruto asked appearing behind her

"Ready and awaiting your cock my love" Erza said shaking her ass

"I bet you are" Naruto said spanking her ass "tell me Erza what should I do to you first" he said rubbing his dick against her ass

"Any hole fill each to your heart's content" Erza said as she always desired to be filled by Naruto

"Alright" Naruto said thrusting into her ass

"Ah!" Erza screamed out feeling slight discomfort as Naruto had no lube and dry docked into her ass 'that's right rough me up abuse my holes' she thought gaining a blush as she thrived from the pain she received

"You just loved being punished don't you?" Naruto asked as he spanked her ass hearing the actual strike

"Yes my love I love the pain you give me please never stop" Erza said beggingly

Naruto then pulled her her making her screams louder as he then pulled her into a kiss 'God I love redheads' he thought thinking to the old saying 'you may take a redhead to bed but you never sleep'

"Please give me more" Erza begged as she drooled

"Alright" Naruto said taking his dick out making her let out a displeased moan as he then flipped her over making her lie on her back as he approached her face shoving his dick down her "how's it taste Erza tell me how the dick that was in your ass taste" he asked thrusting his dick down her throat seeing and feeling it be stretched out

Erza could only respond with some gasps and chokes as she struggled to breath with his dick down her mouth tears swelling up in her eyes enjoying the sensations

Naruto then began to grope Erza's pinching her nipples causing the redhead to moan as she climaxed along with him

Erza slowly swallowed his cum savoring the taste of it as she loved it's taste, she looked at Naruto like a predator would and soon broke the chain binding the handcuffs and tackled Naruto

'All redheads are crazy' Naruto thought as Erza was now riding his dick like a mad woman

"Don't you dare hold back!" Erza said yelling with a glare despite having a look of pleasure "paint my insides white!" she yelled wanting to feel her holes filled

Naruto grabbed her ass increasing the force of every thrust making her scream out in pleasure "you're such a desperate whore maybe I shouldn't let you cum" he stopping her thrust keeping his dick sheated inside her

"No please make me cum use my body please" Erza said trying to raise her body to resume what they were doing but had no success

Naruto than gained a predatory look and began to kiss Erza's neck and then lightly bit into it making the redhead moan loudly in ecstasy causing to Erza drool uncontrollably and finally cum

(next morning)

'What the hell' Erza thought slowly as she began to stir from her sleep and when she woke up and realized she was tied to a armless chair with a ball gag in her mouth

"Good morning Erza" Mira said sweetly walking out from behind Erza completely naked "heard you two going at it last night like a couple rabbits" she said with a slight glare "it's been a while since I had gotten a piece of him" she said as they both had different schedules and he went on missions with everyone and she rarely did "so I decided why not get some action in and have a little fun with my rival" she said with an evil smirked as she gave one of Erza's breasts a nice squeeze

Erza's body betrayed her as she glared at Mira and became wet

"Look at you" Mira said as she began to finger Erza "a famous S-class mage leaking out juices like a cheap slut" she said with a smirk as she watched her rival squirm and quiver from her touch, she then stopped fingering Erza's and tasted her juices pulled down her ball gag then pulled her into a very forceful kiss

Erza quickly gave into the kiss enjoying both the taste of Mira's lips and her juices

Mira soon pulled away from the kiss with a smirk as she looked at Erza "now you red headed bimbo you're gonna watch Naruto fuck me while you just sit there your body beging to be fucked" she said putting the ball gag back in her mouth as Erza began to scream protest despite the ball gag in her mouth, she soon brought Naruto inside naked and erect

"Still can't believe you were able to tie her up" Naruto said seeing his horny redheaded fiance tied up and gagged

"I have my ways but now" Mira said getting on her knees kissing his dick "fuck my mouth" she said taking his dick in her mouth, she soon heard him moan and that made her heart leap for joy as she felt sexy

"Such a good little demon" Naruto said seeing her blush a little

Mira increased her pace and soon pull back letting Naruto spray his cum all over her face "I love being your succubus" she said eating his cum off her face, she was surprised when Naruto grabbed her hair and pulled her to the bed and he got on top of her then pinned her arms

"Tell me what you want slut" Naruto said tightening his grip on her hands

Mira just smirked "I wanna be fucked Naruto I wanna feel you stretch me out like you have many times before so fuck your wife however you want please" she said somehow sounding innocent

Naruto smiled to her "well I'm not the type to keep a lady waiting" he said thrusting into her

'God I miss this' Mira thought missing this as she felt complete whenever he was inside her and began to claw his back

"Such a needy little succubus" Naruto said as he began to suck on her nipple

"Yes" Mira said in pleasure as she began to kiss his neck bite it tenderly

Erza watched in pure agony as she was leaking so much juices it made a small puddle on the floor

"Look at her" Mira said with a pleasured smile "let's give her a much closer look" she said with a devilish smile

Naruto then gained a similar smirk as they got off the bed and walked to Erza

Erza gained a hopeful expression hoping they would release her

"We're not letting you go yet you scarlet whore" Mira said evilly as she began to fondle Erza's tits but stopped as Naruto picked Mira up by her legs and entered her pussy "oh fuck" she yelled out feeling Naruto enter the deepest parts of her

"I hope that's not all my succubus has in her" Naruto asked as he thrusted into her

"Not by a long shot stud" Mira said feeling both their orgasims quickly approach "wait" she yelled in pleasure "lets shower Erza in our juices" she said wanting Erza to covered in their combined juices

Naruto did as asked and got very close to Erza Mira unleashing a fierce climax and Naruto cumming all over Erza's face, after they finished Naruto put down Mira and undid Erza's gag as Mira licked their juices off Erza's face

"Please Naruto" Erza said in tears "I need you" she said and soon found the ropes that bound her were burned

"On the bed both of you" Naruto said dominitely

'Fuck he never stops being so hot' both women thought as Naruto never stopped being dominant in bed but was still in some way gentle and loving, they both soon got off the bed Erza lying on her back with Mira on top of her

"I always knew you were always a whore taking it on your back" Mira said grinding her pussy against Erza's

"And you're a slutty sadistic bitch" Erza said glaring at Mira but stopped as she felt Naruto enter her pussy

'Aw' Mira thought wanting to be fucked again, but settled as she began sucking on Erza's tits and moaned into it as she felt Naruto began to stimulate her pussy with his fingers

"That's it suck my pussy you demonic whore" Erza said in between moans wanting some revenge on Mira

Mira stopped her sucking and looked at Erza cockily "you love it" she said cockily

Erza silenced Mira pulling her into a french kiss forcing her tongue into Mira's mouth

"I love it when my girls get along" Naruto said thrusting into to them switching between both of them with each thrust

"Both of you get on your knees" Naruto yelled as they did as instructed and got on their knees and opened their mouths expectantly as Naruto came all over their faces and into their mouths and they then began to lick each other clean


As the three rested a mark appeared on their necks Naruto had a yellow dragon head on the back of his neck while Mira and Erza a white dragon's head on the back of their necks