Chapter 9: Twelve Years Later

The freighter powered down on the lush, green, jungle moss as Rey did final landing checks. Glancing back into the living quarters, she was relieved to find her almost teenage daughter still fast asleep on the plush booth in the living quarters. Scooping Amidala into her arms, Rey strode down the gangplank, where she was met by a grinning Finn.

"Hey," he whispered. "I got her... Oof!" He swayed a bit under his niece's weight, chuckling. "She's mighty big to be rocked."

Rey smiled warmly. "Everyone else inside?"

"Yup." Finn guided the pair into the Dameron compound, where hushed greetings were made by Poe and Zorri.

"Put her on the sleep couch," Poe suggested.

"Hi, Auntie Rey!" a young boy of eleven barreled into the Jedi for a hug.

"Kitt Dameron, not so loud!" Zorri scolded. "Your cousin is asleep!"

The rest of the group moved into the kitchen, where Poe and Zorri began fixing up a late dinner. Rey, Finn and Kitt sat at the table and chatted. Their banter was interrupted by some persistent giggling.

"Poe! Stop!" Zorri laughed, but accepted a kiss as she and her husband embraced. Kit glanced to the scene for only a moment before turning back to Rey, a question in his eyes.

"Auntie Rey? Do you have someone to kiss you the way Daddy kisses Mommy?"

Rey smiled sadly. "I did, sweetheart... once. But he passed away. He's still with me though... in here."

"Ami's dad?" Rey nodded. The boy glanced back to his surrogate cousin, still passed out on the sleep couch. Rey thought she recognized the look in his eyes... and only hoped that if anything came of it, it wouldn't be for another several years.

Ami's scream woke the whole house in the middle of the night.

The tension didn't abate when her uncles and aunt burst into the sitting area, blasters drawn. Kitt seemed to appear by her side as if by magic, putting a tentative arm around her. Rey embraced her daughter from the other side, allowing Amidala to weep bitterly into her nightgown.

"I saw you dying, Mommy! There was this evil, old man torturing you. And then... and then Daddy, he..." She dissolved into sniffles.

Rey just cradled her. "Ssssssh... That's all over now... The nightmare's over... I miss Daddy too, but he gave his life so that Mommy and you can be free and safe."

Finn nodded. "Ami, your dad made some... complex decisions, and they weren't always the right ones. But in the end, he was a good man. When it really counted, he did what was right."

"Exactly," Poe nodded. "Your parents both have light and dark inside of them. And you do, too. What matters is the part you choose to act on. You can be like your dad was in his final moments. And just know that wherever he is, he is proud of you and loves you very much."

Rey looked around at her makeshift family gratefully. It had not always been quick and easy for them to accept Ben, but they had accepted their daughter. Knowing that Amidala had people who loved her was just as good, if not better, than her happiest dreams spent with Ben.