A/N yeah yeah another story, cant help it. so many ideas!

disclaimer: dont own either one!

It had been eight months, eight months since the end of the war with Voldemort. In those eight months Amelia Potter had finally gotten fed up with the way the wizarding world was. Sighing she placed her head in her hands as she sat at the kitchen table in her aunt's house. She had arrived three weeks ago asking for a place to stay just to get away from everything. She hadn't thought that her aunt would agree but there must have been something that had shown in her face or her eyes or both that had touched her aunt's heart in some way because she just nodded and stepped aside.

In all her time having to live with her aunt, she had never felt at peace or felt that this house was her home but she knew that she did now. Closing her eyes she let her mind wander back to what happened two weeks after the final battle. She had gone with Neville and Hermione to Gringotts to talk to the Director to make reparation's for the damage that had been caused by her Ron and Hermione.

It had come as a shock to her to find out that she had been lied to by people that she never would have thought would have done so. As a tear leaked from her closed eyes, she recalled the meeting that had taken place upon entering the Director's office.

"Miss Potter, Mister Longbottom and I am assuming you are Miss Granger?" Ragnok questioned as he stared at the three of them after motioning for them to sit down.

"Yes sir." Hermione replied not fazed at all by his tone.

"Well then, what is it that we here at Gringotts can help you with today?" He looked at Amelia steadily, a curious glint in his eyes. Normally that would have unnerved Amelia but she was past letting anyone intimidate her.

"We have come today to discuss what we can do to pay reparation's to Gringott's bank for our actions within these walls during the hunt for Tom Riddle's Horcruxes. I know I don't have much left in my trust vault but I would gladly give the bank what's left and do whatever else is needed to help pay for the damages." Amelia replied evenly. She could tell that she had caught the goblin off-guard. She knew very well how Witches and Wizard's treated the Noble Race and she was not one to do so, she had never felt as if she was above anyone and she was not about to start now.

"I see. I am sure we can come up with something to deal with the damages though I must inquire why you did not simply go to your account manager and fill him in on what had been stored in the Lestrange Vault. For something as wrong as that abomination, we would have easily disposed of that for you for a fee." He eyed her sharply as her eyes narrowed.

"Account Manager? Why would I need one of those Master Ragnok? I have only my trust vault after all." Amelia replied evenly as a sinking feeling developed in her stomach.

At her question his eyebrows as well as Neville's rose. "You don't know?" He questioned after a moment.

"I don't know what exactly?" Amelia questioned.

Ragnok sat up and leaned on his desk before replying. "Miss Potter you are one of the wealthiest clients that we have here at Gringott's, as a matter of fact you are wealthier than even the Malfoy's. Your family has been with Gringott's since almost the very beginning , you are in fact what the muggle world would call a Billionaire."

At that Amelia sat stunned running his words through her head. She was rich? If that was the case then why had she suffered so much as a child? Why had she been forced to live in a boot closet under the stairs at her aunt's? And why had she been forced to wear second hand clothes her entire life?

As she sat there with question after question running through her mind, Ragnok grabbed her attention with the next question he posed. "Did you not receive any missive's from Gringott's pertaining to your account once you turned eleven?"

She snapped her eyes up to meet his. "No I didn't, not even when Sirius died, I knew he had made a will but I never received summons to the reading, I figured he hadn't left me anything or didn't have anything to leave me since he was kicked out of his family when he was sixteen, you are telling me that my account manager has been sending me mail since i re-entered the Wizarding World and I haven't received any of it?"

"It would seem not. I had wonder why we never got any replies from you. We here at Gringrott's had thought that you were slighting us with not replying as for your Godfather, he was never formally disowned no matter how much his mother wanted it, she did not have the power. I am unsure of what his will exactly says due to it never being read, we were informed by your magical guardian that you would be unable to attend so we put it off until such a time that you could." He replied evenly.

"Magical Guardian? Who is that exactly because I can tell you that this person has never approached with me with any knowledge that Sirius had left a will, nor did I have any knowledge that my family was rich." Amelia said as anger flashed in her eyes. She clenched her hands into fists to keep from letting her anger out on someone who was not at fault for this.

Without a word being spoken Ragnok pressed a rune on the top of his desk and addressed the goblin guard that had escorted them there. He told him to let the Potter and Black account Manager's know they were to bring the records of their clients to the Director's office including the wills of both Sirius Black and Lord and Lady Potter. The minute the door closed Amelia rounded on the older goblin, pain shining in her eyes.

"Will? My parent's left a will?" She was overcome with grief at that knowledge, they had a will, they hadn't forgotten about her or their friends.

She sighed again as she came out of the memory. She had spent the rest of the day there going through the records of her account's. She heard both her parent's will and Sirius' will and had broken down more times than she had cared to admit. At the end of it all she had not only enough money to live off of the rest of her life but also several homes to choose to live in including her family's manor. She had visited it a week after that meeting with Hermione and Neville and had been shocked to silence at not just the size of the place but of her parent's portrait.

She had spent two days filling her parent's in on everything that had happened since the night they died. She had also hung up Siriu's portrait that she had found in his personal vault. She had used the funds from what Sirius had left her to pay the bank for not only her part but also Hermione's. Ron she left to deal with on his own. She would have gladly helped him out as well but that day had not only revealed that Albus Dumbledore had been keeping her history from her but had also been paying Ron to be her friend. He had also paid Molly Weasley as well to basically take her in.

When she had confronted them with Hermione by her side, she had found out that Dumbledore had promised her to Ron as his wife on top of paying them, they were the only two out of the Family that had known what Dumbledore's end goal was and had went along with it. Though Dumbledore was not evil in the way that Tom Riddle had been, he was greedy and had wanted the Potter fortune for himself.

Amelia had left the Burrow after packing her belongings and telling both Ron and Molly that if she ever caught them anywhere near her again she would kill them. She also informed Arthur and the rest that she did not hold his son and wife's actions against any of them and she hoped that they would at least maintain contact with her. Arthur had of course agreed.

She left and never looked back. Her and Hermione had instead went to Grimwauld place and stayed there as they studied for the Newts and after they had taken them, Hermione had left to go to Australia to search for her parent's. She had offered to go along with but Hermione had told her that it was alright and instead instructed her to get herself away from the Wizarding World for awhile, to not stay cooped up in her Godfather's house. She listened after spending two weeks there alone.

It had been with a heavy heart and a weary body and spirit that she had shown up on her aunt's doorstep asking to stay for awhile. The conversation that followed the next day had done a lot to mend things between her, her aunt and her cousin. A slight smile crossed her lips as she looked into the cup of tea that she had prepared as she remembered that day.

"Morning Amelia." Dudley said as she walked into the kitchen and plopped herself down at the table and yawned.

"Morning." She eyed him strangely as he sat there looking at her calmly, so calmly that she really could not resist questioning if it was really him. "Who are you and what did you do with Dudley? The Dudley that I know wouldn't say good morning to me."

She was duly shocked when he snorted at her as he fought a smile back before replying. "Yes well, fortunately for me I grew up Amelia. I want to apologize for how I treated you back then. I would say I didn't know any better but the truth is that I did, at the time though I didn't care. It wasn't until we got attacked by those soul sucker's that I started to realize that it was truly wrong and that I needed to get my act together before I ended up in prison or dead."

Amelia couldn't help it, she pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming only to wince when it hurt. She looked at her cousin with respect in her eyes knowing that it couldn't have been easy but thankful that he had finally seemed to learn something in how to treat other's. "Thank you Big D, I accept your apology, maybe...maybe we can start over?" She questioned him tentatively only to smile when he nodded and had agreed.

Hearing her son and niece mend things, she took a deep breath before sitting at the table and turning her gaze to her niece as well. "Amelia..." She trailed off for a moment before seeming to gather her courage to say what she needed to say. Amelia waited with bated breath and a raised eyebrow at her aunt.

"I also want to apologize. The way that I allowed you to be treated while here was unacceptable. It was cruel and wrong and I feel horrible that I was so blinded by jealousy and anger and grief that I allowed Vernon to abuse you the way that he did and allowed Dudley to follow in his footsteps for so many years. The truth of the matter is, I was too weak to stand against him. I didn't know how and you suffered for it." Petunia Dursley looked down at her clasped hands in shame before continuing.

"I was jealous of Lily. She was so much more than I ever was and when she was able to go to Hogwarts, I let the jealousy I felt morph into anger and hatred. I didn't hate my sister but I did hate the world that she was able to be apart of. When she married your father, I felt as if any hope of reconciliation disappear. I knew of the war going on and even though I never replied, Lily kept me updated through letter's of what was going on. By the time that you were left on our doorstep, I had forgiven Lily for leaving for a world that I wasn't welcome into. When I found you on the doorstep and read the letter, the rest of the hope I had was crushed and I sat for a long time that day just holding you and crying over the loss of my sister. I had every intention of treating you as I know Lily would have treated Dudley but Vernon put a stop to it before I could."

She took a deep breath as she gathered her thoughts before looking back up at Amelia. "I am sorry for the way things went for you while you grew up here. I am sorry for the way that I myself treated you. I did so out of fear. Fear of Vernon turning his anger on me and fear of losing you the way I had lost Lily. When we went into hiding last year, I made a promise to myself that if you somehow survived, I would tell you everything and apologize. I would do my best to make up for everything that you have suffered over the years though I know nothing can truly fix it, I promised myself I would try. Can you forgive me Amelia?" She looked at her niece desperately as she asked for forgiveness.

To say that Amelia was shocked was an understatement. For so long she had wished that her aunt at least loved her and to know that she did but was to afraid to protect her and raise her like she wanted...well she could understand that. Her uncle was not a nice man and he was overly obese, he was stronger than her aunt was and she could understand her fear.

Taking a sip of her tea before placing it back down, she thought over the rest of what happened that day. She had found out that Vernon had a heart attack a month after they had returned home and had died. Though she knew her aunt and cousin had loved him and would miss him, she knew they were both slightly relieved that he was no longer around. They had spent hours talking, Amelia filling them on everything that had happened over her years at Hogwarts and what she had found out after it was all over.

To say they were shocked and pissed was an understatement. Her aunt had told her that she had no knowledge of her fortune and if she had, she would have gone to Dumbledore herself and demanded to be provided the funds to make sure she had the things that she had needed. Amelia understood then that her uncle had truly not cared about her. Oh they had the money to afford another child, but he just hadn't cared. Her aunt informed her that if she had known, she would have found someway to make her life a little easier.

She had also found out that they were going to have to move soon. Vernon's life insurance had been just enough to pay for his funeral and leave them enough to live off for a year, after that they wouldn't be able to afford to stay there any longer.

Amelia had then done something that had shocked her aunt. Three days after that conversation, she had returned and handed her aunt an envelope. Inside was the deed to the house and a check that would allow her aunt to live the rest of her life in comfort. Her aunt had tried to object but Amelia would have none of it, she explained to her aunt that she no longer held her childhood against her or Dudley and seeing how they were the only family she had left and she had all this money that simply put she was going to use that money to help take care of her family.

Her aunt had broken down then and had given her niece the first hug that the young woman could ever remember. They had spent a good hour like that, Amelia finally crying over the pain from her childhood and soaking up the love and comfort of her aunt's hug. Even now, three weeks later things were still great between them. Dudley had spent a lot of time with her doing things that they hadn't when they had been children.

Days spent at the mall, playing video games, going out to eat with her aunt or to the movies. They had even made a trip to the beach together as well as Diagon Alley so she could show her aunt and cousin the wonder's that the alley held. Dudley had even struck up a tentative friendship with the twins when they had visited their shop. That of course was after Amelia had made them apologize to Dudley for the tongue toffee they had tricked him into eating which had gotten a laugh out of all of them.

At night when her nightmare's would wake her up, her aunt would be there with a cold glass of water, a hug and a listening ear as Amelia told her of the nightmare.

Overall the last three weeks had been more than she could have asked for. She was finally accepted by her last two remaining relatives and though she wished there were more out there somewhere she knew that there was no hope in wishing for something that would never happen. She knew that no Potter's except her remained and as far as she knew only her Aunt and cousin were left of her mother's side of the family.

She would soon learn how wrong she was.