Ooooooh, man, here we go! Final season!

Have you not read Karon or Submerged yet? You should probably check those would be really useful to understand this story. Spoilers will be in here, aka almost right after this.

I spent a while on my planning board alone, and all for a measly 18 chapters. Everyone here will have something to do, except for the first one eliminated, but even they do...something.

The winners in this universe are: Owen, Beth, Heather, Lightning, Mike, Shawn, Ethan, Kayla. Most of them won't be mentioned, but the last three certainly will.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy episode one!

Episode 1: Fresh Batch of Robots, Part 1

The camera opened right over Pahkitew Island, the mechanical disaster that was season five, five and a half, or whatever they called it. Only one minor difference appeared since it's running at that time. In a similar feel to Wawanakwa, a dock had been put down, with the cannon on one end, and a sign that read "Pahkitew Island" on the other.

On the dock, a man walked into place. This was none other than Chris McLean, the host who recently took thirty teens down to the lowest point in the world to watch two of their own compete for a million bucks.

Chris appeared to be pacing back and forth with a phone in his hand. He looked a tad more nervous than his normal sadistic yet excited nature. "What do you mean, you can't make it? I pay for you to show up! If you aren't coming, who's going to-" His train of thought was interrupted by a voice from the other end. Chris seemed angry at what the voice said. "But you know that's for a prank! It's always super funny!" The voice sounded again, and Chris sighed. "If it's really gonna be that way, we'll see how he likes it with your money!" He hung up the phone, and finally looked over, seeing the camera that had just captured half of an interesting conversation.

Chris smiled at the camera, trying to pretend like nothing had happened. "We're back with season eight! Our final run is going to be brutal! Here, the top six players from Total Drama Pahkitew Island, Total Drama Karon Island, and Total Drama Submerged, will be battling it out for one final chance at the million dollars!" As he spoke, a helicopter rolled up to the front of the island and began to open its doors. Chris clearly had some time still, and he took it. "Apparently, our ratings were not as great as they could have been with Pahkitew Island, so we brought back the best from there, and we're bringing back the best challenges as well!"

Chris continued. "Who will win? Who will fall hard? And who's going to try so hard, only to watch it all collapse? Find out right now, on Total! Drama! Fiery Passion!"

Opening Sequence- revealed next chapter

The helicopter gave Chris some sort of signal. Chris nodded. "And, here come out contestants now!" He pointed up as the frame switched to the helicopter exit. "From Total Drama Submerged, here's grouchy, sporty, complaining brat, Kayla!"

Kayla takes her own liberty to dive off from the helicopter. She was wearing her classic dark pink top and black leggings. Her brown hair swayed through the air as she fell into the water. "Game on!" she shouts, raring to go.

As the brat made her dive, Chris worked on announcing the next contestant. "Newcomer from Submerged, and a finalist at that, flower-power, nature's nurse, Lavender!"

Lavender pulled back her light purple dyed hair and dove off the edge right into the water. "This is nuts!" she cried out, clearly more scared than Kayla. She still had a lilac over her eye, and had the same cargo shorts and green t-shirt. As she dove in, she focused on maintaining an aura of calmness.

After another successful landing, Chris continued. "Con artist, and very salty loser, Marty!"

"Not this time!" Marty called out. He jumped right into the water, his black afro not moving in the air at all. He was wearing brown boots, brown shorts, and a cream jacket over a white shirt. He seemed eager and determined.

Marty landed in the water, and Chris moved on. "Socially dead saboteur, Norm!"

Norm walked up to the edge of the helicopter and groaned, moving his brown hair off of his face. He adjusted his green polo, and in a very bored fashion, walked right off the edge, the knees in his khaki shorts hardly moving. "Let's get this over with," he groaned, clearly annoyed, almost like he didn't want to be there.

"Flowery pacifist Flora," Chris announced, "who dominated the field until she was out of field to stand on!"

Flora sighed at the top, and jumped into the water. She was wearing a green sweater with white leggings, and her dirty blonde hair had a lavender in it. Flora didn't say anything on the way down, just kept her focus on making to down safely and not landing on anyone else already at the surface of the water surrounding the island.

Chris announced the final contestant from that season. "Finally, from Submerged, paranoid, trust-less, Iris!"

Iris scoffed at the top, her now blonde hair accenting the blue streaks going through it. "Would you trust these people?" she asked to no one in particular. She grabbed her four backpacks, and jumped out of the helicopter, flying through the air. She was wearing her blue top and jeans.

As Iris hit the water, Chris moved on. "Now, from our Karon Island cast, here's sore loser, great winner, mediocre leader, Ethan!"

Ethan shook his head. "I was a fine leader!" he complained. He returned to his dark blue t-shirt and black shorts from his time on the island, and still had the fiery red hair. He jumped out of the water, aiming for the perfect dive.

As Ethan moved in, Chris moved on. "Up next, she tampered with my dome, so Team Friendship tampered with her, Kara!"

Kara jumped off, keeping her head up and trying to take a good look of the island she was about to stay on. Besides what they knew about it, there wasn't much to it. Her brown hair flew around as she dove in. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt and black leggings, very similar to her sister, who was already in the water.

"Up next," Chris went on, "sour sports guy, Paul!"

Paul smirked as he did a perfect dive into the water. He had brown hair and was wearing a red jersey and blue athletic shorts. "Let's do this!" he shouted in a determined tone. His dive went straight into the water.

"Fierce facetious force, Angie!" Chris announced.

Angie watched as Paul dove in, and prepared herself for an even better dive. She wore the same black leggings and blue top, and had brown hair. "Chris stinks!" she shouted, giving a smirk to the host.

Chris fumed briefly, but continued, as he had a bunch more introductions to do. "Laughable lover, Jonathan!"

Jonathan sighed. "It keeps getting worse, doesn't it?" He wore a red t-shirt and black shorts, with black hair. He sighed one more time as he jumped off, screaming.

"Finally, from Karon Island," Chris finished off, "psychotic psychic, Luna!"

Luna wore a light blue top and a grey skirt. She didn't say anything, and instead of jumping off, she seemed vanish in thin air.

The frame switched to down below where everyone was gathered. Luna appeared in between all of them. A few of them shrieked, but Norm rolled his eyes. "Are you going to be an issue again?" he asked.

Luna shook her head. "Not if you aren't near me." Norm looked at her suspiciously for a brief second, but shrugged it off, not caring at all it seemed.

Chris pointed back up to the helicopter. "And finally, from our Pahkitew Island cast, zany zombie nut, Shawn!"

Shawn adjusted his beanie. "Uh-uh! No way am I jumping into a pit of zombie strangers!" Someone reached out from behind and pushed him. "Don't touch the brains!" he shouted as he fell.

Chris laughed. "And now, everyone's favorite relationship ruiner, the racer of rejection, and the dealer of despair, Sky!"

Back up at the helicopter, Sky fumed. "He didn't listen! Why won't anyone get that?" She pulled her hair back from her face, and made a dive better than any of the others, with a few flips in it.

"Craptry queen and the reason our ratings hit a massive drop, Sugar!" Chris sighed as he read the name.

Sugar shook her head. "What's he talkin' about? I was great!" She jumped in, doing a giant cannonball. As she went down, everyone seemed to get out of the way so they wouldn't be hit.

Chris gestured up one more time. "Australian Amazon, Jasmine, who killed it until she fell to a tree."

"She'll pay for that!" Jasmine said, determined, diving into the water. Everyone down below kept their distance out of fear that she might punch them and break their skull.

Chris sighed, and quickly picked up his phone. "Okay, so these two are allowed in?" A voice sounded. "Okay then, I'm announcing them." He pointed back up to the helicopter. "Maniacal Maniac, Max!"

Max gave off an evil laugh. "Time to evil!" he shouted, until he reached the edge. He looked down. "Uh, could we lower this just a teeny bit?" he asked to someone in the aircraft, in a much less evil sounding voice. Then, he was shoved off. "Aaaaaaaah!" he screamed in a high pitch as he fell.

Chris called off the last contestant. "And, last but not least, our very own island hostage taker, Scarlett!"

Scarlett had her hair back in the giant bun behind her head. "This is fine," she muttered as she dropped down silently. As she fell, she took note of her old and new competition, watching as they gasped at her reappearance.

Chris laughed as he announced one last person. "And, fire throwing prankster, Chander!" Chander smirked as he jumped in, wearing a white shirt with a purple trench coat and black leggings with white boots.

This confused almost everyone. "What?" Sky asked.

"Seriously?" Norm added.

Chander ignored them and smiled. "You always get two chances in show business!" He shouted in a rejoicing tone, clearly excited to be back.

Once he hit the ground, Chris yelled over at them. "Get over to the beach, pronto!" As he finished speaking, the contestants all began swimming over to the beach, with Ethan, Angie, Sky, and Paul leading the pack. Max, Sugar, and Norm trailed in the back.

Ethan skidded to a halt on the beach. "Yes! First one here!" He then stopped. "...You have to be kidding me." He stared as Luna sat there, in a very similar fashion to Dawn in season four. Luna was staring out at the others, her eyes glowing.

The psychic looked over at him. "Sorry, I didn't know that was forbidden," she said with her strongest sense of sarcasm. She reverted to a normal speech tone. "It isn't in the contracts, thus allowing me to do as I please." Ethan growled.

Ethan: He sighed and punched a wall. "Luna's already making a big impression this season. I don't like that." He then gestured to his clothing, which resembled the look in Karon Island again. "You like it? It feels like I need to be outside again. I'm ready to bring the power."

As everyone began to beach themselves, Chris lowered himself on his jet pack. The blow of the sand caused some people to cough. "Hello, campers!"

Kayla scoffed. "Don't try and make us feel good to be back."

After Kayla's remark, an awkward silence filled the air. Everyone started to feel like they were forgetting something, or someone. Who else isn't here that should be?

It was then when Angie put the pieces together. "Hold on," she asked. "aren't you missing someone? You know, the half of your hosting team that is bearable?" Everyone else looked around to notice that the cook was not there.

Chris huffed at her. "Yes. If you should know, Chef is trying to make it here, but he has had several flight cancellations." Everyone began to speak, which Chris silenced by turning on the jet pack again. Everyone shut up after eating sand for a bit. "So, since I don't have a co-host, but these challenges require one..." Chris took the time to study the group. He then finally pointed at someone. "Chander. You're eliminated."

"What?" Chander asked. "Just like that? Can you do that?" He seemed confused at first, like it was some sort of elaborate joke, but the lack of change in Chris's expression led the prankster to believe that he truly was out of the game already.

"He can," Max commented. "but he always will pay..." Max clearly had not dropped any hostile feelings he acquired from his instantaneous elimination in the season he competed.

Chris clarified his actions. "Chander, with Chef missing in action, I kinda need someone to focus on helping me run challenges instead." He then pointed to the rest of the competition. "Do you really think any of these people could handle that?" Chander thought about it for a bit, then shrugged. "Exactly," the host said.

Chander nodded. This made him feel a bit better, knowing he wasn't instantly leaving again. He looked back to the dock and saw the cannon sitting on it. "So, I don't get to ride in that yet?" Chris shook his head. "Great."

Chander: He shrugged. "So, I don't get to compete. That's okay. I probably get to do stuff way more up my alley anyway." He lit a stick on fire. "I have a feeling this is gonna be an explosive season." He laughed.

"Speaking of contracts," Kara asked, "didn't those guys lose theirs?" She pointed at the Pahkitew contestants. "How are they back?"

Chris laughed evilly. "We found a way."

A flashback showed the aftermath green room, where Blaineley was seen alone, piecing paper shreds back together. She let out a massive groan. "Can I be finished with this mess yet?" she complained. Chef was sitting behind her in a lounge chair, shaking his head. "Great," the ex-host of the aftermath griped as she put glue on another paper shred.

Chris gathered everyone up. "Let's start with some basics for this round," he said. "Each of you guys placed top six in one of the three most recent seasons. Whether you got that in a deserving fashion," he kept speaking, as Marty smirked, "or, you just kind of floated," Flora frowned, "you're here. We'll be incorporating parts from your season here, to make this the most extreme challenge set yet!"

Everyone looked around. Nothing really changed on the island with the exception of the new dock. "Uh, care to explain a bit more?" Iris asked, almost annoyed that she had to ask.

Chris nodded. "Pahkitew contestants, I bet you've seen this place before." They all nodded. Some smirking, and some sighing. "You will also be revisiting some of those challenges. Your ratings sucked, but these guys nailed it," Chris addressed the Karon and Submerged contestants.

Chris then pointed to the Karon contestants. "Your implementation will be through strategy. This season, vote checking is back!" Everyone cheered.

Paul: He sighed. "Yeah, sure, I got third, but I was an idiot for not checking those votes. I didn't realize how easy it became to keep everyone in check. Now, when I lead my team, I'll crush it!"

Chris wasn't done. "Oh, and, you might remember this?" He pulled out a Chris head statue. "As a reminder, the sole vote idol takes all votes away, and lets you vote off the person of your choice. The normal nullification idol is not in play. This season, sole vote only. People hated when that other one was played."

Ethan snickered, remembering who played the standard nullification idol. "Imagine having played that one," he teased. Jonathan fumed behind him.

Jonathan: "What does he think he's doing? Is he trying to provoke me? I won't allow it!" He stood up with a determined expression, then sat again. "But for real, I need to think this season. I kinda messed up last time, and the time before that. I won't allow it to happen again."

Chris threw the sole vote idol at Chander. "Here, that's a great first job. Hide this." Chander nodded and ran off into the woods. "Oh, wait!" Chris shouted. Chander ran over to him. "Here's a path to the control room. You probably want to reprogram the animals to not go after you." Chander nodded and smiled. As he went off, Chris turned to the campers, who now looked a little more anxious. "If any of you even think to reprogram those animals to save you too, you're out."

Lavender sighed. "I dislike this mechanical theme. I'd prefer something natural."

Chris laughed. "Oh, you're getting natural this time." He kept laughing.

"Shouldn't have spoke," Lavender said. Chris was a master at twisting words, and the way he spoke immensely concerned the nature child.

"Wait, what about us?" Iris asked. "Oh no, are we singing?"

"No," the host clarified. Chris then thought of what he implemented from their season. "Uhh, well, we're on Pahkitew again. You all went there." The six who made it to the Atlantis challenge were not buying it. "Uh, your finale was really big and overdone, you can expect that here too." The still stared at him. "You guys really want something from your season?"

"On second thought," Flora spoke up, "I think we are content with what you have given us."

"Suck up," Marty muttered.

Paul tapped his shoulder. "Did you say something?"

Marty didn't move. "Nope."

Chris nodded. "Great, now, everyone over to the center of the island. We're doing challenges on day one!"

Kara: "I'm not buying this," she said with a skeptical look. "Of course we already know this place is mechanical. Something else has to be a gimmick this season. It's too tame so far."

Max: "It was quite foolish of them to let me back," he said with a smirk. He was pacing back and forth, rubbing his hands together. "I already know all the secrets to this place, and I will have the island again! Muahahahahahaha!"

As they walked to the center, some people began talking. Iris made her way over to Scarlett. "Do you expect me to believe that because your hair is in a bun that you've corrected yourself?"

Scarlett fumbled for an answer. "That's a bit insensitive. I was stationed in a correctional facility for a few years."

Iris pointed at Scarlett again, and then made a signal at her, signifying that she was watching her. What no one else noticed, was that after the attention left iris, she hung her head down briefly, sighed, and then shot up again, pretending like that whole exchenge never happened.

Shawn and Jasmine were talking in the back. "Do you think we'll be on the same team?" Jasmine asked.

Shawn nodded. "It'll probably be good versus evil, or a split between seasons. Regardless, we're good to go." The two smiled at each other, hoping to have a chance to work together this time.

Up front, someone else had another motive. Norm ran up to the front and stayed on pace with Chris. "So...I was reading the contract," he started.

Chris looked at him. Only one other player had read the contract that he knew of, and that player sued the show. "What do you want?" the host asked in a concerned, yet annoyed tone.

Norm shrugged, and lowered his voice so his words wouldn't reach the others. "To leave. The contract says we can't quit. What gives?" he wanted answers, and only Chris had them.

"It's a precaution against Flora, but we figured it'd be best if everyone had it. People like big dramatic eliminations better with betrayal. Quitting kind of ruins that," Chris explained. Norm sighed.

Norm: "I went all the way to the final four last season just to take out Marty," he complained. "Now, I'm stuck here competing again, and it's the last thing I want to do. There has to be a way out of this mess."

The groups continued walking, trying their best to go on their own ways, but some of them felt like talking and branching out. "Y'know," Sugar spoke up to two Karon contestants. "Ya'll should stick with me, since I'm a better strategist than both of you!"

Angie turned her head. "Oh, really? I made it to the final four off of pure merit."

"I made it off pure skill," Paul noted. "What did you actually make it on?" he asked.

Sugar laughed as the pessimist's joke, which wasn't actually a joke. "I made it off pure luck!" she said in an attempt to brag. Paul and Angie blankly stared at her.

Paul: "I-is she for real?" he asked. "This is who I could be stuck with. Ugh! Just let me know who I'll be leading."

Angie: "Sugar isn't off to a good start, but she deserves it," she mentioned. "I can't wait to carry my team to victory."

At this point, the walk was almost over, and the location for the challenge was almost in sight. Kayla groaned, but not notably from exhaustion. Her sister looked over to her. "Something wrong?" Kara asked in concern.

Kayla shrugged. She hadn't been feeling very different since winning Total Drama Submerged, but today she felt a bit odd, like it was finally sinking in. "I hate to say it," she said, "but honestly, I'm kind of bored. I won already, and even if I win again, it won't be beating as many people. I feel like i need to try something new."

Kara nodded. "Well, please don't get too carried away. You don't want to hurt anyone."

Kayla laughed at her sister's concern. "I'm not going to hurt anyone...yet." Kara looked at her with even more concern, which caused Kayla to laugh. "Kidding! C'mon, have some fun."

Kara shook her head and walked up to Chris, who was still trying to dissuade Norm from getting out of here as soon as possible. "You're ratings gold!" Chris told him. "Everyone loves you!"

Norm shrugged. "Than everyone can be disappointed. I will be gone as soon as I can, and you won't stop me." He walked off.

While the genius walked away, Kara approached the host. "So...nothing's new on this island besides the mechanical stuff?" Chris silently nodded. "You'd tell us if there was, right?"

"All the basics are covered," Chris told her. "If you're looking for secrets, good luck, because there aren't any." He picked up his pace as they neared the site. Kara allowed him to keep moving as she stayed with the group.

Kara: "Is it bad I'm worried for Kayla?" she asked the outhouse. "Probably. I have a bigger issue to deal with anyway, and that's finding out what's gonna happen this season. I know something's planned." She thought about it a but more. "Where are the teams? I don't even know the name of this season! It was never specified!" She cooled down and took a deep breath. "Oh yeah...I'm getting those secrets."

The eighteen campers gathered up in a cluster in front of a junk pile. "Oh no," Shawn groaned. "I've seen this before."

"That you have!" Chris exclaimed, smiling. The other Pahkitew campers and a few others groaned, quite aware of what was about to happen. "After our fun finale, Sky, the relationship reaper, left her pathetic boyfriend that she rejected on TV to die on the island." Sky fumed at the way Chris was speaking, but Chris chuckled at the mental pain of a contestant.

Chris continued to monologue. "Well, Dave got a bit upset that he was left there, and totally trashed the shelters before we were able to pick him up." A few people continued to look at him in concern. "Yes, he's alive." Everyone sighed in relief and despair, knowing that Dave is okay, but they'd have to repeat the challenge again. "So, you all need to drop through this pile and try picking up useful things this time." Chris eyed up the zombie nut. "Got it, Shawn?" Shawn rolled his eyes and nodded.

Everyone was about to run off, but Chris stopped them. "Hold on," Chris said, putting and end to their movement. "You all need to know your teams." He put up two banners, one with a purple eagle, and the other with a golden meerkat. "Teams will be strictly based on placements from the season in which you qualified."

He pointed to the purple banner first. "This team is the Extreme Eagles, the people who placed really well, or real poor." He pulled out a list and began to read off names.

"Shawn," he started, as the zombie nut moved his way over to the banner.

"Sky." Sky rolled her eyes at the host again and walked over.


Scarlett began to walk over. "Is sixth place really that bad, and didn't I place higher?"

"Max was technically eliminated after you," Chris said. Scarlett's eye twitched. "That's right, he placed higher than you."

"Ha!" Max teased. "I am truly the superior." Scarlett's eye twitched again, which Luna caught on to.

Chris shut them up and moved on with his list. "Ethan." Ethan nodded and walked over.

"Kara." Kara wasn't paying attention, as she was poking a rock, looking for stuff. Chris frowned and got out his loud speaker. "Kara!" Kara shot up at this and walked over to where the others are.

"Luna." Luna chose not to walk, and instead teleport to the desired location.

Norm watched her do that act. "You said that wasn't going to be a problem," he complained.

Luna smirked. "And you said you wanted out."

Norm halted. "I didn't say that to anyone else...I mean, woo." He deadpanned the last part.

Norm: "Yeah, I'm trying to leave," he admitted. "But I don't need people knowing that. I need to 'accidentally' cost us a challenge and get voted off traditionally. It's the only way Chris will buy it."

Luna: "He thinks he's smart," she mocked. "It took one mind read to do this. Knowing this is my last chance, I really need to go all out."

Chris shut the campers up again. "Kayla."

Kayla walked over to the team. "Hiya," she said to Kara. Kara waved, but was paying attention to a suspicious looking plant.

"Lavender." Lavender walked to the team, nervous to see the people who would be joining her, and likely fighting with her to stay in the game.

"And finally, Iris." Iris walked over to her team.

Chris swapped to the next team. "Now, the Middle Meerkats. You are the ones who kind of did okay, but not good enough."

"Are we really going through this?" Angie complained. "We already know who it is."

"Do not spoil this!" Chris demanded. "Starting off, Sugar." Sugar skipped over to the yellow banner and stood under it.

"Jasmine." Jasmine exchanged a sad glace to the Eagles, where Shawn was, then made it over to the meerkat banner.

"Max." Max smirked over at Scarlett and walked to the yellow team.

"Paul." Paul walked over to the banner and began to eye up the team.

"Angie." Angie stared down Paul as she walked to the team.

"Jonathan." Jonathan pumped a fist and went over to the team.

Jonathan: "This is a great team," he explained. "first of all, Ethan is on the other team, so he is not my problem." He sighed in relief. "Secondly, Scarlett and Luna, who look like serious threats, are also not on this team, which means we'll do well, and Ethan will go home fast." He crossed his arms and smiled. "Now I just need a strategy, and I'm going to win this game."

Chris continued announcing people who knew where they were going to be placed already. "Marty." Marty walked over and looked at Jasmine, who was still looking at Shawn.

"There an issue?" he asked her.

Jasmine nodded. "It's just Shawn is on the other team," she said. She then realized who she was talking to. "Hey, aren't you-"

"Going to help address that issue? You bet," he said. Jasmine stayed suspicious.

Marty: "I saw their season," he said. "They're a strong team. My goal? Make sure neither of them reach the merge. It can't happen."

"Norm, who is super excited to be here," Chris continued. Norm walked slowly over to the yellow banner, and sighed in boredom.

"Finally," Chris announced, "Flora." Flora nodded and walked over, exchanging a happy glace with Paul. On the other side, by the eagle banner, Lavender looked on, upset.

Chris looked at the teams. "Yeah, this is gonna be good."

Paul: "My team is lucky to have me," he bragged. "Plus, Flora is on my team finally. I'm super excited for that. I will lead them to victory."

Angie: "I guess I have no choice but to lead my team," she noted. "No one else can do it."

Kayla: "I have a diverse team who's used diverse strategies," she said with a smile. "This could be interesting."

Luna: "Ah, the joy of not having Norm to deal with," she said with relief. "No one can stand in my way."

Scarlett: "It's quite advantageous to not have Max with me. I can't wait to stop them all in their tracks." She then paused. "Luna will be an issue. But, I know better than to mess with the competition. I need to get rid of her fair and square, and I will."

Jasmine: "I don't trust that Marty guy," she told the outhouse. "I think he's up to something, and now I don't have Shawn to help me out."

Iris: "My team is going to be an issue," she said. "My issue isn't the personnel," she clarified, "but rather the cooperation. I'm not going to have fun trying to last through this pit of danger."

"Uh, Chris?" Lavender asked. "Any chance I could switch teams?"

Chris shook his head. "All of this is final. Good luck trying to make it through." Lavender sighed.

As the challenge was almost done setting up, the teams had a brief time to start speaking.

"So," Iris said in a doubtful tone. "Scarlett, care to tell us why we shouldn't send you away first?"

Scarlett sighed. "I cannot begin to apologize for my mistakes in the past, but I do hope you will allow me to try again. My time in solitary confinement was very helpful to my well being."

Iris shot her a look of distrust, but shrugged it off for the time being. As she began losing focus again, Luna eyed up Scarlett and smirked to herself.

Luna: She laughed to herself. "They all might fall for Scarlett's ruse, but I'm smarter than that. Besides, I'm at an advantage. It will be interesting to see what will happen to her." She laughed again. "This'll be good."

Chris sighed. "That kid's really taking a while to hide that idol," he thought out loud. He then scoffed. "I bet Chef would have done it faster. Oh well, he will learn..."

Meanwhile, the Eagles continued to converse. Kara looked over to Iris, who after speaking to Scarlett decided to keep quiet. She walked over, and decided to speak to her. "Hey, you got your hair dyed," she commented.

Iris scoffed at Kara. "Wrong. I reverted it back to what I normally keep it. I wanted all you people to remember that you don't know a thing about me." As she said this, Luna looked over at them and smirked.

Kara took note of the harsh tone of the paranoid girl. "You good?" she asked the paranoid girl, who nodded her head.

Iris dismissed any chance of conversation quickly. "I'm fine. Don't inquire again." Kara nodded and backed off. She felt like something was wrong with Iris, as she was not as snappy as normal. Kara decided to let it go for now.

The Meerkats were in a very different setting. "So, I'm going to be the leader," Paul noted. "I have the most experience here, and I'm very capable."

"As if." Everyone turned to see Angie, hands on her hips, and shaking her head. "You need to let me handle this. I know what I'm doing, and both my eliminations were flukes, if we recall."

Paul laughed. "Flukes? I tricked you, and you threw away your game for Gretchen!"

"Gretchen isn't here!" Angie countered. She was evidently mad now. "I'm focused on my game, and that will require me to be the leader!"

The two continued bickering, until someone interjected. "Guys!" Jasmine shouted. She stood above them, causing them to step back for a bit. "I'll take charge for this one. It'll get my mind of having to go up against Shawn again, and I've done this challenge before."

Paul and Angie exchanged glances, and eventually, Angie spoke up. "That will do, for now. But I'm leading this team."

"In your dreams," Paul muttered.

Jasmine: "Those two better not argue the whole time," she barked. "I need people to focus if we're gonna win some challenges." She then sighed. "I just hope Shawn'll be alright. He's going to have to fight hard so we can both stay in."

Eventually, Chander returned to Chris, huffing and puffing. "I...hid it..." he said in between breaths, trying to remain standing. "I don't think...anyone's...gonna find it..."

Chris nodded, happy he was back but still evidently mad at the amount of time it took his new co-host to return. "Thanks, we can finally get on with the game. I can't wait to put your abilities to the test!"

Chander's eyes went wide. "There's more to do?" he asked in a very shocked tone.

Chris laughed. "There's always more to do. Please keep in mind you get paid for each episode." That last sentence caught Chander's attention. He had forgotten that this job pays.

Chander: "This gig is probably gonna suck," he said, "but let's face it, I probably would not have beaten everyone here. So, I might as well get paid something for my efforts, right?"

The Meerkats and the Eagles look up at Chris, who stood next to Chander on the large rock face in front of the junk pile. "I hope you're all ready for this one, because it's gonna be even more brutal than before!" He cocked a tennis ball launcher, and handed it to Chander, who hesitantly took it.

Chris then turned to the camera. "Who's gonna dominate the first challenge? Will the team leaders hold their ground? Where in the world is that idol? Who's going to take everyone down? Find out this season on Total! Drama! Fiery Passion!"


Current Teams:

Extreme Eagles: Ethan, Iris, Kara, Kayla, Lavender, Luna, Scarlett, Shawn, Sky

Middle Meerkats: Angie, Flora, Jasmine, Jonathan, Marty, Max, Norm, Paul, Sugar

Elimination Order:

19th (kind of)- Chander, The Spooky Prankster

So, that's the first chapter, hope you like it!

Most people have their ambitions stated right off the bat. With the exception of the first boot, everyone will be involved in something. Chander doesn't count as the first boot, but he's there as a placement.

Speaking of Chander, welcome to the new co-host! I felt like I needed to do more with Chander, and the aftermaths got real caught up in Randall/Alexa stuff. So, here he is, playing a major role in this season. He too gets a super fun plot line with one of the contestants. Can you guess who?

Speaking of plot, the teams are here. Friendly reminder, anyone who wants to try and predict what will happen, I mentioned that Iris and Flora needed to be on those specific teams, which made their placements as they are. This is also the reason Lavender and Kayla's placements didn't matter, because they would have been on that team regardless.

The first challenge is going to be building shelters, since Dave did the thing...but the fire will come at the second challenge. I promise.

So, who's your pick to win this season? Who do you think is going to go far? Who don't you want to go far? Let me know in the reviews! I know you people will be excited!

Also, in terms of updating, the next chapter will go up when it's ready. No set time for anything this time around. I'm writing this a few months in advance so I imagine I'll have a few backed up by the time it actually goes up.

Finally, I have a poll set up on my profile, you might want to check it out.

Anyway, here's the opening. There's only one way to find out what happens next. See you next time!