It's been over a year since I've updated anything on this account.

This is a total stab in the dark, but honestly, I'd rather write and put out something than nothing at all.

If you like it, leave a review. I'll respond to every review I get without fail.


I Am Aware Now

Chapter I

And I am aware now of how

Everything's gonna be fine, one day

Too late, I'm in hell

I am prepared now

Seems everyone's gonna be fine

One day too late just as well

It's hard for her to know when it began, but she knows that it wasn't going to go away.

The way the light catches his hair, turning it from raven black to a gorgeous blue. His eyes, so deep and sensual, catching her in their depths and entrapping her. The way his lips quirk upwards ever so slightly whenever he was amused.

There's a stirring in her stomach every time she looks at him and she doesn't like it.

It's all subtle, and even she herself doesn't know and she means know until she sees him smile.

It was the silliest, stupidest thing that causes it.

They were on a mission, the wind blowing gently on the path they walk, Kakashi reading his book, Sakura chatting, Sasuke walking with his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his face. She finds herself bored, unable to find something to distract herself.

So she does what she does best—she catches everyone off guard.

"Kakashi-sensei, if I asked you to do something for me, would you do it?" she asks, pigtails gently swinging as she bounds up to his side, tugging at his sleeve.

"That depends," he says, lone eye still glued to his book. "On what it is, of course," he adds a second later.

"I can't tell you! You just have to promise that you'll do it for me!" she says.

Kakashi sighs audibly. "I suppose you won't be satisfied with a no," he murmurs. "Go ahead."

"Yeaaah!" she cries.

Then she jumps on Kakashi's back, hitching her legs around him and gripping his hair.

"Piggy-back time!" A twelve year old girl, swinging off a grown man's back, was a rather amusing sight. Especially considering she was clawing at his mask. Kakashi was trying in vain to pry her off with one hand and to keep his mask on with the other.

Sakura was giggling.

She didn't have time to take it in during the moment, but when Kakashi shrugsher off, it was still there.

She looks up, climbing to her feet, dusting herself off, and Sasuke was looking at her… smiling.

"Nice one," he says in that condescending-yet-caring voice of his, and she knows, she knows.

It's hard to come to terms with her own feelings, harder than anything she's ever had to do.


She likes Uchiha Sasuke.

She, Uzumaki Naruko, likes Uchiha Sasuke.

It was almost painful, but now she can't get it out of her head, and unfortunately, that means she can't get him out of her head either.

For years she had thought herself immune from the curse that had befallen Sakura and Ino, the curse of liking an emotionally stunted, cold, callous, cruel asshole like Sasuke.

Well, she thinks, it turns out that even she wasn't immune to him.

She tries to justify it in her mind, to come to terms with it, acknowledging (begrudgingly) that he was attractive in the conventional sense. They spent so much time around each other, well, it was only natural that one of them would grow feelings for the other and since Sasuke was incapableof feeling anything other than minor annoyance toward people… that meant it had to be her.

Which irks her, because really, she's supposed to be chased, she is not supposed to be the chaser. And yet she chases, unintentionally, not even realizing it.

Asking him to spar, to train more with her, subconsciously walking or standing near him and always looking at him when she plays one of her pranks, hoping against hope to elicit one of those coveted smiles that made her melt.

She hates it but every time he looks at her, smirks at her, talks to her, she thinks that she can live with it.

If only because she knew he wasn't going anywhere, nor was he going to be with anyone else.

He wasn't her's… but at least he was no one else's.

Thank you for reading. Leave a review and I'll respond to it as fast as I can; the first chapter (this is a prologue) should be out soon enough. Have a nice one!

This went unbetaed, written & edited by yours truly. I am looking for a beta so if you're interested, shoot me a DM.

If you have any questions, want to chat, or inquire about anything, feel free to shoot me a message for that too. I respond to everyone, so yeah. Cheers!