A/N: Thank you to everyone who has favourited and followed so far :) Shout out to sebas12 for your review :) All rights to respectful owners :)

Over the next few weeks Daphne and Harry continued training and studying in private. Harry had not given the egg much thought yet. But he didn't really need to if he was being honest. Daphne said she would ask her Aunt on the next tasks details.

"So Harry a few of my servants are wanting to visit. When they do however, I will make them pledge allegiance to you as well. I assume this will not be a problem?" Daphne asked in a purple silk robe.
Harry shook his head. "Out of curiosity who is coming?"

"Parkinson and Davis for now their weak and easy to bend to my will." Daphne said casually "I'd not disguise yourself for this. Need to show you aren't from that Mudblood bitch." Daphne said Harry who was how he looked without disguising himself nodded. "Oh and tonight we need to take the potion to remove our trace due to the time of year and celestial orbit. We could do a more complex ritual any time but who has time for that." Daphne said. "The associate of mine has provide for me." She said.

"Speaking of which who is this?" Harry asked.

"Oh Harry you will learn this Summer when we have a summer of fun." Daphne said slyly.

"Fair enough I trust you Daph. However now speaking of illegal matters do you think Snape could be useful to us. Well it just seems he is not happy with his lot in life. Yes, I know my Father told me not to trust him, but you know I am sure there are ways to make him comply. Or if not, we could just dispose of him down in the Chamber. Let's be real Daph who will find the body."

Daphne looked thoughtful, "It's a good theory he can be useful for his potion skills. But are you asking that just to benefit me?" Daphne asked.

"Well maybe a little bit Daph." Harry chuckled. "I got access to better potion makers then Snape will just dispose of him sometime." Daphne said smiling wickedly smoothing her robes out.

Just then they heard a knock on the portrait hole. Daphne went over and opened it. "Ladies welcome come in we have much to discuss." Daphne said she gestured them to the Sofa. Daphne had positioned the two armchairs in front of it.

Davis looked at Harry sitting their curiously. However Pansy was much different, "Potter!" She sneered.

"Parkinson." Harry said coldly. "Now Pansy play nice." Daphne said sweetly but with a tone of menacing in it. "Harry is my partner and you will show him the same respect as I." Daphne said.

"I will never work with Dumbledore's Golden Boy!" She sneered.

"Harry you have my permission." Daphne said calmly she said looking at Harry knowingly.

Harry drew his wand quickly and before Pansy could react Harry said "Crucio!" The girl fell to the floor screaming and writhing Harry looked down at her coldly. Daphne looked on at Harry with pride in her eyes. After two minutes of nonstop torture Harry lifted the Curse. "As you can see Parkinson, I am no Golden Boy! you won't work with me but for Daphne and I, do I make my self clear?" Harry said softly and darkly.

The girl didn't speak but nodded. "Parkinson, I said do I make my self clear!" Harry snarled.

"Ye Yes m my Lord." She stuttered out. "Good girl sit down on the sofa!" Harry snapped at her. Harry sat in his armchair. Daphne sat down next to him looking proud. "As you can see Pansy, Harry here is clearly not a Golden Boy and in fact is my equal and partner. By submitting to me you are submitting to him. But calling him your Lord you know this. But we are not like Voldemort." The other two girls shuddered in hearing that name. "Oh no were much smarter and better. You will swear and unbreakable vow to Harry and I." Daphne said a slight smirk playing on her face.

"Oh and if we refuse." Pansy asked getting brave again.

"Pansy Harry already had to torture you once don't tempt me as well." Daphne said harshly. "If you refuse will wipe your memory and of course there always the chance you'll end up like Lockhart." She sounded innocent when she mentioned Lockhart, but Pansy gulped in fear. "Glad we could come to an understanding." Daphne said sweetly. "And you Tracey what's your views on all this?" Daphne asked.

"I promised you years ago Daphne I'd follow you no matter what, if you want a vow you got one." She said proudly. Daphne smiled at her, "I knew you would Tracey you understand my destiny." She glanced at Pansy coldly. "Now on to the oath." Daphne said cheerfully. "This oath is non-negotiable, and we will not change how it is worded. I will ask you your name while Harry binds us. Then you will swear theses three things. One you will be loyal to Hadrian Darius Potter and Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass, and will not reveal anything we tell you with both of our express permission. Next you will be loyal and obey our instructions and complete them to the best of your abilities. Next you will swear to always remain loyal and never betray Harry Darius Potter and Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass." Daphne said in a business-like tone. "Now if you don't respond I will to all three questions I will deal with you." Daphne said threateningly. "So ladies do we have an understanding." Daphne said sweetly.

an hour later Daphne was seeing the two girls out of the room. "Well Harry that went well!" Daphne exclaimed excitedly. Harry nodded in agreement.

Daphne now had time to think more about Harry torturing Pansy. If Daphne was being honest with herself, she found it arousing. She just wanted to pull Harry into an embrace and make out with him. But she would have to control them urges Harry only saw her as a friend and future partner to rule the world with. Part of Daphne wanted more but she would settle for Harry as her friend. She wouldn't ruin their friendship for anything. Harry spoke however interrupting her thoughts, "So that Tracey she seems like your little puppy." Harry said smirking.

Daphne chuckled, "Tracey is a sweet girl, but I feel very little for her. She is a loyal servant and I reward the ones who are loyal." Then Harry spoke "But we torture those who need a reminder of who is in charge, making people submit and dealing with traitors."

"Very correct my friend." She said smiling. "So let's plan for when we take down them Muggles."

"I thought you'd never ask!" Harry exclaimed excitedly and that was all Harry and Daphne did for the next few hours.

Hope you enjoyed :D