A/N-1: One thing I mentioned before but there will be no reincarnation business or Otsutsuki either. Zetsu will be an experiment by Madara, using Hashirama cells to create the creature. Also no EMS either, it'll be similar to my other story The White-Storm of the Uzumaki clan. So no full blindness but eye strain. Sasuke already has his Mangekyou from killing Sakura and this probably upset some and one person reviewed that it shouldn't have happened or people should care as she was hated. However Sasuke did care about Sakura to an extent and awakened his eyes. Also for Ino they were friends despite the issues at the end of Sakura's life.

Disclaimer- I Don't own Naruto



Hollow Mask



Kotetsu sighs with a groan as he looks at the sky, "What a boring day" he muses. Izumo turns the page of his book called the kenpachi, "I rather have a day like this.. Than preparing for a war" he says.

"Rumors have it that Iwa and Kumo may have joined forces" kotetsu says and izumo closes his book.

"Yeah and over a kid who use to prank people and outrun Anbu" izumo says and both chuckle.

"To think he is the son of the Yondaime and the Red-hot Habernero" kotetsu says, as suddenly a large toad lands in front of the gate.

"What is your problem?!.. What I like a Flashy entrance.. Well we don't.. That's your problem Ero-sennin" several voices shout, as a puff of smoke erupts. Kotetsu and izumo come out of the guard shack as naruto and anko approach, with jiraiya trailing behind. Naruto was now wearing black cargo pants to the knee, with a knee high lace up boots. A long sleeve mesh shirt and a dark blue, sleeveless Kung-fu jacket with the squad eleven symbol on the back and their flower imprinted on upper chest on the left and the symbol of yarrow on the right, his half mask now having a skull print and black gloves with his goggles.

"How's it going Kotetsu and Izumo" anko chirps. She wears a white sleeveless blouse with purple corset vest, stocking arm sleeve on her right arm and black gloves, a black overall skirt, garter straps and black stockings with a gradient into purple. Lace up black boots with purple laces and grey trenchcoat.

"Things have been good.. Welcome back" kotetsu states.

"How are things in the village" jiraiya asks, as they get their papers stamped.

"Mebuki Haruno causes a bit of a problem but the village at large has accepted things" izumo comments. Naruto slips a lolipop in his mouth with a sigh, "I could care less about that" he muses.

"That's the spirit.. Lets go see Hime" jiraiya says, patting naruto on the back. Kotetsu and izumo watch the three leave, "You felt that.. Naruto's got the air of the Yondaime to him" kotetsu says and izumo nods.

"Naru-kun.. Seems the village has changed a little" anko muses, linking her arm with his and naruto nods.

"Two years is a long time.. Your reputation has changed as well as a proven Shinobi" jiraiya comments. Naruto breaks off from anko and leaps atop a light pole, "Home" he thought and sees tsunade's stone face, "They even put Baa-chan's face up" he muses, leaping down.

"N-naruto-kun.. Anko-chan" a soft voice says and the pair turn to see hinata with the konohamaru corp. Hinata wears a light lavender, sleeveless kimono-style blouse with vertical lines, tied with a dark purple obi around her waist. A pair of short dark navy shorts with thigh-high stockings and black high-heeled boots with pink finger-less gloves.

"Naruto-niichan.. Anko-neechan when did you get back" konohamaru shouts. Naruto ruffles konohamaru's hair, "Just now.. You're looking well" he says.

"I'll say.. Hinata's even sexier and more daring" anko says, cuping her chin. Hinata blushes slightly but kisses both on the lips, much to their shock and the others.

"Kurenai-Sensei helped me" hinata says but hears giggling, turning to jiraiya with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

"Jiraiya-sama.. I hope you're well" hinata says and jiraiya freezes with a chill up his spine. Anko starts laughing and turns to naruto but he was up the pole like a frighten cat, "Naru-kun" she shouts.

"That's impossible.. That was like Retsu" naruto thought, shaking as kurama and zetsuei laugh. Naruto comes down from the pole to confused looks but waves his hand, "So how's the academy" he says, to konohamaru.

"They recently have let us take D-ranks" udon states, adjusting his glasses.

"Yes.. Shishou has revamped the academy last year" hinata states and naruto slowly nods.

"Naruto-niichan check this out" konohamaru says and makes a ram-sign, "Oiroke: Onnanoko Dōshi no Jutsu" he declares, creating two women in an embrace and covered in smoke. Jiraiya has a nosebleed as does anko but to a minor extent and hinata sighs.

"Humu.. Nice but" naruto says and uses his sexy jutsu, wearing his clothes.

"You have do a bit better.. Ara-ara" naruto or naruko says, with wink and a kiss. Anko collaspes with a nosebleed, while hinata hides her own but jiraiya rockets into the sky.

"Naruto-niichan.. You are the master" konohamaru says, bowing and naruto chuckles.

"Alright let's go see Baa-chan" naruto says and everyone nods as jiraiya slams into the ground.

#Hokage Tower#

"Welcome home Brat" tsunade says, hugging her fellow blond. Anko stood next to naruto as jiraiya was sitting with hinata and shizune.

"You're training has shown great results.. So I won't have to test you" tsunade says and the pair nod but a knock at the door catches their attention. It opens to reveal shikamaru and temari, the blonde now wearing a purple long-sleeved blouse with a high collar under a grey top, and a dark blue skirt with a split in the middle revealing her leggings.

"Naruto?!.. Its been too long" shikamaru states. Naruto ruffles his hair with an eye smile, "Yeah it has Shikamaru.. Temari" he says.

"Only a few months" temari comments. Tsunade clears her throat, "Naruto.. Now that you'e back.. You'll be assigned back to Team-7 with Hinata and the newest member once they return.. Kakashi will meet you at eight am at the Training ground-7" she starts and naruto nods.

"Anko.. You'll assigned back to your previous postion as in the T&I department and assessed if you are ready to raise your rank to Jonin" tsunade adds and anko smirks.

"Thank you Hokage-sama" both said, bowing and excusing themselves. Temari, shikamaru and hinata soon follow them after they delivery their reports.

"So how strong is he now" tsunade states.

"He'll be ready if Iwa.. Kumo or Akatsuki make a move.. My spies are pinning down the latter's base of operations but they indicate.. They'll start moving soon" jiraiya explains.

"Patrols have noted activity on the borders even in Wind" shizune explains and jiraiya cup his chin.

"Onoki is a stubborn man.. His haterd for Minato would drive him to war.. So much hate" jiraiya says. Tsunade leans back in her chair with a sigh, "Adding Kumo and the fact both villages have Jinchuriki that can fully utilize their Biju is a dangerous prospect" she says.

"Naruto's Hiraishin could negate things and He's furthering his control over the nine-tails chakra.. He'll need it" jiraiya states an tsunade slowly nods.


"Seems most of the village has come to terms about you" anko muses, arm in arm with naruto.

"Maybe but we'll see once word spreads" naruto says, as the reach the house and opens the gates.

"Mama.. Papa" a voice shouts. Naruto squats down to pick up a running kuroshiro, "Good girl" he says, as kuroshiro licks his face.

"Hey little queen" anko says and kuroshiro licks her face.

"Missed.. Do me a concern but back now" kuroshiro says. Naruto lets her down and she follows them inside, meeting karin and tayuya as they were heading out.

"When'd you get back" karin says, hugging naruto.

"Not long ago.. We saw Hokage-sama" anko says.

"Cow Lady" kuroshiro comments and naruto snorts, glancing to tayuya and she looks away.

"We'll see you later.. We should have a party" karin says and naruto slowly nods.

"Yeah we can do that.. We can go Akimichi BBQ" naruto states and karin nods, as they leave. Naruto heads to the living room and anko was playing with kuroshiro, "So did you miss us Kuroshiro" he asks.

"Much concern" kuroshiro says, between anko squishing her cheeks.

"Well we're home now.. I'm going unpack and change.. I'll set things up for the party later" naruto says and anko nods.

"I'll go see Hana and Nai-nee.. Wanna come Kuroshiro" anko says and her pupper nods. Naruto unloaded their pack and changed out of his clothes into a pair of shorts, a henley shirt and running shoes.

"Be back soon" naruto says, kissing anko and kuroshiro. The blond quickly makes his way into village proper, people giving him various looks but he ignores it.

"I remember this chakra" a monotone voice says and naruto stops as a small bug was on his cheek.

"I know that articulation" naruto says and turns, "Been awhile Shino" he adds, letting the bug take some chakra and return to him. Shino was about to continue the conversation but a big dust up erupts and the source being akamaru and kiba.

"Yo Shino" kiba shouts and naruto waves the dust from his sight.

"Still the same huh Kiba" naruto says and kiba turns to him, with a quirked eyebrow but sniffes naruto.

"Oh Naruto.. When did you get back" kiba says. Naruto rubs akamaru on the head, "This morning.. So can you speak too Akamaru" he says.

"Yes I can" akamaru says and naruto smiles.

"Anyway.. I'm putting together a welcome home party for us at Akimichi BBQ.. So spread the word for me" naruto says and leaps off.

"Whoo a party.. Come on Akamaru.. Lets tell the others" kiba says and akamaru barks, as they rush off and leaves shino in silence.


"So how are thing with your clan" naruto asks, happening upon hinata.

"Yes.. Some of the elders still look down on my Juken but the fact that I defeated Neji-niisan and I'm a student Tsunade-shishou helped in that regard" hinata says.

"What about Neji" naruto asks.

"Neji-niisan is doing better and has been promoted to Jonin" hinata replies and naruto nods in awe. The pair continue through the village and soon come upon the yamanaka flower shop as ino steps but naruto sees the streaks of pink hair and the bang covering her right eye. The blonde now wears a high-collared, purple blouse, with a long purple skirt and black shorts undernneath, calf-length kunoichi boots and forearm mesh arm wear.

"Hey Hinata" ino starts but gasps, seeing naruto.

"Naruto?!.. When did you get back" ino asks. Naruto rubs the back of his head and slick back his bangs, "Today.. I'm actually inviting the rookies and Senseis for a party at seven" he says and ino lights up.

"Oh thats fine" ino says and naruto slowly nods with a smile.

"Um what's with the pink" naruto asks and the pair frown, with a sigh.

"Its to remember Sakura.. I know were in a bad place before her death.. However we were friends as kids.. I can at least remember her in some way" ino explains. Naruto sighs with a look to the sky with a nod, "Well.. I hope to see you party" he says, excusing himself and hinata follows him.

"See ya later and looking good Naruto" ino shouts and naruto snorts.

"She's not wrong" hinata says and naruto chuckles.

"So any idea who our third teammate is" naruto asks but hinata places her finger on his lips.

"Sorry its a secret.. I need to help Hanabi.. I'll see you at the party" hinata states and kisses his cheek, before water-shunshining away. Naruto makes his way to akimichi bbq and booked everything for the party.

"Naruto?!" iruka shouts and naruto turns, smiling and waving.

"Hey Iruka-sensei" naruto says and falls in step with him, regaling him about his training trip. Iruka to say to the least was shocked about naruto's travels and a look forms, "You've changed so much Naruto" he says.

"Well your teachings helped lay the foundation Iruka-sensei" naruto comments and iruka rubs the back of his head.

"Well I still need to take care some things.. I'l see you at six Iruka-sensei" naruto says and shunshins away, heading back home for final prep.

#Akimichi BBQ#

"Congratulation and Welcome Home" numerous voices shout. The remaining rookies save neji, all their senseis, yugao, hayate, karin, tayuya, tsunade, temari shizune and hiruzen held up drinks and were clapping. Naruto sits next to anko and hinata with their drinks raised, "Thanks" he says.

"I heard you're in the Bingo book.. First of our class.. Well except for Teme" kiba comments, downing some sake. Naruto stuffs some meat in his mouth with a nod, "Iwa put a bounty on my head because of my dad.. I even took out a Iwa Jonin nicknamed the Mountain" he says, after swallowing.

"He was an A-rank threat" shikamaru says and naruto shrugs his shoulders.

"He only used some Doton Jutsu against me.. I took him down with the Rasenshuriken" naruto replies.

"Rasenshuriken" ino asks. Anko wipes her mouth and downs some sake, "Its an S-rank Ninjutsu Naru-kun created.. An upgraded Rasengan adding his Futon affinity" she explains and the rookies gawk.

"And he shouldn't use it unless necessary" tsunade chimes in and confuses the rookies.

"It has a drawback.. Not only does it do damage to the receiver but the creator as well.. Luckily I was using my guantlets to contain the blow back but they were destroyed in the process" naruto explains.

"Mendokusei.. You never do things in moderation" shikmaru comments and temari scoffs.

"If Iwa wants his head.. He needs to be as strong as he can muster" temari states and naruto slowly nods, with stretched cheeks like a squirrel.

"Will war really come" hinata asks. Kakashi looks over the rookies and to tsunade as the blonde clears her throat, "I won't sugarcoat this but War is a possibilty.. Old grudges still remain.. If things escalate.. Konoha will act accordingly" she explains and sighs.

"Sorry for bringing down the mood but it needed to be said" tsunade adds. The rookies remained quiet as the mood was a bit soured but it picked up as kiba got into the sake. Tsunade started a card game but banned naruto from it, forcing the younger blond to watch from the sideline.

"Na-naruto-k-kun so far way" hinata says, her cheeks red and a sake cup in her hand. Naruto arches an eyebrow as anko snorts with a shot of sake, "Are you drunk Hinata" he asks but hinata puffs her cheeks.

"I-i'm not drubk" hinata says, touching naruto's cheeks. The blond flicks her forehead and hinata whines but he kisses her forehead, "I think you are" naruto says. Kurenai approaches with a sigh, "Yes you are Hinata" she says and hinata shakes her head.

"Yeaaaah Hinata's not drunk" kiba howls, his face completely red. The night continues as the rookies got various states of drunkness except shino, lee and naruto but only through kurama. However all of them were unaware of the calamity on the horizon and battle taking place with their ally.

#Next Day#

Naruto tries to reset his brain as he was staring at haku next to a slighlty hung over hinata and sober kakashi. The ice kunoichi wears a dark blue kimono, which extends to her mid-thigh, with a white nagajuban underneath. She also has a white obi adorned with snow flakes and white stocking with geta sandals. Naruto himself is wearing dark blue cargo pants, tucked into knee high lace up boots. A sleeveless a white uniform jacket with an orange zipper and buttons on the waist, black gloves with a violet palm and a white, open-front apron with black whirlpools on the bottom.

"You're Team-7's new member" naruto says and haku slowly nods.

"Yes thanks to our Shinobi Exchange Program.. Neji-san and I were chosen for it and Tsunade-sama allowed me to join Team-7 temporarily" haku explains.

"Haku is correct.. Before we take a mission.. I want you to show Hinata and Haku your Hiraishin" kakashi states. Naruto slowly nods and pulls out three of his hiraishin knives, handing one to haku, hinata and kakashi.

"The Hiraishin is the signature of my Father and created by the Nidame Hokage.. It allows the user to transport either themselves or objects.. Simply these knives let me create a space-time void to move instantly" naruto explains and clears his throat, "Ok first.. Haku throw the knife into the tree.. Then Hinata towards the sky and Kakashi-sensei your choice" he adds. Haku tosses her knife towards the tree but gasps as naruto flashes to it, before flashing to hinata's thrown knife.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu" kakashi thought, blasting a fireball towards the air-borne naruto but the blond blinks behind the silver-fox to knife in his hand.

"Now imagine that with a hundred knives and Kage Bunshin" kakashi says and both girls pale slightly.

"The Ramification were seen in the Third War as my Sensei.. Minato Namikaze became the Kiiroi Senko" kakashi adds and both nod.

"Changing subjects.. How about the two of you.. When I saw you last.. You had improved your Hyoton" naruto says and haku blushes slightly.

"I have.. Mei-sama found old Yuki clan Jutsu and I have added tofa swords to my skillset.. Zabuza-sama's request" haku explains.

"I've added Tsunade-shisou's strength technique and Suiton to my Juken.. Even using senbon launchers like Shizune-sama" hinata states and naruto whistles. Suddenly Neko appears in a swirl of leafs, "Team-7.. Hokage-sama requests your presence" she says and vanishes.

"You heard her.. Lets go" kakashi says and all of them vanish, heading to the hokage tower. Team-7 arrives to tsunade's office and inside were shizune in her jonin gear, "Team-7 reporting" kakashi states. Tsunade leans back in her chair with serious look on her face, "We recieved an emergency message from Sunagakure.. The Kazekage was kidnapped by Akatsuki" she starts and the room goes silent.

"Temari no Sabaku left this morning to return.. Team-7 and Shizune will catch up to her and provide back up to Sunagakure" tsunade adds and team-7 bows.


Team-7 and shizune race through the forests of fire country towards sunagakure, "They finally started to move" kurama says and naruto mentally nods.

"I should've given him one my knives" naruto thought but sees temari ahead of them, "Kakashi-sensei" he shouts. The group catches up to temari and explain the situation, "It'll take about two days to reach Suna.. We shouldn't waste time" kakashi says and all of them pick up the pace. Two days later the main entrance comes into the view and the group are met by suna Anbu, who quickly guide them to the hospital.

"Kankuro was poisoned?!" temari says.

"Yes.. Baki-sama even contacted Chiyo and Ebizo-sama for assistance but the poison is foreign to them but they say it was from Sasori of the Red Sand" one anbu say and temari's breath hitches. Temari quickly pushes open the doors with shizune and hinata following her but suddenly a small old woman rushes toward kakashi. She has black eyes and lavender coloured hair tied in a bun. A marron headband and a dark coloured, loose fitting outfit with a poncho-like top.

"Prepare yourself Konoha's White Fang" she shouts, with a leap. Naruto shoots in front of kakashi to block her punch with his left hand and her foot with his right forearm, forcing her back into a crouch.

"She's good" naruto thought.

"I will never forget that day.. I will avenge my son.. Konoha's White Fang" she shouts, preparing to attack but a small old man gets in her path. He has heavy-lidded eyes and very long eyebrows that frame each side of his face. Along with a turban wrapped around his head and a dark coloured, loose fitting outfit with a poncho-like top.

"Chiyo.. Take a good look at him.. He resembles the White Fang but that's not him.. Moreover the White Fang died many years ago.. You even cried tears of regret" he says and chiyo tilts her head.

"Oh.. I was just pretending to be senile.. Hahaha" chiyo says and everyone sweatdrops. Kankuro suddenly screams in pain and claws at his throat, shaking everyone back as shizune and haku check over him.

"Kakashi.. Naruto.. Haku can you give us the room" shizune says, the three nod with chiyo and her brother ebizo following them out but chiyo give shizune a look.

"That girl.. Who is she" chiyo asks. Naruto crosses his arms with his legs, "Hinata Hyuga and Shizune Kato-Senju" he says and both siblings freeze.

"The Slug Princess has a child" ebizo says and naruto slowly nods.

"It was highly guarded secret in Konoha" kakashi adds.

"Kakashi-sensei.. The White Fang.. Chiyo-sama mentioned" haku says and kakashi closes his book, sighing.

"He was my Father" kakashi replies and chiyo gasps, pointing a finger.

"Y-you're the son of the White Fang" chiyo says and ebizo cups his chin nodding.

"You do resemble him and the young blond resembles the Yondaime Hokage.. I heard you came to the village months ago" ebizo states and naruto slowly nods. A few hours pass as shizune, hinata and an alternating haku extract the poison from kankuro with techinque created by shizune. Baki soon came and caught kakashi up on the situation as haku comes out to reveal kankuro was awake.

"We'll need to head to place of Kankuro's battle to see if any scents were left behind" kakashi says. Kankuro grunts loudly as he sits up, "N-no need.. Have my Puppets been recovered" he says and baki nods. Two jonin bring the puppet remains, "There were two enemies.. Even if they split up.. One has Gaara's scent on him" kankuro says, pointing to the black cloth in one hand.

"Even if you fall.. You won't fall without a fight" kakashi says and kankuro manages a weak smile but grunts in pain.

"N-naruto.. Save him.. Please" kankuro says and naruto nods with a serious look on his face.

"Alright.. Naruto.. Haku.. Hinata.. Pakkun will track their scent and assess.. Then we'll engage" kakashi explains and all of them nod.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" kakashi says and summons his ninja-hounds. Each hound of a different dog species notably being a bulldog, shiba and greyhound.

"Yo.. Eight ninja hounds at your service" pakkun says. He is a small, pug with brown fur and a dark brown snout and ears. Pink-coloured paws and wears the standard outfit of kakashi's ninken which consists of a blue vest with the heno-heno-moheji seal and a Konoha hitai-ate.

"I need the eight of you to find out which way the enemy headed" kakashi says and squats down to let them sniff the cloth.

"Right.. We'll contact you once we find anything" pakkun says.

"Pakkun wait.. Take this with you" naruto says and hands the hiraishin knife.

"Is this what I think it is.. Clever Naruto" pakkun says and all of them vanish.

"That would cut down on travel time.. Can you transport all of us if needed" kakashi says and naruto nods with a thumbs up.

"Kankuro.. Tell me directly from your own mouth.. Was it Sasori" chiyo says and kankuro wince, slowly turning to her.

"Yes.. It was Sasori of the Red Sand" kankuro states and chiyo glances to kankuro's puppet with the stamp of red scorpion.

"If Sasori is apart of Akatsuki.. We could any useful information on him" kakashi states and chiyo sighs, beckoning for kakashi to follow her. A few hours pass and night fall comes as shizune completes the antidote for kankuro and a few for the team if needed.


Bull points on the map as kakashi folds his arms, "That is there hideout" he asks and bull nods, "Pakkun is there as well" he adds, again bull nods. Kakashi eye-smiles and rubs bull's head, "You all did good work" he says, handing bull a treat and dismissing him.

"Right Pakkun is on standby and waiting" kakashi says and turns to his determined team. Temari was with them with several suna ninja and including matsuri but baki drops down suddenly.

"Temari.. I want your team to patrol the border for now" baki says and temari gasps.

"Are you serious.. We need to save Gaara.. We can just wait on the sidelines" temari says but chiyo drops down with a bag.

"We won't.. I'll be going with the Konoha team" chiyo says and smirks, "Besides I haven't doted on my grandson in ages" she adds. Naruto rolls his neck and pulls out another hiraishin knife, "Alright.. Lets head out.. Everyone touch my back" he says and says and everyone complies. Naruto holds up a half-ram sign with his knife crossed over, "Hiraishin no Jutsu: Shunpo" he thought and they vanish in a blue with yellow flash. They reappear in a forest in front of pakkun and the other knife, "That's a sight.. I thought I would never see again" pakkun says.

"How far is the hideout" kakashi asks and pakkun points ahead of them.

"Not far away but I saw a seal" pakkun states. Hinata activates her byakugan and sees the large rock between a tori gate with a large seal but see three more, "Pakkun is right but I see four other seals and all of them linked" she explains, relaxing her eyes.

"An early warning system perhaps or prevent entry" haku comments.

"A Five-seal Barrier" chiyo comments. Naruto squats down and places his hand on the ground with his eyes closed, none of them notice his whiskers start to link.

"Gaara is inside with two others but his chakra is draining at an alarming rate.. He doesn't have long before its completely drained" naruto says, shocking everyone.

"Naruto.. You're a Sensor?!" kakashi says and naruto opens his eyes, as his whisker return to normal.

"Yeah in a sense.. I can deal with the seals but we'll need to presice on the entrance" naruto states and creates four clones, before the leap off.

"Hinata can you break the boulder" naruto asks and hinata nods, as the group make their way to the cliff's edge.

"Alright.. Ready Hinata" naruto says, placing his hand on on her back with a half ram-sign.

"I can't believe a village I avoided because I couldn't believe in alliances is trying to help us" chiyo thought.

"Alright in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Now" naruto shouts and both vanish, as the clones rip the seal.

"Hakke Kūshō" hinata shouts, shattering the boulder and naruto tossing a hiraishin knife the opening.

#One Minute Earlier#

Zetsu's eyes open wide, "Enemy?!" he shouts and the akatsuki memeber's eyes shoot open as the boulder shatters and something streaks in.

"What the Fu..." deidara shouts but his breath hitches. Naruto appears with a delayed dropkick to his face, sending him flying off his stone finger.

"Bakudō #63.. Sajō Sabaku" naruto shouts, swipes his left arm back. The yellow chain erupts from his hand and latches onto gaara, allowing the blond to yank him free and disrupt their jutsu.

"Stop him" pein shouts. Naruto catches gaara and lands with a skid as deidara recovers, "Take this" he shouts.

"Haku" naruto shouts. A wall of ice mirrors surrounds the blond as several clay birds explode around the area, allowing the blond to flash back to the entrance.

"Deidara.. Sasori.. Recapture the Ichi.. We only extracted ninety percent of its chakra" pein says and the projections cease, also the statue vanishing a puff of smoke. Sasori stares at the group but particulary chiyo, "Deidara deal with them.. I'll handle the Kyubi Jinchuriki" he says.

"Right Sasori-danna" deidara says and creates a large bird. Naruto tosses kakashi a hiraishin knife, "Take Gaara and go Sensei.. I'll hold them off" he says, shocking his teammates.

"You?!.. Hold us off-hmm.. Hahahaha" deidara shouts but naruto laughs right back at him.

"I can.. I saw the look on your face.. When I appeared.. Means you've heard or seen That Jutsu before" naruto says and deidara grits his teeth.

"Yeah Jinchuriki.. I'll show you my Art" deidara says but sasori gets in his path.

"Don't get full of yourself Deidara" sasori says.

"Go Kakashi-sensei" naruto interjects and both akatsuki members jerk as kakashi, hinata and haku leap out of the entrance.

"After them Deidara" sasori shouts and deidara tsks, leaping on his bird.

"Another time Kyubi Brat" deidara shouts, flying out the cavern after the remains of team-7.

"I heard you retired years ago.. Granny" sasori says, his tail swishing back and forth. Chiyo makes her way next to naruto as the blond holds five knives in both hands, "I wanted to see my grandson after so long" she says and naruto's eyes narrow.

"I can tell his battle experience and how many he's killed.. Omoshiroi" naruto thought, as chiyo steps forward.

"Naruto.. Step back and support me" chiyo says and pulls eight kunai from her robes, linked by chakra string.

"Assault Blade" chiyo shouts, firing the kunai enmasse. Sasori stays motionless but his tail moves and chiyo moves her finger, making the kunai change direction and cutting his robe in several places.

"If you're going to continue to defy me.. I have no choice to add to you my collection.. Granny Chiyo" sasori hisses, his cloak ripping away and reveal his body. A large demon mask on its back with the scorpion tail coming out of it, its left arm rigged with a projectile launcher.

"A puppet" naruto says and chiyo slowly nods.

"Puppetmasters have trouble with close-combat but that body surmounts that issue.. Its Sasori's specialty Hiruko" chiyo states.

"Do you know how I make my collection.. I start with the organs.. Then wash the body throughly.. Then extract the blood and make the body free of decay.. Counting the two of you.. I will soon have three hundred in my collection.. That is my Art" sasori says.

"Art?!.. Turning people into puppets is Art to you" chiyo shouts.

"Yes and soon you will be apart of my Art" sasori says.

"Naruto.. Prepare yourself.. I have made the first move" chiyo says and pulls her hair free.

"You know I hate waiting Granny" sasori shouts and the pair shoot forward. Naruto tosses his knives around the room as sasori rips the cloth from his face, firing numerous senbon needles. Chiyo dodges and parries as naruto flashes between his knives, trying to close the gap between them and sasori.

"So that's the famed Hiraishin" sasori thought, using his left arm and firing it off. The arm shoots forward and explodes into wood but in the wood were more needles.

"Watch out Granny" naruto shouts and weaves several signs, with a deep breath.

"Futon: Toppa" naruto thought, blowing the needles off course.

"I am being Mocked" sasori thought. Naruto sprints forward as chiyo remains unmoving, before the blond tosses his knife forward. Sasori sends his tail forward to block it but his tail freezes, "What?!" he thought, as naruto appear above him via the knife.

"Odama Rasengan" naruto thought, shattering hiruko but someone leaps away. The real sasori lands a few feet from them with a black cloth over his body.

"So you've come out.. Show me your Face.. Its been twenty long years" chiyo says. Sasori moves his right hand and his hiruko head moves and shoot up, firing even more needles. Naruto quickly grabs zetsuei from his back and channels futon into a spin, keeping the needles at bay and flashes next to chiyo via a knife.

"As I thought.. You attached chakra string to Hiruko's tail.. It was your first attack with the kunai" sasori says and rips the cloak from his body, causing chiyo's eyes to widen in shock.

[Music: Sasori Theme]

Standing before them was a young man about naruto's age with short, mousy red hair and a dreamy look on his face, with a faint smile. Chiyo's eyes were wide and flickering as naruto glances between the two, "Granny is this him" he says.

"I-its impossible.. He hasn't aged a day" chiyo thought. Sasori tilts is head with a smirk, "What's wrong Chiyo-baa.. Are you so filled with emotion.. You've lost the capacity to speak" he says but chiyo remain silent.

"Well it can't be helped.. Its our first meeting twenty years.. So I'll show you something that will move you" sasori says, as a scroll comes out his right sleeve. He slowly opens it as it reveal the kanji for three, "It was hard to acquire this piece" sasori says and channels some chakra. The scroll glows purple and erupts in smoke as a figure appears, causing chiyo's breath to hitch and eyes to lickerf.

"That's?!.. Impossible.. T-thats the Sandaime Kazekage" chiyo says and naruto whips his head back to her.

"Sandaime Kazekage" naruto questions and sasori chuckles as the puppet undulates around his body.

"Doesn't this take you back Chiyo-ba.. He disappeared over Ten years ago and threw the village in complete and utter panic" sasori explains.

"Sasori.. How could you" chiyo shouts and sasori's eyes narrow.

"What if I did.. You mean a retired bat with one foot in the grave.. Is about to avenge the Sandaime Kazekage" sasori states.

"I may have one foot in the grave but I brought my old butt here.. If I died now it would be with too many regrets.. One being my grandson falling in with a bad crowd and that grandson would meddle with the Kazekage for a third time" chiyo shouts.

"Oi oi don't blame the Yondaime on me.. One of my subordinates guided Orochimaru into killing Rasa" sasori counters.

"Its the same as if you did" chiyo retorts. Sasori chuckles a bit and sways his head back, "I am may be paired with Orochimaru is the past with Akatsuki" he says.

"So you know where Pedomaru is hiding" naruto says, interjecting himself in the conversation.

"Maybe.. Maybe not Jinchuriki.. I despise keeping people waiting.. Shall we commence with your capture" sasori says, moving his hand forward.

[Music: Naruto Shippuden OST - Stalemate]

The sandaime rockets foward with its arms wide but it right arm flexes and several poison blade emerge. Chiyo sends hiruko's tail to intercept but the tail shatters as the blade nears naruto, the blond acting quickly with zetsuei and a back-step.

"Not bad Jinchuriki but how about this" sasori says, whipping his arms. The sandaime's left arm open to show numerous panels with kanji written, before a plethora of puppet arms shoot out and crashes into naruto but the blond emerge from the debris cloud. Sasori's eyes narrow as the arms were cut to pieces, "No matter try this" he thought, moving a finger. A purple poison cloud erupts from one of the arms to fill the area, "Naruto hold your breath" chiyo shouts.

"It won't matter" sasori thought but danger senses went off. Naruto flashes behind sasori with zetsuei raised, "Did you forget I my knives" he says but sasori smirks. Naruto brings zetsuei down but she clangs on a wall of black sand, "Sand?!.. Where?!" he thought and flashes to another knife.

"Impossible.. It can even use his Kekkai Genkai" chiyo shouts. The sandaime breaks away from the mutilple arms as black sand was pooling under the puppet and now coming from its mouth.

"The most feared power of the Sandaime.. The Iron Sand" sasori says. Chiyo quickly unfrurls two scroll and reveals two puppets, "The Father and The Mother" she states.

"You kept those old things huh.. No matter.. I'll crush them and you into paste" sasori shouts. Naruto shoots forward from sasori's left but the sand rises, "Satetsu Shigure" sasori thought. The sand rains down towards naruto and chiyo but the father and mother create a shield as naruto flashes through several knives. Chiyo tries to reign in her breath and moves her puppets but the iron sand is covering them.

"You're supossed to dodge that Jutsu.. So long as I have the Sandaime's Jiton.. Those puppets are useless.. So I'll kill you this time" sasori says, as the sand forms spears. Sasori sends the sandaime forward as the spears plummet towards chiyo but it opens its chest, sending more chakra and increasing their speed. The ground explodes chiyo but naruto emerges from the cloud with her under his arm and hiraishin knife in hand.

"He's keeping track of my knives.. Only a few more left" naruto thought, letting chiyo down.

"Naruto you should escape.. Weapons made if iron or steel are useless" chiyo says but naruto shakes his head.

"It wouldn't do me any good.. I'm their target" naruto states, sealing zetsuei away. The iron forms wings for the sandaime as well as a large slab and reverse triangle, "He's right Chiyo-ba.. He's my target.. You are a minor annoyance" sasori states. Naruto cracks his knuckles as his eyes turn red and slitted, "Well lets see you try and take me" he says and glances to chiyo, "Support me as best you can.. Even use me a puppet if needed" he says. Chiyo gasps but slowly nods to attach several strings to naruto, before the blond shoots forward.

"How ridiculous" sasori says and sends the iron triangle forward. Naruto and chiyo break right as the triangle stretches and rips through the ground and wall to the outside.

"Above" chiyo shouts and yanks naruto back, as the iron pillar slams into the ground. Naruto shoots forward and clenches his left fist with kyubi chakra coating it, "Kyubi Ikkotsu" he thought, slamming his fist into the iron pillar and sending it careening into the opposite wall and shaking the cavern.

"Oi Oi impossible" sasori thought, landing on a wall and drops down. He reforms the triangle and pillar, sending the triangle forward in a full spin and naruto dodges. The pillar shoots forward next but naruto breaks right, avoiding the spinning triangle but punches into the ground once again. Naruto launches towards the pillar and uppercuts it into the ceiling of the cavern to the surface, causing pieces of the roof to collaspe around them. Sasori sends the iron contructs forward and naruto returns them a like crude game of pinball, as more and more of the cavern collaspes until the the sky is visible.

"Oi Sasori-danna.. This game of Pinball is getting boring" naruto says. Sasori narrows his eyes and brings the iron sand together, "I would agree.. Satetsu Kaihō" sasori states and the sand erupt into hundreds of spears, crashing into naruto and chiyo with a large gust of dust.

[Music: Bleach OST - Stand Up Be Strong]

The cloud of debris dissipates as sasori looks on but smirks as chiyo's left arm was pinned under a rock. Chiyo struggles to move and looks for naruto, "Naruto?!" she shouts but gasps, seeing among the spears. The blond has several cuts on his skin as he staggers forward but collaspes to his knees and chiyo's eyes widen, "Oh no He's poisoned" chiyo thought.

"Impressive to come this far Kyubi Jinchuriki but its over.. Your body will become numb and you'll be unable to move.. I'll have keep you alive until we extract the Kyubi" sasori says and sends the sandaime forward to capture naruto. It nears naruto but naruto puffs into smoke, causing sasori and chiyo to gasp. The real naruto erupts from the ground with his Chidori shatters the sandaime to pieces, causing the iron sand to lose cohesion and falls around them as the blond rises to his feet.

"He fooled me with a Kage Bunshin" sasori thought. Naruto lands next to chiyo and lifts the rock off her arm, "Are you alright" he says and chiyo nods.

"Impressive Jinchuriki.. I'll admit that but to think.. You'd push me to use Myself in battle" sasori thought, unclipping his robe.

"I haven't used this since I joined the Akatsuki" sasori says, tossing off his robe and naruto's eyes widen.

"A puppet body.. That explains why he's so young looking" kurama says. Sasori's body was indeed that of a puppet with a pair of spinning claws attached to his lower back, a holder for four scrolls on his back, a stinger in the empty and open stomach cavity, with a compartment in his right chest.

"Its been awhile since I used Myself" sasori says, standing on his posion covered cord.

"This proves why he's remained young all these years" chiyo says. Sasori raises his hands and two pipes emerge, firing a condensed stream of flames and forcing the pair behind some rocks.

"What will you do" sasori thought, his eyes wild and inhuman. Naruto pulls out several hiraishin knives as the flame stops and tosses them on the field but sasori uses his flames to melt them.

"Clever.. He's nose open to them now" naruto thought, moving to another rock as the first melts. The fire gives way to pressurized water as both dodge as it slashes through the rocks. Sasori sprints forward and swivels his arms but leaps to fire his cord, "Die" he shouts, grazing chiyo in her right arm but the older woman discharges the arm to dodge the poison.

"So we are alike" sasori shouts but his body jerk, as naruto appear with another dropkick to the chest. The cyclinder in sasori's chest shoots out and his body break apart as back somersaults towards chiyo, "It is over" he says but chiyo retrives her arm.

"No the is just beginning" chiyo says. The cyclunder pulses like a heartbeat and pulls the pieces back to together, "To think I would pushed this far" sasori hisses. Chiyo pulls a scroll from her pouch, "To think I would use this Kinjutsu again" she say and unfurls. The scroll opens to reveal ten symbols and from the symbols came ten puppets, cauing sasori to chuckle.

"The Kinjutsu you used to topple a castle.. Shirohigi: Jikki Chikamatsu no Shū" sasori says but holds his own scroll, before opening the panel on his chest.

"This is what I used to topple a Nation" sasori shouts, as a hundred puppets burst from the scroll and chiyo's eyes widen.

"Akahigi: Hyakki no Sōen" sasori says but clutches his face, "How appalling.. To think I took this long to kill an old bat and capture a Jinchuriki" he thought.

"Naruto I will ask you again to please retreat" chiyo says but the blond is silent, glancing his way and her eyes widen. Naruto has this wide grin on his face and accented by his chelsea scar, "Sorry Chiyo-baachan but now things have gotten good.. My blood is boiling and ready be unleashed" he says and slowly pulls zetsuei from his glove.

"Show me what you're made of.. Nation Destroyer" naruto shouts and sprints forward.

"Has he gone mad" sasori thought, sending his puppets. Naruto propels himself up and into a spin, "Tremble" he shouts, going shikai and cutting ten puppets with ease.

"I'll go too" chiyo thought, sending forth her puppets. Wind coats zetsuei as naruto swings wind, "Wind Dragon Dance" he howls, destroying twenty puppets. Several charge him from all sides but the blond swings wildly and uses his Quicksword. Chiyo tries to keep up with naruto's pace but a wound to her arm and posion aren't helping.

"Naruto.. Focus on Sasori" chiyo shouts. Naruto sprints through the puppets and leaps to drive zetsuei into the ground, "Dragonstrike" he roars and blue energy surges. Sasori and chiyo gasps as blue energe surges in the group and erupts in the form of azure, wailing dragon and it tears through his puppets.

"Don't take your eyes off me Sasori-danna" naruto shouts, appearing with his blade poised to pierce his chest. Sasori jerks as he embedded into the wall with zetsuei though his heart cylincder but a sword is through naruto's left shoulder.

"Mutually destruction.. Jinchruriki" sasori says, ripping the blade from naruto's shoulder. Naruto staggers back a bit and lets go of zetsuei but reaches in his vest, "Not necessarily" he says and injects himself, "Shizune-neechan found an antidote to your poison" he adds and sasori's eyes widen.

"That's unfortunate.. So I'll give you some free information Kyubi Jinchuriki.. Ie.. Naruto Namikaze.. As well we speak the Nibi.. Yonbi.. Gobi and Rokubi will be captured soon" sasori starts and naruto's eyes narrow.

"Akatsuki is that Coordinated?!" naruto says and sasori smirks.

"We can be and here a second piece of advice.. At midday in Ten days.. Go to the Tenchi bridge in Kusagakure.. I was supposed to meet my spy in Orochimaru's employ" sasori says, his voice slowly and finally stopping. Chiyo reaches naruto but collaspes to her knees and the blond quickly acts with his remaining antidote, "Sasori" she thought, a few tears falling.[music ends]


Naruto stares at the ring he took from sasori's left hand, "An odd ring.. I should let Ero-sennin look at it" he thought, slipping it into one of his vest pockets. Naruto turns his attention chiyo as she secures sasori's body into a scroll, "We should catch up to the others" he says, approaching.

"Yes.. Yes we should" chiyo says, with a weary sigh and gets to her feet. Naruto places his hand on chiyo's shoulder and they vanish, reappearing in front of haku's mirrors.

"Naruto-kun" hinata says, kneeling next to gaara. Kakashi was looks worse for wear and haku was looking over him, "Naruto.. You defeated Sasori" he says, tiredly.

"With Granny Chiyo's help.. How's Gaara" naruto asks, as chiyo kneels next to gaara.

"He's lost a lot of his chakra.. I'm doing what I can but" hinata starts but chiyo places her hands on gaara's chest.

"I can help you" chiyo says and her hands start to glow, "I'll use of my life-force to bring him back from the brink of death" she adds and all of them gasps.

"I intended to use this Jutsu to breath life into a puppet for Sasori but my eyes were opened by all of you.. Going out of your way to help" chiyo says and smiles, "You've taught this old lady a lesson" she adds. Gaara scrucnhes his face and weakly opens his eyes, "Where am I" he whispers, as chiyo falls back but hinata catches her.

"Welcome back to land of living" naruto says, smiling.

"N-naruto" gaara says, as haku brings down her mirrors. A large group of suna shinobi suddenly arrive as gaara sits up and his eyes widen, "Everyone" he says.

"Gaara-sama.. Are you alright" matsuri says and gaara weakly nods, causing all the suna shinobi to cheer.

"Such a bothersome little brother I have.. Putting us through all this trouble" kankuro says and temari pops him, as naruto helps gaara to his feet.

"Don't be disrespectful.. Gaara is our Kazekage" temari chides. Naruto steps back towards his team as temari and matsuri check on gaara.

"I owe you one Naruto.. Thank you for saving him" kankuro says and naruto ruffles his hair.

"You should thanking Granny Chiyo too" naruto says, glancing to chiyo but his eyes widen and flicker. Many of suna ninja started to notice that chiyo was not moving and start to crowd around her, including her brother.

"She looks so peaceful.. Like she could start laughing at any moment" ebizo says and many of suna shinobi tear up. Gaara bows his head towards chiyo, "Thank you for saving my life.. Everyone Let us pray for Granny Chiyo" he says and everyone bows their heads in reverence for chiyo.

#Akatsuki Hideout#

Zetsu stares down at the corpses of numerous puppets in search of sasori's body, "They managed to kill Sasori" white-zetsu says.

"The Kyubi Jinchuriki grows more dangerous each day" zetsu-black comments. Behind them was tobi but playing the fool, "Zetsu-san.. You think Sasori-sempai was killed" he shouts but zetsu ignores him.

"Maybe I can join Akatsuki now" tobi says, jofully.

"It doesn't work like that" black-zetsu says.

"Why not let him join.. After all Tobi is a Good Boy" white-zetsu muses. A few hours later they find deidara's hand in a forest, "Did Deidara-sempai die too" tobi says, picking up the arm.

"Take your hands off that" deidara says, coming from behind a tree.

"Still alive Deidara" black-zetsu says and deidara scoffs.

"Not for a lack of trying" deidara comments.

"You alright Deidara-sempai.. Guess not" tobi says and deidara glares at him.

"Even the Budda has its limits if insulted three times.. Say something again and I'll decide your death" deidara and tobi shrugs his shoulders.

"It'll just be an explosion" tobi says and white-zetsu chuckles.

"That was the third" black-zetsu says and deidara grabs tobi in a head-lock with his legs.

"We'll need to contact Leader-sama about Sasori and his missing ring" white-zetsu says and deidara frowns.

"So Sasori-danna bought it huh.. Shame" deidara comments, as tobi continues to tap out.


"Are you Positive Naruto" kakashi asks. Currently naruto and kakashi were in gaara's office, "I can't confirm about the other attacks but Sasori gave up information about a spy meeting him in ten days on the Tenchi bridge" naruto explains.

"This is concerning.. Akatsuki could use our tensions with Iwa and Kumo to take advantage.. Even if we warned them.. It would be ignored" gaara states. The group returned to suna that morning and held a funeral for granny chiyo.

"More than likely or seen as act of aggression" naruto says, as gaara glances to kakashi.

"Should you be traveling in such a condition.. I can send a message to Konoha about your delay with Takamaru" gaara says.

"Using my Sharingan in such a manner does take strain on my body but I can withstand a Hiraishin with Hinata and Shizune's help" kakashi says, sitting in a chair.

"I have a marker at the guard shack and on the gate itself.. Once everyone gets here.. We'll head home" naruto says and hands gaara a hiraishin knife.

"Just in case they come back" naruto adds, as gaara takes the knife.

"How's Shukaku" naruto asks.

"He lost a lot of chakra and will sleeping for some time" gaara states.

"Then Granny Chiyo's sacrifice was not in vain.. She gave you a future" naruto says and gaara slowly nods.

"Thank you Naruto.. For everything" gaara says and holds out his right hand. Naruto smiles and shakes gaara's hand as the door opens, with hinata, haku, shizune and temari enter.

"You all should stay a little longer to rest" temari says. Shizune helps kakashi out of the chair to drap his left arm on her shoulder, "That would be beneifcal but I should report to Hokage-sama as quickly as possible" she says.

"I guess that's understandable" temari states. Naruto pulls out his hiraishin knife and everyone places their hands on his back, "By your leave Kazekage-sama" he says and all of them vanish.


Kotetsu yawns loudly as izumo softy snores at the guard shack, before a bright flash arouses them awake.

"What is that?!" izumo shouts. Naruto chuckles with a roll of his neck, "Team-7 returning from mission" he says.

"You have a Hiraishin marker here" kotetsu says, looking around.

"Hinata and I will take Kakashi to the Hospital" shizune says and the three vanish.

"Yeah I got one on the shack" naruto says and points to the gate, "Another there" he adds, causing both to whistle.

"We need to head to the Hokage tower.. See ya" naruto says, walking off with haku in tow.

"Wanna have something to eat at our place" naruto asks, as they take to the roofs to reach the tower.

"That would be nice" haku replies. The pair soon reach the hokage tower and make their way to tsunade's office but could hear shouting inside.

"Why did you not warn the village He has returned" a voice shouts.

"He has a name and you will use it.. Naruto is a citzen and ninja of this village and no amount of your screeching will change that" tsunade counters. Naruto sighs and knocks on the door, "Come in" tsunade shouts and the pair enter, finding mebuki haruno.

"Reporting back Tsunade-sama.. Mission successful.. No Casualites but Kakashi-sensei suffered major chakra ehaustion.. Shizune and Hinata took him to the hospitial" naruto says, in mission mode. Mebuki glares at naruto as if to will him to burn, "Killed someone's child lately" she says but naruto ignores her.

"Mebuki get out of my office at once" tsunade says and mebuki huffs, leaving with a death glare at naruto.

"What a delusional woman" kurama comments and naruto snorts. Tsunade pinches the bridge of her nose, "I'll take your Oral report Naruto.. Haku" she says and naruto clears his throat.

"We arrived in Suna and learned the Kazekage's brother.. Kankuro had been poisoned in pursuit of the Kazekage by Akasuna no Sasori.. Shizune.. Haku and Hinata quickly set to work and Shizune managed to create antidote and saved his life" naruto starts.

"Once Shizune-sama distributed the antidote to our team.. Kakashi-sensei sent his Ninja hounds and found the Akatsuki hideout but it was protected by a Five-seal barrier but Naruto-kun was able to disable it and Hinata-chan brought the boulder entrance.. Naruto-kun used his Hiraishin to secure the Kazekage and allowed us to escape.. One of the Akatsuki pursued us by a combination of myself and Kakashi-sensei's Sharingan.. We able to drive him off" haku continues and tsunade nods, urging naruto to continue.

"Granny Chiyo and I faced Sasori.. The battle was a sight to say the least.. Sasori earned his title as an S-rank Ninja with enough power in his own words to topple a nation.. His puppets were nothing to sneeze but Granny Chiyo and I edged out a victory.. Sensing his death Sasori gave us information on Orochimaru" naruto explains and sighs, "Granny Chiyo and I linked back with the team and She sacifriced her life to stablize the Kazekage" he adds. Tsunade leans back in her chair with a sigh, "The old bat finally kicked the bucket huh.. A great loss" she muses and clears her throat.

"What about the information on Orochimaru" tsunade asks.

"Sasori told me that he was meeting a spy in ten days on the Tenchi bridge at noon" naruto replies and tsunade cups her chin in thought.

"Good work Naruto.. The two of you are dismissed.. I will speak will Kakashi and Shikaku about how to proceed with this information" tsunade says and dismisses them, "Oh one more thing.. A council meeting will be convened tomorrow at nine.. You'll need to be there" she adds and naruto nods, as they excuse themselves.

"I wonder will happen" haku asks, as they leave the tower but naruto shrugs his shoulders.

"Who knows but I definitely want to be on the team that goes" naruto comments.

"Sasuke is still touchy subject" haku comments. Naruto sighs with hands behind his head, "Always will be until he brought back to stand trial" he muses, reaching his house.

"Anko and Kuroshiro aren't home" naruto thought, opening the door. Haku follows naruto inside and takes off her sandals, "So what will you be making Naruto-kun" she asks.

"Something quick and simple" naruto muses, making a clone to take his gear. The blond rifles through the refrigerator as haku takes a seat of the sofa, "Aha" he says, pulling out some chicken stripes.

"Chicken stripes with noodles is alright" naruto says and haku nods but the blond sees the glint in the ice user's eyes. Naruto quickly make a clone, "Handle this and I'll handle that" he says, following haku to his bedroom.

#Lemon Alert#

Naruto reaches his bedroom and finds haku on the bed in just her white stockings, with a pillow covering herself. Naruto closes the door and locks it as he slips off his shirt, approaching the bed. Haku moves the pillow and crawls to the edge of the bed, her lips meeting naruto's chest and licking his chest. Naruto sighs as haku unbuckles his pants and letting them fall, her hand slipping into his underwear and stroking his limp member.

"Mmm.. Anko will get mad at us" naruto says and haku giggles, continuing to stroke him. Haku then moves back to sit on the edge of the bed and spreads her legs, "I'll take the chance" she says, as naruto gets on his knees. The blond starts softly kissing haku's inner thigh towards her shaved omako, her breath slightly heavier but a moan escapes her lips as naruto sucks on her clit.

"Nghh.. Fuah" haku cries, gropping her left breast and her right clutching naruto's head. Haku falls on her back as naruto continues to eat her out, her moans getting louder and louder until her back arches.

"Ikuuu" haku cries, her love juices leaking from her core. Naruto smirks and rises to his full height and slipping his member from his underwear, before toying with haku's slick slit but slowly pushes inside.

"Ahhhh" haku shouts, gripping the pillow behind her head. Naruto lifts haku's legs under her knees and starts pumping with slow and fast thrusts, "Faster.. Faster Naruto-kun" she shouts. Naruto picks up his pace as his first nut was approaching, "Is it.. Ha.. Ha.. A-safe day" he says.

"Fwaahh.. Yessss" haku says, as her second orgasm erupts. Naruto pushes haku further into the bed as he speeds up until his seed fills haku's womb, before collasping on his side. Haku rides out her orgasm as naruto settles on her chest, "You loves Breasts Naruto-kun" she coos but the blond only sighs between her breasts.

#Lemon End#

"I'm going a take a shower" haku muses, kissing his lips and pushing him on his back. Naruto runs his fingers through his hair and grabs his pants to head into the kitchen. Naruto fixes himself a plate of stripes and noodles, adding some honey mustard sauce and some seasoning to his noodles. The door opens as anko enters with kuroshiro, "Chimken" kuroshiro says, making her way to naruto.

"When'd you get back" anko asks, kissing him on the cheek but sniffs him.

"You and Haku already did it.. Man I hoping for another threesome" anko says, stealing some chicken. Naruto shakes his head and gives kuroshiro a piece of chicken, "Sorry.. She had an itch and I scratched" he says, before slurping up some noodles.

"Lucky Bitch" anko says.

"How'd the assesment go" naruto asks, putting some noodles in a bowl for kuroshiro. Anko smirks with a twirl, "You're looking at the newest Tokubetsu Jonin of T&I" she crows and naruto smiles, giving her a big hug.

"Congratualtion An-chan" naruto says and anko beams. Haku comes to the living in a robe and her hair wrapped in a towel, "Hello Anko-chan.. Kuroshiro-chan" she greets.

"Little minx.. Banging Naru-kun after a mission" anko says and haku shakes her head, fixing herself some food.

"I couldn't help myself.. He is my boyfriend after all" haku muses and anko nods in agreement.

"Can't argue that.. So how'd the mission go" anko asks.

"Gaara is safe and I killed Akasuna no Sasori.. We even found some information on Pedo" naruto explains and anko narrows her eyes.

"Baa-chan is going to decide on what do.. It could be a trap but Sasori was dying so it could be true" naruto states and anko sighs.

"That Bastard needs to be put down for good" anko says and naruto nods.

"He's run from me twice.. There won't be a third" naruto thought. Kuroshiro rests her head on naruto's lap, "Chimken" she says.

"Bath" naruto counters and kuroshiro whines, "Then chicken" he adds but she still whines, as they head upstairs.

"Tsunade-sama told Naruto-kun about a council meeting tomorrow" haku says and anko crosses her legs, with a nod.

"Yeah a normal one but also to introduce him as the Head of the Uzumaki clan and his duties.. They'll probably enact the CRA too" anko explains.

"Naruto-kun does have another wife in wings if needed" haku says and anko smirks, licking her lips.

"Yep.. I'll be the Matriarch of the Uzumaki side and if the Hyuga allow Hinata to date Naru-kun.. She'll be the Namikaze Matriarch" anko states and uncrosses her legs, "Weddings won't be coming any time soon.. I don't want bring a baby into a tension filled time" she adds.

"I would agree.. I don't want my future child to have a childhood like mine" haku muses, pulling off her towel. Anko rises from her seat and edges behind haku, "Since you and Naru-kun had fun" she says and leans to her ear, "I want to too" she coos and haku blushes.

#Next Day-Konoha Council Room#

Naruto sits with his arms crossed as the shinobi council files in, "This is just like a Captain's meeting" he thought, at the u-shaped table.

"Well one thing is different.. We can sit down" naruto thought, looking around the room. The parents of all his friends were present and making him the youngest member of the council, with karin sitting behind him. Shizune soon came in with tsunade with the former taking the senju seat, "Thank you all for coming on short notice" tsunade states.

"The first order of business is to recognize Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze as Head of both clans as well as Shizune Senju-Kato as Head of the Senju clan" tsunade adds and the clan heads greet each one at a time.

"If I unable to fullfill my duties.. It will to my cousin Karin in my stead" naruto says and karin stands to bow.

"Being that my Mother is currently Hokage.. My vote on matters will be voided per clan guidelines" shizune states and the clan heads agree.

"Will the CRA be enacted on the pups" tsume comments and several of the clan heads looked between each other.

"That is their decision after all" inoichi comments and the other clan heads murmur.

"I have started dating Genma Shiranui and talks of marriage on very much down the road at this point.. Unlike Naruto it would not be prudent for me to have multiple spouses" shizune explains. The clan glance to the last male uzumaki in konoha, "I have no issues on taking multiple wives but it my decision on who they will be.. Currently I am seriously dating Anko Mitarashi.. Haku Momochi as also expressed a desire to date as well.. One other has confessed her feelings for me but that is a clan matter" naruto states, glancing to hiashi.

"Will this satisfy the council" tsunade states and the clan heads nod in agreement.

"Alright the next order of business concerns the rescue of the Godaime Kazekage Gaara no Sabaku.. Team-7 acquired information on the possible whereabout of Orochimaru and Sasuke Uchiha" tsunade starts and the council murmurs.

"How accurate is this information" choza asks, looking to naruto.

"It was a dying declaration.. Sasori told myself and the late Granny Chiyo that he has a spy in Orochimaru's camp and was set to meet him in several days on the Tenchi bridge" naruto replies.

"That does not leave us much leeway on confirming or denying the information.. It could very well be a trap set to capture Naruto" inoichi states.

"Indeed it could be a trap set by the Akatsuki but Naruto has the means to counter that trap with his Hiraishin" shikaku states. The council discusses among themselves as naruto stays silent, "If Team-7 goes.. Kakashi will be out of commission for at least two weeks.. They will need a leader" shikaku states.

"I have someone in mind" hiruzen says, smoking his pipe and snaps his fingers. From the shadows rises an Anbu with the designation of tiger, his brown hair framed by a happuri-style hitai-ate.

"Yamato remove your mask.. You will be joining Team-7 for duration" hiruzen adds and yamato removes his mask, bowing.

"Does anyone have any objection on assigning Team-7 this mission" tsunade says and no one disagrees, "Well then that concludes this council meeting.. Naruto.. Karin follow me" tsunade adds and both nod. The three leave the hokage tower and head towards the outskirts of the village, "Be warned this place fell into disrepair" tsunade states. They soon arrive at a delapitated temple, "Unfortnately this is the Uzumaki Clan's Mask Storage Temple.. Due to the attack and recovery efforts.. It fell into disarray" tsunade says and sighs, "If I would've been here" she adds. Naruto rubs tsunade's shoulder, "It can't be helped.. The Village always come first" he says, with slight disgust.

"We'll catalog everything and move it to the armory at home" naruto says, walking up the steps with karin in tow.

"That would be best.. Even like this the content of this temple are dangerous" tsunade says and shunshins away.

"Even though the Kyubi attack happened.. To let our clan's property fall to such states" karin says and naruto looks around.

"Certain elements took advantage of the situation and with no one to speak for the Uzumaki.. It happened.. Hell at the academy our clan wasn't even mentioned as one of the great clans.. Those old Bats" naruto says, as they reach a large room. The room was filled with over twenty noh masks, "Even though the temple is like this.. These masks are intact" karin says, picking up one and adjusting her glasses.

"Meaning they are dangerous" naruto says and pulls out a scroll from his vest, then unfurling it along the floor. Karin places the mask on the scroll as naruto weaves several signs, slowly tendrils of chakra emerge and latch onto each mask and suck them into the scroll.

"That should do it" naruto states and slips the scroll into his vest.

"Wanna get some Ichiraku" naruto asks and karin nods, grasping her shoulder both vanish with Hiraishin.


"You put a marker here" karin says, incredlously and naruto rubs his head sheepishly. Karin shakes her head with a sigh, "Why am I not surprised" she says. Ayame brings them one bowl for karin and three bowls for naruto, "You've grown so much" ayame says and naruto smiles, nodding.

"Oh Naruto-kun" a loud voice shouts. Naruto glances back and sees lee on walking on his hands with gai and tenten following them with an embarassed look.

"Bushy-brow" naruto says, as team-9 enters the shop.

"I heard my rival was injured in your last mission" gai says. Naruto slurps up some noodles with a nod, "He overused his Sharingan.. He'll be out action for awhile.. Baa-chan assigned us a Jonin named Yamato" he says, after swallowing.

"I see.. Then I'll need to cheer up my rival" gai says, as lee follows hims with hand-walking and tenten sighs with a wave to follows his team. Naruto and karin go back to their ramen but the blond gets interuptted once again.

"Naruto Uzumaki" a voice says and naruto glances back to see a hyuga.

"Can I help you" naruto asks, gulping down his broth.

"My name is Ko and Hiashi-sama wishes to see as soon as possible" the hyuga says. Naruto sighs and places some money on the table, "I'll see you later Karin" he says and karin nods.

"I'll make dinner tonight" karin says and naruto waves.

"So what does Lord Hiashi want to speak to me about" naruto asks, following ko to the hyuga compound.

"All will be revealed soon" ko says but naruto's eyes narrow, with hands in his pockets.

"You said your name is Ko right.. I remember you.. When Hinata and I first met in the snow.. You told her to not associate with That Boy" naruto says and smirks, "Didn't work out huh" he adds but ko remains silent. They soon reach the hyuga compound and ko leads naruto to a room, where hiashi and hinata were waiting. The heiress was in a formal kimono with her her up and sitting next to her father with her gaze down.

"Thank you for coming Naruto Uzumaki.. Please sit and I'll get to the point" hiashi says. Naruto ruffles his hair and takes a seat in front of the low table as hiashi clears his throat, pushing a paper towards naruto.

"It has come to my attention that you are reason for my daughter's growth as a kunoichi" hiashi starts and glances to hinata, "And her Feelings for you as well" he adds. Naruto glances down to the paper but back up to hiashi, "And you see an oppurtunity" he says but hiashi remains stonefaced.

"I do care greatly about Hinata and my Two-year training trip put a hamper on a chance for us to better know one another but I believe this paper between us is the means to do so" naruto states and hiashi remains quiet for a few minutes.

"Yes it is.. Before you is a Betrothal contract between you.. The Heir of Two clans and my oldest daughter.. This was only made due to the fact that you agreed to the CRA and afforded to take several wives to restore your clans" hiashi explains.

"Trying to get his hands on your clans prestige" kurama comments, as naruto picks up the contract and starts to read it.

"Naruto-kun.. I know this is sudden but I want to pursue a relationship with you and someday become your wife" hinata says. Naruto places the paper down and looks to the pearl eye princess, "I do too Hinata.. You've held a candle for me longer than Anko" he says and hinata blushes. Naruto turns his attention back to hiashi, "I see there is a stipulation that Hinata become the Head Wife of the clan and she be married First" he says.

"Yes.. Hinata is of noble blood and no disrepect to Mitarashi but this would sit better with the elders of the clan and further legitimize your clan status" hiashi replies. Naruto cups his chin and looks over the contract once again, "Hinata would become the Matriarch of Namikaze and Anko would be the Uzumaki.. That is not negoitable.. It also says any children we have would be branded with the Cage-bird seal" he says.

"That would be for the protection of the Byakugan.. Should any of your children manifest it" hiashi says but naruto raises his hand.

"Tell me something.. What would stop a person from ripping a Hyuga's Byakugan from them while they are still alive.. That seal activates upon death not torture" naruto says and hiashi frowns.

"While true.. It a tradition of our clan" hiashi says but naruto sighs, shaking his head.

"Then break with tradition.. You are with this marriage proposal.. So keep going.. Give me the odds and ends of the Cage-bird seal and I'll make a better seal.. Hinata's wish is to unite her clan under one banner not two" naruto states and hinata gasps. The room devolves into silence as naruto crosses his arms, "So what do you say Lord Hiashi" he says.

"I will discuss things with the elders but I do accept some of terms" hiashi states. Naruto rolls his his neck, "I accept them but the seal is a deal breaker and those elders say No.. I'll just take Hinata from you" naruto says and rises to his feet, shocking both.

"Now if you excuse me Lord Hiashi.. Hinata" naruto says and raises a half-ram sign, vanishing with his hiraishin.

"Daughter.. Do you Love him" hiashi says and hinata nods with confidence.

"I do Father and I will Fight for him as he would me" hinata says and hiashi rubs his forehead.

#Konoha Hospital-Next Day#

Kakashi sighs as he thumbs through his icha-icha with jiraiya leaning on the windowsill of his room but the door opens. It reveals tsunade, shizune and yamato, "Its been awhile Kakashi-sempai" yamato says.

"So going by Yamato now" kakashi comments.

"Yes for the duration of your recovery.. Yamato will be captain of Team-7 but I brought him today.. Is reason he was chosen as Captain" tsunade states.

"Does it concern Naruto Uzumaki" yamato asks and both sannin nod.

"As you know.. Naruto possesses the Kyubi and during his trip with me.. He learned to harness Her power and using the Kyubi Cloak" jiraiya explains.

"Kyubi Cloak.. Does it happen often" yamato asks and kakashi glances to jiraiya, causing the older man to sigh.

"Naruto is capable of controling Six Tails of the Kyubi's chakra but I firmly believe its more.. In that state his speech is all but non existent but he retains his mind" jiraiya says but gains serious look on his face.

"Should he go further and loses control.. Your Mokuton may be the only thing to stop him" jiraiya adds and yamato slowly nods.

"The mission is Tenchi bridge is not far off.. If it succeeds we may finally be able to nail both Orochimaru and Sasuke.. May be even learn of Danzo's whereabouts" tsunade states.

"Danzo has eluded capture for far too long.. The possibility of him working with Orochimaru is likely but just as unlikely.. He has too many enemies" jiraiya states.

"That will be the addendum to your mission as well Yamato" tsunade says and yamato nods, as the hokage, hokage's daughter and jiraiya excuse themselves.

"I heard Hiashi betrothed his daughter to Naruto" jiraiya says, as the leave the hospital. Tsunade sighs with a fold of her arms, "Naruto opened the door with the CRA" she says and jiraiya pervertedly giggles.

"Lucky little bastard.. Three beautiful women to marry" jiraiya says but tsunade pops with an uppercut.

"Actually there are four but One has yet to admit her feelings for him" shizune thought, seeing jiraiya soaring across the village.


"Um is there a reason why were staying a hot spring.. Yamato-taicho" naruto asks. Yamato rests one arm on the stone edge, "Its a way to promote bonding between teammates.. You've only recently returned to Konoha" he says but naruto was ignoring him.

"Don't you think so" yamato says, now inches from naruto's face with a scary look on his face. Naruto glances away with a gulp, "Yeah" he whispers and sighs, "Its like a male Retsu and Hinata can do it too.. Kami-sama why" he thought.

"Hinata-chan.. You're not spying on Naruto-kun with your Byakugan" haku declares and naruto freezes.

"N-no I am not" hinata shouts. Naruto rises from the water and grabs his towel to wrap it around his waist, "I'm getting out Taicho.. I'll be in our room" he says.

"I'll have them prepare us Dinner" yamato says, following naruto out the hot spring. Naruto slips on the provided robe and grabs his clothes, "You sense it too huh" he thought.

"Yeah this Yamato has similar chakra to Hashirama but a severely diluted form though" kurama replies.

"He may have been assigned to combat you.. If you were to lose control" zetsuei states. Naruto slips into his room with a sigh, "Not that I will but I wouldn't mind test myself against the Mokuton" he thought. His door opens as haku pokes her head in but followed by hinata, "Naruto-kun" the lavender beauty says.

"Hmm.. Oh I was thinking about something" naruto says. The pair enter the room and take a seat on the bed, "Sorry for pulling our prank" haku says but naruto waves his hand.

"Its fine.. Anyway.. Any movement from the elders" naruto asks and hinata frowns, shaking her head.

"Stuck in there ways" naruto says and lifts hinata's face up to his, before kissing her forehead.

"I told you.. I'll take you away from them.. If I have to" naruto says and hinata blushes.

"I believe they would more receptive.. Naruto-kun is the son of the Yondaime Hokage and Heir of the prestigious Uzumaki clan.. A clan feared enough that Three nations destroyed them" haku states.

"That may be true but the elders are stuck in their ways" naruto muses, as the door slides open.

"Your dinner is prepared" an older woman says and the three nod, following her. Yamato in front of a large spread of food, "Please enjoy" he says and the four start eating. The sacrifice was successful as naruto lays on his back with a huge stomach.

"Now that our bellies are full.. We can prepare our mission" yamato starts and gains a serious face.

"Tsunade-sama believes the information given by Sasori could be an Akatsuki trap.. The possibilty is there but we can't be too careful.. Once we leave tomorrow.. We'll be taking a covert route to Tenchi bridge" yamato adds and his team nods, before he dimisses them. Naruto retires to his room and sits near the windown, before slipping a cigarette into his mouth.

"Mmm.. I've missed this" the blond muses, blowing a stream of smoke.

"Good thing you found flavored ones" zetsuei comments.

"Naruto.. I'd like to speak to you" yamato says, after knocking.

"Come in" naruto shouts, tapping his ashes. Yamato steps in and closes the door but sees naruto smoking, "They are flavored.. I need one on occassion" he states. Yamato takes a seat next to the blond, "Everyone has a vice" he says.

"Naruto.. I wish to speak to you about Sasori.. I've looked over the reports from Suna but seeing as you fought him first hand.. I would like your opinion" yamato asks. Naruto takes a slow drag off his cigarette, "He's perceptive and Hates waiting.. He has plans on top of plans.. This spy he has must be close to Orochimaru" he states.

"I see.. I will transform into Sasori with my Mokuton Ninjutsu and approach the target.. The team will be my back up.. I will restrain the target if possible but if a battle breaks out we must capture them alive" yamato explains and naruto nods.

"I'll mark you with one of my markers and if things go sideways.. I can pull you out and get out the area" naruto states. Yamato rises from his seat, "We leave at first light tomorrow" he says and naruto nods, putting out his cigarette.

"Tomorrow is going be a wild one" naruto thought, blowing the last of his smoke.

#Tenchi Bridge-Land of Grass#

Team-7 hide themselves in the trees near the bridge as yamato moves towards the bridge under the guise of sasori. Hinata watches with her byakugan and makes a signal that someone is approaching. Haku slips on her hunter mask and naruto adjusts his gloves, pulling out one of his knives and pulling up his mask.

"Haku.. Relay to Hinata to keep down wind" naruto signs and haku nods, sinking into her ice mirror. Sasori-yamato spies a cloaked person approaching and moves towards the middle of the bridge.

"Its been too long Sasori-sama" the spy says and slowly removes their hood, "Its been Five years" they add. Hinata and yamato gasps but naruto's eyes narrow, "Why am I not surprised.. Kabuto" he thought.

"Were you followed" sasori-yamato says and kabuto looks around, shaking his head no.

"How are you doing" sasori-yamato asks.

"I still get an odd sensation" kabuto replies.

"I have several questions for you" sasori-yamato says and kabuto turns to him fully.

"I don't have much time.. I risked my life to come here without Orochimaru-sama finding out" kabuto states. Sasori-yamato looks kabuto in the eye, "I want information on his hideout and the location of Sasuke Uchiha" he says.

"There are several locations.. We move once a week to avoid detection.. There are several hideouts as well.. Not just in the Land of Sound but other countries as well" kabuto explains and sasori-yamato's eyes narrow.

"Where is He now" sasori-yamato asks. Shadows cover kabuto's face and leaves his glasses glowing, "There is a small island north of here on a lake.. Sasuke Uchiha is there as well" he replies. A sound catch kabuto's ears and he whips around but a small rabbit emerges from the grass, "Only a wild rabbit" he says but gasps.

"Quite and interesting conversation.. Permit me to join as well" orochimaru says, appearing behind kabuto. A snake wraps around the bespectaled shinobi but he escapes and lands next to sasori-yamato, "This is bad.. I had more questions but with Orochimaru now here.. The situation is bade" yamato thought.

"That takes me back.. Sasori" orochimaru says.

"Did you follow Kabuto" sasori-yamato says and orochimaru chuckles in his throat.

"Oh.. I just thought I would thank you.. This child you sent me has been very useful to me.. So many experiments were successful thanks to his Medical Ninjutsu.. I've been able to use them over and over but I am running out of subjects" orochimaru states.

"It would probably impossible for me to take him on.. I have to make a choice.. Either call the others to take them both or retreat and blow my cover" yamato thought. Kabuto raises his right hand and it glows with chakra but suddenly swipes at sasori-yamato, severing the head and yamato leaps back.

"Kukuku.. So its you" orochimaru says. Yamato clutches his bleeding arm, "Was I discovered?!.. No" yamato thought.

"Sen'ei Tajashu" orochimaru shouts, sending forth his snakes but they were slashed to pieces. Yamato lands as naruto lands in front of him, "Looks like four-eyes was never on Sasori's side" he says.

"Kukuku.. Naruto-kun" orochimaru says, folding his arms. Naruto pulls down his mask with a tilt of his head, "Pedo" he shot.

"Why don't you call those other two mice" orochimaru says. Yamato bursts his chakra and the rest of team-7 arrive as orochimaru chuckles, "Maybe I can play with you for awhile" he sneers but naruto snorts.

"Play with us.. You're sure its not run away from us" naruto says, shocking his team.

"You've gotten cocky Naruto-kun.. Trying to compete with Sasuke-kun" orochimaru says, as the tension starts to rise.

"To be honest.. I can't compete with Sasuke.. Well in the unbridled ego department but I hope you trained him up.. I would hate to be disappointed again" naruto says, twirling his knife between his fingers. Yamato's eyes narrow as hinata heals his arm, "What is this change in demeanor.. A bluff or does Naruto believe he can take both Orochimaru and Kabuto" he thought. Kabuto adjusts his glasses and they hide his eyes, "Now Naruto-kun.. You honestly believe you have surpassed Sasuke-kun" he says.

"Ah So.. For someone So smart.. You are Stupid.. The last time we were face to face.. I had my forearm across your throat and my fist buried in your stomach" naruto starts and kabuto frowns but the blond points his knife at orochimaru.

"He ran from me Twice.. Once in the Forest of Death and again with Jiji" naruto says but smirks, "By the way.. How is the arm" he adds and orochimaru's brow creases in anger.

"Kukuku.. You've grown Naruto-kun.. Come show me how much" orochimaru says. Naruto lowers his stance as the wood the bridge buckles as he launches forward, blitzing pass kabuto and striking orochimaru with a uppercut. Orochimaru's jaw clicks as he launched up but his eyes widen at the Rasengan forming, before it slams into his face and naruto driving him into the ground. The blond back leaps onto the bridge as orochimaru lays motionless but the sannin kips up with his face ripped, revealing another face.

"You've certainly mastered your Father's Jutsu" orochimaru says, fixing his face. Naruto tosses his knife up and down, "I thought you heard.. I mastered both of his Jutsu" he says, tossing his knife backwards towards kabuto, shocking orochimaru. The med-nin summons his chakra scapel to deflect the knife but his breath hitches as naruto appears in a flash.

"Imposs" kabuto starts but naruto brings down a knife-edge chop to his right and snapping the silver hair shinobi's shoulder and driving him into the wood. Naruto steps over kabuto as orochimaru chuckles in his throat.

"So you know That Jutsu.. The Sandaime Tsuchikage will bring all of Iwa upon Konoha" orochimaru says and weave signs, slapping his hands together.

"I'll need to take you seriously.. Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei" orochimaru declares.

[Music: Naruto OST - Orochimaru's Fight]

A single coffin rises from the ground as naruto and team-7 go on guard, "Who would he summon" naruto thought but his eyes slowly widen in shock. From the coffin emerges a woman with long red hair in a jonin uniform and blank eyes.

"Y-you.. B-bastard" naruto hisses, veins bugling in his neck and face. Orochimaru chuckles deeply with a lick of his lips and raises a ram-sign and bringing her to life, causing her to franticly look around.

"W-where am I" she says but her violet eyes fall on naruto. The blond could barely contain his rage as his chakra cloak forms immediately, his eyes glowing red and his whiskers thickening. The air around violently swirls as team-7 was frozen in place, "Who is she?!" haku says.

"She resembles N-naruto-kun" hinata says, shielding her eyes and yamato's eyes widen in shock.

"Orochimaru would go that Far?!" yamato thought. Naruto clenches his fists as his skin starts to peel from his face, "I'm gonna.. Kill you" he hisses, his teeth bared.

"Kukuku.. Doesn't he look downright terrifying.. Your precious son.. Kushina" orochimaru says and the woman gasps.

"N-naruto?!" kushina says but orochimaru places the control seal on her and she becomes like a puppet. Naruto lowers his stance with his face full of rage and launches forward, shattering part of the bridge but kushina and orochimaru dodge his chakra arm. Naruto quickly gives chase as both enter the forest, leaving team-7 and kabuto.

"W-what should we do" hinata says. Yamato turns his gaze on the ever growing destruction in the forest, "We capture Kabuto and attempt to stop Naruto" yamato says and make a wood clone, it taking off in naruto's direction. Kabuto staggers to his feet and snaps his shoulder back into place, "I didn't think Naruto-kun could make such a face" he says, adjusting his glasses.

"Surrender Kabuto" yamato says. Kabuto looks over the three but raises his hands, "I'll surrender for now.. I want you all to see the Monster Naruto-kun is" he says. [music ends]


Orochimaru lands on a branch with one arm missing and kushina lands next to him as a debris cloud clears, revealing naruto with three swishing tails and glowing red eyes.

"Kukuku.. Is that extent of your power Naruto-kun" orochimaru thought, opening his mouth wide and releasing a new body. Naruto rears back with a deafening howl as red chakra explodes around him, violenlty ripping away trees from the ground and creating a second crater. The cloud of debris clears and orochimaru is on all fours with kushina behind him, "Simply unbelievable.. The things your son can do" he says. Naruto stands in fourth tail form with steam jutting from his masked mouth, "Naruto stay focused.. Do Lose control of your rage" kurama shouts. Naruto takes a deep breath and expels a jet of air, "I am focused.. He's gonna learn what it means to lay his hands on my family" he thought. Orochimaru sends kushina first and she weaves signs with an inhale and expels a stream water but naruto sends a charka arm to block. The area fills with steam as orochimaru expels hundreds of snakes from his mouth across the ground. Naruto leaps out of the steam cloud, over kushina and slams both his hands into the ground. An explosion of chakra erupts and erases all the snake with a geyser of dirt but chains pierce the dust cloud, forcing naruto to dodge and leap away.

"She could restrain me at full strength.. Don't let them latch onto to you" kurama says. Naruto growls and slams his hands into the ground, forcing orochimaru and kushina to dodge his chakra arms. Kushina sends her chains to ensnare the arms as orochimaru rockets towards naruto, cracking him in the face and staggering the blond but he swipes the sannin half. The upper of orochimaru sails up and the lower half staggers but this was enough for kushina's chains to ensnare naruto. Snakes quickly burst from the upper and lower halfs, reattaching orochimaru together.

"Kukuku.. I made the right choice using Kushina" orochimaru sneers. Naruto struggles against the chains but collaspes to one knee as his four-tail form recedes, revealing red skin with patches of normal skin.

[Music: Bleach OST - What Can You See In Their Eyes]

"No.. It was the Worst Choice.. Because it will seal your Fate" naruto hisses, the white of his eyes turning black. Naruto struggles to his feet as his body pulses with reiatsu and kushina's chains start to buckle, "My mom may be able to restrain a Biju but I wonder.. If she can cull this" he shouts, flaring his reiatsu wildly. Orochimaru immediately feels the weight on his body, "What?!.. Its the same as before" he thought, backpedalling toward the crater's edge. Team-7 and kabuto were faring no better as they neared yamato's wood clone, all of them on their knees from naruto's reiatsu and unable to speak. Naruto's hollowfication comes to bare and mask reforming and his blond hair turning white, "Rraaghhhhh" the blonde roars, shattering the chains and knocking kushina back but six rods of light ensnare her form.

"This could be bad" orochimaru thought, biting his thumbs. Naruto points his left hand and his purple cero forms, firing and tearing through the ground towards orochimaru.

"Triple Rashomon" orochimaru shouts, slamming his hands on the ground. Three large demon gates erupt from the ground but they do nothing to stop the cero, as it erases everything in its path for another half mile.

"T-that can't be Naruto-kun" hinata says, her voice filled with fear. Haku and yamato could not retort at all even kabuto was speechless, "Is he some Enitity" he thought. Naruto shoots his left hand out and zetsuei emerges from his glove as the debris cloud dissipates. Suddenly the ground rumbles and a blade pierces through naruto's chest as orochimaru emerges from the ground with the sword within his hand.

"Kukuku.. I'm sure Anko-chan told you about the Sword of Kusanagi" orochimaru sneers. Kabuto adjusts his glasses with a slight smirk, "Well its over now.. Not even Naruto-kun can counter the Kusanagi" he thought but his breath hitches. Orochimaru gasps as his body lurches forward with a sword through his chest.

"She did and I plan to give it to her as a wedding present" naruto says, behind orochimaru as the naruto in front of him simply fades away. Orochimaru spits up some blood as naruto twists the blade with his body unable to move, "How?!.. How can this be?!" he thought.

"Now you die Snake.. No more cheating death.. Yami-sama sends her regards" naruto utters, wrenching the sword free and separates orochimaru's head from his shoulders.

"Ice Dragon Dance" naruto declares, piercing the head and ice spikes erupt from it and ensuring orochimaru was dead. Naruto rests zetsuei on his right shoulder and gingerly picks up the kusanagi as his gaze falls on his mother.[music ends]


"I-impossible.. He killed Orochimaru-sama" kabuto utters, his eyes flickering in shock. Yamato glances to kabuto but then to naruto, "Lets go" he says and both girls nod, haku pulling kabuto along. Naruto reaches the bound kushina as she struggles to move, his face filled with emotion and he drops both blades. A clone pops to life behind naruto to seal sword and head as he pull off his glove, cutting open his hand and weaves several signs. Naruto places his hand on kushina's head and a seal array forms, destroying the control seal and giving her back her free will.

"Naruto" kushina says, tears forming. Naruto clenches his fists as his eyes flicker and he slowly nods, "I-I wish I had more time.. More time to talk but.. But" he says, tears forming.

"I know.. I can feel my soul returning to the Pure Land.. Naruto.. Minato and I are sorry for making you the Nine-tail's Jinchuriki.. Forcing you to bare such a burden alone.. Not being at your side and giving the love you deserve" kushina says, her body cracking more. Naruto's eyes flicker with tears running down his cheeks but he rubs his them away, "You don't have to apologize.. I would never blame you or dad for my hardships.. I am the Living Legacy of the Kiiroi Senko and Red-Hot Habenero" he states and kushina's eyes widen.

"Minato.. Did you hear that.. Our hopes did reach our son.. Naruto thank you for being our son" kushina thought, as her body breaks down and her soul now free. Naruto drops to his knees and punches the ground with a small crater.

"Naruto?!" yamato says and naruto looks up, seeing his team but kabuto too. Naruto pops to feet and closes the gap between them but wood ensnares the blond.

"He's our prisoner Naruto.. Calm down" yamato states, seriously. Naruto takes a deep breath and a slow exhale, "Fine Yamato-taicho" he says and yamato releases him.

"Naruto what was that.. What happened to you" haku says and hinata nods. Naruto glances to the pair and could see the fear in their eyes, "Its an unknown Kekkei Genkai.. You'll need Baa-chan's permission to learn the truth" he says. Yamato narrows his eyes but slowly nods, "I'll let it go for now.. We still have a mission to finish" he says.

"Hinata can you heal Naruto's wounds" yamato adds and hinata slowly nods. Team-7 plus one find a clearing away from the battlefield, "They're afraid of you" kurama comments. Naruto sighs and places zetsuei on the ground in front of him as hinata was behind him, "Can't be helped.. Its the first time she's seen my four tails form.. Let alone my hollow side.. I'll have to tell her and Haku the full truth" he thought.

"What about your captain" zetsuei says and naruto glances to yamato, as he guards kabuto.

"The Uzumaki Kekkei Genkai is enough for now" naruto thought and rests his chin on his palm, "Is Sasuke alone or with a team" he says. Kabuto stares at naruto as his skin slowly returns, "Quite confident in your skills.. Naruto-kun since killing Orochimaru-sama who was not in his prime" he says. Naruto tilts his head with an eye-smile but his eyes half open, "Never mind.. I want to be surprised" he says, causing kabuto's eyes to narrow.

"Finished" hinata says and the pair get to their feet, with the blond turning and placing his hands on hinata's shoulders.

"I'm sorry Hinata.. Sorry you had to see that side of me" naruto says, looking into her flickering eyes and hinata slowly nods.

"Kabuto will lead us to the base and we will quietly inflitrate" yamato says and team-7 nods.

#Unknown Location#

Team-7 stands in a square formation around kabuto in a long hallway lit by candles, "Where is Sasuke" yamato says. Kabuto adjusts his glasses with a smile, "He's here but where I do not know.. Orochimaru-sama was set to train with him today" he says. Yamato sighs and closes his eyes in thought but opens them, "Hinata" he says and hinata activates her byakugan. She scans the hideout but several places were closed off and kabuto chuckles, "It pays to have a Hyuga on your team but we used Jutsu to even block the Byakugan" he says.

"Maybe but it has given us places to check.. Naruto give each of us a knife.. I want you to guard Kabuto.. If things get dangerous.. Have a clone on standby" yamato explains. Three hiraishin knives poof out of naruto's left glove, "Just channel your chakra and toss it.. I'll be there in a flash" naruto says and all of them nod, before taking off down to the locations. Naruto cracks his right knuckles with a roll of his shoulder, "Now then" he says, before whipping around and cracking kabuto in the stomach with a body-blow. Kabuto doubles over but a clone pops to life and grabs him in a full-nelson, "Bad business to kill me.. It won't look good in Konoha's eyes.. It'll prove you're every bit the monster they think you are" he says, between coughs. Naruto chuckles as he slips a cigarette in his mouth and lights, before pulling off his gloves and biting his right thumb.

"You're right.. I am a monster but I am not going to kill you Kabuto.. You're worth more to me alive" naruto says, drawing a symbol on left hand and kabuto's eyes narrow. Naruto places his left hand on kabuto's forehead and raises a half-ram sign, "You've heard of the Heavenly Prison Jutsu used in Hozuki Castle right.. I made something similar but more fun" he says. Kabuto jerks and silently screams as an array forms on his forehead and down his body, "W-what is this?!" he says, after falling to his knees.

"Fuinjutsu as its darkest.. With that array on your body.. If you use any Chakra technique above D-rank.. Your chakra will be converted into water in your lungs" naruto says and squats down, grabbing kabuto by the cheeks.

"You'll drown with no Water" naruto says, his face hidden in darkness but his red eyes glowing. Naruto rises to his full height and blows a stream of smoke as kabuto stares at him in shock, "Oh and don't bother trying to break it.. Its doesn't have a name or a formula.. Its all up here" naruto says, tapping his temple. Suddenly a loud rumbling erupts and naruto spits out his cigarette, before creating a clone.

"Stay with him" naruto says and takes in a full sprint.

[Music: Hyouhaku- Naruto Ost]

Naruto races through the various halls towards the source of the explosion, "What happened.. Did Sasuke stop them from using my knife" he thought. A corridor of light comes into view but naruto slows down seeing yamato, haku and hinata staring at something above them.

"Hyuga and the Faux Hunter-nin from Nami" a voice says and naruto stops.

"Assuming then Kakashi and Dobe are here as well" the voice continues. Naruto pulls on his gloves and slowly steps out into the light, "Sorry Teme but Kakashi isn't here to see me drag you back to Konoha" he says. Sasuke's eyes narrow as he looks over his former team, now wearing a sleeveless mesh shirt. A white zippered, high-collared, short-sleeved shirt and blue wrist warmers, dark blue pants, over which hangs a blue cloth and purple rope belt.

"Drag me back to Konoha?!.. A place of Weakness.. I have cast off Everything from that place" sasuke says.

"Even Sakura-san" hinata shouts and sasuke's eyes narrow.

"Sakura?!.. Sakura willingly gave her life to me.. She knew my ambitions and offered herself to me" sasuke says, spreading his arms out. Sasuke's Mangekyō spins to life as he looks down on them, "Do you see.. I now have same eyes as my brother and with it.. I will Kill him" he utters. Sasuke slowly reaches for his chokuto, "Dobe.. I wonder how far the gap between has grown" he says but his eyes widen slightly. Naruto was back to back with him, "Lets find out Teme" he says, grinning.


A/N-2: Oh no a cliffhanger but a good one I think. Next chapter picks up from here and our First clash between Naruto and Sasuke with the aftermath. Also Naruto tells the full truth to Hinata and Haku, with Yamato getting an abridged version. Next we'll get some fallout from Iwa and Kumo, as Sasori said the others would be hit simultaneously. It will leave Fu, Killer-B, Gaara and Naruto, now with Gaara they have almost all of Shukaku's chakra but the Tanuki is still inside Gaara. Third though short this will be the only time Naruto meets Kushina, with Minato's chakra still engrained but Kushina's wasn't. Lastly the next chapter won't be posted until I finish another chapter, that way I can stay ahead. Thank you to everyone for their support and stay safe with the Cough-cough.