Giyuu sighed, this wasn't how he had expected his mission to turn out. Nearly dead with a barely functioning leg and, of course not to forget, ending up being a mother. Or father. He could care less about titles when he barely had any idea of how to raise a human baby, much less one that's half-demon spawned by le old Kibutsuji himself.

He physically gagged as embers from the past 17 months of his capture tried to resurface. It was worth wondering what the other Hashiras had been doing all this while. Maybe they all just conveniently forgot about him? A possibility, considering they only saw each other once every six months. Or was it only him?

A sharp cry from the bundle of cloth nestled in his arms tore his attention away from his steadily darkening thoughts. The baby, his baby holy shit, had apparently decided he had had enough sleep for the day. His face all scrunched up with his round mandu like cheeks, Giyuu was ninety-nine percent certain he had the cutest kid in the world. The dull red eyes looking through him made something squeeze up in his chest. With the situation he had to go through, block block block and lock, it was a given there will be some detrimental effects on the developing fetus, inside him. He shook his head, hard. It was so eerie thinking that he, as a man, had given birth to a child, had felt him grow inside him.

A soft fist thumping against his chest landed his attention back on his son.

He cupped one soft, round cheek in the palm of his hand, smoothing his son's unruly hair with his fingers. Name, he had yet to give him one. It was still pretty hard wrapping his head around the thought, of admitting what had happened, actually had happened. Unrealistic, abominable but here he was.

The baby fussed around, spit bubbles forming and dribbling down his gummy mouth. Giyuu sighed, a tinge of fondness enveloped in a thick layer of tiredness. Using a corner of his tattered haori-turned-shawl, he gently dabbed away at the saliva till his skin was dry.

They were practically homeless right now. Going back to his estate was out of the question considering he had a half-demon child, who was half Kibutsuji's genes and the Demon Slayer Corps certainly wouldn't let that slide. He could always go back to Urokodaki sensei's place. He knows that both of them will have the acceptance of the ex-hashira. Yet he can't. This fear, the anxiety of what has happened, what has been done and having a living breathing proof of it in his arms.

Feeling his breathing quickening and cold sweat breaking out on his back, Giyuu tried to force his mind away from the events he would do anything to erase from his memory.

As if sensing his parent's anguish, the baby squished himself closer, to be safe from the danger that had his caregiver reacting like that. He knew he was safe and protected as long as Giyuu was with him. The warm hand now splayed against his back, cemented the feeling of protection, coaxing him into a state of a light doze.