Am I starting something new while I have 20 other things that remain incomplete? You know it. These come from a writing prompt list by drink-it-write-it on tumblr; I am challenging myself to complete each and every prompt on the list. I hope you stick around for the result!

Draco stared up at her from where he lay tangled in the sheets of his bed (their bed, if she was being completely honest with herself. Just because she hadn't officially moved in yet didn't mean she wasn't inhabiting the room on a regular basis). She was currently pulling one of her blouses from within his (their) wardrobe, pulling it on but leaving it unbuttoned as she stepped into her stockings.

"You said that I'd get to have you all weekend," he complained as he shifted his head slightly, his stormy grey eyes tracking her as she moved closer to the bed in search of her wand. She paused for a moment as he reached out one arm to twist a lock of her curls around his fingers. His motion displayed the faded Mark on his forearm, and Hermione leaned down to brush a gentle kiss across the scarred skin before she found her wand and left his side. With a careless flick, her blouse magically buttoned itself, and now she was on the hunt for a pencil skirt suitable for a meeting with several ambassadors.

"I didn't plan for an emergency session to be called, Draco," she sighed in response. With no skirt in sight, it looked like dress trousers would have to do for today. Not that it mattered- they'd look well with her professional robes regardless. She stepped into the trousers and then dashed to the bathroom, wanting to put on some quick makeup to temporarily cover the more visible marks left behind on her neck.

A pair of arms slipped around her waist, and his blonde hair came into view in the mirror as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "Why can't you just tell them you can't go?"

She rolled her eyes as she finished her concealer and moved onto a bit of lipstick (she always preferred muggle methods, as they couldn't be removed by a simple 'finite'). "Because it's my job, and it's important."

Draco turned his head so his lips ghosted over her right ear. "And I'm not?" He breathed quietly, his hands beginning to wander as he pressed himself closer to her.

Hermione closed her eyes and counted to three, allowing herself to enjoy those brief moments before lightly elbowed him and spun around in his embrace. "Your ego doesn't need inflating," she teased, leaning in to kiss him quickly.

"It doesn't need it, but it'd still be appreciated," he responded with a smirk, but he let her go so she could finish getting ready and floo to work. It wouldn't do for the newest Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to be late to a meeting.