Not a One Piece fic? ImPoSsIbLe. I got inspired so here we are. This is a typical characters react to something. BUT. Not very typical cause it's Undertale the Musical, by Man on the Internet. And it is come to my attention that NO ONE (of my knowledge) has done and completed this. I thought I was up to this task, so without further ado. Undertale the Musical. (Characters will be reacting to Pacifist first and then Genocide)

Also! Before we begin. A note about Frisk! Most people see them as genderless or gender neutral, when I first played the game I saw Frisk as a girl. So I am going to refer to them as a girl (don't get triggered please). Also they aren't going to be mute and blind. If you are bothered by any of this please just use your imagination and be chill. The Undertale fandom is kinda toxic, so when I first got this idea (which was months ago) I was VERY VERY skeptical and worried. I didn't really want to deal with the toxicity, but I believe that some people are good that like the game as well and don't deserve to be punished for the horrible fandom.

I severely recommend that you listen to the musical while reading this, you might need to pause a couple of times. But, I think it will help you know what is going on. And plus, It's really good.

(Frisk POV)(it forever will be Frisk's POV)

Everything (for the most part) was going well. That was until we got teleported to another plane of reality to watch a musical. Ya know, typical Friday night things. I opened my eyes to a worried goat mom.

"My child? Are you ok?" Toriel asked.

"I'm fine mom, don't worry." I smiled at her with my missing tooth, which I lost yesterday. I looked around to see a crowd of the monsters I made friends with Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, and Asgore. In a room that seemed like a cinema. I think the giant screen on the wall gave it away.

"Hey, Tori. I found a note." Sans said with a wink.

"What does it say? Punk!" Undyne shouted, grabbing it from Sans' hands.

"I don't know, you took it from me." Sans shrugged.

"Welcome to my Theatre! Please, sit down in the seats and watch Undertale the Musical (made by Man on the Internet) with songs about your adventures! (No flash photography or killing and maiming of any kind.)" Undyne read aloud.

"I guess we should... um... sit down?" Alphys said, gesturing to the chairs. There was suspiciously 7 chairs, which was enough for all of us.

"I don't know what else we can do, I've already tried to blast down these walls." Undyne said.

We all sat down, I sat in between Sans and Toriel. The lights dimmed, it reminded me of the one time I saw Frozen II with Undyne and Alphys. Which was, surprisingly, the first time I have ever been in a movie theater. A tune started to play. A photo of a monster and a human with white text on the screen.

Sit down child, do not quail. With peace and love we will prevail.

"Already starting with some singing." Undyne said.

"I mean, it is a musical." sans said, raising the skeleton equivalent of an eyebrow.

"I wonder what musical me sings!" Papyrus said.

"I bet your songs will be super cool bro." Sans said.

"Nyeheheh! I'm sure yours will be almost as cool as mine, brother!" Papyrus said.

If you climb. Along this trail. You will hear the Undertale.

"Hush now little ones. I have a story for you." A voice said, "A story about men and monsters."

"Can't monsters also be men?" Papyrus said aloud.

"I don't think that is what they mean bro." Sans said. I snickered a little, I don't think anyone noticed.

"Long ago, Men and Beasts. Ruled the Earth and had their feasts." The ensemble sang.

"Woah. That sudden sound was kinda unexpected..." Alphys said.

"Then one day came a war." The chorus explained. The picture of the Human and Monster faded a little, now showing a picture of humans and monsters clashing.

"That escalated." Asgore muttered.

"They really explained our history really fast huh." Undyne said.

"Blood was spilt as ne'er before." Suddenly the Humans started to sing, "No monster will know love. No monster belongs in the world above. Seal them underground. Let this barrier surround them"

I shook my head furiously.

"That's kinda cruel." Asgore frowned.

"THOSE PUNKS!" Undyne shouted. Papyrus and Alphys, who where sitting next to her, grabbed her hands. She sat down begrudgingly.

"The humans, filled with determination, won the war, and sealed the monsters deep beneath Mount Ebott, creating a barrier only a human soul could pass." The voice explained.

"That's not true." I scowled, remembering that it took a monster and a human soul.

"Many years, many tears, We live on despite our fears. There's no chance we could have won, Now we'll never see the sun...Stones instead of stars above, We've lost hopes and dreams and love. Angels cry, from on high,Will they free us or will we die?No new friends come around, That's our life here underground. While on high, sits our king. Listen, you might hear him sing." Monsters sang, their voices slowly growing darker.

"Wow. That sounds really depressing... On a higher 'note' I found some food." Sans said. Taking out a bag of popcorn that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Was that a musical pun?" Papyrus said narrowing his eye sockets.

Sans ignored the question, taking a bite of popcorn. "Don't worry everyone, I will make sure there is some '(c)left' for you" (get it clef and left).

Toriel howled in laughter, while the rest of us stared at Sans for his awful excuse for a joke.

"So much blood, so much pain, Just to see the sun again... One day soon, freedom shall ring, So proclaims the mountain king..." Asgore sang.

"Wow, you have a nice singing voice Asgore." I complimented, trying to distract them from the depressing lyrics.

"I don't actually sing like that." Asgore sighed.

"Yeah! He sounds like a dying goat when he sings!" Undyne teased, getting up to noogie the king.

Asgore paled, "please don't noogie me."

"Now the years have flown by, A child climbs up high, Will they return from the mountain, Or will they surely die?" The ensemble sang. The screen faded to a picture of me running up the mountain.

"Surely die?" I squinted.

"Look Human! It's you!" Papyrus said, pointing at the screen.

I gave him a thumbs up.

"The tale of the underground. Tonight we sing, A tale of fallen children and mountain kings" the ensemble sang. It showed pictures of my falling down the mountain. Then the chorus splits into two different parts (it is way to complicated for me to write sorry) It shows me walking into a room where there is a happy yellow flower.

Oh no.

"Hi! My name's Flowey! I'm your new best friend." Flowey sang in a sickly sweet tone.

"His voice is kind of annoying." Alphys said.

"Wait! Isn't that the flower punk?"

"Welcome Underground! Looks like you're new! Well, lucky for you, kid. I can show you around. Lots to do, so much to see. Spread the LOVE. Be friends with me. Friends are made with love! Love's spread through pellets. Here I've got a few! Catch them, why don't ya? Catch all that you can! Run into them."

"I don't think that is how you make friends." Papyrus said, "Don't you give them horrible puzzles and battle them?"

"Yeah bro. But I think this flower has a bone to pick with Frisk."

"That makes sense! Wait was that a pun?!" Papyrus said.

You fool Feeling woozy? Good! You're dumb!" Flowey sang, his voice getting darker and strangely psychotic.

"This became... creepy."

"You fell down. Now I'll have fun. Down here, there's one rule! Kill or you'll BE KILLED. A lesson you'll soon learn. Levels Of Violence. That's my kind of love."

I saw Sans wince a little bit, I don't think anyone else noticed though.

"Spread when I slash and burn. Take heart, kid. You've met your end. Falling to your true best friend. I will not bow down. I will not suffer. I will not ever cry This is the end of your very short path. Toodle-oo, kiddo. DIE!" The bullets surrounded the human.

"Did that punk hurt you!?" Undyne yelled.

"Nope. Toriel saves me." I answered, hugging Toriel.

It's surprisingly hard writing reactions that make sense for their characters. It might get easier as I go along though. Thank you for reading. If you want me to add Mettaton or Flowey just let me know. See you later!