Welcome to the Next Chapter in From A Time No Longer. I have got some great reviews and I love this idea. I now have a very good sense of what's going to happen in this story.
I hope you will enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. But I own my ideas. And an almond joy, which I'm gonna go munch on. What do you think Minato?
Minato: Why am I here? Why is this Important? Is Naruto going to be okay?
Oh no, not at all. I plan on fucking him straight up
Minato: ...How?
I could many things but for now on with the story. LIGHTS! CAMERA! READ!
"Normal Talking"
'Normal Thinking'
"Demon/ Higher Entity Talking"
'Demon/ Higher Entity thinking'
In the plane of what most people called heaven, two figures stood in an empty field, one in a black cloak with a scythe and the other in a white cloak.
"So what is your plan now, Kami?" the entity of death asked. "This whole time travel thing has got my realm of Gehenna and Maki in chaos. There are now duplicates souls. Souls that are trying to use the connection in the outside world to get out. It is tiresome, and if not for the Optimus Gate, then we would have a horrible time on our hands."
Kami sighed as she ran a hand through her white hair. "Davy Jones and the Soul King of Universe 3 and 4 aren't too happy with it, but they aren't pushing for anything. Lord Zeno of Universe 2 doesn't care, but time travel is normal in that universe. Universe 6,7 and 9 haven't said anything."
"What of Universe 8?" Shin (A/N: the shinigami will now be called Shin.) "What have they said?"
"I do not know. My messenger never returned. Suffice to say He doesn't care either, the lazy ingrate. So, for now, we send an investigator to find out how Naruto went back and make sure that a repeat incident doesn't happen."
Shin nodded his head, "What of our Kin? I know Fate wasn't happy, and neither was Amateratsu and Inari. What of Tsukuyomi and Susanoo?"
"If you are sending out an Investigator, I would like to volunteer." A voice said from behind them.
Kurama walked into the small field. "Naruto was my partner; I would like to know what happened. I know what was supposed to have happened in the original timeline so I can spot any suspicious behavior. Please"
Kami gave Kurama a look and looked at Shin. She snapped her fingers, and a woman appeared next to her. She green hair and purple eyes and stood at just 5'5. "You have summoned me Kami-sama?" she said in a soft voice.
"Hello, Yumi-chan. Yes, I have a mission for you. I believe you know a little about this timeline affair, yes?" She asked.
"Yes, Kami-sama. I know, for the most part, that Naruto Uzumaki was sent to the past against his will. You are not allowed to interfere, and you do not know how he went back other than the fact Karama-san was used in the mix."
"Correct Yumi-chan. Kurama here will take you to the Room of Time and show you the Original timeline. Study it. If you find an answer report to me, if not, then go into the new timeline and investigate. I would rather Naruto not know of the investigation, so avoid him. Is that understood, Kurama?" she said with a hard glare.
"Crystal," Kurama said as he slowly shifted into a human, 6'2 in height with dark red hair that went to the middle of his back. He wore a red kimono with an orange sash. "Come, Yumi-chan. We have work to do."
"Oh, one more thing. If and probably when you go into the new timeline, have as little impact as possible. If you alter any key events, I am afraid I won't be allowed to take you out of the new timeline," Kami warned.
"What does that mean, Kami-sama?" Yumi asked.
"If you alter any key events, then you will have imprinted yourselves on the new timeline. My oath as a Heavenly Deity prevents me from taking any imprints out of the Mortal Realm. So do take care.
"Of course, Kami-sama," Kurama said as he led Yumi out of the clearing.
"You did that on purpose. You know Kurama will go back to Naruto. I know nothing of your angle, but Kurama will go back. Why?" Shin asked.
"Kurama was ripped from his life against his will. My Oath entitles me to investigate the rupture of the Flow of Time. Any imprint on the timeline must stay present on the timeline to keep it stabilized," Kami said, ignoring Shin's question.
"You are too soft at times, sister. His soul resides in Maki; if he goes back, I will have to release my hold on it." Shin said," You want Naruto to learn about this. Your mysteries piss me off."
"I will tell you if you must know. Kurama, being the fox he is, will find a way to go to Naruto without making it look obvious. He will probably try to return to the seal. Yumi will follow Kurama, and when she sees Kurama back with Naruto, she will stick close to Naruto. Whoever sent Naruto back will be keeping a close eye on Naruto. That means Yumi should be able to spot the consistencies." Kami explained.
"So your entire plan hinges on the hope that Kurama will go back and that Yumi will stick near Naruto? It hinges on HOPE?" Shin said, a little irritated. "I'm going back to Gehenna. Have fun with that. I need to get these damned souls to calm down. "
And with that, Shin disappeared. Kami giggled at his frustration as another soul appeared before her. "Do you think he knows about me yet?" the voice of Minato Namikaze said.
"I doubt it. Should Shin learn about that, then you would probably be in his stomach again instead of enjoying paradise with your wife. It is a bit worrisome that the soul keyed into Naruto's seal is has your future knowledge, but that soul is a fragment of you so that I won't worry about it."
Minato grinned sheepishly, "I knew he would be a troublemaker, but I never thought it would lead to this."
"We can't blame him too much. It's not like he had a choice. We can only hope this doesn't happen again."
"If I may ask, everyone is making such a big deal about this. I understand, to a certain extent, but I know there is more going on. Time travel is a big deal, but what's the real danger? If you don't mind me asking," Minato questioned.
Kami sighed as she thought about the best way to explain., "Okay, this a bit of a story, so get comfy. Okay, first, I will say that the Multiverse does exist. Our Universe is known as Universe Prime, or Universe 1 for simplicity. We are known as such because of this, the Point of Origin. You have to come through our Universe, this realm, to travel to any and every other universe. With me?"
"The Multiverse...I was never really into it that stuff, but I understand. Please continue."
"In our universe, there are Four realms. The Divine Plains, the home to the Divines, such as me and Shinigami, and the Mortal Plane, where Humans and Demons live, then you have Maki, the afterlife for demons, and Gehenna, the afterlife for Humans. Your afterlife depends on your life in the Mortal Realm."
"Okay, I understand so far."
"Okay. Gehenna and Maki lay on one side of the Optimus Gate, on the other side, the Mortal world. The Optimus Gate stops souls from Maki and Gehenna from crossing over. You, humans, invented fuin jutsu that could crack open the gate and let you call on souls, but it doesn't open the Gate. Now, this next part is important. Only the Mortal Plane is affected by time travel."
"I think I am beginning to understand. Because the only the mortal plane went back in time, souls that had previously died in the Mortal Plane are now alive in the new timeline, but the same soul is also dead inside one of the afterlives?" Minato stated.
"Close. There are now duplicate souls in Maki and Gehenna. Those souls are trying to cling on to the life of the duplicate souls to escape. That's the real danger because if they can succeed, then the Optimus Gates will be destroyed, flooding the Mortal plane with dead souls and demons. It would bring about the apocalypse for the Mortal plane."
"So does that mean the Optimus Gate is stopping them?"
"Yes, but that's because Shinigami has been hanging around the gate. His presence alone is enough to scare most of the souls away, but he can't stay there all the time."
"So what is the answer then? How will this come to an end?" Minato asked.
"It will sort itself out eventually as long as we keep an eye on the Optimus Gate. We aren't worried about the souls flooding this time. We are worried that if the Timeline breaks again, there will be too many duplicate souls. We need to make sure this won't happen again. Because IF the timeline breaks again, and Maki and Gehenna break loose, it will affect the Divine Plane. And seeing as we are the Universe Prime, it will affect the other Universes too."
"And thus the Divines of the Universes will be mad. I think I understand now. Well, at the very least, the problem will resolve itself." Minato said to himself.
"What of the side project I gave you?"
"In my understanding of Fuin jutsu, and from the knowledge of my wife, we believe it's possible that a type fuinjutsu seal did this, as Kurama has already stated. It would have to be a very complex space-time seal, something along the lines of the Edo Tensei. That's as much as we can gather. If so, then the seal master responsible for it is on a level the Shinobi World wasn't ready for." Minato stated.
Kamin nodded, "Okay then, thank you, and give Kushina my gratitude. You can go enjoy paradise now."
"Of course, Kami-sama. Excuse me"
And Like that, Minato was gone, leaving Kami to her thoughts. 'Only Naruto Uzumaki would be capable of being caught up in all of this…'
(With Naruto, Team Selection Day)
Naruto grinned as he sat down in the academy. 'Now Sasuke, Sakura, and I will be put on Kakashi's team. I can start working on Sasuke's anger. Maybe me being Rookie of the Year will grant me some leeway…FUCK. If I'm the Rookie of the Year, then there is no way we will be put on the same team. SHIT. This will change everything….FUCK.'
Naruto went through every curse word he could think of. Plans he had made now went into the wind as he realized team seven would not be the same.
"Calm down. Didn't it dawn on you that to change your future, you would have to change your past? You should have realized by now that you won't be following in the same tracks as your old future." Kurama said.
Iruka came in with a smile on his face, "Okay, class, attention. It's time to announce the teams. First off, congratulations are in order. To Hinata Hyuuga for being this Years Female Rookie of the Year." He said
Naruto went wide-eyed at that. 'That's not right. It was supposed to be Sakura, that's why we were on the same team. Dammit, Kurama's right. I need to get used to the fact that I can't count on my knowledge of the future anymore.'
"And congratulations to Naruto Uzumaki, for Male Rookie of the Year and overall Rookie of the Year. Secondly, congratulations to all of you. Today you embark on the journey to become a great ninja, in service to Konoha and her Hokage. Today you will be assigned a sensei, who will teach you what it means to be a ninja," Iruka said. He picked up a clipboard. "As you know, Konoha squads are cells of four. Three genins and a jonin. So I will call names, the squad you will be assigned, and the jonin sensei, who will come to pick you up. Okay? Team 1…"
Naruto waited anxiously. Things were going to be different, and he didn't know if he would like that or not. "Okay, Team 7...Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Shino Aburame. Your jonin Sensei will be Kakashi Hatake."
Naruto covered his ears and cursed. "Settle down, Sakura, thank you. Team Eight: Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, and Kiba Inuzuka. Your Jonin sensei will be Anko Mitarashi," He exclaimed, surprised by the name he just read off.
'Wait! Anko? What happened to Kurenai-sensei?' Naruto thought to himself. Kiba slid over next to him with a grin.
"So looks like we're teammate Naruto. Don't expect me to go easy on you. I'm going to train like crazy, you hear me'. Hey, Hinata gets over here," Kiba said, said girl shyly made her way over.
"This is going to be great," Naruto said, inwardly cursing into the void.
"She took a team...Nevermind. Team 9 is still in rotation from last year. Team 10: Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, and Shikamaru Nara. Your jonin sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi." Iruka said as the door opened.
A bearded man with a cigarette walked in. "Team 10, you're with me. Let's go," he said as more jonin sensei came to the door. Thirty minutes later, it was only Team 7 and 8.
Naruto's instincts went onto high alert as he felt the air pressure get heavy, almost like it was Ki, but it wasn't. The blonde ninja immediately identified it as Anko's presence and relaxed his shoulders. He watched as everyone but Sakura stiffen and start looking around the room, their instincts also picking up the registered threat.
Anko walked in slowly, a black snake on her shoulders and a look of murder on her face. She scanned the room slowly. "Hebi-chan, you knock off the scary act now. I think they got the point," Naruto said as he watched Akamaru climb into Kiba's jacket in fear, his master also shaking in his boots. Kiba gave Naruto a look as Anko grinned slowly.
"So let's see, I have scaredy-cat Inuzuka, a worthless Hyuga princess, and a fox that needs to be skinned. Yes, I think I can make something good out of this. Naruto, would you take them to the Dango shop. You have thirty minutes." she said as she started to dissolve into a mud pile. "By the way, your time started five minutes ago. Tick tock…"
"You whore," Naruto exclaimed. "Kiba, stop shaking. Hinata, I need you to snap out of it. If you think that was scary, then you have another thing coming if we don't make it in time. Bye, Iruka-sensei." Naruto said as he started to push his new teammates.
Kiba got the message as his feet started to work again. He looked over and saw Hinata shaking. Naruto cursed as he saw the time. Kiba growled as he picked up Hinata. "Where to Naruto," Kiba shouted as he followed Naruto out of the Academy.
"What the hell just happened," Sakura said.
"The Hokage gave Team 8 a death sentence is what happened." He muttered as he sent a small prayer towards Kami.
"Kiba, run as fast as you can, we are heading to the East District, near the Akimichi Homes" Naruto yelled. As they were running, he saw Kiba start slowing down. "Give me Hinata. Trust me; there will be plenty of pain if we don't make it in time." Kiba nodded as Naruto slowed down enough to grab Hinata as the two sped off.
'N-n-naruto is holding me.' was all she could think as her vision started to fade. Soon she was shaken awake as Naruto came to a sudden halt.
"Hinata, are your feet working? Hinata? " the Hyuuga heiress nodded as she stood up and saw that Naruto and Kiba were panting heavily. "Come on, we have less than a minute, and knowing her, she sat in the back," Naruto said as he rushed in, Kiba and Hinata right behind.
Naruto sighed as he saw Anko sitting at a booth with a red-eyed woman. Anko spotted them and waved them over. "Wow, ten miles in thirty minutes. And it seems the princess here is in better shape than both of you. Take a seat, you three." Anko said as she ordered another plate of Dango.
"Okay, first things first. I am your squad leader, Anko Mitarashi. We will get into introductions in a minute. I won't tell you that right now, team 8 is currently experimental. This is Kurenai Yuhi. She is a chunin right now. She had a chance to become a jonin, but a medical incident kept her out of the exams. So our esteemed Hokage is letting her earn her rank by being the second in command for team 8. So you have two sensei. Understood?" she explained.
On the outside, Naruto greeted his new sensei, but on the inside, his mind was running ten miles a second. 'Chunin? What the hell? This is the first time the timeline has diverged this much. Anko as a team leader and Kurenai as a chunin. Will this stop her from dating Asuma-sensei? Dammit.'
"So onwards, I am a stealth and T&I expert. I love Dango, snakes, and excitement. I hate perverts and people who hate others for something outside of their control. Under my tutelage, I will make Team 8 a perfect scouting team." Anko said as Kurenai picked up the conversation
"I am Kurenai Yuhi; it's a pleasure. I am a genjutsu expert and working my way up to being named the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha. I love gardening and working on my craft. I hate perverts and those who look down on the weak. I am excited to teach you alongside Anko."
She pointed to Hinata, who took a deep breath, somehow gathering a mustard seed of courage. "I am Hinata Hyuga. I don't have many skills outside of my clan training. I like baking and cinnamon rolls. I dislike those that deem being soft as being weak. I want to change the Hyuga traditions of the Main and Side branches." She said. Anko nodded and pointed to Kiba.
"My name is Kiba Inuzuka; I am skilled in my family's taijutsu and ninjutsu. I like training and taking care of my partner, Akamaru. I hate arrogant pricks and those that think they are entitled to something because of their name. I want to become strong enough to be a good clan leader when my mother steps down." Kiba said with excitement. Anko grinned at his attitude as she pointed to Naruto.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I'm currently skilled in the style that I am trying to create and shape manipulation. I like ramen and training. I dislike those who label other people. I want to learn more about my family, whoever they are, and training until I can earn the title of Hokage." Naruto said. Kurenai raised an eyebrow.
"Hokage is a big step from now. Let's focus on chunin first." the red-eye mistress said as Anko nodded.
"Agreed. Our team assignment is recon and combat stealth. That means we go into enemy territory and make paths for assault teams. Or that's our goal. First, I have to whip you, bitches, into shape. So starting prepare tomorrow for a three-month camping trip into Forest 44." Anko said with a grin. "I am loud. I am vulgar. I am damn good at what I do. You will learn survival skills, fighting skills, and many more things. Don't expect to stick to your clan styles. If your enemy knows your style, they also know about your weaknesses. For now, get some rest. You'll need it."
Anko and Kurenai got up and waved the genin goodbye. "They seem like decent people," Kiba said with a nervous chuckle.
Naruto gave him a deadpan look. "Kiba...by the end of the three months, get ready to call her a slur of many different choice words. I trained with her for two weeks and it was a living hell. Stop by the Bronze Dragons on your way home, you two. They will have everything we will need for a survival trip." he said as he got up.
"Who made you the alpha, Naruto?" Kiba grinned. Akamaru barked. "Nah, don't worry about it. We can tell you're strong Naruto. Where is the Bronze Dragon?"
"It's two blocks down from the Inuzuka compound. You can see it from inside the park." Naruto said and he was off.
"This is going to be great, don't you think Hinata? Wanna go to this tool place Naruto is talking about?"
"Yeah, sure. I know where it is. Neji-nii has a teammate that works there; you can follow me." Hinata said.
*With Anko and Kurenai*
"So Nai-chan, What do you think of our little team? I didn't think the Hokage would assign me a team, especially given my..more quirky traits," Anko said.
Kurenai snorted. "Yeah, quirky. Hinata is extremely shy, but if you can break that, then she shows great promise. Kiba is a typical Inuzuka hot head, but from what I can gather, they will follow Naruto's lead. Speaking of, I couldn't get a read on him. Everything I've heard about didn't match what I saw in the Dango shop. He was quiet, but he shows a lot of potentials. I've heard he is remaking the Rasengan and has his fighting style in the works."
"Yeah, I've seen it first hand. That style of his is no joke. It's partly based on aikido and another style that I've never seen before. It takes the throws and pins of aikido and adds strong stances from this unknown style. It's also very free form, meaning it's almost impossible to predict his next move. As he is now, it's not hard, but if he can perfect it and grow confident in it, then he would give Guy a run for his money." Anko explained.
"I wonder where he got the idea from. I don't understand how people can call him a dobe. That style in itself should label him a genius. Not to mention he already has a good grasp on shape manipulation. That's the begging step to learn sealless jutsu. Which could make him even more unpredictable."
"Hai, that's why I've been working on a training schedule for them to follow. By the end of the first three months, they will be the strongest genin in the village. Naruto and Kiba will dive headfirst into the training, Hinata might take a minute to get warmed up though"
Kurenai smiled. "Don't worry about her. I know how to motivate her."
Anko nodded as she sighed. "Then you will deal with her before I get my hands on her. That shyness will cause an accident. It's best if we handle this now."
"Agreed. Well, Anko-chan, I'll catch up with you later. I have something to do." Kurenai said as she waved her friend goodbye.
*With Jiraiya, later that night*
The toad sannin growled. He had five Root Anbu with him. Three males and two females. Tori, Ryu, Itachi, Hebi, Inu.
The only thing he knew about them was they were all dangerous and ready to fulfill their orders. They were right outside a little town called wave when he decided to make camp for the night.
"Okay listen up, I know very little about you, and the info I was given wasn't helpful. Starting with Tori, start with your strengths and weaknesses." He said as he started a small fire. "Also masks off. When we get into Mizu no Kuni, we need to look like a mercenary group, not Leaf ninja."
Tori nodded as he took off his mask. He had light orange hair and small green eyes. "Code name: Tori. My strengths are close-ranged taijutsu and kenjutsu. My secondary is ninjutsu, but my reserves are best spent enhancing my physique. My weakness is long-range fighters."
'I forget that all root ninja are emotionless. This will be tough. The resistance won't trust machines following orders.'
The next up was Ryu. Out of the males, he had the slimmest build. He had straight short black hair with empty black eyes. "Code Name: Ryu. My specialty is my special ink-based ninjutsu. My secondary is taijutsu. My weakness is faster opponents."
'Ink-based? I'll have to see it later. Looks like he will be the all-around support,' Jiraiya thought to himself. Unsurprisingly the last male, the one wearing the Itachi mask, was also a taijutsu specialist. Also, unsurprisingly the two females were genjutsu and medical kunoichi.
"When we get near Kiri, the goal is to disrupt the Mizukage,s plan as much as possible to get the attention of the resistance. Once they make contact with us, we'll have some backup."
The blonde headed female, Inu, spoke up. "Why not make immediate contact with the resistance? It will work in our favor if we aren't alone in the field."
"Many reasons. First off, the leaf village has already turned down their cry for help once. They won't trust six random ninjas trying to help. Also disrupting the Mizukage's plan is twofold. First, to show the resistance that we're here to help. Secondly, it's so I can get a better understanding of the forces we're going to fight. I wasn't able to get any good info in my last scouting mission," Jiraiya explained. "It'll also look better if the resistance asks us for help instead of the other way around. This way, it looks like we just came through the area instead of us being sent on a mission. Keep in mind that this is technically an unsanctioned mission."
"Meaning we can't let anyone know we are from Konoha," Ryu said.
"Yes. And because I am already known far and wide, I will be using a toad illusion to hide my appearance. Before we enter Kiri, I will apply it. You are unknowns. Though I don't like it, you know your duty if you get caught. Ryu and Tori, secure a small perimeter around our area and set some traps. The rest of you get your resting gear set. We will move in the morning. Inu. You will start the first watch, followed by Ryu, then me, Hebi, Tori, and last Itachi. Shifts will be an hour-long."
All of them nodded and got to work. The toad sannin sighed, 'at least they follow orders well. This will be challenging. This war will only end when we can find a way to subdue the Mizukage and his Biju.'
His thoughts were interrupted when Tori came up to him. "Sir, someone is watching us, to the east about 20 yards away. How do you want us to handle this?"
"Don't worry about it, finish the perimeter. I'll handle our guest." He said as he got up. In a louder voice, he said. "I'm heading to use the bathroom. It won't take me long."
He seemingly walked off in a random direction. Itachi shook her head. "He should not wander off alone.
"He isn't. Ryu and Tori will be nearby. They have to finish the perimeter. Plus, he is a sannin; he'll be fine." Hebi said as she finished pitching a tent.
Jiraiya knew they were being watched. They had been shadowed ever since they left the Leaf. At first, he thought it was some ninja meant to escort them, but that seemed unlikely. Deciding this was the right spot, he turned one way. "Come out now, if you don,t then I drag you out."
He rose an eyebrow when he saw someone in blue anbu-like armor wearing a dolphin mask fall from the treetop. "You look like a leaf ninja, but those seals you have on to hide your chakra is interesting. Uzumaki invention, mind telling me where you got it?'"
"That's not important, though I am impressed you knew I was here when you couldn't sense my chakra. Let's skip the idle chat. I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm heading to Kiri to help the resistance. I wanted to let you know that my target is the Mizukage. I have a way to neutralize the Sanbi. This is your warning not to interfere." the figure said, his mask distorting his voice.
"And who are you to think you can take me on?" Jiraiya said with his arms crossed.
"If you think these seals are interesting, you don't want to know what other seals I have on me. The Uzumaki clan had some truly terrible ones," The figure said as he jumped into the trees, moving onward.
The toad sanin narrowed his eyes as he moved back into the camp. Ryu and the others were doing minor tasks. "Trouble Jiriaya-sama?"
"I'm not sure. Ryu, come over here for a minute. I wanna lay some rules down," he said. Ryu nodded and put his weapons down. "Look, if we get separated, then you are in charge. If we get spilt up, these are the basics: We can't let Kiri no we are Konoha ninja, we can't do anything to harm the resistance, and there is a dolphin masked anbu traveling to Kiri as well. He is dangerous, do not engage him unless hostile intent is clear. Understood."
"Understood. Jiraiya-sama. If I may, I have a question. What do you think of family? Danzo-sama trains us not to make any bonds and to not care about anything other than the leaf. But I have a younger brother, about 12 years old now. His name is Sai. Danzo-sama will put me through more conditioning if he learns about my doubt." Ryu asked.
This caught Jiraiya off guard. It seems Danzo's training didn't take to this one as others did. "My views completely contradict Danzo's. I love my family, and for them, I get stronger. They are the reason I am as strong as I am. There are a certain honor and strength in loving someone much; you would sacrifice yourself for them. That's what I think."
"Thank you, Jiraiya-sama. Though this doesn't solve my problem, it does give me something to think about."
"No problem. I am heading to bed. Keep your eyes open."
*Somewhere near the Ame-Hi border*
All was quiet near the border. The animals were in peace, and it was tranquil, for the moment. Soon it was interrupted as a blinding white light filled the area. When it cleared, two people stood there. Red eyes pierced the land around them as it surveyed where they ended up at.
"Well, Yumi. Welcome to the Mortal Plane. Have you ever been here?"
The purple-eyed woman shook her head. "Not for long. I was originally born in a small town near Iwa. I was killed at a little over one year old of age due to Rock Rust Disease. I have served Kami-sama ever since then."
Kurama nodded his head as he took in his body. Most of his demonic chakra was suppressed, and all of his kitsune features were gone though they were still wearing the white robes of the Divine plane. "Come on. We need traveling gear. All though we are immortal, these bodies are not. And we need new clothes. There should be a town near here."
Well well well. Another chapter comes and gone by. Naruto has learned the time travel is a fickle mistress indeed. Jiraiya is going to Kiri and Sai has a brother? Bet no one saw that coming but I am sure everyone saw Kurama coming back into the main timeline.
What will Anko do to team eight? Who is the Dolphin masked man? Will I ever have a personal life? Who knows? Come back next time on DRAGON BALL ZZZZZZZ….oh wait, wrong show.
Anyways, I hope the writing quality has improved. I got a Grammarly account, so there should be a lot less.
I hope ye enjoyed this chapter and I will write a way for the next. If you can't wait, go read some of the other stories that I'm posting.
Ploytoid out.