"Hak!" a young woman suddenly screamed at a smirking male, roughly flipping her ember locks behind her, "Hak" was calmly leaning against the palace wall, as if he had not just thrown the crown princess into the stone garden's fountain. "Yes, my lady Hikari?" he innocently responded, moving forth to slightly bow before her sweltering gaze-WHAPP! "OW! Kari, what was that for?" Hak inquired, slightly glaring up at the princess from where he was still bowing, as he rubbed the red bump on his head. The princess glaring right back at him, though her eyes held amusement as she responded "Don't "Kari" me! You know very well that I have to be ready for Yoon-Sun's arrival within the hour.". Hak deflated morosely at the mention of her cousin's arrival, "That's today?" he asked grimacing, which made Hikari laugh as she wrung her hair of all the water. "Yes, Hak. You are just going to have to put up with my spoiled brat of a cousin." Hikari replied teasingly, Hak shook his head as he retorted "That's not why I dislike him and you know it.". Hikari rolled her eyes at his response, quickly striding back to her chambers, her companion slowly trailing behind her. "Yes,yes. I know, you dislike him because of the perverse crush that he has upon me. You do know that he is only two years older than me?" she asked sarcastically, looking behind her as if waiting for an answer. Any response Hak may have given was cut off by the arrival of Hikari's younger sister, Yona. Who was happily skipping down the hall toward the pair, fiery tresses, 'Not as defined as her sister's' Hak noted, trailing behind her. "Sissy! Sissy! Yoon kun will be arriving soon!" Yona happily shouted, bawling into Hikari, and almost knocking them over, if not for the strong arm that had wrapped around them. Recovering quickly Hikari nodded in appreciation to Hak before refocusing on the boundless energy called her sister, "Yes, he will be, Yona. Don't you want to go get dressed up for him?" shamelessly manipulating her ten year old sister, seven years younger than Hikari's own age of 17 nearly 18, to leave.