By: tweety-src-clt9

Chapter Five: Surviving the Heat

I love you, Hermione.

Those four words echoed again and again like it was a mantra that she just could not erase from her mind. She was uncertain if what she heard was just mere imaginings or if it was all true.

It had been three weeks since she woke up naked on the ground inside a ritual circle right next to a passed-out Harry. After yelping in surprise and mortification for having seen some parts of his body that were supposed to remain a secret until their wedding night at the very least, Madam Pomfrey entered the room. She was checked first and when she was all cleared, it was Harry's turn.

When she inquired about all that had happened, she was stunned.

Harry risked his life and magic just to perform an obscure ritual in a desperate attempt to save her.

"Ow!" Hermione winced when she felt the ribbons on her corset being pulled tight.

"I am sorry, darling," her mother said sheepishly.

"Does it really have to be so tight?" she protested.

"Tightening the dress will emphasize the silhouette of your figure. Besides, it will complement the beautiful design if it is a little tight around the bosom," her mother replied.

"Do I have to wear something so extravagant?" she sighed. She was to wear an emerald silk gown. The bodice was significantly lower as compared to her accustomed styles of clothing. It was meant to be that way because she would be wearing one of the Potter family engagement jewels. The necklace alone surely costs a fortune with the chain of gold circling her neck and from it, flowed the large teardrop emeralds bedecked by tiny diamonds. It was truly a sight to behold, the perfect blend of elegance and luxury. Her hair was tied up in an elegant bun to showcase the bejeweled masterpiece around her neck.

When Harry first showed her the necklace, she was very hesitant to accept it. She was nervous that she would destroy it or lose it or some other horrible thing. While she was not a clumsy lady, she was not used to such elaborate displays of wealth.

Growing up with his harsh relatives, Harry understood her predicament. Despite that, he insisted that they should project themselves befitting of their station during such formal events at the very least. With that logic, she could not refute his sentiments.

So, she grudgingly accepted the necklace. She thought that her engagement ring was glamorous but when he first showed her the necklace, it suddenly dawned on her that marrying Harry would change her life. Once she became his wife, she would be a member of the nobility.

She would be Miss Hermione Granger no more. Instead, she would be the Lady Hermione Potter, the Countess of Gloucester and Cumberland, the Grand Duchess of Magical Britain.

She gulped as she thought about the impending responsibility. Can I really be the Grand Duchess Hermione, wife to the Lord Potter? She sighed. She had already agreed and like she promised Harry, she was a woman of her word. Besides, after all that Harry sacrificed for her, she would never let him down.

Ever since her reawakening, a lot has changed.

One, she was no longer a student at Hogwarts. Her parents insisted that she take her NEWT exams early so she could graduate before her peers. Despite her reluctance, the headmistress and Harry readily supported her parents' suggestion so she acquiesced. When they highlighted that she was exposing herself at risk while enrolled as a student, she really could not think of a suitable counterargument. Her results were in last week and she did splendidly as expected. While she was happy with her scores, the fact that she was no longer a student just gave her mixed feelings of nostalgia, sadness, and joy. She was truly a full-fledged adult now. She was no longer a child.

Two, she and her parents were now staying at Gloucester Court, the seat of the House of Potter. Harry was very worried about her safety, and that of her parents, so he invited their entire family to come stay with him until the wedding. In the time that she started living in Gloucester Court, she could easily see herself living here for the rest of her life. It was not the opulence that she loved but more of the pieces of art beautifully plastered around the manor, the lush gardens, and the large collection of books in the library.

Three, there were a lot of things that she had to learn as the future matriarch of such a grand home. She had been busy learning the ropes of managing such a large household along with advanced etiquette classes befitting of her station. The Granger family had always been well-off but the man she was going to marry – Harry – was of an entirely different caliber. It was intimidating how rich Harry truly was, but his kind and amiable nature reassured her that he would always be just Harry, her dearest and closest friend.

"Hermione? Your hair and your underthings are done. Let me help you change into your gown now, darling," her mother's kind voice broke her reverie.

"Oh! Of course, mama. Thank you," she smiled at her mother who gave her an understanding look.

"Chin up, my darling. You will be the loveliest lady in this ball. It is your engagement party after all," this was said with a teasing grin.

"Oh, mama! With so many handsome ladies, I hardly believe – "

"Well, I for one am certain that your Lord Potter would beg to disagree with you," her mother said knowingly.

"I – well, he is very sweet," she blushed. It was true. Ever since she woke up from her poisoning, Harry had been very attentive to her needs despite his busy schedule.

"You have truly chosen well, my darling. Your Lord Potter is such a handsome amiable man. Very rich too," her mother chuckled.

"Mama!" she was aghast.

"Oh, hush! Let us make haste! We cannot have you late for your own party," her mother ushered her towards the place where her gown was being hung.


Harry was busy entertaining his guests as he waited for Hermione to enter the grand ballroom. He was standing at the foot of the staircase with the Lord and Lady Longbottom along with Remus Lupin. Ronald was with them just a while ago but he was now otherwise engaged with Ms. Lavender Brown's charms.

This was the first formal event that was organized at the Gloucester Court after so many years since his parents' untimely passing. Also, this was the first time that he and Hermione were attending an event as a betrothed couple. The fact that this was their engagement party seemed so surreal.

After the fear of losing Hermione forever just barely a month ago, they were now celebrating their betrothal. Not once but twice. This celebration would be attended by their wizarding friends while the other ball would be for their non-magical acquaintances. It was hard to navigate both worlds but with Hermione as his future wife, he was much more confident that he could do it.

"Oh, wow! The nargles would surely follow Ms. Granger for the rest of the night," the dreamy voice of the Lady Longbottom broke the men from their conversations about politics and business.

All eyes were drawn to the beautiful lady walking down the stairs. Harry could only stare as Hermione walked towards him with a faint flush on her cheeks. This was like the Yule Ball once more except for the fact that Hermione now wore an emerald gown and this time around, she was his partner. There was no Viktor Krum, she was his. And if he had his way, he would happily live the rest of his life with Hermione as his partner for all the social events he had to attend or organize.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she graciously accepted his outstretched hand. Kissing her knuckles, "You take my breath away, my lady," he whispered as his eyes seemed to memorize her beautiful face.

His compliment seemed to make her blush even more as she replied with a breathless voice, "You look very handsome too, my lord."

He would probably just stand there, seemingly lost in Hermione's warm chocolate brown eyes, the way her gown complimented her curves that were embedded in his memory because of the ritual, the pale color of her skin, his family's heirloom jewelry around her delicate neck, and his ring on her finger. After all their years of friendship, Hermione had always been beautiful to him because the kindness of her heart had always shined through. He only started noticing how physically attractive she truly was when she unknowingly interrupted his meeting with Auntie Min as he sought for advice. And ever since then, she only grew more and more beautiful in his eyes.

But this! Seeing Hermione now, as elegant and glamorous as could be, it finally hit him. He was a very lucky wizard. Hermione looked every inch of a Countess this evening. She was his Countess in the non-magical world and his Grand Duchess in British Magical Society. With the way the rest of their guests seemed to be mesmerized with his lady, he felt so grateful that Sirius had implemented such a detailed list in his bequest. The old dog truly loved him very much that he even selected the most perfect wife for him. I am forever grateful to you, Sirius. May you find the peace you so deserve.

Ron decided to interrupt their little moment, along with his musings, with an exaggerated clearing of his throat. The spell was broken. Both of them immediately turned to their other best friend, the last member of their trio.

"Merlin, you two! I was a bit hesitant at the news about your betrothal assuming that you both were not thinking clearly, but this! I must say, you two make an excellent couple. I am very happy for you guys," Ron grinned.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley," Hermione said coyly but her eyes were sparkling with amusement.

"I hate this formality we are all supposed to comply with," Ron muttered.

"Hear, hear!" Harry agreed.

"Well then, Ms. Granger, you are looking very beautiful this evening, and I must say, that Lord Potter over here is a very lucky wizard… Also, I am very happy that you have fully recovered, Hermione," Ron said happily.

"Thank you, Ronald," Hermione smiled.

"I suppose we should start the party with an announcement… Hermione, are you ready?" Harry turned to his betrothed.

"As I will ever be."

"Very well then," Harry gently escorted her to climb the first three steps of stairs just so everyone could see them better.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! The Lord Potter, Grand Duke of Magical Britain and his betrothed, Ms. Hermione Granger, the future Grand Duchess, wish to address thee," one of the ushers guarding the entrance to the ballroom called the attention of everyone.

Since Harry was a prominent figure in both societies, he always made sure that his staff was a balance of house-elves, wizards, and witches. The staff he hired for the ball next week to be attended by the elegant members of non-magical society, would consist of mundane-born witches and wizards. That way, everything would flow smoothly. It was hard to balance both worlds but since he played a pivotal role in each of them, then he was determined to do his best. As the last Potter, he wanted to make his ancestors proud.

When all of the guests turned their attention on the staircase, Harry glanced at Hermione who only smiled at him. Pointing his wand to his throat, he muttered "Sonorous."

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Gloucester Court. The House of Potter bids you good tidings this evening. My betrothed, Ms. Hermione Granger, and I, are very pleased to have you here to celebrate not only our engagement but more importantly, to celebrate her triumph over death… We are certain that most of you have heard about the recent attack on her person barely a month ago. For me, just being with Hermione tonight seems so surreal because I nearly lost her. With that, may I ask everyone to please raise your glasses with me for a toast – " even before he finished speaking, a tray with two champagne glasses hovered beside him.

Harry took the glasses, handed the other one to Hermione, before he continued to speak, "Please join me in this toast. To Ms. Hermione Granger, my best friend, and my future wife… To friendship and partnership! Cheers!" He raised his glass, glanced around the room, before clinking it with Hermione's. There was that same flush in her cheeks that he found utterly irresistible.

"To friendship and partnership!" their guests chorused.

Harry sipped on his champagne with his eyes glued to Hermione who appeared confident and at ease with the attention of the crowd on them. Since he knew her very well though, he could see some signs of awkwardness in her demeanor. So, when he finished the last of his drink, he leaned closer to her.

"Are you alright, Hermione?"

She glanced at him and blushed. "I – well, yes, I suppose so. It is just, well, I am still unused to all the attention. As your Grand Duchess though, I am expected to eventually get used to it, right?" she admitted with a slight chuckle.

His eyes softened at her confession. Just like him, Hermione had never been comfortable in the spotlight. This was one of the reasons why he could not ask for a better wife. She did not like being the center of attention but she braved the exposure for him – as his future wife. His heart swelled at the thought when she said the words 'as your Grand Duchess.' His already besotted heart fell even deeper in love with this amazing woman.

"What? Is there something the matter?" her question broke his musings.

"Oh, I was just thinking that I am so lucky to have secured your hand, my lady," he answered with a cheeky grin. His eyes though, conveyed how serious he was about his quip.

"Sure you are, my lord," she rolled her eyes.

"May the lovely Grand Duchess honor me with a dance?" he asked after their glasses vanished with the tray.

"If you insist, my lord," she held out her hand which he eagerly accepted. He guided her down the stairs and he escorted her to the center of the dance floor.

They stood in front of each other and bowed as the music began to play. As they danced, their eyes wore focused on each other despite the other couples joining them.

With Hermione's smiles and the way her face flushed with the exertion of the dance, Harry could only thank Sirius for his good fortune of having secured Hermione's hand before any other man could. With the way the other men's eyes covertly lingered on her as they danced, he truly did feel like the luckiest wizard in Britain. Not only was Hermione a subtle and elegant beauty, but she was also very kind, brave, and intelligent.

He could not ask for a better wife. She truly was every inch worthy of the Potter name and she did not even know it. He promised right then that he would consider it his life's mission to make her feel so loved and appreciated.

He could only hope that he was worthy of her as well.


Hermione had a few dances with Harry before dinner and then she danced with her father, Mr. Lupin, the Weasley men, and even Lord Longbottom. She was very grateful for the support of all these people because, despite the polite façade in most of their guests' faces, especially the women, she could feel the scathing looks being thrown her way when Harry was not by her side.

As the Lord of the House, Harry could not spend every single moment beside her. He had to mingle with the other guests and to try forwarding his political reforms to the traditionalist purebloods. She knew he hated it, all the cunning political powerplay, but they had discussed it a few days prior and they knew it was a must. It was a part of their lives that they could not escape so they must accept their responsibilities.

Since Harry was still anxious about her safety, he told her to never be alone at all times during the party. So, she promised him that she would surround herself with people they both trusted throughout the party everywhere she went.

She was truly thankful to the Weasleys. The Weasley men offering to dance with her, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley chatting with her parents, and of course, there was the Lord and Lady Longbottom who were truly genuine people.

"Hermione, I truly am sorry for what – " Ginny apologized for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Oh, Gin! Hush! It is truly alright. You were not at fault," she reassured her friend.

"Hermione is right, Gin. Besides, I believe that fiasco opened Lord Potter's eyes at the very least," there was a knowing glint in Luna's eyes as she whispered to them both.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Hermione could not help but ask.

"Oh, Hermione! You should have seen Lord Potter! I thought he was going to kill me when he found out. He truly loves you very much. Of that, you can be very certain," there was a dreaminess to Ginny's voice and she rolled her eyes. Despite having a penchant for masculine activities like horseback riding and sword fighting, Ginevra Weasley was truly a romantic at heart.

"I am sure Lord Potter is just being kind. He is my best friend after all," she downplayed the situation. In as much as it was in her best interest to be in a love match with Harry, she just could not fathom him falling in love with her in so early a stage in their relationship.

"Come now, Hermione! We are women. Let us not pretend we do not know when a man notices us… Look! See! Lord Potter is looking at you right now," Luna coyly gestured to the wizards hovering around Harry as they were engaged in what seemed to be a political discussion.

Hermione discreetly followed Luna's gesture to where Harry was talking with Lord Longbottom and Ron. There were senior members of the Wizengamot surrounding them. She had a slight smile on her face as she noticed how commanding Harry looked with all the men in the room. He had always been a good leader – he had a kind heart, an eager ear to listen to ideas, and a strong disposition.

She was too busy admiring the way Harry looked, with his coat emphasizing his broad shoulders and trim waist, that she did not notice Ginny and Luna giggling beside her. When she was elbowed by one of her friends, she turned to them but they only pointed to Harry once more.

When she looked at Harry's direction, there was an amused glint in his eyes and she blushed. She was caught admiring him from afar! How mortifying!

Harry raised an eyebrow as if to ask if she was alright and she nodded shyly. He winked at her before he turned to his conversations once more. She turned to her friends with her cheeks tinged pink. Bold, brazen, and playful Harry just made her feel so flustered.

"Hermione Granger, you one lucky witch," Ginny teased and Luna giggled.

"Oh, hush! Let us go get some drinks," she changed the topic. Her friends gave her an amused glance but they followed her lead.

They were headed toward the tables when they heard whispers from a group of witches they went to Hogwarts with. Without even knowing it, Hermione halted in her step.

"I really do not understand what Lord Potter sees in Ms. Granger. She is not handsome, her posture is unseemly, there is nothing special to her figure, and she has the makings of a shrew," Ms. Marietta Edgecombe whispered to Ms. Tracey Davis.

Luna and Ginny gave the two witches a stern glare but the witches only looked down at Hermione and carried on with their gossiping. Hermione tried her very best to adopt a stoic demeanor. She needed to assume an unaffected countenance. If she showed any sign of grief, it would only give these witches a sense of victory.

"I think she tricked him. With their many years of friendship, maybe she propositioned him and he is too noble a soul to deny her. I mean – just look at her!" Ms. Daphne Greengrass joined in the conversation.

"If you ask me, Lord Potter is better off with Ms. Chang. After all, did not he clearly fancy the exotic beauty at one point?" Ms. Davis said to the other witches who giggled at that.

Hermione pretended that she had not heard them and carried on walking. Luna and Ginny were behind her all the way. She grabbed a glass of wine and turned to her friends. There were sympathetic looks on their faces and she just wanted to disappear.

"Luna, Ginny, if you will excuse me, I would like some fresh air," she curtseyed.

"Hermione, wait!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Hermione, please! The Lord Potter wants you to be accompanied at all times," Luna added.

"I will be back before you know it," she smiled to her friends as she discreetly headed to one of the secret exits that led to the library.

She turned to Harry one last time and her heart broke. Ms. Davis was right! Harry was better off with Ms. Chang. He should have asked her hand instead, after all, they did look better together. With the way Harry led Ms. Chang to the dancefloor, without ever noticing her haste to leave the ballroom, she tried to fight back the tears.

It was very clear now. Harry would have married Ms. Chang if it not for the clause in Sirius' will that he should marry a muggleborn.

If it not for Sirius' will, Harry would have never deemed her worthy of the Potter name.

She fled the ballroom, eager to find someplace to think. She needed to get away from the rude ladies, the sympathetic look on her friends' faces, and most of all, she needed to forget the vision of Harry and Ms. Chang heading towards the dancefloor.

Harry would never love her because his heart already belonged to another. The words she thought she heard as she awakened from the poisoning, were just silly figments of her imagination.

The toast Harry made explained it all. To friendship and partnership. That was all there was, and would ever be, in their relationship. There was only friendship and partnership – never love and passion.

She would only be his Grand Duchess – an intelligent political ally. But she would never be his wife – the woman who held the key to his heart.

As early as now, she should start accepting that fact.

She would never have his heart and she should just be content that he was at least a kind and generous man. She must guard her heart at all costs.

She must not fall in love with her future husband.


"I wanted to ask you if you are happy with Ms. Granger, but I know it is futile. You have been looking for her all throughout this dance," Ms. Chang sighed.

Harry turned to his dance partner. "I am sorry, I do not mean any offense. I am just very worried about Hermione – "

"You always do. No one else ever stood a chance," Ms. Chang said with a tinge of sadness.

"Hermione is very important to me – "

"I do not know what you see in her. She is plain and boring and – "

"Ms. Chang, I will not have you insult the future Grand Duchess in my presence. If the Changs want to be in good terms with the House of Potter, then you best start learning how to respect my future wife. If you will excuse me," Harry managed a slight bow just barely meeting the requirements of civility before he dashed off to look for Hermione.

The last time he saw his beautiful betrothed was when she was enjoying a conversation with Lady Longbottom and Ms. Weasley. He always kept an eye on her even if they had to be apart since he had some duties to attend to. He already found the perfect exit strategy so he could excuse himself from the company of Neville, Ron, and one of the older members of the Wizengamot but then Ms. Chang appeared out of nowhere. He was so ready to ask Hermione to dance with him once more, but then as the host, he must be polite to all their guests. Since Ms. Chang seemed to be eager for a dance, he was left with no choice but to offer himself out of civility.

And now that the dance was over, he just could not seem to find Hermione anywhere. With a determined stride, he headed to the direction of his betrothed's friends. Surely they would know where she was.

"Excuse me, Lady Longbottom, Ms. Weasley, do you perhaps know where Hermione had gone? I cannot see her anywhere," he inquired after bowing to the ladies.

"She said she wanted to catch some air, sir. There were witches who were terribly awful to her awhile ago. We tried to stop her but – " Lady Longbottom explained but he interrupted.

"Thank you, Lady Longbottom. I shall be off to find her then," with a nod to the two ladies, he rushed towards the library. He could only hope that nothing bad had happened to Hermione again.


Harry entered the library and he immediately went to the balcony Hermione seemed to enjoy lounging in. He sighed in relief when he found her there. She was safe and unharmed, at least he could be certain of that.

"Who goes there?" she asked without facing him. He noticed that she had her wand at the ready though.

"It is I, my lady," he responded as he walked closer to her. Since they were all alone and he was given the freedom to stare at her, he noticed that her gown showed off her delicate shoulders to perfection. With the moonlight, she looked positively ethereal – beguiling.

"What are you doing here? Should not you be with Ms. Chang right now?" he detected anger in her voice. Since she refused to face him, it only solidified his understanding that she was cross with him.

"Why would I be with Ms. Chang when I plan to spend the rest of my days with you?" he tried to lighten the mood.

"Is not Ms. Chang the woman you truly wish to marry?"

Her question made him pause in his step. Where in the world did she ever get that idea? With a determined stride, he stopped just a foot away from her and he gripped her elbow so she could face him.

When he noticed the tears flowing down her beautiful face, he was truly taken aback. "Hermione, why are you crying?" he asked with a gentle voice.

"I – I am sorry, Harry. It is just – do not worry about me. I will be fine," she reassured him as she wiped her tears away.

"Tell me. Who did this to you?" he stepped closer and he raised a hand to cup her cheek.

"I understand now. Honest – I will be fine. Just – just please leave me alone," she tried to get away but he pulled her closer to him. With an arm around her waist, she was left with no choice but to stand still.

Even with the tears in her eyes, she had never been so beautiful to him the way she was right now. Something happened after he shared his magic with Hermione. It made him overly aware of her presence – her magic called out to him. It was so intoxicating that he feared that he would lose control. When you add in the fact that he was most ardently in love with her, the sight of her naked body and soft skin that he already touched even in the faintest manner, he was truly having a hard time controlling himself.

"Hermione, please… Tell me what happened," he begged.

"I understand now… Why you chose to marry me… and I – "

"Oh… You do not see yourself ever falling in love with me," he muttered.

"I – what? That is not what I meant!"

"Then what – "

"You are in love with Ms. Chang but you have to marry – " her eyes widened in surprise when he tilted her chin so he could kiss her.

He did not understand where she got this idea that he was in love with Ms. Chang and he reckoned that words would not appease her. So, he might as well give in to his desires. He had longed to kiss her from the moment he saw her walking down the stairs in the most daring gown he had ever seen her wearing.

His kiss was light and teasing. He wanted to give her the chance to pull away. To his delight, she eagerly returned his kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He groaned in pleasure. This was utter bliss. Her lips were warm, moist, and so irresistible. He could easily imagine himself living the rest of his days kissing her soft luscious lips – tasting her and devouring her.

This was his fantasy turned into reality. It was very difficult to live with the very object of your desires under the same roof, knowing that you could only look but not touch. And now that he was given a taste of what he would expect during their wedding night, he yearned for more.

His tongue lightly traced her lips and he was pleasantly surprised when she allowed him entrance. When his tongue found hers, he could no longer stop his raging hormones to be on full alert. He could not help his arousal to rise when this woman – his woman – was kissing him as passionately as he so envisioned in his waking dreams.

Hermione's eyes opened and she lightly pushed him away when she felt his body's reaction to her kisses. Afraid that she might hurl abuse at him or worse, hex him, he immediately apologized, "Hermione, I am so sorry. I did not – "

"What was that?" her chest was heaving and her eyes darkened in a mixture of carnal energy and curious innocence.

"A taste of what is to come?" he tried to make light of the situation but she smacked his chest.

"I do not want to be treated like I am some sort of – " sensing that she was going into a full ranting mood, he held both of her hands and pressed them against his chest. She gasped when she could feel the fast beating of his heart.

"I love you, Hermione Granger. I am in love with you. I do not know where you got this silly notion that there is anyone else. I love you. I want to marry you. I want to make love to you. Only you. No one else," he said in earnest.

She seemed to be stunned. Her mouth was agape and her eyes widened in shock. It would have been funny if not for the way that her very answer could make or break his very soul. The longer she kept silent, the more he got nervous.

And then, she smiled...

It was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen from her. To his delight, she threw her arms around his neck and this time around, she kissed him. Her kisses were so much more passionate than their first one, so he gave it all he got.

When Hermione's hand fisted on his hair, it seemed to fuel his desire even more. As they pulled apart for air, his lips were drawn to her cheeks, then to her jaw, and then her collarbone.

"I cannot wait to make you mine," he whispered against her skin.

"I – me too," she breathed.

"You have been driving me crazy with want. I am torn between seeking your company and reining in my desire for you… Something has changed between us. Can you feel it? Our magics reaching out to each other?" his lips were peppering kisses on her skin. The emeralds on her necklace made him swell with manly pride. She truly was his. She wore his family's heirloom. Her dress was the same color as his eyes. She was his future – his Grand Duchess.

"I – yes, Harry. I can feel it too," she admitted. He could easily imagine the adorable blush on her cheeks.

"Can I – get a taste?" his voice was breathless. He did not know where his boldness had come from, but as soon as the words were out, he could no longer take them back.

"Well, I – I am yours. So, yes…" she whispered.

Hearing her say that she was his, those sweet words coming from her own luscious lips made him feverish with desire. He groaned against her skin and finally, he reached the one spot he was so desperate to get a taste of – from the moment he had a glimpse of them during the ritual.

He lowered her bodice and her corset just enough so he could see the pink bud that he could perfectly see in his erotic fantasies. He lightly rubbed his thumb against her protruding bud just to make certain that she was alright with it. When she gave out a breathy moan, his name on her lips, he growled.

Lowering his lips to her hardened nipple, she breathed, "Oh god! Harry…"

This was pure heaven and he was delirious with the sensation. He was drunk on the taste of her nipple as his teeth, tongue, and lips toyed with her smooth flesh. The smell of her perfume – a combination of vanilla and jasmine – was making him so heady with desire that he had half a mind to ask her to elope the very next day.


His smile was filled with masculine pride as she begged him for more. He was determined to give her as much pleasure as she was giving him. He was enjoying every sensation of his mouth on her hardened nipple and he was so eager to lavish her other breast with equal attention but then, he heard the familiar voice of Auntie Min calling for him.

"Merlin!" he immediately pulled away from her.

"What is wrong?" she asked.

"I am sorry, my lady, but someone is coming," he flicked his wand and he righted her clothes with a spell.

"Will we – will we do that again?" she asked hesitantly.

"If I have my way, yes – but we truly must not lose ourselves."

"Right. We have to be chaste for the ritual bond to work," she blushed.

"Exactly. I will be counting the days to our wedding, my love," he held her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Harry! Hermione! There you are!" Auntie Min walked into the balcony with Mrs. Weasley in tow.

"Come, Hermione, dear. Your mama is looking for you. We both have been discussing ribbons for your wedding," Mrs. Weasley held out her hand for Hermione which she eagerly accepted.

Before they walked away, Hermione gave him one last look that made his blood boil in desire. His eyes followed her every movement until she completely disappeared from his view.

Harry turned to Auntie Min and gulped. There was a stern look on her face but her eyes were twinkling with amusement.

"Something you want to tell me, my lord?" Auntie Min smirked.

"Hmm… The party is a success, is it not?" he feigned nonchalance.

"You better restrain your passions until the wedding night, dear lad. You know how ritual bondings work," Auntie Min said knowingly.

"Auntie Min!" he was aghast.

"You are just like your father! Potter men and their amorous nature," Auntie Min huffed and he could only look away as he blushed like a schoolboy.

"Run along and act like the dignified Grand Duke. No wandering off in dark corners with Ms. Granger," this was said in her signature stern voice.

"Yes ma'am," he gave his aunt a playful salute as he walked away. He could hear Auntie Min's laughter echoing around the library.

Because of what just happened at the balcony, he now had a certain fondness for the library – his Grand Duchess' most favorite place at Gloucester Court.

A/N: I pegged this story at ten chapters but I think there will be more. I know that a lot of people are panicked and bored with this global health crisis going on but do be patient with your requests. I am trying to write as much as I can despite my own personal issues so let us all please be tolerant of one another. I know we all have our favorite stories but my muse rules my writing. If I am not up to it, or if something else is calling out to me, then I really do not have a choice. Writing is an expression of creativity after all. I do not want to write for the sake of writing. Rest assured I am trying to do my best to write as much as I can. I am also planning to cut some stories into parts like God Save The Children with a Book 2 just so I can plan the demand and workload better.

The next chapter will be the Wedding. Finally.

Thank you for the kind messages and well-wishers. I have not found the time to answer them but rest assured I have read them. I hope I'll find the time to reply soon.

Review, fave, and follow if you enjoyed this chapter.

Keep safe. Wishing you and your family all the best in these trying times of health and impending economic turmoil.

P.S. If you read this in AO3, you can see a picture of Hermione's engagement ring, the necklace, and our favorite couple.