Disclaimer: All characters belong to Stephanie Meyer.

Warning: This is a story that deals with incredibly dark, distressing themes and is rated M for a reason. If you are uncomfortable with sex, rape, self-harm, abuse, suicide, panic attacks/anxiety, etc then this story is not for you. this story deals with incredibly distressing themes. Most of these themes are discussed in detail beginning with the first chapter.

Full Summary: An enemy seeking to harm the entire Cullen family attacks the weakest link: Bella. Now, the Cullens are tasked with protecting and caring for a severely injured Bella, tracking her attacker, bridging a relationship between past enemies and current relationships, and dealing with arising challenges concerning Alice's visions. Rated M for rape, violence, and dark themes. Set after New Moon. Read and review!

IMPORTANT Author's Note: I'm a little scared to share this story considering how dark the themes are so here it goes! *crosses fingers and hopes that this doesn't end terribly* I came up with the idea of this story as I was reading the backstories for some of the other characters in the book – soooo basically all of the Cullens! I love how dynamic their stories are and how they're all so tragic and I wanted to bring some of those tragedies back to life. This story is set right after New Moon before Eclipse – so the fight with Victoria/her vampire army hasn't happened. I'm twisting is slightly so that Bella isn't really grounded after Edward returns since she has plans to meet up with Jacob in the first chapter. I really love feedback and I believe it's the only way to make my writing and my story better. Reviews also motivate me to write faster, better quality stuff for my readers! So please, read and review and leave me your genuine thoughts and constructive criticism! My goal is to consistently update this story once a week – Fridays, probably!

Prologue: Bella POV

My heart beats wildly in my chest and my breaths were short pants that barely subdued the need for oxygen in my blood. My whole body ached with pain, but the memories flurrying through my eyes seemed to overpower everything else.

"Breathe, Bella." Edward's voice is a quiet murmur besides my ear. His lips brush at my skin, making me shiver. The air felt damp and hot from the shower cascading scalding water into the tub, but I was freezing cold. Edward's hands are incredibly gentle as he pulls my shirt over my shoulders, freeing my body from the cloth.

"I can't."

Edward's dark eyes are in front of me, peering deep into mine. His hands go to the sides of my arms, squeezing me. Could he squeeze the sanity back into my body? Or maybe the normalness? Maybe he could squeeze the memories out of my brain forever. I yearned to be Alice Cullen right now. I wanted to be free of the past. She was luckier than she could ever imagine to not know her life as a human.

"Yes, you can, love." He tells me firmly. "You won't die from this Bella Swan, I won't let you."

Yes, I will. I would die from this. Carlisle once told me memories were a prison. He was right.

"You can't help me." Was I taunting him? Was it safe to taunt Edward right now? What if he snapped and broke me?

"Try me." He growls, his jaw hard.

"Make me forget, Edward." I hated begging. Begging him made me panic. But I was already panicked, and I was already unable to breathe.

"One day, Bella," He whispers to me, putting his forehead against mine. "the past won't keep you locked in chains anymore."