Contestant Biographies


I wrote these after I wrote the first few chapters so they contain spoilers. You can read them before read the fanfiction if you prefer to know the characters a little better. Placing them at the beginning so they're easier to find ^_^ There is a full reference sheet later to reference back to.


Name: Addison

Likes: Being the loudest person in a room

Dislikes: Wearing his prosthetic

Known for: His high-energy

Why TDI?: To show off his skills

If there's one thing that this high-energy teen values it's himself. Addison's high-energy behavior has been a constant struggle for his parents, Harold and Leshawna, and he was always a pain to keep an eye on. But he's known from a young age that being the loudest person in a room gives him the largest presence that he needs to feel important, even if it creates a burden to those around him. However, Addison's obnoxious behavior may have been the cause of a bad accident which ended with him having to have an eye removed. Addison doesn't let it make him self-conscious, in fact, he embraces his differences and hates having to wear a prosthetic eye since it 'makes him blend in'. Even with his vision impairment, Addison has a lot of potential skills he wants to show off to his fellow contestants and hopefully will be able to stand out in the crowd.


Name: Aiden

Likes: Spending time with his twin brother

Dislikes: Being compared to Landon

Known for: Participating in several school clubs

Why TDI?: To feel closer with the community

Aiden has a strong relationship with his twin brother Landon and their single-mother so Aiden was excited to find out he had a father he'd never met when he was eight. He would like to get to know Justin better, but not if his brother isn't going to be with him. Aiden spends a lot of time with his brother but knows that there is a culture clash between the two of them. Aiden thoroughly enjoys going to school. He loves getting involved in the many clubs his school offers and is always staying after school to help with something. He knows Landon is struggling and wants to help him. But even knowing he's has more book-smarts, Aiden feels like his brother is better than him. Aiden doesn't want there to be a competition between the two of them, but tries to make himself feel like his equal. He hopes meeting the rest of the contestants will help him feel closer with the TDI world and essentially have a better understanding of his father.


Name: Callum

Likes: Scaring his friends

Dislikes: Detention

Known for: Winning the Halloween costume contest 6 years in a row

Why TDI?: Gets him out of the house

Despite being the only child to kind and lovable DJ, Callum grew up being more than he bargained for. Making his father faint more than a few times at a young age made Callum realize how amusing it was to scare others. He took this hobby to school with his teacher and fellow classmates, but it may land him in detention now and again. He is often able to use this skill for good; making costumes, props, and decorations to use for his own use and to sell to his friends. Callum even managed to win the costume contest 6 years running at his school. As excited as Callum is to meet his fellow competitors, DJ is most excited to finally get him out of the house so he can find fun scarring someone else for once.


Name: Cameron

Likes: Listening to every type of music

Dislikes: Feeding the goats

Known For: Taking a year off from high school

Why TDI?: To feel like he's one of the guys

Cameron is really excited to compete in Total Drama. He was never one to really watch the show but if his parents could do it why couldn't he? Anything beats feeding the goats and listening to another lecture from his mother, Dawn, about how he doesn't treat them nicely. Growing up in a heavily wooded area, Cameron struggled to really find himself. He found most peace listening to whatever music he could find; rap, country, pop, electronica, Cameron's listened to it all but it was never enough for him. School hasn't been a lot of help either, he even took a year off to just reflect on his life, which sounds nice for most teens but caused him to be in the same class as his younger sister Sara. Cameron is finally ready to get away from his classmates and interact with a new group of teens that will make him feel like he's just one of the guys.


Name: Cody Jr. (Junior)

Likes: Spending time with his family and cat

Dislikes: Moderating the Total drama fan blogs

Known For: Volunteering at the local church

Why TDI?: TV presence

While growing up rather poor in a college town isn't ideal for most kids, Junior appreciates the little things and would rather spend time with his parents than be able to get whatever he wants. Being the only child in his family, Junior grew up constantly being smothered, photographed and videotaped by his overly-affectionate mother, Sierra. However Junior worries that all his time at home is leading him down the same path as his mother. He's already been added as a moderator on a total drama blog but has yet to work up the courage to remove himself from the group. When he's not relaxing at home or checking up on the forums he's giving back to the community whether it be volunteering at the local church or serving food at a shelter. Junior knows that being on the show will give him a TV presence which he hopes will give him a better understanding of the fan culture. He just hopes he too doesn't become a target of affection.


Name: Ike

Likes: Ice hockey, roller hockey and field hockey

Dislikes: Being compared to his younger sister Ivonne

Known For?: Partying with his teammates on the weekends

Why TDI?: To prove himself worthy

While being the oldest and the only boy in his family, Ike was born with the destiny of being his father, Tyler's protégé. After many failed tryouts, Ike found his passion in hockey. Whether it be on the ice, in the roller rink or out on a field, Ike is always playing and practicing. Even with all his success in the sport there's one thing in his way… his little sister Ivonne. Ike tries to be supportive of his sister but while she keeps winning trophies in every sport she partakes in, Ike can't help but feel outshined. Ike takes out his negative energy by sneaking out and partying with his fellow hockey teammates, he'd even be away for an entire weekend if it meant he didn't have to watch Ivonne win another gymnastics tournament! Can Ike finally prove to his sister and his parents that he has just as much to offer?


Name: Ivonne

Likes: Collecting trophies

Dislikes: Going up/down the stairs

Known for: Teaching yoga at the local studio

Why TDI?: To go for the gold

Ivonne may have inherited her good looks from her mother Lindsay, but she never found being pampered and pretty interesting. She'd much rather get rough in the mud with her older brother Ike. It was Ike who inspired Ivonne to try out for gymnastics and after winning that first golden trophy, she just couldn't quit. Softball, cheerleading, tennis and soccer, Ivonne found herself loving the game and loving the trophies she got to take home afterwards. Even with an unbreakable winning streak, she couldn't escape the clumsiness embedded within her. Ivonne tries to avoid going up and down the stairs because she knows it will inevitably lead to disaster. After spraining her wrist, she took a break from sports to teach yoga at a studio nearby. Now she's all rested up and ready to win the biggest trophy of them all... 100 thousand dollars!


Name: Jacey

Likes: To have fun

Dislikes: Being told what to do

Known for: Her accent

Why TDI?: To let loose and relax

Jacey's known for the better part of her life that she has a destiny to fulfill but the issue with Jacey is… she chooses to ignore it. The pressure that she gets from her mother Eva to follow her footsteps would cause most people to collapse but Jacey chooses to play naive and do what she wants. Athletic games never really interested her, she'd much rather joke around and pull pranks on her friends. Although she did settle on a sport and joined the cheer squad, she still gets told to find a better sport to play. Being a 'stupid girl' has its perks though. She makes friends easily and she has a contagious positivity to her. Jacey thinks that people are attracted to her because she has an accent and doesn't speak the best English but she's happy to befriend anyone she crosses paths with. Jacey wants to let loose and relax with her fellow TDI cast and hopefully they'll enjoy having fun just as much as she does.


Name: Juliette

Likes: Discovering new places in Canada

Dislikes: Talking about her past

Known For: Being the 'new girl'

Why TDI?: To understand her new life better

If anyone is fresh to the Total Drama 'family' it's Juliette. Being born is Brazil to unknown parents, she has been hopping around the country for most of her life. But at 14, Juliette was finally able to find her forever home in Canada with Noah. While getting used to the weather change and language difference has been a struggle, she finds it exciting to explore her new home and better understand the culture. Juliette has been taking advantage of every moment and is able to find a positive in everything. Although she may get annoyed when her little brother keeps asking her about her home country, she knows it's all in the past and she has a future to focus on. Her next big challenge will be fighting for the 100 thousand dollars. She didn't even know this show existed! Will Juliette be able to keep up with the other Canadian-blooded TDI kids?


Name: Landon

Likes: Going to the arcade

Dislikes: Being bothered

Known for: Paying his classmates to do his homework

Why TDI?: Obligation

Landon feels like his life became much more bothersome when he first met his father, Justin, when he was eight. Unlike his twin brother Aiden, Landon does not care if Justin is in his life or not. Landon just wants to play laser tag and rack up on tickets at the nearest arcade. As close as Landon is with Aiden, he finds himself feeling more and more bothered by people at their school. Landon doesn't bother with school and has too often payed his friends for their notes or to do the entire assignment for him. As attractive and athletic as Landon thinks he is, he wishes he could have a more positive attitude like his brother Aiden. Landon would rather not participate with the rest of the TDI kids but if his brother is planning on competing, he feels like he has to. He can't let Aiden keep getting ahead of him after all.


Name: Liam

Likes: Walking through Detroit on the weekends

Dislikes: His step-dad

Known for: Having tattoos all down his arms

Why TDI?: To take a break from city-life.

City-boy Liam knows he and his farm-girl mother Beth clash when it comes to personality and interest which made it easy for him to choose to live in the states with his father instead. Liam feels like he is in his environment in the city of Detroit and spends lots of time walking down the streets to visit the local businesses, more specifically the tattoo parlor down the block. He can spend as much time as he wants on the streets but every-so-often he has to cross the country border and visit his mother but more dreadfully, his step-dad. Liam disconnects from his Canadian family so much that they don't even know about his tattoos all over his arms. While this never-ending cycle has been weighing Liam down, he hopes camping out with the total drama crew will be a nice break from his high-energy lifestyle.


Name: Malik

Likes: Watching bad movies with his friend Mavis

Dislikes: Working at the hair salon

Known for: Getting suspended three times

Why TDI?: To try to woo Mavis

Malik grew up believing he had one destiny…. To marry his childhood friend Mavis. While he enjoys watching bad movies and playing card games with her, it just isn't enough for Malik. His friends think that he has unreasonable expectations with Mavis and even his mother, Katie, worries that he'll scare her away, but Malik can't help who he's fallen in love with. He decided to get a job sweeping floors at a hair salon to help get him clear his mind but he finds the daily task miserable. Malik would rather find meaningless tasks at school to make his friends laugh like connecting a bunch of dry-erase markers, or making a hole in the floor and dropping coins into the classroom beneath. These antics may cause him to get suspended, but it beats doing any kind of work to Malik. He hopes that the rest of the TDI cast see his connection with his childhood friend and help him get the girl.


Name: Mavis

Likes: Sleeping

Dislikes: Being hit on by Malik

Known for: Missing at least one day a week from school

Why TDI?: To spend all the money at the mall with her girlfriends

Calling Mavis a heavy sleeper would be an understatement. Mavis spends a lot of her time sleeping in and not wasting any time to present herself. She often misses school from sleeping in for so long. While her mother, Sadie, wishes she'd find anything to do in her spare time, she's glad that she has one friend under her belt… Malik. Mavis feels like Malik was dumped onto her only because their parents are friends. She's tired from the constant flirting from Malik and wishes he'd find someone else to bother. When she's not sleeping, Mavis is usually sneaking out of class to hang out with her girlfriends at the mall. She hopes she wins the money so she can indulge on her bad behavior and rest easy knowing she accomplished at least one thing.


Name: Mordecai

Likes: Spending the day at the farmer's market

Dislikes: Babysitting his little brothers

Known for: Cheating to get his way

Why TDI?: So he can say he did

Mordecai was always meant to be a very accomplished person. While his mother, Courtney, would have wanted better for him, Mordecai takes more of his inspiration from his father, Scott. While Mordecai enjoys being a farm boy for the most part, what he really likes is being able to sell vegetables at the local market- he claims he's running a business from it. Even as a self-proclaimed businessman, Mordecai has 5 little brothers he gets stuck looking after, much to his annoyance. Whether he's at home or in school, Mordecai doesn't mind playing dirty. Mordecai will often place blame on his little brothers and he's been guilty of stuffing the ballot box to win class president. Mordecai really wants to win Total Drama, mainly so he can stick it to his parents.


Name: Nora

Likes: People-watching in the park

Dislikes: Not being able to speak her mind

Known for: Being the quiet kid

Why TDI?: To find more confidence in herself

Nora knows it's difficult to be the 'quiet girl' especially with very outgoing parents like Geoff and Bridgette. Nora prefers to stay out of the spotlight and live a peaceful quaint life. She often heads to the park to watch others having fun. A lot of people tell her that it is a weird hobby but she thinks people can be pretty interesting. Nora finds most of her issues with friends from school. She finds more extroverted people want to befriend her and will often times try to 'help' her. Nora doesn't need help, but she struggles to speak her mind and gets stuck being the 'adopted introvert' in her friend group. Nora knows she's tough, and has a lot to offer to her Total Drama team. She hopes the competition is able to bring her out of her shell and gain more confidence.


Name: Petunia

Likes: Sketching and painting

Dislikes: Bullies

Known for: Painting sets for the community theater

Why TDI?: To put the money to good use

Petunia may seem like a quiet kid at first, but when she lifts her head out of her notebook, she has a full personality and a blunt attitude. While she tries to separate herself from being like her parents, Izzy and Owen, she shares their positive outlook on life. Petunia spends most of the time drawing in her sketchpad and particularly likes to draws interesting situations she witnesses at school. When she's not drawing in her sketchbook, she is at the community theatre helping paint the sets. It doesn't seem like Petunia has a bad bone in her body until she sees someone getting teased or bullied. She doesn't mind fighting back for others, even if it means she ends up in after-school detention. Petunia wants to win the money because she knows it could be put to good use somewhere in the world.


Name: Sara

Likes: Reading tea leaves and tarot cards

Dislikes: Wasting her own time

Known for: Jumping off the top of the bleachers onto the concrete

Why TDI?: To explore new wooded areas

There is no limit to what Sara is willing to do. Sure, she often gives her older brother Cameron a constant scare, and she may have ended up in the emergency room more times than she's willing to admit, but Sara has never given up. The only thing Sara doesn't like to do is help out her father, Ezekiel, outside since she knows her time is valuable. She believes she has found her true connection with the world; she even checks her tea leaves every morning and reads tarot cards at night. But no reading could ever predict that she'd jump from the top of the bleachers at a football game… ouch! Sara knows that her behavior can lead to danger but what's life without a little bit of danger? Sara loves exploring and hopes she will get a chance to see the crazy creatures that inhabit the woods at on set. Hopefully she'll maintain her hard head and stay out of trouble with her teammates.


Name: Sophie

Likes: Video chatting with her friends

Dislikes: Getting in the middle of arguments

Known for: Being in every play and musical

Why TDI?: To get closer with her half-sister Zarra

Sophie knows that she is the complete opposite of her mother, Gwen. Sophie loves being peppy, pampered and popular. If she's not at school or out with her friends she's usually in her room talking to them in a video chat room. Trying to be friends with everyone has some downsides. Sophie hates dealing with arguments and disagreements. She decides to just never take a side in those situations which usually end with her losing a friend or two. Sophie does take some inspiration from her father, Trent. She enjoys playing the guitar and singing, but her real passion is acting. Sophie tries out for every play and musical at her school and spends a lot of time practicing. Everything seems pretty peachy for Sophie until her half-sister Zarra comes around. Sophie never really got to know her sister, and hopes that they are able to reconcile while stuck on the island together.


Name: Rosie

Likes: Causing trouble at the skatepark

Dislikes: Being forced to dress and act girly

Known for: Signing up and dropping out of every extra-curricular

Why TDI?: To get acceptance from her parents

Rosie has been waiting for this moment her entire life. With her parents Heather and Alejandro both making it to the finale, Rosie knows this competition will be a walk in the park for her. While she may seem like a popular girl, Rosie spends most afternoons at the skatepark with her girlfriends graffitiing cars and making chips in the sidewalk, much to the dismay of her parents. In fact, Rosie thinks it'll be impossible to ever get along with her folks, as long as they want to keep dressing and pampering her. A lot of this disobedience comes from being forced into almost every extracurricular at school. Quiz bowl, choir, ballet, Rosie never lasts a day in these clubs and just heads back to the skatepark. Winning total drama might be Rosie's last chance to find a medium between her and her parents and hopes that winning will be enough to gain their acceptance.


Name: Zarra

Likes: Reading comic books

Dislikes: Feeling jealous

Known for: Locking herself in her room

Why TDI?: To have more opportunities to make friends

Despite being Duncan's daughter, Zarra found herself finding much more comfort in her step-dad, Trent… that is until she had to compete for his affection with her half-sister Sophie. She was bothered so much by feeling jealous of her younger sister, she moved back in with her father for the majority of the time. It did come with some positives though; she became close with her step-brother and they both found love in reading comic books and watching classic movies together. She became comfortable in her everyday life but when she had to stay with her mother, she would often lock her bedroom door. Zarra knows that being on TDI could help her find friends other than her step-brother but could it also salvage the relationship between her and her little sister?