Hiccup couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't and wouldn't fight against that Monstrous Nightmare. He had learned so much about dragons and could see that they were not bad. They couldn't help it.

Hiccup was packing and took all he needed. His notebook, his tools and some clothes. He was about to go back to Toothless, but looked back at his room. He couldn't help but feel guilty over what he was going to do, but he couldn't see any other way. He didn't want to kill the dragon.

Hiccup sat his bag down and went to his table, where he took a piece of paper and a charcoal pencil and he began to write.

"Dad. I know i haven't been the best son i could have been. I know you wanted a son with muscles and power, but i can't be something, i'm not meant to be. I'm sorry, but i can't kill that dragon. They aren't bad and i have learned so much from them. But you dont have to be disappointed in me anymore, cause i'm leaving berk...forever. I wouldn't be a good chief. Make Snotlout the next in line to be chief. He would be better at that then me. I love you dad. Hiccup." Hiccup had some tears in his eyes, but he knew that it was the best thing to do.

He put the letter on the table, took his bag and hurried down to Toothless. When he got there, it was beginning to get dark. He had taken a basket with fish with him, so Toothless and him had some food for the trip.

He looked at Toothless and said "Come here Bud. It's time we take a little trip off this island...forever"

Toothless looked at Hiccup with his head a little to the side and then got excited to go on a flight. He loaded up Toothless and sat up on him.

"Let's go bud" Toothless spreaded his wings and took off. When they were off the island and were on their way, Hiccup looked back at the island, that once was his home. He could feel sadness, but he knew that if he stayed, he had to do something, he didn't want to do and he didn't want that burden on him.

He scratched Toothless and smiled. "Let's see what the future has in store for us bud."

Toothless growled happily and Hiccup layed down on Toothless, while they were setting off to a new place. After some time, Hiccup could see that Toothless needed some rest. Fortunately for them, there was a little island, where they could take a stop for the night.

They landed and Hiccup found some wood and got Toothless to start the fire. He roasted some of the fish, he had taken with them and after they had eaten, Toothless quickly fell asleep. Hiccup layed against Toothless body, while he looked at the stars.

Now that he wasn't on Berk anymore, he wouldn't be close to Astrid, but it wasn't like she saw him anyway. He was like a shadow to her. She didn't talk to him or anything. Maybe he was lucky to gone from Berk. Before Hiccup knew, he fell asleep.

And there is first chapter.

You can tell me what you think of it or if you have any other pairings you want me to look at and if there is something i can do better. I read it all.