September 1987

It was the knocking that woke John up.

It was insistent, and so powerful that the door of the cheap motel he was currently staying in shook slightly. Instantly, he was alert, making sure to be silent as he got up and grabbing his pistol from his nightstand in his short trek to the door. As he drew near, he unlatched the safety, his hand that wasn't clutching his gun extending slowly to twist the doorknob when...

"John! Goddammit, I know you in there! Open the door!"

He frowned at the sound of a woman's heavily accented voice, latching his gun's safety and tucking it into the small of his back before opening the door to see-well, he actually had no idea who he was looking at honestly. It was a woman, that much he knew, and a damn attractive one at that with an hourglass shape, olive skin, piercing blue eyes, and dark curly hair. She stared at him, her gaze somehow stoic yet terrifying all the same. In her right hand, she gripped the handle of a rather large object concealed by a blanket.

"Well?" she snapped after a moment of John's ogling, "You keep mentally molesting me or let me in?"

John blinked, snapping out of his stupor, "I-" he was cut off as the woman let herself in, shoving harshly past him. Not knowing what else to do, John closed the door before turning around to face the woman. The object she was holding had been placed on the floor and the blanket was removed to reveal an infant car seat. Inside it was a baby, clad in a white onesie who couldn't have been more than a month old. It wore a tiny white cap with small brown curls poking out of it and was soundly asleep. All the while he was examining the infant, the woman stared hard at him, her gaze unreadable. John cleared his throat awkwardly as he made eye contact, growing instantly uncomfortable as their gazes met.

"Um..congratulations?" John stated, unsure of how to start what was sure to be an awkward conversation.

The woman glared at him, "You no remember me, no?" she asked, though it came across more as a statement.

So he was supposed to know her then? "Uh, no. We've met?"

The woman scoffed, "I no surprised. You were...what you say, shitfaced, when we meet."

"Who the hell are you then?" John asked gruffly, his straight-to-the-point attitude revealing itself as he quickly grew tired of the confusion. If there was one thing John Winchester hated, it was not being in the loop.

The woman seemed unphased by his tone, "Who I am not matter. You not bother to learn my name first time we meet. This..." she gestured to the sleeping infant, "is baby. Name is Katarina. I no keep her." Okay.

"Um, wow. Okay, and you've brought her here to me, why?" John asked. The answer was quite obvious, but John wanted to hear it for himself anyway.

The woman rolled her eyes, not bothering to conceal her annoyance, "Baby created when we meet, John. I forge you name on birth certificate. She yours."

John was speechless. A baby? A baby? But...but he was always so careful! He already had two boys, and that, in John's opinion was more than enough. Dean was eight and had only just started the third grade, and Sam was four, practically still a baby himself! He was planning on leaving first thing in the morning to drive across country back to his sons in the motel he had left them in after finishing this most recent hunt, the hell was he supposed to tell them?

"I...okay. Um, wow." John cleared his throat once again, "Have...have you considered, um, adoption maybe or...or a home? Maybe there's a relative you can leave her with...or a friend? An acquaintance maybe?"

If looks could kill, John would be a pile of ashes on the floor at that point.

"Baby needs father, John." the woman growled as if he had suggested something blasphemous when she was the one essentially dropping her child off for a stranger to raise.

"Yeah, well, some would argue that a mother is even more important." John growled back. Honestly, who the hell did this woman think she was?

The woman huffed as she wrapped her arms around her midsection, "My fiance no want baby. Threaten to kill her if I no get rid of her. I no trust friends, family. System too corrupt." her gaze intensified as she looked at John, "You baby father, John. Last hope. If you no take her then she die. If she die then I kill you."

Now no one could let it be said that John Winchester was a coward, but at that moment, looking into that woman's eyes, he had no doubt that she would make good on that promise. He wouldn't go down without a fight sure, but she'd definitely do everything in her power to kill him. Still though...John Winchester wasn't one to back down.

"I don't think you understand what you're asking of me. You can't just...just show up at my doorstep and drop off some kid! I don't even-how the hell did you find me anyway?!"

The woman didn't react to his outburst, "I have methods, John. It no hard to find Hunter if you know where to look." At that last statement, John's eyes widened in shock. How did she know- "And anyway," the woman continued, "This not some baby. This your baby. You responsible for her, John. Grow pair and take her."

And wow, was it possible to despise and admire someone at the same time?


The woman ignored his stammering as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, "This baby's birth certificate. Birthday is October 31st." she said as she handed it to him. She then turned around and crouched as she faced the sleeping baby, murmuring what John assumed to be comforting words in what he identified was Russian and kissing her forehead before standing back up and turning back to John.

"You take care of her, yes?" she asked. She waited until John gave a single nod before walking past him and out the door, closing it behind her as she disappeared into the night and most likely out of her child's life forever.

John stood still for a long moment after the door closed behind her, the folded birth certificate in one hand as he stared at the infant, sleeping soundly and completely unaware of the bombshell she had just dropped on his life. It took an even longer time for him to regain his voice.

"So Katarina, huh?" John said, still staring at the baby. His baby. Hell, his daughter.


John was never one to shy away from long drives. He couldn't be, not with his profession. Being a Hunter meant that he had to be on the road more often than not, and though road tripping wasn't something he was overly fond of, it was something he had learnt to deal with. A necessary evil, one could say. After the death of Mary, when John had found himself to suddenly be the single father of a six month old Sammy and a four year old Dean, his travelling had to be kept to a minimum. For one, though he desperately wanted to hunt down and destroy whatever the hell killed Mary, he had no idea of how to do that. He was only just becoming a Hunter at the time after all, and didn't have the faintest clue of what lurked in the world of the supernatural, let alone of how to destroy them. Another reason was of course, Sam and Dean. Both children had just witnessed the death of their mother and though Sam was much too young to understand it, Dean was...well traumatized would be the only word to explain it. He had gone completely mute for what seemed like years, though in actuality it was only about six months.

Long story short, travelling with a traumatized four year old and a six month old...not a good idea. So you could probably imagine how he felt about travelling with a one month old. The drive from his motel in Oakland, California to the one where his sons were at in Delta, Colorado was about a 16 hour drive, give or take a couple of minutes. Now under normal circumstances, John would easily make it 12, but that included breaking a number of traffic laws which probably wasn't a great idea with an infant in the car. So plain, law-abiding citizen it was. After fighting for a good 15 minutes to get the car seat securely strapped in and taking another 10 to get himself freshened up and all of his belongings in the Impala, John was on the road. He stopped briefly by CVS, picking up some diapers and all the other crap for babies that he remembered from Sam before continuing the long drive back to Colorado...and remembering exactly why he never wanted to have anymore kids. He had to stop at least twice every couple of hours to take care of the baby, whether it be to feed her or change her or friggin' look at her (since apparently babies got lonely). A drive that would've typically taken him half a day took him a day and a half and he still had no idea what to tell his sons.

It was midday when John arrived at the rundown motel in Delta, Colorado. He had barely pulled the Impala into the parking lot when one of the motel room doors opened, a small brown-haired blur raced towards him. John couldn't hold back his grin as he got out of the car and caught little Sammy in his arms, lifting him up high much to the delight of the four year old.

"Daddy, you're back! You left for forever!" he exclaimed.

John laughed as he placed the little boy back on his feet, "Yeah. Sorry about that kiddo."

John looked up as Dean approached the Impala, much more calmly than his brother (Dean always had been rather mature for his age, John admitted that was partly his fault) and gave John a hug as well.

"How'd it go, dad?" Dean asked, making sure to keep his question rather vague in consideration for Sam. It had been an unspoken agreement between he and Dean that they would keep Sam as far away from any knowledge about hunting for as long as they could. It was unfair to Dean that Sam got to have more of a childhood than he did, John knew, but once again, necessary evil.

"It went fine, son." John reassured, knowing that there was real worry behind Dean's casually phrased inquiry. He glanced back at the Impala, the engine was still running but was it still okay for the baby to be in there alone? Man, he was rusty.

"Dad?" Dean questioned. John mentally cursed at himself, he had forgotten how observant his eldest was. "Are you o-" Dean was cut off by a tiny cry.

John paled as both his sons looked at him inquisitively.

"What was that, Daddy?" Sam asked.

Dean stayed silent, but his raised eyebrow relayed the same question.

"Well, um," There was another cry, though it was steadily increasing in volume, "I had an, erm, situation and well..."

John didn't fight Dean as he walked past him and opened one the rear doors on the Impala, looking inside for a brief moment before looking back to John with wide eyes, "Dad, why is there a baby in the car?"

"A baby?!" Sam exclaimed, "I wanna see! I wanna see!" He scrambled to the open rear door, squeezing past Dean to look at the infant.

"Dad?" Dean asked again at John's lack of response. Sighing, John came to the realization that there was no sugarcoating this and went for his trademark 'straight-to-the-point' approach.

"That, Dean," he said, "is you and Sam's new baby sister."

Hey so I am in love with Supernatural and just recently started reading some Sisfics so I decided to try out one of my own! Leave reviews to tell me what you think about this story so far! Also if anyone has any other title ideas for this fanfic it would be much appreciated!