The RWBY Cast Reacts to Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket

Chapter 1: Welcome to the UC (And CU)

Hello readers! It's me, The Draigg, back to writing a RWBY fan fiction! It sure has been a while since I've written one, hasn't it? Anyway, this is me deciding to rework an old fanfic of mine, one where Team RWBY reacted to Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. I stopped it before it was finished due to it not really meeting my standards back then, but I think I can nail it this time around. Just keep in mind this takes place around early Volume 3-ish. Basically right before shit hit the fan in RWBY. So anyway, I hope you'll enjoy my literary interpretations of franchises that I don't own! Let's get to the story!


"Ruby! Ruby! Wake up!"

"Urghhh…" Ruby Rose groaned. Why would someone wake her up out of nowhere like that? It was probably the middle of the night still!

"C'mon, wake up already!" the familiar voice insisted. After that, Ruby felt a hand grab her right arm and shake it vigorously, trying its hardest to rouse her from slumber.

"Fine, fine, I'm up, I'm up…" mumbled Ruby, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Once her sight came into focus though, she was greeted with an unusual sight. "W-what's this? What's going on?"

While Ruby did remember seeing all of her teammates in their pajamas before they went to bed, she didn't remember them falling asleep in what appeared to be a movie theater. Nor did she remember any of the people hanging around Team RWBY being near them when they fell asleep either.

And yet there were an assorted group of people all around the theater, all dressed in their night clothes. General James Ironwood, dressed in just a tank top and sweat shorts, pounded angrily on the theater door while Winter Schnee in a robe and night gown looked on with a level of concern. Team JNPR were all huddled over in a corner, with Jaune and Pyrrha openly talking about escape plans while Ren tried to get Nora to pay attention. And still seated to their left, was Roman Torchwick in a set of silk pajamas and Neo Politan in a rather fluffy pink robe. Those last two looked completely unconcerned, with Roman puffing on a cigar and Neo idly checking her nails.

"Looks like we've been kidnapped while we were asleep." commented Blake, off to Ruby's side. Her cat ears were clearly perked up in a state of alert.

Yang shrugged. "I still think it's a weird shared dream."

"Now isn't the time for speculation, we just need to get out of here!" chastised Weiss, letting go of Ruby's arm.

"Whoa whoa whoa, this is, uh, freaky?" was Ruby's clearly confused comment. This was a whole lot to take in in such a short time of being awake.

"You ain't kidding, Little Red," Roman commented, overhearing Ruby. "Never thought I'd ever dream of you. It'd honestly be concerning, if it wasn't fun to watch you and your little hunter pals flounder around like this."

Neo nodded and smiled at Roman's comment. More specifically, she flashed a rather smug smile over at Yang. Yang barred her teeth at Neo, who only gave her an overly-dramatic look of fake shock in response.

"Ice cream bitch…" Yang muttered under her breath angrily.

"Hey, if you want to lend a hand over here, I'm willing to accept it!" Ironwood called over to the seated group.

"If you can help, now would be the time!" added Winter.

"Winter? You're here too?" Weiss called out. At that, Winter rushed over to her sister's side and gave her a small hug.

"They got you as well, I see…" Winter said, her tone of voice only barely covering her sisterly concern.

At Ironwood's call, Jaune's voice perked up. "Hey, uh, General Ironwood! How about we try to get out through the ceiling?"

"It'll be like a spy movie!" added Nora.

Ironwood rubbed his face in frustration. "Unless you've got a ladder or can form a human pyramid, I can't see that working."

Winter walked away from Weiss and over to where Ironwood was standing, staring at the ceiling all the way. "I agree, sir. Also, I don't see any panels that we can open and enter up there."

"Ah, right…" Jaune muttered, before turning back to the rest of his team.

"That won't be necessary. The show will begin momentarily" a voice said out of nowhere. The confused group of trapped people looked around for a source of the voice, but couldn't fund one.

"Show?" Blake asked out loud.

"Correct. You are here for a screening of a show. A good one, in fact."

Weiss angrily crossed her arms. "Kidnapping us just to watch something? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Technically, none of you are here at all. Your bodies are still in your beds. Your minds, however, are now accessing the collective unconsciousness of humanity across space and time."

"Uhh… what?" Jaune flatly asked.

"Yeah, all of that sounds crazy to me." agreed Yang.

"I can't help but agree with them. That just sounds absurd." Winter commented.

The voice sounded a tad bit annoyed when it spoke next. "Look, I don't make the rules, I just present them. And speaking of presentations, the theater will now begin seating."

As if reality warped to allow it, everyone in the room teleported to a chair in the audience seating, as if they had been sitting there all along. All of them were neatly gathered around the seats that Team RWBY currently occupied.

"Nice magic trick." Roman said.

"Gah! Don't do that out of nowhere!" complained Jaune.

"Whoa! That was faster than anything I can do!" Ruby exclaimed.

Pyrrha rubbed her arms, as if she was cold. "That certainly felt… odd."

"It was pretty unpleasant…" agreed Ren, holding his stomach. It looked like he was going to get sick from the teleportation.

"Stop toying around with us and just tell us why we're here!" Ironwood demanded to know, shrugging off the odd feeling of teleportation.

"Like I said, you are going to watch a show. It's honestly not hard to do."

"And if we watch your show, will you let us go without harm?" Winter asked the voice.

"Your bodies are already unharmed, but I can guarantee that your minds will still be intact once the link to the collective unconsciousness is severed."

"So that's a promise of safety then." Winter then said.


Winter sighed as she turned to Ironwood. "…This might just be our best bet, sir. At least until we decide on a better plan."

General Ironwood crossed his arms and frowned. "I suppose so, Specialist Schnee."

"Uh, voice guy?" piped up Ruby. "Why are we all having this dream thing? This is just weird. Super weird, even."

"I'm under no obligation to answer that, nor to make this scenario make any sense to you. Just sit back and enjoy the show."

Roman blew out a ring of cigar smoke. "Charming guy, that voice." he deadpanned.

"You're asking a lot of people you kidnapped." Blake said to the voice.

"Any choice you had in the matter was removed once you connected to the collective unconsciousness."

"Great. Just great…" grumbled Weiss, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I mean… it's a free show, at least?" offered Ruby to the rest of her team. It didn't seem like they were taking her attempt to lighten the situation all that much, judging by the expressions on their faces.

After a moment of letting it sink in, Yang sighed. "I guess we don't have much of a choice… and I guess you're right, Ruby. At least it's free."

"Maybe it'll be fun?" suggested Pyrrha, even though her tone of voice suggested she didn't fully believe what she was saying.

"Yeah!" wholeheartedly agreed Nora. "How did they know that watching a movie in a theater in my pajamas was one of my life goals? They nailed it!"

"Whatever the case is, we'll just have to see it through," Ren observed.

"It is settled then. Now, before we begin the show, there is something that I am obligated to cover."

"Oh, so now you're obligated to something?" Weiss hissed.

"Don't interrupt. Anyway, there is a bit of context that you must know before watching this show. This show is a part of a media series called Gundam. In this case, this show is set during the Universal Century era, where in the year 0079, space colonies orbiting a planet named Earth declared independence from the reigning planetary government, labeling themselves the Principality of Zeon. They launched a war of independence that lasted one year, and led to half of the population of both the Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation being destroyed in the conflict. This is due to the presence of Mobile Suits, large humanoid mecha that are among the most powerful weapons in the war. With that being said, this series covers events that occur towards the end of the war, near the beginning of the year 0080. Do you understand?"

"So, it's like a sci-fi thing?" Jaune asked.


"I'll admit, it does sound kinda cool…" muttered Jaune.

"Pfft. What a bunch of nerd shit." Roman said dismissively.

Neo pulled out her scroll and opened a text-to-speech application. "Agreed."

"It doesn't matter what you all think. You are going to watch it regardless."

"It'll be fun to watch you flounder around watching this, Roman." Ruby smugly threw back at the thief. On his part, Roman gave Ruby a nasty scowl and turned his attention over to the screen.

"And so, without further ado, we present Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket!"

The lights in the theater dimmed, and the screen lit up to begin the show.


And there you have it, the introduction to the story! I hope I provided good enough of an incredibly brief explanation of the Universal Century of Gundam. And if you haven't seen that before, I highly recommend you go check it out right now. I'm not joking, open up a new tab and find a place to watch Mobile Suit Gundam. You won't regret it.

Anyways, this has been The Draigg, and I'm signing off for now!