"Aeternum, dear!" Walburga Black nee Black, Lady of the most Ancient and Noble House of Black, had never been known for having a pleasant voice and this time was no different, for instead of the welcoming tone Aeternum was sure she meant to sound like, she sounded much like a screeching banshee in a vocal contest.

Yet even so Aeternum dutifully replied, the oh so familiar mask of a perfect heir sliding upon his face like water running down a slide "Yes, Mother?". Aeternum knew that for his 'mother' to interrupt during his study period than it was of importance that he listen, so Aeternum reluctantly set aside his grimoire sliding it beneath his bookshelf into a compartment that he had built many years before for such a thing.

And just in time as Walburga flounced into his room just as he had feigned setting aside a book of blood arts onto his desk as though he had been originally reading it "Oh darling, can you do your mother a small favor?". Though to anyone else her words would appear a suggestion Aeternum knew that they were no such thing and that any refusal he would give would mean immeasurable pain, both physically and mentally (not that Aeternum needed any help in that particular department, he was already insane from the war as well as his stint back to the past), so he swallowed his anger and replied as she expected "Of course, Mother. What is it that you need?".

Aeternum restrained himself for murdering the vile witch when her slate eyes filled with a conceited pleasure, clearly pleased with herself for the anger and distain she could feel brewing within her heir. After a mere moment of silent gloating she spoke "We have been invited to attend the Malfoy's Ball to honor their heir becoming of Hogwarts age, and it is specified that all heirs are requested to attend in order to form connections before the sorting. Dress elegantly, as you will be representing the House of Black tonight.". The end of her sentence hung ominously in the air, foretelling a dangerous path should Aeternum at any point within the night cause a disruption.

Bowing his head in deference Aeternum clenched his teeth at the callous disregard she held when speaking to him, as though he was a bug beneath her. 'I will kill her' he hissed out after she had left, magic barely restrained from lashing out seeking to find and torture until the wench was begging for a mercy he would never grant.

His familiar Hydra, a green death adder, rose from her position around his bicep, bringing him from his sadistic thoughts 'Calm, Master. She is less than you. She will rue the day that she was born once your plans come to fruition. All of the wizarding word shall tremble at the mere thought of you, the muggles a thought of the past. One day you will have exacted your revenge and it shall be the world's end as we know it.'. The foreboding hisses may have frightened many others but only served to alight Aeternum's blood with the thought of such a future, adrenaline already coursing through his veins at the thought. Though he sighed a moment later remembering that in order for that to happen he needed to be patient.

Shaking his head to dispel his thoughts he turned his attention to his companion 'Correct as always, my stunning familiar. I couldn't have hoped for such an intelligent companion.' he praised running his thumb under her chin as he knew she loved, causing her to preen at the rare praise and sentimentality that her Master so despised.

Remembering that he had a ball to attend dampened Aeternum's mood, though he knew that appearances was a part of the act. An act that Aeternum was determined to exceed all expectations of. He was a wizard that had defied all rules since the moment of his first birth, from surviving an Avada Kedavra to being sent nearly a century into the past, he was capable of doing anything that he put his mind to.

And so as he exited the floo at the Manor of one of the country's most prestigious households Aeternum gazed around with a smug air as he could practically taste the success that he would soon feel. The wizarding world didn't know what was to come as many heirs and heiresses flocked to the handsome prodigy Black Heir, all hoping to have his attention if only for a mere moment, practically handing Aeternum, once Harry Potter, the world on a silver platter for him to do as he wished with.