AN: First Fic on FF so I hope it's okay. Don't be afraid to leave reviews and I hope whoever reads this enjoys.

Full Summary:

After living a long and fulfilling life as a scholar after the demise of his greatest enemy, Harry James Potter took his last breaths and said his last words surrounded by friends and family. And as he shut his eyes for the last time, welcoming Death as an old friend, in another world far away, a newborn princess announced her arrival on the 7th of July at 0700am with a piercing wail and he took it back. Death is no friend of his damn it. Because of course the Master of Death could never catch a gosh darn break.

Attempting to swear the air blue like a sailor, the newly dubbed Kiyomi-hime cursed the entity that is Death. And while all that came out of her tiny baby lungs were furious newborn wails, Death laughed.

潔美 (Kiyomi: Pure beauty)


By two years old, Kiyomi-hime was considered an irrefutable genius. Having gone through all her first milestones ridiculously early, at the toddling stage of two the small girl delved headfirst into any scrolls, books, and reports she could get her tiny, grabby hands on and proceeded to absorb any and all information she could on her country, the economy, the state of the world she lived in, and history.

The little raven-haired princess learned of shinobi, the horror of the great wars, chakra, the different types of jutsu, how her country was run; anything at all to help her better understand the world around her. And once she learned everything she needed to know, she concluded that this world was in need of a great change and she was going to make it happen if it killed her (not like she could really die anyway, because looking at her current statistics, she'd most likely come back to life whether she liked it or not), because she was the princess of the Land of Fire -Hi No Kuni- and these were her people now and she was going to make the livelihood of her people better, no matter the cost.

Kiyomi was gifted with the memories of her past life and the abilities that came with them, so she was going to use them to their fullest potential, because every single one of her people deserved happy lives with equal opportunity. There could be so much more for everyone if only given the chance and she would give them that chance. With better healthcare, better education, better infrastructure, better technology, better job opportunities, better protection; better everything.

So, the little princess embraced her inner Slytherin and began to plot on how she would change the world, and if she decided to wreck some havoc for her smothering parents and guards as she did it? Well, no one had to know. Except maybe Death. The bastard wouldn't go away and apparently thought she was funny.

At least he was useful.

Two years later at four years old, Kiyomi -once Harry- the princess of Hi No Kuni and (the reluctant) Master of Death, after a good seven assassination attempts on her person -what is it with her and the number seven damn it-, decided that she needed to better protect herself. Kiyomi figured she'd delve into the arts of her past life that she'd once come to master and use them to her benefit and everyone else's chagrin. Through the meticulous use of a great many runes and wandless charms -magic is so fucking awesome, has she ever said that before? Because it so fucking is- she was sufficiently protected without ever really needing to rely on her (admittedly useless) guards -so many assholes got through their post to try and kill her, damn it, what was she supposed to call them? Useful? -.

It was at this very age that she met the man she would claim as her best friend forever.

Sarutobi Asuma was a generally laid back kind of guy, but that didn't mean he didn't feel a sense of accomplishment when he achieved something, so when he was accepted as one of The Twelve Guardian Ninja out of all the other recruits, he was suitably proud. Getting to be part of the Fire Daimyo's personal guard detail in the capital -away from his father- and with great pay? An honour wrapped in a sweet deal.

So, when he arrived at the palace to be acquainted with his new teammates and the monarch family only to be met with the thoughtful, emerald gaze of the tiny, four years old, princess who was the picture of a perfect doll; decked out in a flowery patterned pink and baby blue kimono, with an unnecessarily large bow around her waist, and her raven hair pulled up into two intricately braided hoops at each side of her head, he responded accordingly -like the mature adult he is- and when nobody but the half-pint princess would see, he teasingly stuck his tongue out at her. He really had no idea that when her tiny, rosy cheeked face round with baby-fat broke into a sweet grin brighter than the sun, his life would be forever changed as her self-picked personal guard. And if you were to ask him many years later, he would tell you in complete honesty that even if he could, he would never change a single thing.