Disclaimer: Same thing.

Axel and Rey were on route to an uncharted planet call Ahch-To where Luke Skywalker was claimed to be. Chewie landed the Flacon on an Island in the middle of the plant's ocean, then the two friends climbed the Island and reached the top. They then saw a figure in a white hooded cloak. The figure turned around and took off his hood revealing a man with long gray hair and a short beard. It also showed that the man had a robotic arm. This man was none other then the Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker.

Axel looked at the old Jedi master as a tear of joy strolled down his cheek because he hadn't seen his God-uncle in five years. Rey walked up to the Jedi Master and handed him his old saber. The Jedi took the saber and looked at the two younger force user...then threw the saber over his shoulders and walked past them.

"What the fuck?" Axel asked as Rey picked up the saber. The two followed the Jedi to his cabin as he locked the door.

"Master Skywalker, We're with the Resistance your sister Leia sent us." Rey said as she knocked on the door with her staff. "Hello?"

"Go get Chewie" Axel said "just in case I can't get him out" Rey walked back to the Falcon while Axel banged on the door.

"Uncle Luke open this door right now!" Axel said.

"Go away Axel" Luke said through the door.

"You can't be serious, I haven't seen you in five years and you expect me to just walk away? Not gonna happen." Axel then saw Rey with Chewie as they walked up to him "Bust the door down Chewie"

The Wookies nodded as he used his tremendous strength to bust down the door as he roar at Luke.

"Chewie what are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"That's what we should be asking you!" Axel said "you dissapear for five years while the First Order has been reeking havoc across the galaxy. Now get off your ass and let's get back to the Falcon!"

"The Falcon?" Luke whispered "Wait...where's Han?"

Axel and Rey told Luke about Han's unfortunate death at the hands of his own son Ben.

"There's no light left in Kylo Ren" Rey said to a grieving Luke. "He's only getting stronger. The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks. We need your help, we need the Jedi Order back. We need Luke Skywalker" The old man looked at the prince and the scavenger.

"You don't need Luke Skywalker..." He said

"Did you not hear a word she just said?" Axel asked "We need you to help us fight the First Order and bring peace back to the galaxy."

"What did you think was gonna happen Axel?" Luke asked "Did you and your little girlfriend expect me to walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?"

"Ok first of all she's not my girlfriend" Axel said while blushing. "And secondly...yes I did"

"Well did you really expect me to come to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? Go away..." Luke said as he walked off.

"We're not leaving without you!" Rey shouted as the Jedi Master walked off. "Now what?"

"We follow him" Axel said. "The two young force wielders followed Luke all day until they heard whispering coming from a tree. They walked toward the tree then went inside to see some books. Axel was surprised because nobody had use book since before his grandparents were born, maybe even longer than that.

"Who are you?" Luke said as the two young adults turned and saw that the Jedi Master was talking to Rey.

"I know this place" Rey whispered.

"What is this place anyway?" Axel asked while looking around.

"Built a thousand generations ago" Luke said as he walked up to the books. "To keep these, The Original Jedi Texts. Just like me, they're the last of the Jedi religion." Luke then turned and faced Rey. "You've seen this place, You've seen this Island"

"Only in dreams" Rey whispered.

"Who are you?" Luke asked

"The Resistance sent me and Axel" Rey asked

"I see why they sent Axel, but why you? What's so special about you?" Luke asked "Where are you from?"

"Nowhere?" Rey Replied.

"No one is from nowhere" Luke said.

"Jakku" Rey said

"That's pretty much the same thing" Axel joked.

"Alright, why are you here Rey from nowhere?" Luke asked

"The Resistance sent me" Rey said. "We need your help. The First Order's become unstoppable."

Why are you here?" Luke asked. Rey paused for a moment until she spoke.

"Something inside me has always been there. But now it's awake. And I'm afraid. I don't know what it is,or what to do with it. I need help"

"You need a teacher" Luke said "I can't teach you"

"Why the hell not?" Axel said stepping in front of Luke. "We followed you all day and you clearly got nothing better to do."

"I will never train another generation of Jedi" Luke said to his God-Nephew as he turned around and walked past Rey. "I came to this island to die. It's time for the Jedi...to end"

When Axel heard that it felt like his heart has shattered into a thousand pieces as he saw Luke walk out of the tree.

Later that night Rey was sleeping outside of Luke's hut while Axel was looking up at the moon thinking about what the old master said.

"What am I gonna tell Leia or Dad?" He said to himself. "The Galaxy is counting on us." Just then Axel saw Luke walking into the Falcon while Chewie was eating. "What's he up to?" The Prince asked as he walked toward the ship. Axel then walked into the ship and saw Luke and R2 talking as the astromech showed Luke the old message of Leia calling out for help from many years ago.

"That was a cheap move..." Luke said

"But affective" Axel said as Luke turned to him.

"What are you doing up?" Luke said

"I've been thinking about what you said" Axel said walking up to the Jedi. "And you're wrong. Why can't you come back?"

"I just can't..." Luke replied.

"Is it because of what happened with Ben?" Axel asked "Because it wasn't you're fault"

"Yes it was!" Luke said "I was supposed to be this legendary Jedi and I failed"

"So you found out you're not perfect boo-hoo. Welcome to real life" Axel scolded "So you screwed up and you know what you need to do? You get up off your ass and try again because there is a girl who needs you're help and I can only teach her so much. So forget the past because it doesn't matter anymore. They only thing that matters is what you do now."Luke sighed because deep down he knew Axel was right.

"Alright, but only three lessons no more." Luke said

"Fine with me" Axel said as he went back to Luke's hut and slept next to Rey.

Later Axele opened his eyes and saw he wasn't on Ahch-To any more. It look like an ice planet with flashes of lightning in the sky.

"Where am I, and why do I feel a strong dark side presence?"

Just then the ground started to crack and saw a large fleet of Star Destroyers rise into the air. But these weren't First Order Destroyers, they looked imperial.

"What the hell is going on?" Axel said. Just then the prince heard a cackling sound and he saw a figure in a black hood. The figure walked up to Axel and revel to be an old man with no pupils as he yelled in Axel's face making him scream and fall down.

Axel opened his eyes and saw that he was inside Luke's hut while Rey was standing next to him with a worried look on her face.

"Axel are you alright?" She asked

"Yeah, it was just a bad dream" Axel said "Though I think it was more then that" he thought to himself. Just then the two force wielders felt something different. They looked around when all of the sudden they saw Kylo Ren in the hut with them. Rey took out her blaster and shot a bolt at him but for some reason he disappeared.

"Uh, please tell me you saw Ren too" Axel said

"I did" Rey said as they both ran outside and saw Ren there and he looked just as confused as them.

"Can you see my surroundings?" Ren asked.

"You're gonna pay for what you did!" Rey growled.

"I can't see yours, only you two" Ren said

"Quit playing your twisted games traitor!" Axel said

"This isn't my doing" Ren said "It's something else"

Axel and Rey turned around as Luke walked outside. But when they looked back Ren was gone.

"What happened there?" Luke asked as the natives where upset about the damages Reys blaster caused.

"I was polishing my blaster and it went off" Rey said

"I told her to keep the safety on when doing that" Axel said playing along.

"Let's get started" Luke said as the two younger force wielders followed him.

"What are those things anyway?" Axel asked.

"Caretakers" Luke replied "They've kept up the Jedi structures since that were built"

"I don't think they like us" Rey said

"Speak for yourself" Axel said "I'm not the one who damaged their property."

They three force wielders walked up the stairs until they reached the inside of the temple then Luke stepped outside on a cliff where there was a special stone for meditation.

"Master Skywalker, we need you to being the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force." Rey said "Without the Jedi we won't stand a chance against him"

"What do you know about the Force?" Luke asked

"It's a power that Jedi have that let's them control people and make things float" Rey as Axel snorted in amusement.

"Not even close" Axel said as Rey gave him an annoyed look.

"He's right, every word in that sentence is wrong" Luke said "First lesson sit here with your legs crossed"

Rey sat upon the stone with her legs crossed as the two other force wielders stood on opposite sides of her.

"The Force is not a power you have, it's not about lifting rocks." Luke said "It's the energy between all things, the tension that binds the universe together"

"Ok, but what is it?" Rey asked.

"Just close your eyes" Axel said as Rey did what she was told. "Now Breathe and reach out with your feelings" Rey took a moment and saw everything around her.

"I see the Island" Rey said "Life, death and decay that brings new life. Warmth, cold, peace, violence"

"And between it all?" Luke asked

"Balance... An energy, a Force inside me." Rey whispered.

"And this is the lesson" Luke said "That Force doesn't belong to the Jedi. To say that if the Jedi die, the light dies, is vanity. Can you feel that?"

"There's something else..." Rey said "A place, a dark place..."

"Balance" Luke said "Powerful light, powerful darkness."

"It's cold..." Rey said as a giant crack formed behind them. "It's calling me"

"Rey you have to resist it!" Axel said "Rey? Rey!" Rey gasped as she took a few deep breaths.

"You went straight to the dark..." Luke said

"What did you see?" Axel asked

"That place was trying to show me something" Rey replied.

"It offered you somthing you need. And you didn't even try to stop yourself" Luke said.

"It's not her fault, she's still new to all of this" Axel said defending his friend.

"I didn't see you" Rey said to Luke. "I saw Axel but nothing from you. You've closed yourself off from the force"

"I've seen this raw strength only once before" Luke said "In Ben Solo, it didn't scare me enough then. It does now" Luke said as he walked away until he was out of the other two's sight.