A/N: Hey look, Im not dead. Ehehe. So this is an idea that's been sitting in my head for a bit and here it is. I have another Fate x Boku no Hero idea lined up for after this but basically, I don't plan on writing any full arcs after the Raid and AfO battle for this. I might do the Chisaki Kai arc but that's a big might

There are some serious changes to Fate canon to make is plot-relevant, and also to the BNHA canon obviously. First of all, it's suspect that BNHA takes place sometime in the future rather than in present-day (as seen with the technology that is available). I saw a post on Reddit and another on Quora (since there's no concrete answer from Horikoshi-sensei) somewhere that stated that the timeframe is anywhere between 2100-2300. Chiron will refer to things in the past as being "over a hundred years ago", since I have no concrete timeline.

As for fate, Chiron is sorta a counterforce but doesn't have that whole emotionless thing that Emiya and Shiki had. Since he wasn't summoned as a counterforce and Gaia and Ayala didn't turn him into one, he's just a (now) immortal man just listening to the will of the Greater Gail. In this canon, the Apocrypha War ended a bit differently: Achilles and Chiron didn't fight to the death, though they did fight. Achilles did fight Atalanta in canon, but Chiron joined Sieg and Astolfo in stopping Amakusa in the hanging gardens. All three entered the Greater Grail and before Sieg took the Grail to the Reverse side of the world, the Grail offered Chiron his wish. In exchange for immortality, though, Chiron would take care of major evils ( *cough* AfO *cough* ) that humanity couldn't deal with itself. There's also a bunch of other things the Grail gives him but that's a later explanation.

Creative canon and all that jazz

Now, questions I can answer right away:

Q: Will there be other servants?
A: Yes. Astolfo, obviously, is involved but one more servant will be joining them and a number will be mentioned.

Q: Grail Wars?
A: Mentioned, but Chiron will not be actively partaking in any of them— just getting updates by the church

Q: How are the governments and mages taking this?
A: Some are probably salty. Greece's government is hyped up because that's one of the coolest legends just out and about now. Mages are wary but respect him.

I think that covers everything. Feel free to ask anything in the comments/reviews and stuff

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

No one was exactly sure where Quirks stemmed from. Theories stretched from rats to nuclear radiation to even a divine sort of intervention. People were adamant that they didn't stem from Mages, that was for sure. No matter where he was, though, he would always be amazed by the diversity of Quirks. No matter what timeframe he was in either.

He was grateful for Quirks, actually. It allowed him to keep his identity a secret, not that he was really concerned about it. Being near-immortal had its advantages, but he still found himself on edge from time to time when faced with a truest malicious person.

For example, the appearance of the villain All for One decades ago was certainly enough to send anyone, immortal or otherwise, on edge. The last appearance of the man was in Japan and seeing how there was still a sharp sense of wrongness in the back of his mind, the villain wasn't gone.

In a world of heroes and a variety of Quirks, though, he couldn't say he was surprised.

The public was none the wiser about that man's existence, though. And the only reason he knew about it was because he pulled strings with the Greek government.

Chiron materialized in a back alleyway, adjusting his tie and smoothing his coat out as he shifted his bag onto his shoulder with his other hand. He had chosen to forgo the horse half, for the time being, keeping his tail hidden as well. It would do him no good to stand out too much before he got into contact with a friend for a job.

This wasn't the first time he had been to Japan, but it certainly wasn't going to be the shortest stay. He recalled the words of the Greater Grail clearly.

A great evil was going to descend upon the human race, one that needed to be restrained or killed. In exchange for his wish of immortality, it would be his duty to carry out that order. That's what the Greater Grail had told him one hundred and seventy years ago, at least.

He was certain that All for One was that evil. He recalled the highly classified records that detailed the fight that the Greek embassy had gotten a hold of. All for One had fought the number one hero of Japan, All Might, and was supposedly gone. That would have been wonderful if it was true, Chiron had thought at the time.

"Too bad it's not," He hummed, stepping out and easily slipping into the crowd of people on the sidewalk. A few citizens gave him a second glance but disregarded him quite quickly.

His feet carried him through the city, eyes gazing around as he turned down a side street. Three middle school boys were walking down the opposite direction, though they paid him no mind as he covered his nose with a hand, rolling his eyes internally at the fact that two of the boys were smoking. Honestly, children these days.

Shaking his head, the archer moved onwards through the city. He had to get a good layout of the area before he started doing anything. Then he would probably go and apply to work with a hero agency of some sort. One with a wide range of territory to cover.

The Greek Hero Embassy was kind enough to grant him an international hero license— anything for a legend of myth, they said. They didn't really need him in the nation, as Greece had their own fair share of heroes who claimed to be demigods in their own ways, so having an immortal legend traveling the world doing who knows what for the rest of mankind was something the embassy could get behind.

Or that's what they had told him.

The centaur sighed as he recalled that time, shaking his head. It wouldn't do him any good to reminisce for no reason, after all.

An explosion not too far away made him pull away from his thoughts and look up. He turned, seeing smoke rising from the street he had been on moments before.

"Ah-" he startled before he turned, running in that direction as he loosened his tie slightly. "Those three children are there still!"

He grit his teeth. If heroes showed up, and he knew they would, it would be risky to arrive in plainclothes to assist. Still…

In a flash of gold, Chiron's hooves hit the pavement and his suit melted into a white tunic. He took off down the pavement, skidding to a halt as he arrived at the street, covering his face as a blast of wind came from the center of it. His ears popped as well before the gust calmed.

He blinked as raindrops hit his skin before his eyes landed on the hulking figure in the middle of the crowd.

All Might, the number one hero.

His eyes narrowed. Something about that man was off. He hadn't noticed it from the reports and programs he had watched, but there was definitely something wrong.

A cheer rose up from the crowd as he sighed, pressing his hand to his chest before he moved forward, politely making his way through the crowd.

"What were you thinking, boy!"

He stopped at the edge, watching as one of the local heroes reprimanded a green-haired boy, who was looking down at the ground.

"You really didn't need to expose yourself to such danger!" the hero continued. "You could have been inju-"

"Enough," Chiron cut in, placing a hand on the taller hero's shoulder. "These two boys were part of that attack, correct? Then they need medical attention, not a lecture."

"Wh-who are you?" the hero asked as the centaur knelt by the green-haired boy. Chiron didn't respond for a moment, eyes glancing over the boy. He pressed a hand to his chest, focusing before he frowned.

"I'm an international hero hailing from Greece, I was over here on a business," he said, "The boy has lung damage. A result of suffocation. If he has it, then the other boy most likely does as well. The two boys need rest, not an arrogance boost or a lecture."

He stood, helping the green-haired youth to his feet. "Go straight home," he told him, patting his head. He turned to the other heroes. "Check all the other citizens who were in the middle of the fight as well, if any of them inhaled too much smoke it would cause them lung issues as well."

"R-right!" the fire-fighter like hero said before he and the others started checking on the other citizens. The centaur sighed, running a hand through his hair before he glanced at All Might, who was staring at him.

"If you're asking my name, it's Archer. I'd personally like a word with you," he said, "Probably out of prying eyes, if I'm making my guesses right."

The blonde's eyes sparked in the hero's shadowed face. He nodded. "Of course," he agreed before a flash of light made them both break gaze.

"Oh, reporters," Chiron noted before he sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, I'll let you deal with those people. WildKat Cafe, noon tomorrow."

And with those words and a subtle nod from the blonde hero, Chiron turned and took off from the scene, ignoring reporters and police as he leaped over the crowd again.

"Now to find a place to rest for the night…" he murmured as he galloped down the street.