Harry phone conversation Hestia phone conversation

Kingsley phone conversation Severus phone conversation

*Minerva* -Slughorn-

~Loki~ ^Blaise^ #Hermione#

The rest of June, followed by July, passed by quickly, and quietly, with a few things happening, such as:

Loki doing as was suggested and asked Harry, again, a few days later, to court him, which Harry accepted;

Everyone training harshly;

Thor returning to Asgard to tell the All-Father of the happenings, and to ask for Heimdall and Eir's assistance in a few months, while explaining the Battle to him, and what Harry said about the Killing Curse, to them;

A call between Harry and Hogwarts, where he told them that he was returning in a few weeks, to help free them; and,

An eighteenth birthday party for Neville and Harry, lasting well into the night for both teenager's day.

But, soon, August was upon them and Bill and Fleur celebrated a year's marriage. But, Harry called them into the communal room August 6th, and told them, "we leave tomorrow."

Hermione asked, "where are we heading? I doubt Hogwarts is a good place too go; they probably have it watched…"

"And Grimmauld is most likely compromised as well," Harry said, getting nods from everyone, "So we will be going to Potter Manor. We'll contact Kingsley from there, and begin the rescue three days from then."

"Why three days?" asked Clint.

"I'm apparating 20 people over the Atlantic Ocean, that's over 3,740 miles…"

"Why not portkey? Or fly?"

"Portkeying has a limit per item; flying takes too long," answered Harry. "And I want to get an idea of where the Bases are, so I need to get there early, unless everyone else wants to meet me there after taking a jet?" they shook their head, not wanting to let him go alone. "So, what I'd suggest is for everyone to pack what they might need."

They nodded and watched him walk out the room, Loki following.

Loki asked once out of sight, "what are you going to do about Teddy?"

Harry looked at him over his shoulder, "I'm going to ask Alexander if he'll watch him for a few days, a week at most."

With that, Harry called Alexander, who greeted him, "Harry, to what do I owe this call?"

"I need a favor," he arched a brow, listening, "I was wondering if you'd watch Teddy for me…" the brow rose higher and Harry continued, "I'm heading to England for a few days, and don't want to take him with me…"

Alexander grew solemn, "I see. Yes, I'll watch him. How long do you think you'll be? When do you leave?"

"At most a week, is the hope. I leave tomorrow…"

Alexander nodded, "I'll come get him in the morning."

Harry nodded and said, "thank you. Hopefully, this is the last issue…"

Alexander nodded, even as Harry's eyes flickered to Loki.

"Although I doubt it will be…"

Alexander and Loki arched a brow.

"The one who possessed Loki hasn't appeared yet. He will probably be an issue later."

Both men frowned, but nodded, understanding, and Alexander hung up.

Loki wrapped his arms around Harry, holding him tightly, knowing he doesn't want to leave the four month old.

Harry wrapped his arms around Loki, laying his head on his chest. "I really don't want to leave him Loki…"

"I know," he fell silent, not knowing how to comfort the teen. "We should go pack…"

Harry nodded, and separated from Loki, giving him a peck on the cheek, before going to his room, and packing a bag for Teddy and himself, enough to last them a week, leaving the bags by the door, before joining the others in the communal area.

Loki, having already explained about Teddy's placement for the week, wrapped his arms around the teen, and guided him to the couch, sitting beside him.

"I'm fine Loki. I just have to get used to it."

Loki tightened his arms, getting raised brows from the Avengers-the Britain's already figuring out that they were courting.

Harry ignored them and curled up beside him, laying his head on his shoulder, listening to Teddy's baby babble.

The Avengers looked at the confused, but said nothing.

Hours later, Harry took Teddy to his room, Loki following, fed and changed him, before rocking him.

Once they were out of the room, Clint asked, "what's going on with those two?"

Tony rolled his eyes, but answered. "they're courting," they Avengers eyes widened, even as he continued, "and have been for the last two months; they've been very discreet, but having to separate from Teddy has upset Harry."

Clint asked, incredulous, "and you're okay with it?"

Tony folded his arms over his chest, "of course. As Loki pointed out to Harry, he was innocent of the Chitauri Invasion-he was under mind control, after all-and I'm not about to stop Harry from being with someone who interests him, especially when its mutual."

They fell silent, not knowing what to say to that.

The next morning, a solemn Harry watched as Teddy was taken home by Alexander. He abruptly, and swiftly, entered the house, startling the occupants.

"Harry?" Tony asked, hesitantly.

He looked at the gathered group. "Lets get this over with, so I can come home to my boy..."

They nodded, and Severus warned them, "those who haven't apparated, you're liable to feel nausea or even be sick. It is what happens when one apparates for the first time..."

Lucius added, "and its worse Internationally, though not many have the strength to go too far. Most they can do is cross states..."

Severus continued, "it feels like you're being shoved through a narrow tube...although now that I think about it, when we arrived, it didn't feel like apparation," he turned to Lucius, "if it had been, we would have been awake."

Lucius frowned, and nodded, before they turned to Harry, who shrugged.

"I just told my magic to transport is from here to there." he shrugged, and Severus frowned.

"Maybe that is the way Merlin teleported. I didn't feel any ill effects, did you?" he asked Lucius, who shook his head.

Tony asked, "how does this work?"

"You have to have contact with the person transporting you, even if its a chain effect."

"Chain effect?" questioned Steve, to which Severus replied, "yes, chain effect. Such as Loki or Tony touching Harry, then someone holding onto them, etc."

Steve nodded his understanding.

They placed their hands on the person in front of them, and waited for Harry, who checked to see if they were ready, summoned the bag of bags, and thought of them getting to Potter Manor safely. They disappeared with nary a sound, landing in the entrance hall.

Harry said to them, "stick your finger in the Griffin's mouth," he waved at the griffin statue, before continuing, "if you wish to go any further. It'll take a sample of your blood, and key you into the wards, allowing you to come and go."

They did as told, and followed Harry, heading to the right, to the Dining Room. "It is now 11 o'clock, there being a five hour difference between New York and here. I'm going to call Kingsley, and let him know we're here. Then I'll show you around, unless you wish to explore?" they shook their heads and Harry nodded, having thought that was the case.

He pulled out his phone, and dialed Hestia's number.

Harry? Is that you?

It is.

Is everything ok?

Who all is with you?

Everyone is. We're outside by the lake with the centaurs, merfolk, grindylows, a few of the more civilized Acromantulas...

Harry hummed. Are we on speaker?

Yes, she answered immediately, as everyone began calling out greeting for a few minutes, before falling silent. What is it, Harry?

I have arrived in England...we retaliate in three days.

Silence before they began to cheer.

Kingsley spoke up, speaking of, Harry, we have a spy in the enemy camps...

Who? And why?

Dean Thomas. And he overheard their plans, and it disgusted him, especially considering Teddy is a baby, who had nothing to do with the war, and his creature parent fought on our side...

Severus spoke then, is he aware of how dangerous that is? If they find out that he's a spy, they could torture or kill him.

Silence for a moment before Kingsley said, I take it you brought reinforcement?

Indeed, Harry drawled, getting chuckles.

Hestia asked, did you tell her majesty, Harry, about another possible battle?

I did, silence, from both groups, a few weeks after we left. I called her and told her the happenings, as well as the Prime Minister. He sighed, they'll probably want to talk to me afterwards, an official report.

Kingsley snorted, anyways, Harry, I mentioned a spy for the reason. He mentioned that Ginerva is pregnant, supposedly with your child.

Silence before breaking glasses were heard, how the hell is that possible, Kingsley? I never slept with her, hell I wasn't even interest in her!

*Then why date her in sixth year?* Asked Minerva.

I was under the influence of a Love Potion; Severus, Madam Pomfrey, and a Healer where I went have evidence of that.

Silence, before a gravely voice spoke, -there are potions that can cause pregnancy without having intercourse.-

Professor Slughorn...

Yes there are, agreed Severus, but she wouldn't have the skill level to make it...

But would Molly?

Yes, answered Severus after a few moments. But it would need something of him, something with his DNA...

#Such as hair or blood?# Asked Hermione.

Yes, to which Harry sighed.

She could have gotten it from anywhere. Blood or hair from my stay in the Hospital Wing; blood from Ron's attack.

Loki spoke, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder, ~before we panic, how about we actually prepare for the battle to come, and actually find out if she is in fact pregnant with his child?~

Silence before someone asked, ^just who all do you have with you, Potter?^

Zabini, I have a few people, 19 others in fact, including Severus, Hermione, and Draco.

^And does the Queen know?^

She does. I knew they wouldn't let me come alone.

^And how many are Muggle?^

Three, Harry answered, But they decided to come and bring Wizarding Britain into the 21st century, plus they've signed the Statute.

^And the others? I know you took eleven Wizards/Witches with you.^

Hm, three are American Witch/Wizards...

^And the last two?^

Norse Gods...

Silence from everyone, but the ones in the manor. ^You have two Gods on your side? Do you not see how incredible that is?^

They're my friends first...

The twins snorted at that but said nothing at Harry's glare.

Anyways, we need to plan. Like I said, we retaliate in three days, that gives us time to plan, rest up and stock up. Any ideas?

^Shouldn't we be asking you that?^

Harry sighed. Give me a day to think about it. I'll tell you then.

They agreed and hung up, causing Harry to sigh. He stood, and stretched.

"Harry?" asked Tony, getting a small smile.

"Come, I'll give you a tour, then I have to get planning."

They nodded and followed, heading to the hallway. "Anyways, that way," point to the left, "is the Entrance Hall." They nodded, and walked to the right, "the Kitchen is here and House Elf quarters; there's a door connecting the Dining Hall and Kitchen. This is the ground-floor Library, mostly books bought in the recent years, in this case, eighteen years ago, both Magical and Non-Magical, a restroom, a sitting room, and an entertainment room, before leading to the Entrance Hall again." He gestured at the wall behind Loki, and said, "that leads to the below ground things, such as a Potions lab, and storage unit, the Dungeons, and a Training Room." He went to the wall directly in front of the door, and stepped through, poking his head out, "this leads to the upstairs. Come." They followed after him only for him to stop at the first level, and step forwards. "This is the second floor, or more accurately, the Library." They poked their heads out, and their eyes widened at the size of it, even as Harry grabbed Hermione. "You can come here later, Mione. Let me finish the tour first."

She pouted, but nodded.

Harry continued up the stairs, the others following, and said, "the third floor is another Training Room. Fourth floor is the Sleeping Quarters, with each of the rooms being little apartments, basically, each having a bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, a small dining room, and sitting room. The Fifth Floor, is another training room." They went back to the Ground Floor, and Harry hesitated, before grabbing Severus's and Tony's hand and dragged them with him, heading to the First Level Underground, the others following, curious. "Right, well, I left out a room down here."

"And what room is that?" asked Tony and Severus, simultaneously.

Harry stopped them on the bottom stair, and looked at the nervously, "the Portrait Room…" Severus's eyes widened, as Harry dragged them along again, dragging them into the room, with the others exchanging looks, and following.

Severus froze in the doorway, to which Harry turned to him. "Come Sev. There's someone who wants to talk to you…"

The black haired man moved forwards, the others following, halting when the others did, Severus frozen, for several minutes, before he breathed out, "Lily…"

Tony froze as a portrait of a beautiful red headed woman looked up, and a smile crossed her face at the sight of Severus.


"Snivellus…you've gotten old…"

Harry chuckled when Lily smacked the other man upside the head. "James Charlus Potter! If you cannot behave, then you can go to another portrait!"

He silenced himself as Severus snapped out of shock, and he sat in front of the portrait, the others taking a seat, Lucius beside Severus, his hand in Severus's as support.

Severus snorted, his brain finally registering James's insult. "I'm not as old as I look. I've had a glamor on since my sixteenth year…"

"Why?" demanded James.

He arched a brow, "because I haven't trusted Dumbledore since I was eleven years old, when he allowed you, and your friends, to get away with bully me, and the other Slytherin, Potter. In the disguise of pranks."

James frowned but said nothing.

Lily asked, "why would you have to hide?"

Severus looked at her, and dropped the glamor. His skin paled, his eyes gained a red tint, and his canines sharpened.

James inhaled sharply, "you're a vampire."

"Indeed," he said, reapplying the glamor. "The only time I take my glamor off with is my mate, until now, who is the only blood source I need."

Lucius squeezed his hand, "I, too, wore a glamor…"

James head snapped to him, "MALFOY!" he growled, before looking at the crowd. "How did all of you get in my home?!"

Lily brightened, knowing how, and scanned the room, finding who she was looking for by an ancestor's portrait. "Harry? My Harry?"

James went silent, as said person spoke, from where he was, "hello mum."

"Will you not come and let me look at you?"

"I thought you'd want to talk to Sev a moment," he said.

"Come, I want to see you…" she pleaded, and they cleared a path for him.

"Look at you," she breathed, tears gathering. "How old are you?"

"I just had my eighteenth birthday eight days ago," he answered.

James folded his arms over his chest, "why are there so many people in the Manor, son?"

Harry shrugged, "we're using it as a base of operations…"

"Base of Operations? For what?" asked James.

Harry shrugged, not feeling up to explaining it.

Bill stepped forwards, "Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter. I don't know if you'd recognize me, as the last time we met, I was ten years old, but my name is Bill formerly Weasley…" recognition flashed on their faces. He nodded and explained everything to the two, including introducing the people as they came up, while Harry went back to his ancestor's portrait, Loki following.

"Who is this, Harry?"

Said man looked at him, "this is my ancestor, and one of the Founders of Hogwarts. This is Godric Gryffindor."

The portrait inclined his head, but said nothing, listening to what the others were explaining.

Harry caught Severus's eyes and mouthed, 'going to the Dueling Room,' pointing upwards, to which he nodded, getting Lucius' attention, to see the couple leaving the room.

Am hour later, a fuming and heartbroken James and Lily looked around, noticing that they couldn't spot Harry.

"Where's Harry?"

Severus answered, as the other's looked around frantically, "he and his suitor went to the Training Room upstairs."

They all looked at him, "when did they do that?"

"When Bill began explaining the situation to Lily and Potter."

Potter sputtered, "suitor?! Since when does Harry have a suitor?!"

"Since mid-June. That is also why Loki didn't make a noise when his name was mentioned."

"You said the upstairs Training Room?" asked Lily, to which he nodded, and she disappeared, James, Godric and Ignotus following.

The others followed, stopping in the viewing section, eyes wide at the destruction around them, even as Harry continued moving, dodging the Dummies spells, with Loki at his back. Harry reached back and linked arms with Loki, throwing him over his head at a dummy, and used the momentum to kick another in the face, grabbing its wand arm, and slinging the dummy into the wall. Loki took a running leap, over Harry's head, kicking another in the face, blasting it with his magic. Both men landed, side by side, before Harry took a breath, and waved both hands, two different spells coming from his hands, Sectumsempra and Expelliarmus, the former slicing various size cuts into the dummy, and the latter snatching the wand from the dummy, before he followed up with an Avis charm at the former, and a Reducto at the latter. Loki blasted another, before grabbing Harry and jumping to the side, barely avoiding a green light.

The audience gasped, "isn't that dangerous?"

Bruce asked, "what do you mean?"

"That was the color of the Killing Curse…" answered James, eyes focused on his son.

The three non-magical's eyes widened.

Harry and Loki blasted the dummy before quickly finishing off the last few, and stopping, Harry chuckling from the adrenaline, and bounced over and kissed his cheek.

"You feeling better now?" asked Loki.

Harry shook his head, "I'll feel better when I'm back with Teddy, and this confrontation is over with." He shrugged, "I'm a worrier…"

Loki cupped his cheek, "not to mention you're worried about whether or not the Weasley chit is pregnant by a potion."

Harry sighed, not arguing the point, and laid his head on Loki's chest.

A throat clearing brought their attention to their audience, and an upset Lily, with her hands on her hips.

Harry arched a brow at all of their upset faces. "What happened now?"

"The Killing Curse? Really? Have you lost your mind?"

Harry looked at Hermione, confused, "what are you on about?"

"The Green Light? Before you decided to destroy the last few dummies."

He looked confused for a moment longer, before it cleared up. "That was a magically crafted dart with Draught of Living Death in it, combined with a color changing charm, to mimic the Killing Curse." He shrugged, "don't want to become complacent as there's no telling what might be used. In the event we had been hit with it, that dummy," he waved towards the corner where a dummy sat, "was to stop the simulation and counteract the Draught."

They fell into silence, "what made you decide to use the Draught of Living Death?" asked Hermione.

Harry shrugged, "it was the closest in similarity to the Killing Curse that I know. And we didn't want to use an actual Killing Curse."

Tony came and wrapped his arms around him. "How are you?"

He shrugged, "a little tired now, but I have to think of a plan for the battle, the last one I hope for a while…and wanting my Teddy Bear…"

Tony tightened his hold on him, while James asked, "Teddy Bear?"

Harry blinked at him, "did they not explain Teddy?"

James and Tony shook their heads, as Tony said, "we mentioned the Battle, but not Teddy, before they decided they wanted to see you."

Harry nodded, and leaned against Tony and Loki. "Teddy is my godson…he was born to Remus," sharp inhalation, "and Nymphadora Tonks, daughter of Andromeda and Ted Tonks, who was seven years older than me…"

"I remember her," they said simultaneously.

"You said 'was'? Both of them are dead then?"

Harry sighed, "yes. And there goes an hours worth of work down the drain."

The portraits exchanged confused looks, and Harry explained, "I left the room so I didn't have to hear it all again. I already relive it enough, I don't want to see it more. But, instead of finishing the story before finding me, you came to me midway…"

Loki tilted his face up to his. "You never mentioned dreaming of it still…"

Harry looked into his eyes. "Every few days. That's when I ask to talk to the Mind Healer. It'll probably be years before I don't dream about it Loki. I think they call it PTSD, only I have seven years worth to wade through…"

Loki sighed and pulled Harry from his father, wrapping his arms around him, and resting his chin on his head. "Explain the rest to them please. I'm going to the library to plan this next confrontation."

Tony nodded, and Harry dragged Loki with him, sitting in the chair, leaning into Loki's side. "I don't know what to do, Loki. I'm more of the plan on the move type of person."

Loki kissed his temple. "First, take a deep breath and release. Again." He waited as Harry did as told before speaking again. "Now, are we taking prisoners? Killing everyone? Maiming everyone?"

Harry looked at him, "I'd rather not kill or maim all of them, only if absolutely necessary…"

Loki nodded, "ok. So prisoners…where are you going to house them?"

"At the beginning, in the Ministry cells, so that we can investigate Azkaban and see what needs to be done…"

Loki nodded, "okay. Now," the others came in but was ignored, "where is the confrontation to take place, and how do we lure them there?"

Harry frowned, and looked at Lucius, "exactly how many of the people are behind this idea?"

Lucius looked at him, and answered, "about 1/5 of the population. And they expected you to be behind it too. There are those who aren't behind it that fake it so that they don't have to go into hiding-they can't afford it."

Harry nodded and frowned, before he looked down. "Little Hangleton," he said after a moment. "its close by and not overly populated."

Loki nodded and asked, "and the lure?"

Harry's frown deepened, "me?" the others looked fit to protest, but Loki silenced them with a look.

"Why you?" he asked, curious.

Harry tossed him the newspaper, which Loki looked at, and read aloud,

Harry Potter, the Savior or New Dark Lord?

It is a common knowledge that Harry Potter defeated the Darkest Wizard of our time. However, what is now unknown, is was it to save us, or to take his place?

Harry Potter, aged 17, fled from his best friend, Ronald Weasley, when the newly appointed Head Auror went to see him about joining the Auror Corps. The reason is unknown why, and so Head Auror Ronald Weasley has tasked us to help capture his best friend.

Anyone with information pertaining to the man is to contact the Ministry of Magic immediately.

They sat in silence for several minutes before they cussed.

"So the Weasley has lied to the public," said Draco, frowning.

All of them frowned, but after a few moments, Neville asked, "so, what's the plan, Harry?," getting raised brows from the group.

Harry bit his lip, and summoned his sketchbook, and began drawing, "from Voldemort's mind, Little Hangleton is a small town. This," he tapped the drawing, "is what it was like from three years ago. I'll go investigate it in a little while to see how much has changed. From what I recall, the Riddle and Gaunt houses were located on the largest lands, on opposite ends..."

"Why would you know anything of the Gaunts and Riddle's, who sound muggle?" asked James.

"Why would you have any knowledge from Voldemort's mind?" asked Lily.

Harry frowned, sighed, and blinked at them.

"The Riddle's were muggles. I know of them because the previous Dark Lord was from both lines..."

The portrait's eyes widened, "he was a half-blood?"

Harry made an agreeing noise, before looking at the Godric portrait. "The Gaunts were the descendants of your old friend and fellow Founder, Salazar Slytherin."

The red head's brows arched, but he said nothing.

Harry turned to Ignotus, "he was also descended of your elder brother, Cadmus, who married into the Slytherin-turned-Gaunt line."

He inclined a head but said nothing.

"And I have knowledge from Voldemort's mind because we had a mind connection." They arched a brow, but said nothing.

Harry turned back to his companions and said, "as I was saying..."

"Wait!" said James, "how and who was Voldemort really?"

Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, to which Loki came to his side.

"Voldemort was born Tom Marvolo Riddle, to parents Merope Riddle nee Gaunt, and Tom Riddle Sr, on December 31st, 1926. But Sr wasn't in the picture..."

"Why?" interrupted James, getting a brow twitch.

"Considering he didn't voluntarily marry her, or sleep with her..."

Godric's eyes narrowed. "Explain."

Harry sighed and closed his eyes, counting backwards from 100.

James opened his mouth to agree with his ancestor, when Hermione spoke, "leave him be for a few minutes sirs. Let him calm down..."

Godric arched a brow at her, "calm down?"

She nodded, "he's getting annoyed. He keeps being interrupted when he's trying to explain a plan, with people asking questions about a dead man."

Loki spoke when she trailed off, massaging Harry's temple, "and he is in a hurry to get back to the States, to the son he left with his friend, who he hasn't been away from but for a few hours before."

Harry took a deep breath, released it, and repeated the process, before opening his eyes.

Loki noticed, and asked, "are you feeling better now?"

Harry gave a slight nod and Loki kissed his forehead, before Harry turned to face the portraits, who looked sheepish.

"Merope Gaunt had seen Senior in passing, several times, in fact, and developed feelings. But he had never given her the time of day before, to all the inbreeding the line had done, she wasn't the most...attractive person," he said delicately, not wanting to offend anyone. "So when her father and brother were arrested, she set about trying to get his attentions. She used a Love Potion," shock inhalation from Godric, "on him and fell pregnant a year later. But he broke the Love potion and fled, leaving Merope to give birth to their son in an orphanage..."

Silence before Godric began swearing, getting arched brows. "There is a reason children conceived under a Love, or Lust, Potion are terminated before birth, and why both type of potions were illegal in my was a proven fact that people born under those type of potions are emotionally detached from any positive emotions, are power-hungry, and insane; the Dark Lords and Ladies, Ulrich, Misa, Ichabod, Hana, Brutus, and Anisa, were proof of that."

Harry frowned but shrugged while Hermione said, frowning, "those names aren't familiar to me..."

Godric frowned at her, "the Dark Lords Ulrich, Icabod and Brutus were German, Israeli, and Roman respectively, wanting world domination. They each were the longest lasting Dark Lords of their times, and countries, at 4, 6, and 5 years respectively. The Dark Ladies Misa and Hana were Japanese dark witches in the 2nd Century, I think is how you would say it, who planned to conquer the world to prove that women could be just as effective, hard working, and strong as men. Dark Lady Anisa was Indonesian, wanting to prove the same. They reigned 8 and 7 years, respectively, with both Japanese women lasting the same amount of years."

Hermione frowned, "I didn't know did they find out about the potions though?"

Godric shrugged, "wasn't really my area of expertise. That was Sal's, but I think they used the brain activity scan or an emotion scanner, going back as far as possible, when they were brought in. Those two abilities were patented to the Slytherin line as Sal came up with them."

They arched a brow, "he made healing spells?" asked Hermione, shocked.

Godric frowned, and asked, "just what are they teaching at Hogwarts nowadays? Salazar made the majorities of the Healing Spells that were used in this day and age. This was supposed to be taught in the History Class..."

Harry answered. "All that's taught in History nowadays is Goblin Wars, Godric, but, I'll change that within the week."

Godric arched a brow, as did James and Lily.

In answer, Harry raised his hand to his neck and pulled out the necklace, stepping closer so they could see it.

The three inhaled sharply.

"I am the Lord Potter Black Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin Emrys. I am going to bring Britain kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century, rather than the Dark Ages its still in."

"How are you Slytherin and Emrys? I understand the Potter, Black, Peverell, and Gryffindor-they came from my line..."

He looked at Severus, who gave an imperceptible nod, and Harry looked at the portraits again. "I did an Inheritance Test directly after the Battle. It came up with those names, so I did a Family Tree. According to the paper, and goblins, mum was adopted, when she was two years old by the Evans'. That was because a few months prior, mum's biological parents died in an attack from Voldemort. Well, your biological father was a descendant of both lines, as his father was from the Goldston family, a branch family of the Gaunt line. Your mother was from the Emerson, a direct line from the Emrys, having changed names a century ago..."

Lily and James looked wide eyed, "I'm a descendant of Slytherin and Emrys? I'm a half-blood?"

Harry nodded.

"But I can't be Slytherin's descendant! I don't speak Parseltongue!"

Severus spoke, "the Parseltongue was probably bred out of you..."

Harry nodded, "too much marrying with Muggles, not Squibs, Half-bloods or Purebloods, but true Muggles."

Severus nodded at Harry and continued, "but you should be able to understand it."

Harry understood, and started hissing. "I love you mum, dad, but I'm ready to go home, see my Teddy, be courted by Loki, and spend time with my dad..."

Lily's eyes widened and she looked at him, looked at Loki, and back to Harry. "You're being courted by the God of Mischief?!"

Harry smiled at the portraits stunned figures, while Loki arched a brow at him. "Were you talking about me?"

"For a moment, yes," answered Harry, to which Loki walked to him and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Harry's head, before looking at the portraits.

Severus shook his head, and said, "be that as it may, Harry, Loki, sit, so that Harry can explain the plan."

The two nodded, and sat, side-by-side, where Harry explained the plan.

A few hours later, they agreed that it would work, and Harry went with Loki to map out the Little Hangleton, only having to add a few new things to the map, before both men returned to Potter Manor, and told the others, marking the spots on the map where they'd set the traps.

They went to bed, hopeful that this would be over soon.

The following morning, Harry called and told the people in Hogwarts the plan, all of them agreeing to it, and anxious for it to be over.

So it was that August 10th, the Battle for Freedom began, with the group in Potter Manor portkeying to Hogwarts, while Harry, Loki, Severus, Lucius, Hermione, and Neville portkeyed to Little Hangleton, the latter four disguised for the time being.

Soon enough, the Aurors, Ministry Personnel, and the population who wanted to punish all the Magical creatures, arrived, to which Harry gave the signal, and the disguised four raised an apparation barrier, followed by a portkey barrier when the army from Hogwarts arrived.

Thus began the duels.

Hours later, the resistance was defeated, with Harry saying to them, "how could you think having all the Creatures killed or sterilized was a good idea? Or not giving everyone a trial was the right idea?" the group that gathered from the commotion startled, which he saw, and explained, "yea, that's what this was about. They wanted to sterilize or kill creatures. That is why I disappeared. They came after my godson. A baby. He was two months old at the time, and had nothing to do with the war. And some people may have been forced to become a Death Eater. Three people with me were." He waved towards the Malfoys and Severus before turned his attention back to his captives. "Do you not realize that this makes you just like them? Just like Voldemort and his Death Eaters?" they flinched, and protested, "you wanted to wipe out the Magical races for siding with him! Just like Voldemort wanted to wipe out the Muggles and Muggleborns for bullying him! That makes you no better than them! There is enough hatred towards the Beings community, it didn't need you adding to it!" Harry huffed, before turning to Kingsley and Lucius. "Take them to the Ministry holding cells. I have something else I need to do."

They nodded, knowing and understanding what he was talking about.

He walked first to Molly, and gripped her chin. "Where's Ginevra?" she refused to say but he had his answer. "I see. She's in Grimmauld. Good, I can take her into custody and re-ward the house at the same time." Molly's eyes widened, but Harry already turned to walk away, stopping by Loki's side, who took his arm, and allowed Harry to teleport them to Grimmauld.

"How many are here?" asked Loki quietly.

"Her, her father, and her great aunt," he answered just as quietly.

They heard the voices in the Sitting Room, and quickly and quietly stunned all three of them, before binding them, taking their wands, and un-stunning them, silencing Ginny when she went to scream.

Muriel asked, "how did you get in here?"

"This is my house, Muriel. They are the ones trespassing in it." He said, holding his hand up to show the Black Ring on his finger. "Tell me, Muriel, what did they tell you happened?" he silenced Arthur when he went to speak.

"That you impregnated the girl and ran off."

Harry arched a brow. "I have never slept with Ginevra Molly Weasley. I wouldn't even if she was the last female alive, as I have no interest in the feminine form. I ran, because Ronald Weasley tried to make me give up my godson, as they were planning to sterilize, kill, or put in a camp, all the Creatures, and Teddy is half-werewolf, and when I wouldn't hand him over, they tried to kill him, and my eleven other companions, guests in my home when he arrived."

"And I am to take your word for it?" she asked, to which Harry sent off a spell at Ginny, showing a number three above her.

He then used the same spell on himself, and showed a zero.

"That was a purity spell. I have never slept with anyone, male or female. And I will not until I am ready, and have recovered a little from the war."

Muriel frowned at him, before looking at Ginny, who was pale. "Whose child do you carry in your belly?"

Harry took off the silencing spell, as she sputtered out, "H-Harry's…"

Muriel arched a brow, "How can that be when he's never slept with anyone?"

Harry answered, "we believe that she took a potion with something of me in it, my blood or hair or something, to become pregnant…"

Muriel frowned, "yes, I know the potions…"

Harry went to Ginny and ran a test, Loki coming to his side.

"What is it, Harry?"

"I did a paternity test, and the child is mine…"

Loki turned him to look him in the eyes. "Turn her and her father into the Ministry. The great aunt was lied to, I doubt she'd want anything to do with the annihilation of a few races."

Muriel snorted, "not likely. There were tales of old that if all the magical creatures were destroyed, the Magical community and the world would follow shortly thereafter. I don't want no apocalypse happening."

They inclined their heads and released her, to which she went home, after Harry called, "you might want to find your oldest great nephew, Muriel. They tried to have him sterilized too."

She whipped around, "what?"

"He was attacked by a transformed werewolf, while defending a group of school children. He has strains of Lycanthropy but cannot transform, because just like Teddy, it enhances their senses."

"They tried to attack their own boys?" he nodded, and she turned to Arthur, "just what has my niece done to you? You used to be a good boy, but now you're attacking your own children?" she turned to Harry, "are they alright?"

"Physically, they've healed, and they didn't get hurt too bad from the battle a few hours ago. But mentally, they're lost. They're own parents turned on them and they don't know what to do anymore. But, because of the attack, they've disowned themselves from the Weasley family and have taken the Prewitt name."

Muriel nodded, and disapparated.

Harry turned to look at Loki, "are you ready?"

He nodded and hauled the two to their feet, as Harry walked closer to them. He touched their arms, and teleported them to the Ministry office, where Lucius and Kingsley were waiting.

"No problems?" they asked, to which he shook his head.

"None, but what are you doing here?"

"Trying to figure out who is going to be Minister…" said Kingsley.

Harry looked at them, "Do you want to be Minister, Kings?"

The black man shook his head, "I only became Interim Minister while we sorted out the affairs of the Battle. But I was going to turn in my hat soon."

Harry nodded, and looked at Lucius, "and you?"

He started, "who would trust me to be Minister?"

Voices sounded out, saying they would, and they looked up, to see that many of the civilians had arrived and were helping out where they could.

"I would," said Harry, resting his hand on his shoulder, "I know you would do her proud, and bring the Civilization into the 21st Century…Luc, Britain's curriculum is the laughing stock of the Wizarding World. It needs to be brought into this century…"

Lucius looked around him, and at the boy who was the bravest of them all, and nodded, to which a cheer went up.

Harry then cleared his throat, "well then, first order of business," he presented Arthur and Ginny to them. "These two need a cell as well. However, make sure she is watched 24/7. We were told the truth…"

Lucius inhaled sharply, "she committed line theft?"

The others inhaled sharply, even as Harry answered, "yes…they told their great Aunt Muriel that I impregnated her, and ran, but I haven't slept with anyone, and will not until I am ready. I did a purity test to show that. She had three people she had slept with, I had none."

Lucius frowned and asked, "what do you want done with her?"

Harry looked at Loki, who answered, "make sure she cannot escape, harm herself, or the baby in anyway. When she gives birth to the babe, contact us, and we will come for it." He saw Harry's look and said, "a sibling for your godson…" he grunted when Harry tackled him, wrapping his arms and legs around him, as he thanked him, then scattered kisses on his face, with Loki having none of it. He took a hold of Harry's face and kissed him hard, getting wolf whistles from the crowd.

A throat clearing had them pulling apart to see that Tony, Thor, Severus and Lucius were looking uncomfortable.

Harry chuckled at them, and released Loki, staying by his side. "As Loki said, make sure she cannot harm herself, the child, or escape, in anyway. I would hate to have to go hunting for her."

Lucius chuckled and nodded, before gesturing them to follow him into the office.

There, they went over every law made, and fixed it, making it fair for everyone.

For two days they planned and made things happened. The Trials began as soon as a Minister was chosen and those who joined freely were sent back to their cell, while they waited on news about Azkaban. Those who joined because they were told a lie were fined but released, under supervision. Those who were fed an obedience or liquid Imperius potion were taken to St. Mungos and freed.

Severus was reinstated as Headmaster of Hogwarts, and joined them in making the school fair, and harder, making plans to allow the intelligent Creatures and Beings to join the school and where they could safely follow instincts (were-people) without the risk of turning someone.

They began plans to make a primary school for the Wizarding Britain, taking the place of the Shrieking Shack. Lessons were being brainstormed. The Headmistress chosen was Hermione.

But two days passed quickly and Harry went to see the Queen, having been summoned to her.

There, the young man told of the events before he was dismissed back to his home, having received an award for his bravery.

Harry went straight to Potter Manor and asked Godric, "do you know the effects on unborn children conceived through potions?"

He arched a brow, as did the others, but asked, "as in to fertilize or to actually make pregnant without intercourse?"

"The latter."

He frowned, "they come out fine, but their thinking patterns, and magic start slow, late bloomers, they are. Why?"

He answered and Godric nodded, understanding why he wanted to know.

He returned to the Ministry and found Lucius buried under paperwork already, to which he snorted, getting the blonde's attention.

"Harry, what can I do for you?"

Harry shook his head, "I take it you haven't seen Loki? He was getting a tour from Draco."

Lucius shook his head, "I have not. But you can search for them."

He nodded and left, using the point me spell, and followed it, finding them in the Death Chamber.

"I don't know this room," said Draco, frowning as he looked around.

"This is the Death Chamber," said Harry, getting the two's attention. "That," he nodded towards the platform with a covered object, "is the Veil of Death, that killed Sirius, in my fifth year."

They nodded and stayed away from it, exploring a little more before heading back to the Potter Manor.

They spent another day in England before the Avengers, Harry, Loki, Neville and Luna returned to the states, where Harry immediately went to get his godson, cuddling him tightly, getting a loud 'da' in his ear, to which he froze and pulled away, staring at him wide eyed, before turning his gaze onto Alexander.

"He's been saying that since you left. He's a well-behaved child…" Harry nodded, and Alexander said, "but enough of that. Take him home."

Harry nodded, and bowed before he teleported to the Tower, where the Avengers were waiting.

Loki came to him and kissed Harry's temple and Teddy's forehead.

Over the next few months, they reintegrated with their lives, before moving on. Tony and Bruce finally got together.

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were reunited.

Natasha and Clint got back together.

Thanos made his moved but was defeated by the Master of Death.

Seven months after the Battle for Freedom, Loki and Harry finally confessed to loving on another, and Loki finally revealed his blue self to the others, and finally made love for the first time, and many times after that.

A month afterwards, April 2nd, they received word that Ginny had given birth to a baby, and Harry and Loki went straight to them, Lucius handing over the child, "a boy, Harry. A healthy baby boy…"

Harry cradled him and looked him over, smiling. "Well, the boys could be twins, Loki, Lucius, if they weren't a year apart."

They startled. "Yes, Teddy was born this month too, wasn't he?"

Harry nodded.

Lucius asked, "what will you call him?"

"Don't know. Love? What do you think?" he asked Loki, getting a startled look from Lucius, and the newly arrived Severus and the nurse.

"Shouldn't you ask the mother?" asked the nurse, to which she received four glares.

"No, not when she committed line theft. This child will have nothing to do with that woman…" Harry growled, getting a scared nod from the nurse.

Loki rubbed his back and said, "calm yourself, little love, before you upset the baby."

Harry took a deep breath, to do as told, and felt himself melt into Loki's hold.

"I thought you wanted to name him after your father and godfather?" he questioned.

He shrugged, "doesn't seem to fit him."

Loki nodded and sighed, "I don't know…"

"Anthony Lucian Serpens Potter-Black," said Harry, thinking out loud.

Loki nodded, "I approve," he said, kissing behind Harry's ear.

"As do I," said Severus and Lucius.

Harry nodded and said, "that's his name."

The nurse nodded and wrote down the name, his information, before leaving.

A few days later, they were released from the hospital and Harry teleported the three to the Tower, where the group was waiting.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Anthony Lucian Serpens Potter Black…"

They cheered and partied, even as Tony gave him a tight hug.

Over the course of the next few years, Britain caught up with the rest of the Magical Worlds, upgrading from the Floo Network to Stark Phones, being better able to mingle with the non-magicals.

But all good things must come to an end.

Thirty years had passed since the Battle for Freedom, and the non-magical mortals who fought in the battle were almost all gone. Only two remained, but soon to be none.

The group of Wizards and Witches all gathered around the bed, as Tony and Bruce took their last moments to say their love for the ones being left behind, and each other before they took their last breaths.

Harry buried his face in Loki's chest and cried as his father of the last forty-two years passed, with the children crying with him.

Years passed, and Harry attended the Final Moments of each of his friends, not aging as quickly as they did.

He watched over the children, the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren, before he decided it was time to join his beloved's family on Asgard, where he watched Thor rise to Kinghood, marrying and having children, all with his beloved Loki by his side, until the end of their days, where they finally reunited with their lost loved ones.