A/N at the end.

Chapter 10: The Epilogue

Friday, September 25, 10:15pm BST

"So then, Harry suggests that we plant some kind of valuable object next to an electrical fence or something to throw off the Aurors, as though they might think that maybe the bastard electrocuted himself or something, then Apparated away as he died." Draco was had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard, the rest of the table laughing along with him. Including Harry.

"I can't believe you actually thought I was serious! You should have heard him. "That's the most asinine Gryffindor shit I ever heard," he mocked in a fake posh accent which didn't sound anything like him, Draco observed.

"That's not what I said, and besides, you were serious!"

"I really was not. When would you ever think that I'd plant evidence to mess up other Aurors? Idiot." Harry was still laughing, trying to catch his breath, then got mock serious and tried to appear affronted. "It's like you don't know me all!"

The whole table roared again in laughter, Neville flagging down the server. "Can we get another round, please? On me."

"Got it, love," the server flirted, winking at Neville across the table, making him grin in return.

Blaise, sitting down the table from Neville, gave him an appreciative nod. "Nice, Neville. She's yours for the taking tonight, if you're game."

"Blaise, you're such an ass." Ginny, sitting between the two, hit him upside the head.

"Hey, you didn't hear him say no, did you?"

Ginny scowled at him, then looked at Harry. "You should have invited Gen tonight, Harry. I'd love to meet her. After putting up with all your shenanigans, she should have the chance to meet some proper Brits before making up her mind."

Everyone laughed again, and Harry smiled. "She and Ethan are getting settled into their house this weekend. She was okay staying at Grimmauld while we were gone, but now that we're back, she insisted on getting out of our way. It's good, though, as he'll start school on Monday in Ottery St Catchpole."

"I really like her," Hermione piped in. "And the kid is adorable. He'll make a nice addition to the Weasley brood of chaos, I think. And your mom is taking her under her wing a bit since they're so close. You know she likes to feel useful, and it'll be good for Gen, too."

Everyone nodded and a lull settled in the conversation as their next round of drinks arrived.

Ginny broke the silence, as usual. "So tell me about New York City? Isn't it amazing? I can never decide if I prefer New York or Sydney, but they're both in my top favorite foreign cities."

Draco put his hand on Harry's and grinned at Ginny. "It was amazing, and I got this one to sit for an entire day of spa treatments." Draco waggled his eyebrows and several impressed and amused sounds came from the ladies present.

Ron, however, scoffed. "Spa treatments, now, Harry? What's next? Highlights? Man bags?" He waited a moment trying to build suspense. "Ferret treats?"

And Harry, that traitor , laughed harder than the rest.

"Weasley, you're only jealous that he had an adventure without you. And one where no one was hurt or seriously maimed. I believe that my record now stands for itself. I'm on a one hundred percent success rate of Harry Potter Adventures with no injuries."

"Oh, please ." Weasley retorted, if you could call that a retort.

"He's got you, Ronald. Now behave," Hermione rightfully scolded that thing she called a husband. "So what else did you do in New York City?"

Harry groaned. "So. Much. Shopping. I swear we have holiday shopping complete for the next three years, and we were only there a week. Who knew he could do so much shopping in such a short amount of time."

"It's a talent, what can I say?" Draco preened.

"Of course it is, darling," Pansy reached over and petted his arm. She was such a good friend, always there to have his back against the Gryffindor mess that was his husband's group of friends. "What shows did you see?"

Harry began waxing on about Broadway shows, and Draco just sat back and enjoyed listening. It had been an amazing week to top off their honeymoon. Shops, fancy restaurants, spa time, shows, and most of all, just time together seeing sights and talking about new things and having fun.

The time at the lodge had been special, but looking back, Draco could understand how Harry always played down his different adventures through the years. He'd always assumed that it was some sort of misplaced modesty when Harry talked about an adventure like everything just happened and that it wasn't exciting in the moment. But now he realized he was right. It wasn't glamorous, it was stressful and exhausting and you just did what you could and hoped it went well. Luckily for Harry, though, he had Draco with him to make sure it went well.

Draco tuned back into the conversation when he heard Teddy's name. Neville was speaking. "I know I've only been teaching three years, but in those three years, your godson is possibly the biggest menace I've come across." He looked at Ron, sitting across from him. "I blame you and George. Is there a bottom to this stash of Wheezes he has, or are we to suffer all year?"

Ron snorted. "Couldn't tell you, mate. George paid him in merchandise for helping this summer. Good luck with that."

Neville groaned. "Whoever said Hufflepuffs were the easy ones obviously had no idea what they were talking about."

Blaise spoke up. "Neville, I think they were talking about a different kind of easy , at least in my experience. That Susan Bones…"

Ginny hit him again. "You're such a manwhore. How anyone could ever go to bed with you is beyond me."

"Cara mia, one night with me and you'd never have to ask that question again."

She rolled her eyes, then grinned. "Sorry, I'm taken."

All eyes spun back to her, then chaos. "Who?!" and "What?" and "Since when?!" all reverberated around the table.

"Oh, since a little hookup I had before, during, and after someone's wedding a few weeks ago. I'm not telling who, though. We've been seeing each other regularly since. You'll find out eventually."

Questions began to fly.

"Whoa, wait, during the wedding?"

"You can't do that! Who!?"

"Guy or girl?"

"This better be the same person I dragged you out of Harry and Draco's bed with to get ready for the ceremony. Otherwise, that seems a bit dodgy."


"Oops, did I say that out loud?" Hermione smirked, and Pansy chuckled.

Draco glared at both of them. "I believe I kindly requested that you make sure she cleaned that bed thoroughly for us while we were gone, Pansy. I trust it's not an issue?"

She laughed and nodded, but Harry was irate and clearly not listening. "You knew about this and didn't tell me? Ugh! Disgusting!"

"Oh, come on, it's not like I've not slept in your bed before, Harry. Get off it!"

"WHOA! Too far, Ginny!" Ron now was pretending to gag, and she was dodging bits of crisps being thrown at her across the table.

"Okay, okay, change of subject," Draco intervened, before he felt the need to throw something sharp at her instead of just a crisp. "I have brought Harry back something from New York that he does not yet know about, and have decided to present it to him as a honeymoon souvenir here, in front of all of you, our closest friends.

The table gave a quick cheer, then quieted, turning their expectant faces toward Draco and Harry. Harry leaned over and whispered in his ear. "This isn't anything inappropriate for a public venue, is it? Because I swear I will hex you if it is."

Draco couldn't resist answering in a loud voice, "No, Harry, it is not anything inappropriate, and is especially not anything sexy, though I can see why you might think that'd be a possible souvenir."

Harry rolled his eyes while the table again heckled the couple. Reaching into his satchel, Draco pulled out a miniature frame, then used his wand to restore it to its original size. All eyes fell onto the gift.

In a large frame, professionally matted and ready to be properly hung in their home, was a street artist's sketch of Harry and Draco. Harry just stared at it, while Hermione, Ron, and surprisingly Blaise, all burst out laughing. Ginny, Neville, and Pansy generally seemed confused while Draco sat holding the frame, beaming at their friends.

"Okay, obviously I'm missing something," Pansy finally commented. "Why the hell is Draco wearing that awful shirt and an orange necktie? Though that's a surprisingly good sketch of Harry. Whose dog is that?"

"Oh, come on!" Harry yelled. "I told you that I am not Shaggy!

Hermione laughed and answered, as Draco could hardly catch his breath. "You are definitely Shaggy, Harry. Draco, that's amazing. I can't believe you pulled that off."

"All thanks to you, Velma."

"Jinkies, thanks!"

Ron looked interested. "Hmmm, now there's a costume we haven't tried."

Several napkins were thrown at him in disgust while Draco reshrank the frame and put it away. Harry turned to him and smirked. "I suppose I can be Shaggy. Thanks, love."

"Of course. Now finish that drink so we can get out of here. We promised Ethan to show him how to fly tomorrow, remember? We should call it a night."

Harry smiled. "Yeah, probably. I'm done anyway. Come on husband, let's get out of here."

Draco smiled. Husband . How well that sounded.

Final A/N: And here we are at the end. I can't believe I made it to the very end! Thanks so much for sticking with me and our boys. This was my first attempt at writing anything longer than a two-shot, so please, if you liked it even a little, leave me some comments.

And perhaps those comments will get me further inspired to work more on my "Wedding Perspectives" story, which is likely what's coming up next. It's Harry and Draco's wedding, but the entire day is told from the POV of their friends and family. Stay tuned!

Also, check out my profile for other stories in this series of Harry and Draco's relationship in this universe: That's Life Together. Thanks for reading!