Chapter 1: The Great Three Detectives

"Within the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, throughout all the wards and around all the streets, there are legends of three great detectives" an older woman says as she pours a man a cup of tea, as they sit on a terrace during a sunny day. "And as other detectives flock to challenge them, these great three stand above all others".

"ANd so...I can hire one of these three? Or all of them? Please, my son is missing! The police are making no progress! I just...I want to have my son back! Please!"

"If it is answers you speak of, the police might provide that one day. But if it is hope, miracles, that you seek...then they are the ones to go to. But be warned. The three great detectives are not people like others. Each and every one of them is eccentric in their own way..."

Meanwhile, in an alley...

"I am afraid that this is the end for you, you two. Did you think you would just be able to escape and steal way the girl our boss wants?!"

"I am not his girl! I love my boyfriend!"

"Well too bad! Cause you dont get a say! We killed your mother, and if you dont comply, we will kill him as well!"

As they said this, an orphan walked into the alley, wearing a short sleeved hooded jacket. This drew their attention, but the orphan, and them, were startled as a spotlight lit up from the end of the alley, and various shadows of policeman draped upon them.

"Everyone freeze!" a cold voice spoke out through a megaphone they couldn't see thanks to the blinding light. "You are all under arrest! Get down on the ground!"

"Screw that!" one said, aiming for the orphan...when suddenly, that orphan side stepped him and punched him in the gut, using his own force against him to bring him down. He then moved deflty and fast, and he was hard to keep watch as they were still recovering from the shock of the blinding light. He moved around the second guy, kicked him in the back of the leg with great force, and then jumped up and kicked him in the head. The man fell to the ground in pain, as the last one realized what was going on...when he was suddenly dogpiled on.

But rather then officers, it was children who swarmed them, forcing them into handcuffs and rendering them harmless. The boy put his hood down as the lights were turned off, revealing the shadows to be projections of cardboard cutouts of police officers. And they recognized his face.

"Now now, thanks for confessing" the eleven year old boy said as a shorter boy in glasses came over with a video camera, showing the confession on tape. "And thus, as deduced, this is the end of the show. You morons should be more careful next time".

Yoshio Kobayashi, or in western format, Kobayashi Yoshio. Super genius boy detective. Leader of the Alley Street Irregulars.

Despite being only eleven years old, he was a master detective who even has permission to carry weapons and firearms.

ANd on the other side of town...

A man collapsed in shock, as a dark haired man in glasses rose with a stern look and a sinister smile.

" could you possible know that..."

"That you were secretly conducting illegal organ harvesting out of your businesses? That you wanted to be bought in by us so that you could leave quietly with the profits and lay the blame at our feet? It was all rather simple, really" the dark haired man said. "Honestly, your criminal plan was not even third rate, it was fourth rate".

"Im-impossible! There is no way someone like you could have seen through everything!"

"Oh, if only you knew how foolish those words were" the man said, revealing the M on his ring. "Here at Moriarty Industries, we could easily come up with a plan far greater then what you did if we wanted to".

As he said that, police officers came in from a hidden room.

"Especially me, as its CEO, James Moriarty".

James Moriarty. Leader of a Global Organization that provides all sorts of things and services, possibly one of the most powerful organizations in the world if not the most powerful. Brilliant Mastermind.

And then, at the same time at the mall...

"Impossible! There is no way an old geezer like you could possibly know the truth!"

"Now now, old geezer? Those are some words" a man with a mustache said as he stepped forward. "I am simply experienced and as such, can clearly know when someone is telling lies such as yourself. Finding the evidence, such as the gun you taped under the wheelchair of a child. It was quite easy to catch you".

"Damn you...who do you think you are?!"

"Hercule Poirot, of course" the man said as he put on his hat. "At your service".

The man tried to attack him, but he was tackled to the ground by a female detective and arrested. Poirot just stood and smiled.

Hercule Poirot, an old man and former police detective. Now an old but famous private investigator.

Back at the porch...

"Those three are the greatest detectives around. There was a fourth, but...he was only here when there were two great minds. Who knows though, maybe you will meet him one day".

"The three greatest detectives?"

"Yes, but there are many others. They all come here at some point or another" the woman mentioned with a smile. "But just be warned, they might not...get along. But if you want all three of them, and more, I can surely convince them".

"Yes! Please! I will pay any amount!"

"Very the organizer of the Detective's Circle, I, Mrs. Hudson, shall gather all the detectives I can muster" she replied, as she took out her phone and sent a single message to a group text.

The gathering of Detectives had begun, and the case was on.

Welcome on, welcome all, to my detectives SYOC! As you may have noticed, the first few of our group is based off of classics, so I hope you enjoy! Wanted to do something unique and interesting, but also something classic with throwbacks. Anyways, so here are the rules! You can submit mystery ideas and concepts, or characters! Characters however must be submitted with at least three mysteries with them! Submissions must be written with proper grammar and spelling, and be reasonable in design, though artistic and creative flaire is allowed. And they cannot be perfect either.

Oh, and not everyone can be buff or look like movie stars or the like.

On a side note, I went with a child, a man, and an old man for the three to give coverage to all the areas and make it easier to balance submissions!

And now, for the sheet!




Physical Description: (not clothing, but how they are built, their height, weight, ect).

Typical Clothing:







Favorite Food:

Deduction Style: (Are you more in the face? Do you handle things calmly? Or do you like to put on a show, and be all out dramatic?)

Fighting Styles:

Weapons and Tools:


Sidenote: If you want to make a detective's assistant, a police character, or other such things, this is also fine. Even criminals, especially criminals, would help! YOu do not have to name your character off of other detectives.