Harry Potter: Weapon

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and Soul Eater.


About eight years ago the Evans had gone to visit their relatives in Britain. Soul was excited to finally meet his grandparents in person. Unfortunately they learned about their death when they had shown up at the house. They had gone to see Petunia. Despite Ash and her not getting on she was still family. Truths had come out the minute she saw him.

First he learned that his other sister Lily and her husband was murdered. Then he learned his nephew had been abused. They reported the abuse as soon as they learned. They were given custody of Harry. A few weeks later they learn that Harry took after the Evans side of the family. He was a weapon just like Ash and Soul and just like them he was a scythe.

Soul became very protective of his younger cousin. They formed a close bond. If the two were together they were either outside or inside playing the piano or reading manga. The Evans took him back to America. They introduced Harry to the Knights. They were related. His grandmother on his mother's side had a younger sister. She had been his grandfather's mister. Rose, their cousin had become Harry's.

Once Rose saw Harry she became protective. Just like Harry they were a year younger than Soul. Harry and her also had a close bond. Most times you could find the two outside playing sports or gardening.

Rose had shoulder length red hair and red eyes. She was a couple inches shorter than Harry and had a lean build. She was tan. On her left shoulder she had a birthmark. It looked like a star.

Harry had long black hair. It was always in a braid. His eyes were an emerald green. He was a head shorter that Soul and sported a nice tan.

Soul was the tallest. He had messy white hair that if wet ended a few inches above his shoulders. He also had a tan.

Despite looking similar no one but Maka and their family knew they were related. All three had different surnames. Soul Evans, Harry Potter, and Rose Knight.

Harry never went to Hogwarts. Petunia had told them about being paid to abuse Harry. Since they had no proof they couldn't turn him in. Instead they went to the American Ministry of Magic. They helped hide Harry from Dumbledore. They even gave him a private tutor to help him learn magic. The tutor was under a secrecy oath to keep him from blabbing. Harry was currently a student at the DWMA with his cousins.

When Harry turned eleven and didn't show up at Hogwarts Dumbledore's popularity plummeted. It took another hit when an article had been published about the Dursleys. It explained that they had been arrested for child abuse and neglect. With him being missing Dumbledore was very unpopular.