I originally wasn't gonna share it here too, but I decided why not. Some people could read IF and others read TLaD.
No, this is not an update, I'm sorry. But don't worry, it also isn't a 'hey story is discontinued' kind of note!

All of my fanfics will be on a hiatus for the time being; I've been having some emotional mental problems since January and I feel like it's only gotten worse. I try to stay on top of the Ice Flower updates, I really do, and I try to stay on track with Through Life and Death's update schedule, but lately I've been falling behind.

I also have a story I'm creating with a friend of mine called White Instinct, alongside writing a fanfic called Hello, Ruby, plus revamping White Dripping Red and Her Guardian(ao3 only).

Yeah, I'm extremely overwhelmed! ^^'' So, I am going to take a step back from publishing for a little bit. I don't know when I'll be back, but please keep in mind that my ongoing stories are not abandoned. Hopefully I'll be back on track soon!

I will give you guys information about the currently published stories, though!
Through Life and Death is on Chapter Fifteen, exactly four chapters ahead of what is currently posted.

Sneak Peek:

"No," Yang answered carefully, "She didn't come in, did she?"

Every nerve in Ruby's body strained at the idea. "I don't have a clue," she murmured as fear twinged in her gut, "she hollered at me that this was a trap and told me to get out… Then she yelled 'don't touch me' and the connection broke."

"Well, you don't seem all that worried." Yang muttered.

Ruby let out a laugh of apprehension, "Am I doing a good job of that?" Without waiting for her sister's response, she turned and stiffly strolled away. "Great! Because if I don't find her in the next five minutes, I'm gonna break some necks."

A cold wave of shock collided with Ruby, drowning out her fears and causing the blood in her veins to turn to ice. She stood stock still, mentally finding herself between all doorways and exits of the factory. Her head jerked to the side and towards a single iron door when she heard Weiss' frightful voice reverberating at the back of her mind; Ruby's body began to tremble and she let out a shaky breath as she attempted to locate her girlfriend. She could feel something. A chiming noise started within her as if pinpointing the woman's location.

She was snapped back to her senses, finding Yang standing across from her with a puzzled look on her face. Ruby's feet moved on their own, carrying her towards the break room. "This way!" She hollered to her sister, who instantly started after her.

'Hold on, Weiss.'