A/N: Happy New Year to everyone and to start it off, I have created a collection of stories I hope you will enjoy. As I said in the summary, each chapter is a one-shot story that stands alone. It does not need to be read in any order. Of course, we will start with A and work our way down to Z. We are going to explore a huge variety of supernatural creatures. I have tried to find some that we have not heard about before. There are a few letters that I have divided the story into two parts because of the length that it ended up being. I will note that at the beginning of the chapter and the second part will be up the next day so there will be no lag. This project, including the research, took over four months to finish. I do love reviews and to know your thoughts on my creations. NC

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural and the stories are my own creation. Any mistakes are my own.


"What have you got?" Dean asked as he sat a bag of food and a carton holding drinks down on the table.

Sam was checking out websites for possible cases and looked up at him for a moment before answering. "A small town south of here has had a rash of unusual deaths over the past month and no one can decide what is killing them."

"You think it's our thing?"

"Not sure, I'd need to see the bodies and police reports."

"So, after we eat, get a good night's sleep, let's go check it out."

"Might as well, I'm not finding anything else out there right now. It's almost as if monsters are lying low for some reason."

"What would make them do that? You think there's some big bad out there scaring them off?"

Sam pulled the container of food his way and pulled a drink from the cardboard container. He didn't reply to his brother's comment since that was exactly what he thought. Something was building but he didn't know what or how to find out. He forked a bite of food and absently began to chew it without tasting it. His mind was elsewhere and didn't hear Dean talking to him.

Dean stopped in midsentence when he saw the glazed look in his brother's eyes and knew he wasn't listening to him again. Sam had started doing this more often now and he wasn't sure why. It was like Sam got lost in his head and nothing around him is important. He watched him automatically eating his food and was happy for that. They had both been through a lot recently and were trying to piece their lives back together again and their shaky relationship. He looked up from his burger when Sam finally spoke.

"Did you say something?" he asked with uncertainty looking over at Dean.

"No Sammy, we'll go check out the deaths. We'll head out early in the morning."

"Fine with me," Sam said. He picked up his trash and tossed it away before getting up to use the bathroom and get ready for bed. It was still early, but Sam decided to turn in which was an easy way to avoid Dean for the night. He didn't feel like talking, and it wouldn't hurt to try and get some extra sleep since his had been troubled lately. He did his routine and brushed his teeth before heading back into the other room. "I'm heading on to bed," Sam told Dean when he came back out.

"Alright, I'm going to watch a little television before turning in."


"Wake me if you're up first, so we can head out early."

"I will." Sam turned back the covers and slipped under them. He turned away from Dean and listened as he turned on the television and lowered the volume so not to disturb him. Sam heard Dean settling on his bed and then the only sound filling the motel room was the soft voices from the television. It wasn't long before Sam drifted to sleep, and he slept soundly for most of the night until the early hours of the morning.

The scream died in his throat as Sam sprang up in bed and frantically looked around as he worked on slowing his breathing and racing heart. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and could barely make Dean out as he turned over in his bed. He was lucky he hadn't woken him and would have to explain his actions. He glanced at the clock to see it was too early to wake him up to head out.

He laid back down and wiped his sweaty face on the sheet as he tried to remember what had frightened him, but all he could remember was running through a forest and something was chasing him. Giving up on sleep, Sam quietly got up and gathered clothes to take a shower. Even though he slept, Sam still felt tired and hoped the shower would help. When he came out, Dean was stirring and looked over at him.

"You're up early," he said. He sat up on the side of the bed and stretched and yawned widely before getting up to head for the now free bathroom.

"You wanted to leave early," Sam shrugged as he stuffed his sleep clothes into his duffle and gathered his other things to pack. He didn't want to tell Dean about the nightmares that had been plaguing him thinking he had enough on his mind without worrying about him.

Dean knew his brother and that something wasn't being said, but let it drop. It seemed there was a canyon growing between them and knew part of the blame was on him, but not all of it. He did his business and gathered his bathroom things, tossing them in his small bag.

When he came out, Dean saw Sam was ready to go with his bags sitting on the bed beside him. He didn't say anything as he gathered the clothes laying in a chair and stuffed them into his duffle. He gave the place a final once over before picking up his things and heading for the door. He heard Sam grunt as he got up and followed him out.

The Impala was waiting on them in the parking lot covered in a layer of dew that glistened when the rays of sun hit it. Dean unlocked the trunk so they could store their bags and went to the driver's door to unlock it. He dropped into the seat and reached across to unlock the passenger door. When Sam was settled, he cranked his Baby and listened to her roar to life as he caressed the steering wheel and listened to the engine settle into a loud purr. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the main road to pick up the interstate south toward the town Sam had found online.


It was after lunch when Dean pulled into the town limits of the Berryville, Arkansas. It looked like all the other no name towns they had worked cases in over the years. Dean stopped at a gas station so they could change into their suits to pull off their FBI ruse. The brothers had pretended to be FBI, Texas Rangers, Wildlife Officials, CIA, priest, counselors, or anything else that would get them the information they needed.

Sam was becoming a pro at hacking into data bases and getting pertinent intel for their cases. Dean accused him of having a computer for a brain. He was also the better interrogator of the two. He could give them one of his best puppy dog looks that would put the person at ease and willing to tell him anything. Sam was the logical one of the two. He wanted to look at all aspects of a situation before deciding on a course of action.

Dean was the muscles of the two and the planner. He could work his way through any situation and come out with the outcome he wanted. He could quickly devise a plan and get them out of the worse circumstances that came along. He was a quick thinker and fast on the draw. Some might say he was a hot head and had a quick temper, but he was the one you wanted to back you up if things went south.

The brothers balanced each other and kept the other grounded. There was a special bond between them that wavered at times but had never been completely broken. They had always been close growing up and could communicate without spoken words. Hunting as a team became easy for them, and those that knew them thought of them as the best hunters out there.

Dean pulled into a visitor's parking space in front of the small sheriff's office. They got out straightening their jackets and being sure they had the right badges before going in the front doors. Sam was slightly behind Dean and let him do the talking.

"May I help you?" a deputy asked when they approached his desk.

"FBI, Agent Steel and Ness," Dean said holding out his badge for inspection. "We'd like to talk to the officer in charge of the recent deaths you've had around here."

After looking at their badges, the deputy got on the phone and talked softly to someone. He looked back at them before speaking, "Sheriff Clark will be out shortly, you can have a seat over there."

"Thank you," Sam nodded and moved to the plastic chairs lined up along the wall. He sat down by Dean and let his eyes wander around the room taking in flyers, posters and wanted posters hanging in a glass case. He glanced at the faces and then did a double take when one that had been partly covered caught his attention. He punched Dean in the side and nodded toward the case to alert him.

Dean frowned at the poke in the side and looked at Sam's face and then the way he nodded. He squinted slightly and blinked quickly letting his eyes adjust before he saw what Sam was trying to get him to see. There among the wanted posters was one with Dean's face on it. You could only see a portion of it, and it was an old mug shot but still it wouldn't take much to match it to Dean. His pulse quickened but he held it together when a middle-aged man stepped through a door in the back of the room.

"Agents, Sheriff Clark," he introduced himself holding out his hand.

"Agent Steel," Dean greeted him. "My partner, Agent Ness."

"Sheriff," Sam greeted shaking his hand.

"If you follow me, we can talk in my office."

Dean and Sam followed the sheriff past the front desk and through a door that separated offices and integration rooms from the other part of the building. He led them down a small hall and to a corner office. Clark took a seat behind a desk and motioned for them to sit in the two chairs in front of it. They took a seat and waited for the sheriff to start.

"So, what can we do for the FBI?"

"We're looking into the recent deaths that you've had lately," Dean started.

"I don't remember contacting the FBI for help; how did you hear about it?"

"Well, we don't question where our bosses send us. We just go," Dean replied. "Have you had any luck identifying a suspect yet?"

"Our best guess is some kind of animal attack. We've got people looking into it."

"Don't guess you'll mind us checking it out then, since we're here. Maybe we can help."

"Could we get a copy of the police reports and we'd like to see the bodies," Sam offered in his sincere, nonthreatening voice.

"Sure, give me a moment and I'll have a deputy make copies for you. The bodies are at the morgue in the hospital basement." He picked up his phone and buzzed the front desk speaking to the deputy. "Agents, you can wait at the front for the files. If you do run across anything, you will let us know."

"Of course, Sheriff," Dean said standing and waiting for the sheriff to lead them back to the front.

Sam stopped by the deputy's desk and spoke quietly to him before stepping back and taking a seat again. He wasn't going to breath easy until they were out of here and through with this case. All it would take is someone recognizing Dean to turn their lives upside down. They'd have to lay low for a while until things died down and he was forgotten again. He knew the poster was old and hoped Dean had been forgotten.

"Agent," the deputy called to him to get his attention. "Here's the files you asked for." He held out a flash drive for him and Sam nodded his thanks before taking it.

"Which way to the hospital?" Dean asked as they got up to leave.

"Get back on the street out front and go through three stop lights and turn right. You'll see signs for the hospital. It's up on a hill about a mile down that road."

"Thanks," Dean nodded and headed out the door with Sam close behind. He followed the directions to the hospital and pulled around to the back where the morgue entrance usually was.

They got out of the car and followed the signs inside to the morgue. The smell was the first thing that hit them along with the chill in the air. A tech looked up from his paperwork when he noticed them and came over to see what they needed.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"FBI, we'd like to see the bodies of the latest deaths that have come in," Dean told him flashing his badge at him.

"And could we get the autopsy reports on them too?" Sam added before he turned away.

"Alright, here's the victims," he replied. The tech pulled out four drawers for them and stepped away. "I'll get those reports for you."

Dean took the first body and pulled down the sheet, grimacing when he saw the chest had been ripped open and practically shredded. Sam pulled his cell out to snap some photos as Dean moved to the next one. The injuries were almost identical except the shredding extended down to his thighs. The other two bodies were in the same shape. Dean could see claw marks in several places. He was sure this was no human attack, but he didn't think it was a regular animal attack either. Something supernatural had torn these victims to pieces.

"This was no animal attack," Sam mumbled under his breath.

"Here you go, the reports," the tech said. He handed Sam a folder with papers in it and when back to his paperwork.

Dean pushed the drawers back in knowing they had seen all they could here and needed to move on. They would head back to the motel and start processing everything they had gathered. He wanted to see where the bodies were found and if there were any witnesses to any of the attacks.

"Not a werewolf, wrong time of month and they wouldn't rip the bodies up like that," Sam said. "They go after the hearts only, maybe livers."

"Vampire wouldn't either, they'd want the blood, not waste it."

"I'll go through Dad's journal when we get back and try to narrow down our search."

"I'll map out the kill sites and see if any of them have anything in common and if there's any links with the victims."

"Should we grab some food before going back to the motel? That way we won't need to go back out."

"Yeah, probably a good idea, we can stop at that diner near the motel for takeout."


Dean was reading the police reports and Sam was looking through their Dad's journal and making notes. He brought up the next report and rubbed his tired eyes as he tried to focus on the computer screen. His eyes were tired, and he was seeing double and decided to take a quick break.

"I'm going to get a soda, want anything?" Dean asked getting up from the table.

"Water would be good."

"Water it is." Dean headed out the door and around to the vending machines to see what choices he had. He dug some change from his pocket and fed the machine and chose a water and then a soda. He walked back around toward their room but paused to look out across the lot watching the sun slowly disappear behind the trees as the light began to fade. He watched for a while longer before unlocking the door and going back inside. "Here you go." Dean sat the water by Sam's elbow and dropped back down into the chair next to him. He opened the bottle of soda and took a long swallow before waking up the laptop to continuing going over the reports.

"I think I found something," Dean said sitting up straighter as he went back over what he had just read. "One of the victims was on the phone with his girlfriend and said something about hearing a child crying for help and needed to go. He didn't call back and she couldn't reach him. The coroner reports that he was killed around that time."

"You think something lured him away and then killed him?"

"What can mimic a person?"

"Wendigo, but it wouldn't leave the bodies like that."

"I know, what else could it be?"

"Let me do some digging," Sam said pulling his laptop closer and opening a search engine to make the inquiries. He typed quickly and set up a search with specific words to see what it would bring up. He hit enter and waited as the program did its thing. He opened his water and sipped on it while drumming his fingers on the table.

"I've mapped out the kill sites and they seemed clustered around this general area, so that gives us a place to start," Dean offered pushing the map Sam's way.

Sam took his eyes off the screen to look at it and ran a finger over each X as his brain worked on the problem. "Are we going to check them out in the morning?"

"Figured it would be the next step. Locals are warning people away from the area for now, so hopefully there won't be anymore deaths before we can take whatever it is out."

"It looks like it likes to kill at dust or at dawn," Sam commented looking at the autopsy reports.

"Yeah, I saw that. That gives us a window to try and trap it and kill it."

"Okay, well, there's a list of supernatural creatures here that could possibility be the killer," Sam sighed as he scrolled down the names. "Guess we'll need to narrow it down."

"How 'bout we do that tomorrow? I for one am calling it a night," Dean groaned stretching and getting up to find some sleep clothes.

"Yeah, maybe we'll be lucky and get the case wrapped up tomorrow."

"Don't jinx us dude! When are we ever that lucky?"

"It was just a thought."


The Impala rolled slowly to a stop at the beginning of one of the trailheads for some hiking trails. Dean parked and got out and looked around. It was quiet and there were no other vehicles around. It looked like the people were listening to the sheriff department about not hiking in that area until the wild animal was found. He went to the trunk and handed Sam a machete, silver knife and he checked the load on a sawed-off shotgun and pocketed a couple more shells loaded with rock salt. Both their guns were loaded with silver bullets and he had some holy water in a flask. He didn't know what they might run across but wanted to be prepared.

"From the police report, the hiker was attacked about a mile up that trail," Sam read looking at the trail before heading in that direction.

Dean took several long strides and got in front of Sam before slowing down. He didn't see the bitch face Sam gave him as he moved to walk abreast with him. He knew this was something Dean couldn't stop doing, trying to keep him out of harms way, but he got tired of being protected. He was an adult and knew how to take care of himself in a fight. He just wished Dean would see that. He had to let him grow up sometime. He kept his thoughts to himself because he didn't want to add fuel to the fire right now.

It didn't take them long to reach the area and spotted the police tape tied to trees where the body was found. They approached it slowly looking around for any signs that the monster might be near. Dean stepped off the trail a short distance and found the place the body had been attacked. The ground was still covered in blood and so were the bushes nearby. Whoever attacked the victim was vicious and wild. He looked up and scanned the area around them letting his hyper senses search, trying to pick up what the locals missed.

"Something lured him off the trail," Sam mumbled more to himself than Dean. "What would make a hiker leave the trail?"

"Someone calling for help," Dean supplied.

"Yeah, you know one of the monsters that came up on the search was one that would turn into a young girl and lure her victims to her by calling for help."

"That would fit with the girlfriend's account about her boyfriend hearing a kid calling for help."

They both turned quickly when twigs broke behind them and searched through the trees trying to see what it was. Dean relaxed when a young doe ran into the brush.

"Relax it was only Bambi," he said lowering his gun.

"You know Bambi was a male deer, right?"

"Who cares," Dean shrugged heading back to the trail. He didn't think they were going to find anything else here to help them. "Let's head back and look at that list again and narrow it down. Then, we come back out here and set a trap."

"Alright, we need to be sure we have what we need to kill it."

It didn't take them long to hike back to the car and drive back to the motel. Sam pulled up the list that had complied from his query and started marking off the ones that really didn't fit what they knew. He paused for a moment in thought and looked up at Dean.

"Have you heard of an Acheri, Dean?"

Dean stopped what he was doing and frowned as he quickly went through his mind trying to pull up any information. "Don't think so, what have you got?"

"It's a type of demon that materializes its own form without needing a vessel. Other places say it's a ghost or spirit of little girl," Sam read. "It can be invisible, is stronger than humans, fast, and will shapeshift to reveal its true form when about to kill. It disguises itself as a little girl to lure prey in either to murder or abuse and leave to die. It's vicious and likes to rip its victims to pieces with its clawed fingers."

"I think you found our monster Sammy," Dean said. "What we saw of the victim's injures, they were brutally slain. So how do we kill it?"

"It says its weakness is salt and iron. If it's a demon we could exorcise it and send it back to Hell."

"You think that'll work?"

"We really don't have much else to go on. There's no bones to salt and burn and we can't paint a devil's trap in the forest, so we need another way to hold it to exorcise it."

"Salt and iron," Dean mumbled as he paced the room while he thought about what they knew and what they needed. "So, when it attacks it becomes corporal, and that's when we need to strike."

"Yep, pretty much. What are you thinking?"

"Is there a hardware store nearby?"

"Let me look," Sam replied typing on his laptop. "There a Lowe's a few blocks away."

"We need to do a supply run."

"What are we getting?"

"Rope, a bucket, gloves, and rock salt."

"Ummm…What are we doing with that?"

"Mix some saltwater and soak the rope it the water. Also, coat the rope with rock salt. I'm hoping that will hold it long enough for you to do your thing."

"You're going to be bait, aren't you?" Sam accused him in a hard voice.

"One of has to and you're better at Latin than I am," he shrugged. "You coming or are you going to sit here brooding?"

"I'm coming," Sam grunted getting up to grab his jacket as he mulled over what Dean was planning on doing. He didn't like it. He didn't like Dean taking these stupid chances and hoped that he didn't get hurt. He dropped into the passenger seat with a pout on his face as his mind turned over other options to trap the Acheri without Dean needing to be bait.


"You know what to do Sammy?" Dean asked as they got out of the car to stake out where they thought the Acheri was going to strike next. Since the locals had been staying away, they figured it would be eager to go for a kill.

"Yes, and you know I don't like it one bit. What if something goes wrong?"

"That's a chance we've got to take. We can't let this demon, ghost, whatever it is kill anyone else," Dean told him. "We face something going wrong with each hunt we take. This is no different than any of the other hunts we've been on."

"Promise me you won't take any unnecessary risks Dean," Sam begged his nerves frayed and on edge.

"Don't worry so, I'll be careful Sammy," Dean told him knowing his brother was stressing more than he should. "Let's get set up and find a good place for you to hide."

Sam shouldered his backpack, as Dean did the same, following his brother knowing he couldn't talk him out of this and hoped their plan worked. Dean pulled out a map of the trails and found where they were at and where he thought they needed to be. He took the lead and headed toward the location. Dean wanted them there before dusk and set up to be ready. When they got to the spot, Dean looked around the area he was staking out and decided where the best spot for Sam to hide in until he needed act.

"Dean, you've got to keep its attention so I can get the drop on it," Sam told him.

"Yeah I get it. Just watch yourself Sammy, we can't let it take both of us out."

"We can't let it take either of us out," Sam insisted with a snort. He knew how Dean could be in a hunt and wanted him to know he wasn't fooling him.

"I'll set up over there and you hide in there. And Sammy watch out for poison ivy and oak. Remember how allergic you are to it."

"I know," Sam replied looking around carefully before disappearing into the trees to get ready. He dropped his backpack and got out the gloves and salt coated rope from the pack. He got positioned to watch his brother as he set up a makeshift camp and turned on a portable radio for noise to attract the demon. The sun was sinking lower in the sky and darkness was starting to blanket the land.

Dean stirred the fire he had started and looked around listening for any sounds or noises that would signal the monster was nearby. He tried to act like a camper as he fed more wood into the small fire and took a seat on a log nearby. The sun was almost behind the tops of the trees when Dean heard the small cry coming from just off to the left. He listened closely as he stood sending a hand signal to Sam. The cry became louder this time.

"Hello!" Dean called into the trees looking into the darkness. He pulled a flashlight from his pack and shone it over the surrounding area. "Is anyone there?"

"Help me," a child's voice cried softly from the forest.

"Where are you kid?" Dean asked moving closer but not going into the trees. He wanted to lure the demon out where it would be easier for Sam to capture it. "Can you come to my voice?"

"Help me," the child called out again, the voice weak and sounding hurt.

"Can you see my light? Come on kid, I'll help you." Dean squinted and stopped his light on a shape that was slowly slipping around the brush and trees toward him. A little girl that looked about five or six with long, blonde hair and dirty clothes continued to move toward him. "That's it sweetie, you're almost here. I have some food and water you can have, and we'll get you to the sheriff's office so they can find your parents." He moved slowly backward trying to draw the child out.

"Help me," she said again as Dean tracked her movements with the beam of the light.

"I will, just come to me," Dean coaxed her smiling at her. He watched her pause and look around the area like she was checking to see if anyone else was around. "It's just me kid. I won't hurt you."

The child leaned against a tree for a moment before stepping toward him to the edge of the trees. Dean couldn't believe how much the monster looked like a young child, lost, dirty, and in need of help. He squatted down and pulled the salt-soaked gloves from his back pocket and slipped them on, trying to hide it.

It happened so fast all Dean had time to do was throw up his arm as he was knocked backward onto his back and felt a searing pain in his arm as he held it up in front of him but grabbed for the child that was now turning into a monster. She slashed out again catching him across his right side before he had her hands by the wrist holding on tightly so she couldn't cause any more damage.

The Acheri screened in agony from his grip as the salt burned into its flesh. It tried to jerk away so it could finish the kill when Sam burst from the brush and looped the rope around her upper body pinning her arms to her side. He quickly wrapped it several times tightening it to hold the Acheri who fell over screaming and gnashing out trying to bite if it could. It kicked and screeched an unearthly scream as it struggled to get free.

Sam pulled the monster away from Dean who collapsed back onto the ground as Sam began to spout the exorcism in a strong, loud voice. It rolled off his tongue and he sprinkled holy water over the demon's form as the last few words were said. The Acheri's voice faded suddenly as it was absorbed into the ground leaving a scorched circle on the spot it had laid. Sam grabbed up the remaining rock salt and sprinkled it over the area to cleanse it. Once he was sure it was gone, he turned and dropped down beside his brother to see how badly he was injured.

"Let me see," Sam coaxed as he tried to pull a bloodied hand from Dean's side.

"I'm fine," he hissed trying to push himself up with his good arm.

"No, you're not. At least let me put a field dressing on it until we can get back to the motel and doctor it properly."

"It's just a scratch."

"Scratches don't bleed like that. Quit being so stubborn," Sam grunted pulling out dressings and prying his hand from his side. He got his shirt and tee shirt out of the way and used the dropped light to check the damage. "It's not too bad, but you might need a few stitches." Sam pressed the dressing to his wounds and tied it tightly around his chest. He took another and put it around his arm before moving to toss some dirt on the fire and gather the two small packs. "C'mon, we need to get back to the motel so I can tend to those gashes. They need to be cleaned so they don't get infected."

"Fine," Dean grunted allowing Sam to help him stand. He felt a little lightheaded but nothing life threatening. Dean didn't complain when Sam shifted his good arm around his shoulder and got a firm grip on his jeans' waist as they started the hike back to the car. He did okay until they were almost to the car and it felt like all his energy was drained from him. His legs wobbled, and if Sam hadn't been holding him, he would have fallen.

"Just a little further, I can see the car," Sam encouraged feeling Dean's weight get heavier as he leaned more on him.

Sam got him in the passenger seat and hurried to the driver's side. He cranked up the Impala and sped toward the motel, hoping Dean wouldn't pass out on him before getting there. He was looking pale by the car's interior light when he positioned him in the seat. Sam pressed harder on the gas willing Baby to go faster that Dean needed her. He felt a slight jolt of the car as the engine roared and carried them back to town.

"Let me get the door open and I'll get you inside," Sam said.

Dean looked around with bleary eyes and realized they were back at the motel. He opened the car door and used the door as leverage to hoist himself from the seat. His legs felt weak and unsteady as he tried to step toward the light spilling from the room.

"Damnit Dean! I said wait!" Sam fussed when he grabbed him as he fell toward the door. He got him inside and to his bed. "Have to get the first aid kit out of the car."

Sam raced outside and dug around in the trunk for the kit before heading back inside. He sat it on the bed and went to the bathroom for towels and a wet cloth. He dug around in his brother's duffle until he found a small bottle of whiskey, he knew Dean carried.

"Here, drink some," Sam offered holding the bottle to Dean's lips.

Dean took several swallows before letting his head fall back on the pillow. He could feel Sam working his coat and shirt off his body but couldn't make himself help. His tee shirt was pulled over his head and he groaned when Sam took the field dressing off and doused his side with peroxide.

"Sorry, I need to clean it. Don't need you getting an infection from the thing's claws." Sam used a towel to catch the overflow and waited until it stopped bubbling before wiping the gashes so he could see. "There's a couple places that will need stitching."

"Just do it," Dean hissed through clenched teeth as the pain radiated through his body. He could feel Sam gently wiping the area and pinching the skin together so he could push the needle through his skin to make small, neat stitches.

Sam stitched the worst places together to stop the bleeding and could feel Dean's body tremble under his fingers. He was quick and efficient since this wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last time he did it. He used butterfly bandages on the remaining claw wounds to hold them closed. After putting cream on the wounds, Sam positioned a pad and taped it in place. He moved to Dean's arm and cleaned it so he could see if it needed stitching or if steri strips would be enough. They were deeper than the ones on his side and he readied sutures to stitch it too. Once it he was done, and a pad taped over the stitched area, he sat back and looked at Dean's pinched face.

"I'll get you some pain meds," he said. Sam threw away the bloody gauze and threw the dirty towels in the bathroom. He found the meds and shook two pills out in Dean's hand before holding a water bottle out to him.

Dean had his eyes slit open and could barely make out Sam's form as he felt the pills being put in his hand. He raised his good hand to his mouth and accepted the water, letting Sam help him sit up to drink it. He let out a slow breath feeling a blanket being pulled over him but didn't say anything. All he wanted to do was sleep and let his body heal. He didn't hear Sam's question as his mind shut down knowing he could rest now that the monster was gone.

Sam felt Dean's forehead before using a damp cloth to clean his face and wipe the dried blood from his hands. He knew that was enough for now and headed into the bathroom to check how many towels they had clean. He slipped out and went to the office to get more so he could shower and to have clean ones for Dean to shower too. He knew if Dean was able, they would be heading out in the morning and probably go stay at Bobby's until he was able to hunt again. He was going to make him take the time since he knew they both needed it.

After that, there would be another hunt out there and another monster to slay.

The End