Thursday 13th March 2008
Captain Jack was never particularly known to be covert. Which is why it came to be no surprise that when he had arrived in London; more specifically in Battersea Power station which had been abandoned for a number of years, his old colleague had been aware of his arrival.
"Hello Jack."
"Michael." Jack returned his greeting. "Why are you here in this timeline?" Michael glanced down at a device that looked the spitting image as Jack's on his wrist. This device was called the Vortex Manipulator, a powerful device that allowed Time Agents to travel across time and space.
"I had an emergency signal sent to me from here. Was it from you?" Jack shook his head and took a seat on nearby stairs a few feet away from him. He was exhausted. Jack had travelled day and night to get his way to London after receiving the distress signal he had received on his vortex manipulator. It was a nifty gadget. If a time agent or traveler was in distress, they could send a distress signal and the closest time agents would be able to respond. He however, had been hoping that it had been a specific Time Lord that had sent that feed to him.
"I had been hoping it was from an old friend of mine. I've been stuck here for way too long with this not working." He tapped his device aimlessly, his had burnt out many years ago and Jack had been stuck two hundred years in the past since he'd managed to escape from the space station which had been orbiting a Dalek devastated Earth in the year 200,100.
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Voice thick with newfound sarcasm. After living in England for many years, Michael's thick Jersey accent really seemed to stick out to Jack.
"Hang on a minute though." Michael continued, whilst looking increasingly uncomfortable. "If you hadn't sent this signal...who did?" Jack felt his insides freeze.
"Michael, we need to get out of here now! It's a trap-!"
A door from downstairs had been either slammed open or shut. Neither of them knew, but they didn't want to find out.
Both men paused.
The door had been slammed shut.
Tap. Tap. Tap. The sound of footsteps echoed the hall. Jack stood from his spot on the stairs and ran over to Michael, in a panic he grabbed Michael's wrist which had the time traveling device strapped on.
"You have to get out of here!" Michael's face had paled as he shook his head.
"I can't! Coming here used the last of its juice. It's got to recharge."
"You mean to tell me you came to a distress signal with no means to escape?!" Jack shrieked, horrified.
"Well, so did you!" Michael bit back. Jack cried out in frustration as he frantically looked around the hall for an escape route. Now was not the time to explain to his old colleague about his special ability to not die courtesy of Bad Wolf.
"There must be someway to get out of here?!" Jack felt a hand on his shoulder and he tensed.
"I think it's too late." Michael's words made Jack's blood run cold. He turned around and noticed a hooded figure standing at the doorway which had been their only entrance and exit from the building.
"Who are you?!" Michael asked with such courage that Jack had to commend him for the situation that they had been in.
The figure remained silent as it started to take a few steps towards them. Michael threw himself in front of Jack.
"Try and find a way out, Jack! I'll keep him preoccupied." Jack went to argue but Michael turned to the figure again. Determined to not show the figure how frightened he was.
"What are you?!" Michael cried out as the figure continued his approach on them.
"Get out Jack!" Michael repeated. His voice thickly laced with fear, no longer hiding it. His eyes still trained on the figure in front of him.
A laser shot out from the hooded cloak's sleeve and shot through where Michael's heart lay. Jack felt as though a bucket of iced water had been tipped over his head.
Michael's face glazed over in shock as he instantly fell to the floor. Dead.
The maniacal laughter echoed through the hall. The figure was human. However Jack had no time to dwell on it as his focus had been diverted elsewhere.
"Michael!" Jack fell down to his friend's side. "Michael, you have to get up." His efforts were futile.
There was a moment of silence, the only sound that could be heard was Jack's heavy breathing in disbelief, shock and anguish.
"Who are you?!" Demanded Jack. His grief was short lived and anger flooded in his veins. He turned to face the hooded cloak and to find that he had already disappeared.
"Goddammit!" Jack's grip on Michael tightened as he let out a cry in anguish. "Michael, wake up!" Denial flooding through his veins as he begged for him to wake up. There was nothing that he could do.
Seconds felt like minutes. Those minutes had felt like hours. He sat there with Michael's body cradled in his arms. Michael's body getting colder with every minute that had past. It was only when daylight had passed and night fell that he had realized he had to leave.
Knowing that a Time Traveling device in the wrong hands could cause chaos and destroy timelines, Jack ripped the Vortex Manipulator off of Michael's wrist and ran out of the building.
For all he knew, the person in the hooded cloak could come back and he didn't want to linger around any longer to find out.