Firem78910: hey guys Firem here and we are here with the first chapter of the Aura Hunter Hero: Deku
Isara: finally! No more padoru's god damn that was annoying
The Aura Hunter Hero: Deku
Prologue: Indomitable Dream
The sun was rising near a Dust mine where four girls were just waking up.
The first was a young, silver-eyed girl dressed in a black blouse, a black waist cincher with red lacing and a skirt with red trimmings, completed by a red, hooded cloak.
She also has cross-shaped pins holding her cloak to her shirt. Around her waist is a belt which holds large cartridges (possibly .50 caliber or comparable) in individual loops, as well as a magazine pouch and she has a silver belt and has a silver version of her rose emblem.
She is known as Ruby Rose.
The second is dressed primarily in light blue, white, and some red. She wears a pale blue bolero jacket over a similarly colored thigh-length dress with a piece of black lace making up the neckline of the dress. The inside of the bolero is red and the sleeves turn blue as they get closer to her wrists. The back of the bolero displays the Schnee Crest, which bears a resemblance to a snowflake.
She also wears an apple-shaped necklace along with a pair of thin, rectangular earrings. She wears white, heeled wedge boots that go to mid-calf; the insides are also lined with red. Her long white hair is pulled back in an off-center ponytail, at the base of which is a small tiara that resembles icicles. She has a pale complexion and ice blue eyes. She also bears a crooked scar down her left eye.
She also wears a small bag on the back of her dress, wrapped around her waist with a ribbon on it.
She is known as Weiss Schnee.
The third has a light olive complexion. She has long, wavy black hair, and her eyes are amber, complemented by light-purple eye shadow flaring backwards. Her eyes are slightly tilted upwards at the ends, giving her a somewhat catlike appearance.
She wears a black ribbon tied in the form of a bow which she almost never takes off, even when she goes to sleep. The bow is a cover for her Faunus heritage, a pair of black cat ears.
She also wears black low-heeled boots and stockings that start off black at her hips, but gradually fade to purple as they near her shoes. On the outside of her stockings, there are white emblems that are most likely belladonna flowers. She wears black ribbons on both of her arms, with a black detached sleeve and a silver band on her left arm.
She wears a black buttoned vest with coattails, and a white sleeveless undershirt that exposes part of her midriff with white shorts that may be connected to her shirt, although it is partly obscured by the vest. Her shorts have a zipper on the front of each leg, but it is unknown if these zippers serve a purpose or are simply decorative. She also wears a detached scarf-like collar around her neck.
She is known as Blake Belladonna.
The fourth wears a tan vest with gold piping over a yellow low-cut crop top with a black crest that resembles a burning heart. The vest has puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs. On the sides of the cuffs, there are two small golden buttons.
She also wears a brown belt with a buckle, a pouch, and a small banner-like object. The same burning heart crest appears on this banner, except golden in color. She wears black shorts under her belt, which resembles a pleated skirt in the back. Over the short shorts but under the belt is a white asymmetrical back skirt, an orange infinity scarf around her neck.
She also wears brown knee-high platform boots that appear to be made of leather, with orange socks of different lengths. Her left leg also has a gray bandanna-like object wrapped around the top of her boot. She wears fingerless black gloves underneath her weapons, which resemble two yellow mechanized gauntlets with a black design.
Her long blonde hair becomes lighter in color at the tips and flows in a loose and messy manner, with a few locks sticking out and a small cowlick on top of her head. She has a pale complexion and lilac eyes.
She is known as Yang Xiao Long.
And all of them were here because they were kicked out of the Vytal Festival Tournament due to their actions during the freeway and the Breach.
"This stinks." Ruby said still bummed out about all this.
"I know we did the right thing and how do they reward us by barring our Participation in the tournament." Weiss said.
"I know it's not fair you two but we did do good guys." Blake said as she dresses up.
"Yeah but still sucks but at least we have the next VFT in our 4th year of Beacon." Yang said.
The R and W of RWBY smiles at that fact they still have a chance to compete in the VFT.
"Hey! Team RWBY it's time for your shift." A Guard shouted.
"Alright were coming keep your pants on ya dick." Yang said as she and the rest of Team RWBY get dressed.
This was their so call punishment for attacking the White Fang they have to guard an SDC Dust mine (Slave Camp) it was ether this or getting expelled from Beacon.
They had to choose the former the only bright side about this is that they get paid for this and today was the last day of protecting this place. For Team RWBY this seemed like an Awesome Day.
A few hours later
That was until the White Fang attacked.
"OH! Come on can't we get a fucking break!" Yang shouted as she used Ember Celica at a few WF grunts.
"Something is wrong the white wouldn't attack such a small Dust mine." Blake shouted as she takes down a grunts on her own.
"Something here must have gotten the attention of the White Fang." Weiss said using some Ice Dust to freeze some grunt in place.
"Guys I overheard some of the miners saying that they found a Motherlode of Star Dust." Ruby said as she fires her rifle.
"STAR DUST?!" The WBY of RWBY shouted as Ruby nodded.
Star Dust was considered one of the 3 most powerful and rarest Dust types the other 2 are Iron Dust which can make a Weapon near Indestructible or permanently turn the user bones into in to Solid steel and Magna Dust which augments the Power of Elemental type Dust by a thousand fold. Star Dust can augment one's Aura and be able to turn Aura into a Weapon and if the theories are true it may be the only type Dust that can be used in Space.
They all knew that those 3 types of Dust were powerful especially Weiss as she is the Heiress of the SDC.
"We cannot allow the Fang to get that Star Dust!" Weiss shouted as she used fire dust to make a wall of fire to block the White Fang.
The four girl ran towards the Motherlode of Star Dust but not before Weiss made an Ice wall to block them off.
When they got there they saw the Motherlode of Star Dust ready to be mined were it not for the White Fang.
"Rubes if ya got a plan now would be a good time to use it." Yang asked as the Ice wall starts to break.
Just one we fight to the last. Ruby said as both her team and the miners looked at the team of girls with awe.
"Girls there's a passageway where we can all escape but someone needs to distract the Fang." An old miner said.
"You take it we'll will try to take out the Fang and if we fail we'll blow up the mine." Ruby said knowing that they might not make it out alive.
"Gods bless you girls I wish more huntresses were like you." Another Miner said.
"I for one think that you four should have been commended for your actions at the breach." A Faunas miner said.
This puts a smile of Team RWBY's faces.
"Thank you now go." Ruby said as one miner gave her a detonator.
"I've always believed the Fang would come here so I placed C4 all over the place." A miner said as he leaves.
Once all the miners left Ruby knew that this would be the last time they would see each other.
"Guys it was an honor to be your leader and friend." Ruby said with a sad smile.
"Likewise everyone." Blake said with a smile as she takes off her bow to reveal her cat ears knowing that she will die but she might as well die as a proud Faunas.
"I glad to call you my BFF Ruby Rose." Weiss said with a smile.
"Welp since were going to die might as do this." Yang said as she garbed Blake by the waist and kissed her deeply.
Once she stopped with ice wall broke but by the time they were about to charge at them Ruby had pressed the button on the Detonator blowing up the Star Dust and them along with them.
Unknown Location (15 years Before BNHA)
Ruby is laying in a bed she's aching all over. She opens her eyes to see a white ceiling with florescent lights. It took Ruby a few minutes to realize that she was in a hospital. She hopes that the miners are ok Ruby then goes back asleep…
"WAIT A HOSPITAL?!" Ruby shouted now realizing where she was.
"Well not quite but it looks like you realized where you are young lady." A small voice said.
The small voice belonged to a short man who appears to be a possible combination of several different animals, including a dog, a mouse and a bear, which would make him a chimera. He has the head of a mouse with circular black eyes, a large scar over the right one, and relatively square-shaped ears with pale pink insides slanting outwards from the top of his head, and an elongated muzzle with a small round nose. His fur is white and has large, dog-like paws with pink pads and a thin tail like that of a cat.
He sports a white dress shirt, a dark red tie around his neck, a black double-breasted waistcoat and matching dress pants. He wears orange lace-up sneakers with incredibly thick soles which seem to be quite large on him.
"Ah what?" Ruby said as she looks at the Dog, Mouse, and Bear thing.
"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal of UA High!" Nezu said as he introduced himself.
"What." Ruby dumbly says as Nezu calms down a bit.
"I know you have a thousand questions but I need to know where you came from." Nezu said with a smile.
Ruby shrugs thinking that she's in a fever dream she tells him what had happened to her and her team in the Dust mines. Nezu nods. Ruby then asks about her team and he told her that they were fine.
"Can I go back to bed Mr. Nezu?" Ruby asks wanting this Fever dream to end.
"Of young lady have a nice rest." Nezu said as he leaves the room.
"How's the youngest one Nezu." Asked an old voice.
"Poor girl thinks she's in a fever dream Chiyo oh she also asked for the others." Nezu said as Chiyo nods.
Chiyo is a short, elderly woman with gray hair styled into a netted bun, a large syringe poking diagonally out of it to the left. She has a notably small nose and eyes which are usually drawn as two little dashes, and a long mouth with defined nasolabial folds.
She wears a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side with two yellow buttons and a belt with a pink "R"-shaped buckle. She wears pink boots and has a helmet around the sides of her head, a purple tinted visor joining it over her eyes. In addition, she walks with a cane designed like a syringe that she can also use for healing the injured.
"Poor dear as for the others they look no worse than wear despite looking like they were on ground zero of a bomb blast in fact their healing at an accelerated rate I barely had to use my Quirk on them." Chiyo said.
"I see and their possessions?" Nezu asked.
"Their definitely weapons though some of the Support class have gotten injured by trying to use these weapons. Reckless brats." Chiyo said as Nezu chuckles.
"Though from what they were able to Identify is the following. The sniper rifle is using 50 Cal rounds and it's also a War scythe for some odd reason. Next comes the Gauntlets which has I kid you not an integrated Shotgun the poor brat that tested it shattered his wrist with the recoil how did that blond girl not have broken her wrists already. The Rapier was elegantly made and the revolver piece has a dust like substance I've sent a few samples to the police to study it. And finally the cat girls weapon is like someone cobbled together a Kusarigama, sword, clever and pistol the weapon works fine but what can say is that their incredibly dangerous." Chiyo said as Nezu nods.
"Well we just have to wait until they wake up Chiyo." Nezu said.
"And this time I'll be the one waking them up. Wouldn't want them to wake up with another fever dream." Chiyo jokingly said.
"True Chiyo call me when we get an update." Nezu said as he goes back to his office.
Hours later
Ruby wakes up once more only this time she saw not only her teammates have woken up but there was also a nurse.
Way better than her fever dream.
"Hey guys are you alright?" Ruby asked.
The others nodded.
"Glad that you're alright as well young lady." Chiyo said.
"Thank you for helping us madam we hope to repay you some day." Weiss said as Chiyo chuckles.
"No need it's what I do, but I must ask the 4 of you to rest." Chiyo said.
"Sure anything that helps me skip out on studying is awesome." Yang said.
"Of course miss." Chiyo said annoyed at that fact but smiles knowing that she is not a student here.
Chiyo leaves the room and Team RWBY was silent until Ruby broke it.
"So anyone wants to hear about my fever dream?" Ruby askes as the others shrugged.
Ruby talks about her Fever dream while Yang and Blake had an akward moment as they still remembered the kiss it was when Weiss deiced to look out the window.
She screamed.
At that moment Ruby went to her leader mode and went to Weiss's side.
"Weiss what's wrong?!" Ruby shouted as Weiss pointed at the window.
Ruby and the others were skeptical and simply looked at the window it was then all of their faces looked shocked.
What they saw was a large city with many large building but that is not what shocked them. What had shocked them was the Intact Moon in the sky.
It was in that moment that they were not in Remnant anymore.
4 years later (11 before BNHA)
Musutafu Japan
These past four years went by in a blur. 4 years since they appeared on Earth. Ruby who is now 19 years old still remembers when Nezu and Chiyo came towards them when they screamed bloody murder after seeing the moon. Chiyo managed to calm them down in hopes to ask them a few questions. To which the girls answered and told them everything from where there from to what happened in the Mine. Only three people knew where we came from Nezu, Chiyo and a cop with a built in Lie detector.
That was another thing the girls know about this world. This place had super powers. Which was awesome until Nezu told us that we couldn't join the Hero course since the Four of us were technically Quirkless when asked why it was because of their X-rays stating their Quirkless Status via the double jointed small toe bone and the only one who can pass as a Quirked Person was Blake Due to her cat-ears and fact that her small toe bone only had one joint and Blake wanted no part in this Pro-Hero stuff time passed and we Graduated UA High's Gen Ed course which was lame but hey at least the can get decent Jobs. Weiss was at college as was Blake, Yang works at a Bar as a Bouncer and a good since she can kick ass and plans on becoming a teacher and to support her 3 year old son and Ruby was working a part-time job at a mini-mart as she didn't know what to do with her life as her Huntress career was taken from her.
Ruby sighs.
"This stinks what I am supposed to do." Ruby said sadly.
As Ruby walks by she hears a whimper. Ruby hearing this goes to the source of it to find.
A little boy with a round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek, but despite these prominent traits, make him look plain-looking. And he was crying.
Ruby went towards the little boy and spoke to him.
"Hey are you ok?" Ruby asked.
"No I'm not." the boy said softly.
"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Ruby asked.
"I'm Quirkless." The boy said as tears fell out of his eyes.
That was the one and only she and her team hated was how society treated their Quirkless citizens. Discrimination, denying jobs and schools doing nothing to stop the mistreatment and going so far as to encourage it. It usually ends in the Quirkless person committing Suicide. She knew for the fact that she was only one of the Lucky few who can find a stable job at a Mini-Mart. As Many Quirkless don't live long at the oldest it was 20 years old and the youngest at 12.
Ruby hugged the poor boy and soothed him calming him down. She had asked if he wanted to become a pro hero the boy nodded. Ruby sighed that was typical Pro-Heroes were the most stable job out there but Ruby didn't like the word hero was passed around like candy.
A hero was to protect all people without rhyme or reason not for rewards or fame they did it just did to save lives.
"Say little guy what's your name?" Ruby asked.
"Midoriya Izuku." Izuku said.
"Say little guy why do you want to be a hero?" Ruby asked.
"I want to be like All Might, A Hero that saves People with a smile on his face where nothing can stop him." Izuku said as he cried.
Ruby looked at Izuku with sad eyes as well but she shakes her head and look.
"Hey little guy I believe you can be a hero a real hero not those guys who do it for themselves or those who do it for fame or fortune. Ruby said as Izuku's face lit up.
"You believe in me Onee-san." Izuku said as Ruby nods.
The two of them hug for a bit longer until Ruby got an Idea a potentially bad one but it was an Idea.
"Say Izuku could you turn around and close your eyes for a bit?" Ruby asked.
Izuku found this a bit weird but he complies he turns around until his back faced Ruby. Ruby proceeds to grasps Izuku's shoulder.
(Cue Indomitable from RWBY vol 6 OST)
"For it is in courage that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of hope and light to rise above darkness. Infinite in compassion and bound by duty, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, help thee." Ruby as the Red light of her Aura glowed.
Upon saying these words a light began to shine from Izuku. Spreading all around his body.
"Ok Izuku you can open your eyes now." Ruby said as Izuku opened his eyes and saw the green light around him.
"Wha-what is this?" Izuku said.
"That is your Aura that is the light of your soul." Ruby said with a smile.
"Wow can be a hero like All Might?" Izuku asked.
"Nope you'll be better than All Might." Ruby said as Izuku's smile became wider.
It was at that moment the Izuku and his new friend Ruby became his mentor and helped him become the Hero he was meant to be.
(End Indomitable from RWBY vol 6 OST)
But then a thought came to Izuku.
"What do I tell Ka-san?" Izuku asked.
"Oh crud." Ruby said as she realized that Izuku was right.
There would be a few bumps on the road but his Dream would be realized.
With WBY
Weiss, Blake and Yang now 21 were out drinking when they felt something near Ruby. A new Aura Signature.
"Say guys you don't think." Weiss said as she puts down her drink.
"This is Ruby we're talking about." Blake said.
"Damn sis what the hell. At least we can confirm that these guys can guys get their Auras unlocked." Yang said.
The older girls would confront Ruby later right now they needed a stiff drink.
Firem78910: well guys I hope you like this and remember to vote Ja ne