Skull didn't understand why he still stayed here maybe is was some misplaced fondness for these arcobaleno are nothing but fools, to be so quick to judge him. Well at least they are amusing, maybe that's why he sticks around. He wonders if this is what discord feels like, it explains why he feels so N U M B , he felt so cold when he came into this world. He thinks Minato-sensei would have been a wonderful sky, he misses Kakashi and Rin so much.
Sometimes he wishes for that old feeling of hate and rage that use to come so easy to him now just so he can remember he is still Obito. Where has all his rage gone he hates this cool unfeeling state where His Flames Burn with grief for my old sky and elements, why can't feel am I Obito or Skull the faker. As he talks to his Fake fellow elements for they could never replace his true ones, he wonders if this is what hell is like.
He wonders if he is living at all?
Well soon he will have to go to the vongola mansion the only good thing is that his student Kyoya, he understand as a fellow cloud, he can feel that my Territory's gone, He will help if I need to leave. They know he is interverted but they never ask why, even Viper is fooled. Kyoya knows he is a carnivore he can feel it, something only a cloud could understand.
He push down the Unfeeling part of himself and gets ready for his act.
"The Great Skull-sama is here!"
"You're late"
Kyoya watches from where he was arguing with the pineapple herbivore, seems like the sensei had one of those days, he wonder how the so called greatest can't see the Predator that lurks beneath that false herbivore skin.
Aria watches the arcobaleno argue unlike her mother she always reigns in her sky flames when Skull is around, she knows she can't help him she sees in the future that any attempt at help will simply push him away or make thing worse but this is the least she can do for him.
Colonnello is quick to demand a explanation and the others are quick to agree.
"The Great Skull-sama was practicing for a stunt", Skull Ignores the way his flames Hiss in anger at the demand.
Reborn quickly hit the lackey with his Leon mallet.
Skull screams and run yelling someone save me from Reborn-sempai.
Verde ignores everyone
Lal says he's getting training
Colonnello tries talking to Lal
Viper says they catch him if they get paid
Fon just watching wondering if Skull okay He can see that Skull not okay and he can see the pain in his eyes when he laughs and smiles, sometime he wonders if Skull is ever happy, for all the time he interacted with skull he never see Skull smile with joy or happiness in his eyes not even in his furture memories. Sometimes he wonders if he is the only one who notices.
Tsuna watches and wonders if Skull notices That when he first meet Skull he had pure Cloudy Sky flames yet as he looks at skull now all he sees is pure cold Jarred cloud flames and he wonder what had change, what had Skull seen in their future memories that harmed his flames so badly