She was all nerves and no way to expel them. Fingers twitched, drumming long the oar she used for transportation; a tippy-tap staccato that only served to increase her heart rate, rather than slow it. Was this really the way a human date was supposed to go? A part of her knew, from countless research and countless times watching the humans from behind their senses, that it was quite unorthodox. Then again, a Spirit Guide going on a date with a Demon inside a human boy fits that bill rather nicely.

Men usually came to pick up their dates, but she was going to meet him. Usually both people knew where they were going, not this time. She was completely in the dark and so- prepared an outfit that was casual, but still decently cute. At least, she hoped. Her current state of dress was still the Pink Kimono she wore for each day of her job: a uniform practically- but the moment she changed forms to a humanoid appearance, her true outfit of choice would be known.

Would it even matter to a man like Kurama; a Fox Thief of Legend? Her nerves were really starting to get the best of her.

"Don't be silly," She said to herself, eyes glancing this way and that, "He can be the perfect gentleman when he wants to be, I have no reason to worry!"

None, not a single bit of this situation should worry her- and yet here she was with sweaty palms and a racing heart beat so fast she feared it might fly straight out of her chest! How did Keiko manage this when she finally had a proper date out of Yusuke? She may have been a Guide to the Spirit World, but Botan was starting to seriously question her own life decisions. Botan couldn't help, but wonder if agreeing to this venture was even worth it.

After all, she was a Guide to lost Spirits, unable to be seen by regular humans unless she willed it to be so. And he… a Demon Fox merged into the body of a human, growing with a loving family. Would a date even work? She fretted as the wind blew her hair back, drowning all sounds through her ears and the fretting continued until she made it to her destination. In Botan's opinion, she arrived far too quickly.

"Goodness," She exclaimed, landing behind a tree to check the small watch she kept on her when in the human world, "Did I come too early?" The park was quiet with only the distant sounds of cars humming in the background and her own anxiety flared into her lungs like a vice. It almost made it hard to breathe.

Kurama was nowhere in sight.

"Oh dear… or perhaps," She muttered, fingers twiddling together, "I got the day wrong?" Naturally she wouldn't expect him to stand her up, not on purpose. He was certainly more poignant and upfront then that! "Oh, silly Botan, I must have got the time wrong, yes that's it! Maybe I should fly by later and just tell him I messed it up and will be working at the actual time, I'm sure he'd understand! Yes," A snap of the fingers and she smiled- it didn't reach her eyes, "That's exactly what I'll do-"


Arms flailed in the air and she yelped, jumping about a foot as she re-balanced herself, blue hair whisking about as she looked around for the source of his voice. So he WAS here! "Ah- ahahah, Oh, Kurama! I hadn't seen you-"

In fact, she still didn't see him, and confusion shone in her eyes right until he cleared his throat and stepped out from behind a nearby tree. Amusement quirked his lips and his emerald eyes gleamed as he watched her. "Apologies, but you seem to have missed me by just one tree."

Oh. Well. One would think she would have sensed his energy. Why hadn't- "Were you, uhm, hiding?" she questioned, laughing nervously as her form quickly shifted to that of one humans could see. The Kimono shifted to a casual pair of pants and button up shirt.

"Observing." He corrected, the small smile never left his face. "I got here a little early and while I could have greeted you, I thought it would look a little strange to be speaking to air before you made yourself visible."

"That.. oh! Right, that makes perfect sense. Yes, definitely!" She was rambling. She knew it. - but for a man like him, ensuring his normalcy to the general populace was what helped him blend in. Of course he'd have to wait for her to be seen by others! "Well then, " Botan paused, lips thinning out as she realized one very important detail.

What now?

She was at a loss. All the times she had read through Keiko's diary, watched Kuwabara fumble with Yukina, stayed up late with Shizuru watching horrid romance movies (she swore wasn't because she actually liked them, but Botan knew better) - and now she was stuck! How did humans do it again? Kurama was the gallant savior she hoped he would be, laughing lightly and extending an arm, causing her heart to skip: just a little bit. She took it and before she knew it, they were off: walking through the trails of the park.

To say Botan was nervous would be an understatement, but Kurama smoothly walked alongside her as if nothing could bother him. Which was normal for the former, legendary thief, but it still managed to raise Botan's anxiety even higher. He was just so difficult to read! Was he happy to see her? Did she look nice? Was he merely humoring her? On and on the questions flew through her head, but she couldn't figure which one to reach the air between them. Was it rude to ask, she wondered?

Botan truly was inexperienced with this sort of thing and it showed. How long had it been since she'd considered romance in her long career working in Spirit World? Other Reapers spoke of it from time to time, mostly with other reapers… Or the rare time she could have sworn she saw Ayame and Koenma having dinner just a few months ba-

"Is everything all right?" Kurama's pointed question made Botan almost swallow her own tongue, choking on her thoughts as she jumped. Oh dear, she was so lost in her own thoughts, she'd forgotten she was currently arm in arm with a gorgeous, red haired Fox that happened to be fifty times smarter than she was!

Of course he'd notice something was wrong. "Oh, no- I'm fine!" She lied. She knew it. She knew he knew it. Too late now. Laughing, she scratched the back of her head, subconsciously tightening her hold against his arm.

His eyes narrowed, a beautiful green that Botan often admired, but couldn't at that moment as she recognized the expression he was giving her. "You don't have to lie to me." He chided, voice gentle, but it made her deflate. She was making a mess of things wasn't she? "Did you not want to come?"

Straight to the point, as usual. Botan should have known Kurama wasn't the type to be subtle over these sorts of things. Maybe he understood communication was important. Or maybe he was trying while she was…. Thinking far too much again. Sighing, Botan shook her head, patting his arm with a silent apology. "It's nothing like that, Kurama, I'm just- … well, Guide of the Spirit don't often go out on dates. I'm a little out of my element here."

"Ah…" His expression softened, lips quirking into a grin, "If it helps, I've not dated before either."

Well, that- somehow surprised her. "You don't have to make up things for my pride," She pouted, eyeing him through the fringe of her bangs, "Surely as Yoko you had plenty of Demon Ladies at your feet?"

"Perhaps-" Hah, got him! Except his expression looked solemn, regretful even. "Though I feel they regretted their fancy. I had other things to worry about than satisfying the idle fantasies of a demon woman hoping for a strong partner to boast over."

Oh- well- that … that made sense. Kurama's shoulders tensed, jaw frozen as if he were resisting the urge to grit his teeth. Botan gnawed her lip, worried she'd gone a bit too far, bringing up his past like that. Then again, his expression reverted back to calm and relaxed as he turned her down a little path, walking the perimeter of the park.

Which is when she noticed the small Ice Cream Stall, right at the entrance- and her eyes lit up instantly. "That is just PERFECT! Let's get a few scoops!" It was just what they needed to clear the air and perhaps add a little more to their date! She was certainly a genius-

Except the soft chuckle and indulgent smile that met her eye caused Botan's heart to pitter-patter all over again. She realized he'd planned this from the beginning. Of course he had. Rather than feel disappointed, the fast pace of her heart only increased as her face warmed. Like most things in Kurama's life, he was thinking steps and steps ahead of everyone around him. It made the Reaper wonder if it were even possible to surprise him. She was no match for him on a good day, and it seemed a date was no different.

"What flavor would you like?" His question pulled her from the depths of her overthinking mind and Botan chuckled, bringing herself back to reality in order to enjoy the moment as it were. It was strange to have so many doubts riddling her mind. Was it normal when on your first date? She made a mental note to ask Keiko or even Shizuru about it later and quickly made her selection while they got in line.

It was a quick wait. While Kurama ordered himself a simple Vanilla cone, Botan gave in to her sweet tooth, ordering a strawberry, chocolate and vanilla cone - her three scoops looking delectable in the warm weather.

"I didn't stop to wonder if you even like ice cream," Botan stated, realizing why Kurama kept his order light. "We didn't have to get this you know." Still, she enjoyed the sweet taste as it melted on her tongue and cringed when the chill shot through the top of her head.

Brain freeze.

"I don't mind." Kurama answered, leaning over to swipe a bit of of the substance from the corner of her mouth- Botan's cheeks turned a brilliant red in an instant- heart stuttering from the proximity. Licking it from his finger, she wondered why a man like him wouldn't have bothered with a napkin, but hint of a smile gave her all the answers she needed. "- I want you to enjoy yourself after all. I already am, and you've been stiff ever since you arrived."

Botan didn't even have time to be embarrassed over his actions, face growing all the more heated at his implications. "H-have I? Oh dear…!" She certainly hadn't meant to give that implication, did she seem ungrateful? "It's not that I'm having a bad time, I'm really not- I mean, I am- no that's… "

Argh, she was twisting all her words with her own blasted tongue! Kurama's brows lifted, puzzled, but the amusement hadn't left him. That was a good sign. Stomping her foot in consternation of her own blabbermouth, she flung her arm out for more emphasis. "That is NOT what I meant. I'm trying to say that I'm just nervous, but you have been a perfect gentleman- eh-?"

Botan had forgotten about the cone of ice cream in her hand when she postulated, gaze turning to horror as she processed what her action had just caused. Kurama had frozen- rather like the cold substance that now stuck to the front of his shirt, staring downward: grimacing.

Just bury her now and call it good. Botan's arms flailed, releasing the cone so it dropped to the ground, slowly melting to feed the grass beneath them. "Oh my god- I didn't- that was completely my fault, I am SO SORRY! I am making such a mess of things, uh, h-here- lets get you some napkins!"

She'd darted back towards the stand, mind whirling so fast, she hadn't even noticed Kurama's attempts to stop her- hand raised mid-air as he stared after. When she returned, an abundance of tissues were in her hand, more than needed - but she wanted to be sure! To Botan's horror, however, Kurama had already begun removing his buttoned up, revealing a tighter undershirt beneath that she hadn't expected.

Don't look at his muscles, don't look at his, don't look- ahh!

If she could glow any brighter she would have.

I looked! Botan, get a grip, silly girl- you just STAINED his shirt!

"You didn't have to do that!" She frantically shouted, grabbing the jacket from him in her attempts to wipe the melting substance off the fabric. It wouldn't stain, would it? Did ice cream do that? "See, look- all better- now we can put this back on you so you don't have to- to- "

Kurama's chuckles, hidden behind a hand as he bit his thumb, interrupted Botan and she looked from the shirt - still sticky but safe from further damage - and back to him. Had she missed something? The wind blew a mighty gust behind them flapping hers and his hair in all directions and soon, Botan was laughing with him. Though she still didn't get his humor, her own had kicked in from her nervous actions. The situation striking her as something that of course would happen to her of all people.

This was ridiculous. What was she doing? Kurama wouldn't be upset over a shirt- goodness he probably had his own ways to clean stains that no amount of napkin could compare! "I am.. Such a mess," She rasped between giggles, eyes blurring from mirthful tears, "I wouldn't even blame you for regretting coming out to see me today!"

Honestly, who wouldn't regret at this point? "I'm not regretting anything." Yes, exactly, just chalk up asking her out on a date as a moment of insanity caused by… whatever plants he grew in his garden and call it good-

What, what? "Huh?" Botan's jaw grew slack and her lack of articulation seemed to make Kurama's mirth boil over. Still chuckling, he grabbed the stained jacket to place over his shoulder and handed her what was left of his vanilla cone, urging her to finish it.

"Here- to replace your lost one."

"Oh- well, thank you-" Botan said lamely, grabbing the cone on autopilot as she blinked. Goodness, she was confused. Licking the vanilla quietly, she frowned, unsure of Kurama's meaning, but also feeling an awkward tension settle in the air. Maybe this really had been a mistake? She didn't much like the thought of it that. So many times she had felt something for the man in front of her and despite her concerns, the day he'd asked her to join him had been one of the happiest she'd had in a long time.

So why did she feel as if she'd missed a step in the dark and screwed something up? Sighing, Botan continued to eat the cone in front of her, barely realizing when Kurama gently ushered her to a bench, hand softly supporting her at the elbow before he sat beside her. The silence reigned for only a few minutes, but it felt like hours.

Kurama cleared his throat, reaching out to tuck a strand of blue hair behind Botan's ear. "Perhaps I'm not as good at this as I hoped I would be," He began, smiling softly. "- but I don't regret a single moment of it. I can fix the jacket, it's not an issue. However…" And Botan felt her heart stop cold when a dark glint flickered in the depths of his eyes, "I also don't like feeling as if you're forcing yourself to be here."

Oh- so that…. "You mean you-"

"Are you-" He interrupted, "forcing yourself?"

"No!" Botan exclaimed, her tone adamant as she straightened on the spot, eyes narrowing at him. "Don't you misunderstand me, mister! I know you're amazing at what you do, but I wouldn't have come here if I wasn't interested and you of all people should know that!" She was getting into her rant now, free hand moving to poke him square on the chest, bottom lip protruding as she pouted. "And another thing! If you weren't so hard to read, maybe I wouldn't be so nervous! I keep thinking I'm ruining everything, or bothering you or that you're simply seeing this as just two friends spending time together rather than-"

She never finished her sentence as smooth fingers moved to cup her chin, tilting it just so for soft lips to grace her own. It wasn't a deep kiss full of passion, but it left a pleasant tingle crawling down her spine as it spread through her fingers and toes. Kurama didn't press for more than a chaste brushing of lips, but it effectively silence her. With another soft peck, he pulled back, eyes glittering.

"Apologies," He murmured, soft smile returning, "I never meant to worry you, but- and allow me to turn this on you- but do you honestly think I'd request a date from you if I was only going to see it as friends later? Do I seem the type?"

She didn't have a reply, too stunned to speak, mind halted and in the air with no ground to stand on. He quickly brushed her bangs from her eyes, fluffing the fringe before grasping her hand to bring the ice cream back to her lips. Botan mechanically moved to save her hand from getting melted cream on her fingers, refusing to look at the redhead as she calmed her beating heart. A kiss. Her first kiss with Kurama- a man she had been quietly crushing on for what felt like years. It had been unexpected and her stomach was in knots.

She didn't hate it.

"I'll ask next time." Kurama said calmly, still smiling. "Sorry for not doing so this time, but I felt the point needed to be made. Are you upset?"

"N-no, I.. I wouldn't say that-" She stammered, finally finishing most of the ice cream and moving on to nibble at the cone. This was certainly turning into a date that far exceeded her expectations. "In fact, if you wanted to do it again- I doubt I'd stop you."

He chuckled again, arm moving to drape across her shoulder as he relaxed against the bench, voice coming out in a low hum. Botan tensed for only a moment, before relaxing into the hold, ecstatic smile spreading across her face beyond her control.

"I'll surprise you then." He teased against her ear, pulling her hand towards him to bite the cone as well. "Or … you can surprise me."

All worries fell off her in an instant and Botan decided then that there was nothing more she need worry about. Except hours later, when she almost fell off her oar, face aflame at the realization.

Eating off his ice cream was an indirect kiss, wasn't it?!

Written for Gytech On Tumblr!
See my tumblr at RougeScribe for more information!