A/N: Look at that back to back updates. So Ms. Joke is the last of the poll votes and I really didn't know where to go with this one, but a comment put me in the right frame of mind for this story. Enjoy everyone.

The bullet train sped along its tracks, rocketing past the scenery carrying it passengers to work and home, but one passenger a young boy with straight black hair and green eyes with a smattering of freckles across his cheeks was sitting in one of the seats while looking at a tablet. On the tablet was a picture of a dark green haired man with freckles similar to his and a black haired woman with piercing blue eyes.

The man was smiling happily while the woman wore a gentle grin. They were standing behind the boy who held the tablet. This boy was Renji Midoriya. His father Remi Midoriya was a comedian and his mother was a heroine, but his grandfather on his father's side had at one point been the number one hero some years ago. He'd retired and now lived in the coastal countryside of Japan.

Renji was being sent to stay with his grandparents for a few months after all he'd only seen them occasionally, but they always sent him birthday and Christmas presents. The train announced its next stop before Renji packed away the tablet and grabbed his backpack. The train came to a stop and he unbuckled himself before cautiously making his way out into the aisle and off the train. He walked out looking around for the person who was supposed to pick him up.

Renji looked back and forth before feeling something hit him in the back of the head knocking him to the ground. "Ow!" He yelped as he clutched the back of his head.

"Watch it brat!" A man in a suit shouted down at Renji before going back to his phone call. "Yeah just some snot nosed ki-!" At that moment the man was hoisted off his feet as a man with graying green hair gripped him by his collar.

"What'd you say to my grandson you little crumb snatcher!" The older man said glaring into the business man's eyes. Renji got to his feet as the business man scrambled to say anything. "I think you owe him an apology, right?!" The older man said as the businessman nodded vigorously.

"I-I-I'm sorry pl-please forgive me!" He gasped out before being dropped on his ass.

"That's better now beat it punk." The older man said as he walked away from the businessman and then crouched down to Renji. Renji was scared for a moment thinking what this rough old man would do to him, but then as if a switch had been flipped the man's face burst into a shining smile. Even through the graying beard on his face Renji could tell this man was a good person.

"U-u-um G-grandpa?" Renji asked as the older man stood up to his full height and smiled as he put his fists on his hips.

"Your grandfather is…HERE!" He shouted following it up with a rather boisterous laugh. Renji couldn't help, but smile this had to be his grandfather because he reminded him of his dad so much. The people around them looked on with a few snickers and awws. "Come on let's go Renji." He said before walking towards the entrance. Renji followed suit as he inspected his grandfather. So this is former number one hero Izuku Midoriya, my grandpa. Renji thought to himself as the two climbed into his grandfather's car.

As the two drove along Izuku kept casting glances at his grandson. "Renji you're about six or seven right?" Izuku asked as Renji nodded.

"I'll be seven in a few months." Renji said before looking at his grandfather. "How old are you grandpa?" He asked as Izuku laughed.

"I'm sixty years young." He said before clearing his throat. "So what did Remi tell you before you came here?" Izuku asked as Renji thought back to the moment his dad told him he was going to visit his grandparents for a month or so.

"My dad said that he and mom needed to be alone with each other for a while because they needed to fix something in the house." Renji said a little confused about why he couldn't help, but he was excited to travel to see his grandparents who had at one time both been heroes. Izuku frowned a bit as he whispered under his breath.

"There're some things that can't be fixed." He said before sighing. Renji noticed this and spoke up.

"Are you tired grandpa?" He asked as Izuku smiled and shook his head.

"Not at all. Anyway you must be hungry would you like something to eat? There's a diner on the way home we could stop and get a nice lunch in. A growing boy like you needs to eat. gotta eat big to get big." Izuku chuckled as Renji thought that over. His father wasn't a big man he was tall and rather lanky in fact a lot of his comedy specials took advantage of his stature and hair color to call him string bean. His grandfather on the other hand was strong and broad-shouldered. It was the comparison to a willow and an oak in Renji's mind.

"Will I get big like you grandpa?" Renji asked as Izuku cupped his chin as they eased into a parking spot in the diner.

"I don't see why not. If you work out you should be able to." Izuku said as he got out of the car and heard the other car door open as well. "Also how's your quirk Renji?" Izuku asked knowing his grandson had one, but couldn't quite remember what is was. Renji smiled as he took a deep breath and exhaled a puff of frosty vapor.

"Mom says it's really strong for my age." He said with a smile as Izuku smiled as well.

"That's good keep training and you could be a hero like me." He said opening the door for his grandson as the two walked in and sat down.

"Well, well, well who is this cutie Mr. Midoriya?" The waitress said as she approached their table. Izuku smiled with pride.

"This is my grandson Renji he's coming to spend some time with his grandparents." Izuku said as the waitress gave an aww which caused Renji to blush.

"So cutie what can I get you?" She asked. Without even looking at the menu Izuku ordered.

"I'll have the hamburg steak plate with green tea." He said as the waitress nodded.

"Your appetite never stops surprising me." She said shaking her head before looking to Renji.

"And how about you little mister?" She said as Renji looked at the menu and his eyes went to the kids meal, but after remembering what his grandfather said he looked at the waitress.

"I'll have the hamburg steak plate too please with a coke." He said as the waitress' eyes widened and looked to Izuku who shrugged.

"Oh I see the appetite runs in the family it'll be here in a moment." She said hurrying away. Izuku looked at his grandson for a moment.

"I didn't mean you had to start right now Renji you've got plenty of time to work out and grow bigger." Izuku said as Renji nodded.

"I know, but I just thought while I'm here you could teach me." Renji said as Izuku nodded.

"Sure thing Renji I don't mind. It's not like me and Emi have much going on. Well I don't she has her vegetable garden. She tends it like it's her child which I suppose with your dad gone it kind of is." He said as their food was brought to them and the two began to eat. As Izuku expected Renji couldn't finish his meal, but they got a to-go plate before leaving.

"Tell Ms. Emi that I said hi." The waitress said as Izuku nodded.

"Sure thing." He said as the two left and headed back to Izuku's home. It was a large house that sat upon a cliff above the ocean. Renji could smell the sea with each step. As soon as the door was opened Renji was snatched up in a pair of arms and swung around the room.

"Oh my sweet grandson Renji it's so good to see you! I haven't seen you since you were a tiny baby." Emi Midoriya said as she bounced around the room with the young boy. Renji didn't know what to think about this sudden development. Eventually his grandmother let him down to stand on his own two feet before collapsing from dizziness. "Sorry honey." Emi said kissing his forehead as Izuku shook his head.

"Emi careful you might hurt the boy." He said as Emi placed her hands on her hips.

"I should be hurting you going out to eat without your wife! How long have we been married now?" She said sarcastically. Izuku sighed as he put Renji's to go plate in the kitchen.

"We've been married for about several decades and the real miracle here is that I can still laugh at your jokes." He said with a chuckle as Renji just looked at his grandparents. This was something he hadn't seen between his parents in a while. His parents were still affectionate to him of course, but it seemed like a wall was between the two of them. Izuku looked at his grandson and shook his head.

"Well come on Renji we'll go put your stuff in your dad's old room and then maybe we can get in some training." He said leading the boy to his father's room. On the walls were wall scrolls of Izuku in his prime. He truly had been the number one hero back in the day.

"Grandpa why did you stop being a hero?" The young boy asked as Izuku rubbed his chin.

"Well it wasn't one thing that made my decision. I certainly didn't wake up one morning and decide it was time to retire. Things just started to pile up on the side of retirement. I loved being a hero, but I had to weigh that love against my own strength. I hate to say it but nobody stays young forever Renji and as much as I loved helping people I knew that if I kept going I would stop being able to help and start being a hindrance. I found it was better to retire and leave it up to the next generation." Izuku said looking at his past self on the scroll.

"Do you miss it?" He asked and Izuku laughed out loud.

"Of course I do, but I'm content with the things I've done, the people I've helped and the family I raised. I wouldn't change anything." He said as he and Renji went to Izuku's home gym. The two exercised with Izuku teaching Renji how to exercise properly along with a few pointers on self-defense. At the end of the day Renji was happily exhausted and fell asleep almost immediately. Izuku stood next to Emi as they watched the young boy sleep.

"He looks just like Remi." Emi whispered to him as Izuku nodded.

"He sure does." He said as the two retreated from the bedroom door. "Do you think we should have had another?" Izuku asked as Emi gave a gentle laugh.

"Hmm maybe, but it's far too late for that now." She said as Izuku shrugged.

"Yeah you're right forget I asked." He said as his cellphone rang. Emi turned back but Izuku shook his head. "You go on ahead I'll be there soon." He said as he walked to the living room. Izuku and Emi had both fallen into the habit of leaving their phones in the living room when they went to bed after retiring. There were far too many nights of their sleep being interrupted during their working days so they wanted to avoid that in their golden years.

Izuku picked up the phone and saw a picture of a young Remi. "Hey son." Izuku said as his son's voice came through the speakers.

"Dad you were supposed to call me when Renji got there." His son said as Izuku sat down.

"I know Remi but I thought it would be best to just let him have some time by himself while out here. Don't worry he got here safe and sound. He's sleeping right now. I'll have him call you tomorrow." He said as he heard his son sigh.

"That's good to hear. You didn't tell him did you?" Remi asked as Izuku leaned back on the couch.

"You mean that you and your wife are going through a divorce. No I haven't because you should have." Izuku said as he heard Remi groan.

"Dad that's not something you just drop on your kid. Divorces can get messy and ugly I wanted to spare him from that. That's why I sent him to you and mom." Izuku nodded.

"I understand son I just don't think you should baby him like that. Renji is smart and very mature for his age. I think he might surprise you, but that's neither here nor there. Renji is fine so how are things with you two?" He asked as Remi sighed.

"Well most things are going well, but the custody battle is where it might get ugly. She wants full custody." He said and Izuku shook his head.

"She can try, but I can tell you one thing for sure Remi. Renji is safe here and I will make sure that he knows his grandparents love him very much no matter what happens."

A/N: And so we've reached the end of the poll. I'd like to say the first bonus chapter will be up next Thursday, but that might not be the case, stay posted. In this world most things remain canon, but instead of UA Izuku went to Ketsubutsu and met Ms. Joke after graduating the two began dating. Their son Remi is quirkless like Izuku was, but loved to see how his mother could make people laugh and pursued a career in that. Renji's quirk is a combination of his mother's Ice quirk and Izuku's father's fire breath that combined for frost breath.