A/N: I don't own Harry Potter

The Snapes had just finished dinner and Hermione had started on the dishes when the doorbell rang. Severus glanced that direction, but Hermione was faster. She peeked out, didn't see anyone, but opened the door anyway, just in case someone had left a parcel on the porch. It wasn't unusual for the post to come this late sometimes. She was currently expecting a package from her parents in Australia. They still didn't trust owl post. Instead of seeing a box, there was a small bundle wrapped in a green blanket.

Hermione blinked at the tiny bundle on the front porch. Carefully she bent down and scooped it up.

"Who was at the door? The ministry again?"

"No," she replied bring the bundle into the house and closing the door quietly behind her.

"You're ex-boyfriend?"

"Severus, someone left a baby on our doorstep," she whispered gently moving the blanket to reveal the child's sleeping face.

"Who would do such a thing?" he asked staring at the baby as if unable to believe it.

"I don't know." She slowly started unwrapping the blanket. A piece of parchment fluttered to the floor. Severus grabbed it and started reading.

Dear Snape family,

it is with a heavy heart I leave my sweet child, my Stella Lyra, in your care. I am unable to care for her and give her the love she deserves. I know I not have long for this world and it is my last wish you take her into your family. You will have no trouble from her father, he has already crossed the veil. He would have wanted you to raise her also, for what you've done for his family. Please, give her the love I will never be able to."

Hermione looked down at the child.

"There is a no signature and I do not recognize the handwriting."

"What should we do? I mean, we can't just keep her.. can we?" she asked trying to keep the hope from her voice. Her and Severus had accepted they would never be able to have children of their own. That had never stopped her from feeling envious when all her friends had started their families.

"She must have a family member somewhere. Who in their right mind would leave a child with us?"

"Apparently we did something for Stella's father's family... I mean, that's what the letter said. Her mother thinks we could give her the life she deserves. Maybe we can?"

"It does seem to be her mother's final wish. Don't get your hopes up, Hermione. She'll stay the night with us and tomorrow I shall investigate into the legality of everything. Did her mother happen to leave us the supplies we'll need?"

"I don't know... here, let me finish unwrapping her." She handed the bundle to Severus. He looked down at the child blinking. Hermione had taken the blanket and found a pocket with a shrunken bag full of baby supplies.

"Making me hold her will not change anything," Severus stated as Hermione restored everything to full size.

"Let's see, bottles, formula, nappies, a thick stack of parchment..." Severus managed to slide the child back into Hermione's arms as he grabbed the parchment and flipped through it.

"Legal documents," he stated. "Everything we'll need to make Stella Lyra ours legally."

"Any chance the parents are named?"

"No, these were drafted with the names deliberately omitted. They are legally binding however. Just our signatures here and here, and Stella Lyra is officially Stella Lyra Snape."

"Maybe it's just as well, I mean, if her mother had wanted us to know who they were... She would have said something in the letter," Hermione stated as Stella started to stir in her arms. Slowly the baby opened her eyes.

"They're blue."

"Almost all babies are born with blue eyes. They'll change as she gets older."

"She's looking at us, Severus."

"She is looking at vague shapes, Hermione. She's too young to be able to focus yet." Hermione ignored him and started cooing at the baby.


"Severus. Who ever her parents were, they wanted us to have her," Hermione stated as she started making a bottle for Stella. "Someone thinks she belongs here. I think she belongs here. Here, hold her again, tell me you don't feel something!"

"We can't just... What if someone comes looking for her?"

"Who? If her father is dead, and her mum... is dying... who's going to come looking for her? If there was anyone else, do you think she would have been left on our doorstep?"

"No, I do not. But why us?"

"Because we wanted a miracle?" Hermione suggested looking at the baby. "If it would make you feel better, you can go talk to the ministry tomorrow, make sure she's not some black market baby?"

"Until then?"

"It's late, no one would be working this late. She'll just have to stay here tonight. I can transfigure something into a crib for her, a drawer should work fine."

"We can't keep her, Hermione."

"Just for the night, Severus? Just until morning when you can claim she hasn't already stolen your heart, and then you'll begrudgingly fight to keep her in our home no matter what the ministry says?" Hermione asked. Severus glared at her slightly but didn't deny she had a point. Whoever had left Stella Luna here had obviously done it for a reason, and he really wanted to know exactly what that reason was.

"Fine, she can stay the night. I'll speak to the ministry in the morning," he stated ignoring Hermion's smile.