Shaky hands opened the strange letter. The first letter that he could remember receiving. He ran his index finger over the seal. It was vaguely familiar to him but he couldn't quite place it. He opened the envelope and took out the letter. A white light engulfed Harry Potter and he collapsed on his small cot.
He wasn't sure how long he was unconscious. All he knew was, he remembered everything. Merlin Emrys had returned. Merlin's eyes flashed gold and the door to his cupboard door was blasted away.
"Boy," Uncle Vernon shouted, waddling over to the cupboard. "What did you do?"
"Hello Uncle," Merlin said cheerfully. "Lovely day isn't it?"
Vernon grabbed his shirt collar and threw him against the wall. "What did you do?" he snarled.
Merlin's eyes flashed gold again and Vernon went flying against the wall. "You know Uther may have hated magic and been willing to kill sorcerer's but he would never abuse a child, magical or not. I hated Uther for what he did to my kind. But now… now I think I hate you more." Merlin took a deep breath. "This is the last time you will see me. I am going to Hogwarts and I will never return."
Merlin left the house. He could feel the wards shatter as he walked down the road. He wasn't sure what it meant. It was something he would worry about later. Right now, there was only one thing on his mind.
His spell was supposed to keep him asleep until Arthur's return. He looked at his body. This wasn't part of the plan. He was supposed to wake up in his adult body, ready to search for his king. What went wrong? Merlin had no idea. Now he was eleven and magically weak. Not only that but he went by the name Harry Potter.
The only thing Merlin knew for sure was that Arthur had returned. The question was where was he? Merlin didn't know but he was determined to figure it out.
Twenty minutes, and some awkward looks, later Merlin found himself in downtown London. He wandered around the streets until he saw a building appear as if from nowhere. Merlin could feel the magic pouring off the building.
The building, the Leaky Cauldron, based on what the sign said, turned out to be a pub. He wandered through the pub. No one paid attention to him as he made his way to the back of the pub, where the magical signature was the strongest.
Merlin touched the brick wall. He could feel magic pouring off of it. His eyes flashed gold and the doorway to Diagon Alley opened.
Diagon Alley was amazing, Merlin decided. There were shops everywhere. He wanted to shop, and explore, but without money there was nothing he could do. There had to be a bank nearby. He wished he could remember where that bank… Gringotts if he remembered right… was located. He had stored things there long ago, before his centuries long slumber.
He continued along the alleyway until he saw the familiar building. Gringotts. It seemed they made Diagon Alley around the bank. Gringotts was exactly how he remembered, although it was a bit bigger.
He walked up to the teller. He was eager to see if Harry Potter had any money. If not, well Merlin Emrys, did. The goblin looked up when he approached. His eyes widened at the sight of him. That answered the question on whether or not he was recognized.
"Mr. Potter," the goblin greeted. Merlin's face fell. They didn't recognize Merlin, they recognized Harry Potter. Merlin frowned. How did they know who Harry Potter was?
"You know who I am?" Merlin questioned.
"Of course, Mr. Potter. Even goblins know of your story," the goblin confirmed.
"Right. I would like to speak to the director of Gringotts," Merlin announced.
The goblin's eyes narrowed. "What makes you think you have any right to speak to the director?" he snarled.
Merlin's eyes flashed gold and the quill flew from the goblins hand. The goblins eyes widened in shock. "You… how? There hasn't been one from the Old Religion since…"
"Since Emrys," Merlin finished. "Yes, I know."
"You are Emrys," the goblin said in awe. "Follow me."
Merlin followed the goblin through the vaguely familiar corridors. This part hadn't changed in the last couple centuries.
"Griphook what is the meaning of this?" the elder goblin said from this throne.
"I apologize Master Goblin, that would be my doing," Merlin said stepping forward.
"Who are you?" the goblin demanded.
Merlin's eyes flashed gold again and the throne shook. It was a bit dramatic but Arthur always said he was a bit dramatic. "Merlin Emrys," he said with a slight bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you Master Goblin. I remember meeting Gring—" Merlin didn't have a chance to finish as a dagger was pressed against his throat.
"How dare you claim to be the great Emrys," the goblin snarled. The dagger pressed deeper into his throat.
"I am claiming nothing," Merlin protested. "My name is Merlin. I was the manservant and friend of King Arthur. I spent centuries waiting for his return. But I got tired of waiting. I did a spell to freeze myself until Arthur's return. Obviously, something went wrong as I was reborn as Harry Potter." Merlin shook his head. "As Arthur would say, I am an idiot."
"Prove it. Prove you are who you say you are," the goblin demanded.
Merlin pushed the dagger away from his throat. "Cume mec, excalibur" His eyes flashed gold and Excalibur appeared in Merlin's hands.
"Emrys," the goblin said backing away from Merlin. "My apologies Emrys. I am Ragnok, Director of Gringotts and descendant of Gringott himself."
"Well met, Master Ragnok," Merlin said with a bow.
"Come, take a walk with me Emrys," Ragnok instructed. Merlin followed Ragnok out of the room. "I must admit, we thought you were dead."
"Century after century waiting for Arthur's return. I got tired of it all," Merlin said sadly. "My intention was to put myself into a deep sleep. Something went wrong and I am now Harry Potter."
Ragnok tapped his chin. "Perhaps nothing went wrong," he suggested. "Harry Potter is said to be a hero for defeating the Dark Lord at the age of one. There's been speculation of how this was possible. It makes sense if it was you."
Merlin looked thoughtful. "Only a blade forged in dragon's breath can kill me," he said. "Anything else would be ineffective. How was this Dark Lord defeated?"
"According to the reports he was defeated by you. He cast the killing curse at you and it backfired. This makes far more sense than Dumbledore's mother's love excuse."
"Who is Dumbledore?" Merlin asked confused.
"Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts and Leader of the Light," Ragnok explained. "He is said to be the next Merlin. Those of us that knew of you, know this isn't true."
"Is he Dark?" Merlin asked concerned. The last thing he wanted was another Morgana.
"Dark, no," Ragnok said thoughtfully. "We believe his intentions are good but his methods are questionable. For instance, leaving you with your Aunt and Uncle. Your parent's will forbade this but the will was sealed after their death. There are other things if you wish to discuss them at a later time." Ragnok stopped at a large vault. "Here we are."
The ground shook and a familiar figure flew over to Merlin. "Young warlock," Kilgharrah greeted.
"Kilgharrah," Merlin said with a grin. "What are you doing here?"
"I vowed to protect your vault until your return," Kilgharrah told him.
"My spell," Merlin began. "It was meant to make me sleep until Arthur's return." Kilgharrah nodded. "Does that mean…" he couldn't finish.
"Indeed, young warlock. Arthur has returned," Kilgharrah told him. Merlin's face lit up at the thought. Arthur, his best friend and king, was back. "But be warned Merlin, just as you have changed, so has Arthur."
Merlin frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Arthur was reborn as someone else, just as you were," Kilgharrah clarified. "You must figure out who he is."
Merlin nodded. "I can do that." He turned his attention to Ragnok, who was patiently waiting. "I apologize for wasting your time Master Goblin. I ask for one favor, to visit Kilgharrah whenever possible. In exchange I have some items in my vault that may interest you."
The items in questions were goblin made blades. Merlin had kept them for Arthur, for when he returned. But Merlin knew his request was a big one. Sure, he could go to his vault whenever he needed, but to hang around and chat with the dragon charged with protecting several vaults, that was a lot to ask. This is why he offered the goblin blades to Ragnok.
"I know of the items you offer," Ragnok said. "It is unnecessary. You are welcome to visit Kilgharrah anytime Emrys. We goblins are forever in your debt for what you have done for us."
Merlin blushed. He saved Gringott's life a few centuries after Arthur's death. It was one of the last things he did before casting his spell. Gringott had told Merlin about his desire to open a bank for sorcerers to come and go without fear of persecution. Merlin had liked the idea and given Gringott some gold and several items to store in the very first vault created. Ever since that day Merlin had been a welcome guest inside of Gringotts Bank.
"Thank you, Master Goblin," Merlin said with a bow.
Merlin walked up to his vault and muttered the password. The password was a spell from the Old Religion, a spell only he would know. It gave his vault an added bit of protection, not that it was needed.
The vault door swung open revealing mountains and mountains of gold coins. Interest had benefitted him greatly. The gold wasn't what interested him. It was the tome inside. A gift from Gauis when he moved to Camelot.
Merlin glanced around the vault. His eyes locked on the armour in the corner of his vault. Arthur's armour. He had taken it, with Gwen's permission, after Arthur died. "Kilgharrah," Merlin called.
"Yes Young Warlock?" Kilgharrah asked, poking his head into the vault.
"Do you think Arthur is magical?" Merlin asked.
"I cannot say," Kilgharrah said sadly. "Considering the nature of your spell I believe it is entirely possible he does have magic."
"But," Merlin pressed.
"But he is the Once and Future King. His destiny isn't that of a sorcerer," Kilgharrah finished. "So, while it is possible Arthur was blessed with magic, I do not think he has it."
Merlin frowned. "Then how will I find him?"
"That I cannot say," Kilgharrah said moving out of the vault. "Your destinies are intertwined. When the time is right you will find him." Merlin followed Ragnok to the stairs leading them to surface. "Young warlock." Merlin turned around. "I am not a prisoner here. If you have need for me, call and I will come."
Merlin nodded. "Thank you Kilgharrah, for everything you've done for me."
Kilgharrah flew away leaving Merlin alone with Ragnok. "Emrys," Ragnok began. "What is your plan, now that you're back in the wizarding world?"
Merlin tapped his chin. "Well I suppose I should buy some school supplies."
Ragnok chuckled. "Not exactly what I meant," he said.
"I honestly don't know Ragnok," Merlin said. "My goal is to find Arthur. I'm hoping Kilgharrah is wrong and Arthur is magical but Kilgharrah is rarely wrong. That means my quest to find him is going to take even longer." Merlin sighed. After centuries of waiting he was so close, yet he still felt so far away.
"Have faith Emrys," Ragnok said. "The Triple Goddess does not give you more than you can handle. Arthur's return… there's a reason for it."
"You're right Ragnok," Merlin said. "What can you tell me about the Potter vault?"
Ragnok and Merlin climbed into the cart that would take them down to the Potter trust vault. "The Potter's are an old family. Their line can be traced back to Godric Gryffindor."
Merlin's eyes widened. "Godric. I'm related to Godric?" Merlin laughed. He wished Godric was alive to see this.
"Yes, you are," Ragnok confirmed. "The Potter line comes from Godric's eldest son. Now the Potters have considerable wealth, which of course now belongs to you. Unfortunately, all you have access to right now is your trust vault. Once you're fifteen you can claim the family vault. Lucky for you your parents made sure you would be well taken care of."
Merlin nodded in understanding. He didn't feel like a Potter now that he had his memories back but he did appreciate what they had done for him. "How much is in this trust vault?"
"Over 100,000 Galleons at the last audit," Ragnok informed him. "Ten thousand Galleons are added each year on your birthday."
Merlin was at a loss for words. That was a lot of money for someone who grew up with nothing. Food was scarce in his village and there were many nights were his mother would give him her portion so he wouldn't starve.
"How much do you recommend I withdraw?" Merlin asked. He had no idea once how expensive things were in the wizarding world.
"One thousand galleons should suffice," Ragnok said thoughtfully. "Perhaps a bit more if you plan on getting a whole new wardrobe." He eyed Merlin's clothes in disgust.
"Yes. I will be getting new clothes," Merlin confirmed. He didn't want to think about how Arthur would react to these rags. Uther treated servants far better than the Dursley's treated him.
"Good," Ragnok said in approval. "I would recommend 1200 Galleons. That will be more than enough to cover everything you need."
The cart stopped and Ragnok led Merlin to the vault. While the Potter's were an old family Merlin's trust vault was only protected by a key. A key which Merlin did not have. "Oh bugger," Merlin grumbled. "I don't have the key."
Ragnok frowned. "We will have your keys recalled and new ones created. For now, I shall allow you into your vault."
"Thank you," Merlin said with a bow.
Ragnok ran his finger down the center of the vault door. The vault door swung open revealing Merlin's trust vault. Merlin stepped into the vault. Despite being told how much gold was in the vault, Merlin was still surprised to see piles and piles of gold coins.
"Here you are Emrys," Ragnok said handing a small bag to Merlin. "A gift from the bank to you. This bag is enchanted with a featherweight charm, as well as an undetectable expansion charm. You can store as much gold as you want and the bag will never fill, or feel heavy."
"Thank you, my friend," Merlin said. One thing he learned was Goblins never gave anything away.
Merlin's eyes flashed gold and stacks of gold coins flew toward Merlin's open back. Merlin didn't bother counting the coins. He knew his spell worked perfected and 1200 Galleons were stacking up in his new bag.
"If you are ever in need of anything Emrys, the Goblin Nation is here to help you," Ragnok told him as they made their way back to the lobby of the bank.
"There is one last thing," Merlin told Ragnok. "I made a promise to my relatives that I would never set foot on their property again. I intend to keep that promise. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to go."
Ragnok nodded in understanding. "The Leaky Cauldron rents rooms. One galleon a night, for five galleons a night you get all of your meals included."
"Thank you Ragnok, for everything you have done."
Merlin made his way through the Diagon Alley. It had been a long time since he had gone to Hogwarts and a lot had changed. Half the items on his list he hadn't needed before. Some of the items, like the wand, were unneeded now. Merlin sighed. No wand would work for him. He learned that centuries ago. His power was too great. That was going to draw a lot of attention to him, attention he didn't want or need.
A small part of Merlin hoped he was weak enough at this young age to use a wand, even if it was just for a year. So, Merlin made his way to the wand shop, Ollivanders, based on the sign on the shop. The name was familiar. Merlin had met a man by the name of Geraint Ollivander back in the day.
Merlin walked into the shop. "Hello," he called when he didn't see anyone.
"I wondered when I would see you here Mr. Potter," a voice said from the back. "I am Garrick Ollivander."
"I'm here for my wand," Merlin told him, not wanting to have a long conversation.
"Yes, of course," Ollivander said. He pulled a wand from the shelf and handed it over to Merlin.
Merlin sighed and hoped Ollivander wasn't attached to this wand. He waved the wand and it exploded in his hand. Ollivanders eyes widened. "Sorry," Merlin said sheepishly. "I didn't know that could happen."
"It's no matter Mr. Potter," Ollivander said dismissing the apology. "Some witches and wizards react strongly to different wands. It's rare but it does happen." Three more wands exploded before Ollivander realized he was wrong. "Curious," he muttered.
"What's curious?" Merlin questioned.
"I fear no wand will suit you," Ollivander said sadly. "This magic hasn't been seen in centuries, since the time of Merlin. It is curious that you possess such a power. The last known sorcerer of the Old Religion was the great Merlin himself."
That wasn't completely true, Merlin knew. There were a few sorcerers throughout the centuries. The last two he knew of were Rowena and a young boy when he attended Hogwarts as an adult. Merlin had tutored Rowena and in turn Rowena tutored the boy.
"So, what do I do?" Merlin asked, feigning concern.
"Have no fear Mr. Potter. Your ability to practice magic will not be hindered by your inability to use a wand," Ollivander reassured him. He tapped his chin. "Perhaps there is something I can do for you. It will take time though."
That caught Merlin's attention. There was nothing that could be done, as far as Merlin was aware. Maybe something had changed. "I'm looking forward to hearing from you Master Ollivander," Merlin said with a bow.
Merlin left the shop and continued his quest to get his supplies. The next stop was Madam Malkin's. Here he got a completely new wardrobe. Before he left the shop, he changed into one of his new outfits. His old clothes were set on fire.
The apothecary was next on the list. He wandered the aisles collecting stirrers, his cauldron, a set of knives, scales and a mortar and pestle. With his tools in the basket he worked on his ingredients. Merlin took more than double of what was required for the school year. He wanted to be able to create potions on his own. He also added some of the rarer ingredients, just in case.
Once he had everything, he needed he quickly paid and moved onto the next shop, and his new favorite, Flourish and Blotts, a bookstore. This was perfect for Merlin. Not only could he collect his school books but he could also catch up on everything that had happened since he cast his spell.
Book after book was added to his basket. The baskets at Flourish and Blotts were like Merlin's money bag. They each had a featherweight charm and an expansion charm to make shopping easier. Merlin added several books on the history of the wizarding world, including Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Hogwarts, A History. Next, he added a book on Occlumency and Legilimency. Something he had never heard of, or studied, but it sounded interesting. Last he added advanced books for all of his core subjects.
As he was making his way to the counter someone bumped into him. "Sorry," the voice muttered.
The person was vaguely familiar to him. Merlin turned to see the person that bumped into him, however, when he looked there was no one there.