Aoko checked the time on her phone and waited in confusion outside of The White Rabbit. It was past any reasonable hour on a school night, and she was wearing her best dress along with make-up. She had been getting help from Chikage-san on how to make herself look older and it was coming in handy that night. According to her resources anyone under the age of 18 was not allowed entry overnight, but it was her companion that chose this location. It was also her companion who advised her on looking much older, or else she needn't had bothered so much. She was a little less than a year away from 18 to begin with.

Jii-san finally appeared and looked her over with a satisfied smile. "You look wonderful Nakamori-san."

"Better than the last time I snuck in at a bar?" She asked cheekily.

Jii-san's eyes lit up with a hint of mischief, "Much improved. Unfortunately the young master will not be here to see it." He held out his arm and Aoko took the offer.

"Jii-san, why are we here, again?" Aoko asked while checking out the once tame diner. The place was lit up like a club with cheerful music and multicolored lights.

"Because we have reservations, and a meeting with old friends of mine and Kuroba-sama."

'His and Kuroba-sensei's?' "This wouldn't have something to do with my alibi, and Chikage-san's training would it? You did say you've thought of something."

"An alibi, yes. As for the training well, that's going to depend on you. First I want to introduce you to this building officially." Jii-san gestured to The White Rabbit. "By day a popular, but expensive diner. By night a club with a preforming show!" Jii-san smiled widely as they stepped in front of the bouncer. Jii-san gave his name and they were drawn into the building and told to wait off to the side.

The interior was nothing like Aoko remembered from the last time. The multicolored lights decorated the room like a crystalline cavern. Large, dark curtains draped over each wall giving the place a sense of infinity, like looking up at the night sky. There was a large hole in the center of the building. Rainbow silk fabric cascaded from the ceiling. Aoko noticed how there was a border surrounding the area where the hole was where no one sat despite many tables filling out already.

Before Aoko could ask what everything was about, a man around her father's age had strolled up to welcome them. He had dusky brown hair striped with grey, and a sincere smile that led up to his brown eyes. He wore an olive green suit with golden buttons and cufflinks, overall he was rather attractive for his age.

"Ah, Konosuke-kun nice to see you!" His voice boomed over the clamour of the noisy patrons. "You're right on time for the show!"

"Yuzu-kun, good to see you. Sorry for the short notice, I normally call in advance." Jii-san answered timidly.

"No apology necessary, you know you're always welcome here, day or night!" 'Yuzu-kun,' glanced around the room and gestured for Jii-san and Aoko to follow him up to a higher floor.

Jii-san and Aoko obediently followed after him taking great care to not accidently disturb the other guests as they got settled. They climbed up the spiral staircase as quickly as they could but their host seemed to be much faster. Twice they had lost sight of him in the crowd only to find him whenever he would back-pedal to get them. They climbed all the way to the third floor and Aoko watched in curiosity as their host pulled a staircase from the roof and he ascended to what she assumed to be an attic space. An attic space that she hadn't noticed the last time she was here. Jii-san began to follow him up, but Aoko grabbed his sleeve.

"Does Kaito know about him?"

Jii-san looked despondently in her eyes and shook his head. "No, Kaito-bocchama doesn't know any of the people we'll meet tonight. His mother made it so." He politely took her hand off his cuff and climbed up the stairs. Aoko wondered about that, and after remembering the devastating look on his face she decided not to pursue it for now. It was clearly a sore spot.

When they reached the attic space the man known so far as 'Yuzu-kun,' had turned around and spread his arms out. "This is a much better room for conversation! No extra noise here, unless of course you count the bustling of my performers as they get ready!"

Almost as if validating this statement, a group of people dressed in shimmering outfits had entered the area in a babbling rush. Each performer had a different, but equally vibrant outfit with expressive make-up. They seemed to be going over their routine and had begun to form a line around the opening of the hole. When one spotted them they immediately hushed the others, and the volume lowered considerably.

"Now introductions are in order, right Konosuke-kun?" The man held his hand out for Aoko to shake. "My name is Yuzuru Haido and I am the manager and night-time owner of The White Rabbit."

"O-Oh! It's nice to meet you, Haido-san. My name is. . ." Aoko looked to Jii-san wondering if it was safe to tell this man her real name.

"Aoko Nakamori, but it's a bit of a secret Yuzu-kun." Jii-san quickly added.

Haido-san looked at Aoko more closely and seemed to come to some conclusions of his own. Before she could begin to worry about what he took from that, Haido-san smiled and pulled a chair out for her to take.

"For the young Nakamori-san." He added giving it away.

Aoko took the seat and Jii-san sat down to her left while Haido-san caged her in on the right. 'Odd how no one sat in the seat facing me directly,'Aoko thought awkwardly while placing the cloth napkin in her lap. 'Whoever we're waiting for must be someone important.'

"You see Yuzxu-kun, I've claimed Nakamori-san here as my disciple. She's already been tested, and passed." Jii-san passed Aoko a menu that was placed on the side of the table.

"So all that's left is the registry. You've never taken on a student before Konosuke-kun, she must be something truly special." Haido-san glanced at Aoko and chuckled at the expression she made when looking at the prices. "Don't worry so much sweetheart, I'm sure he doesn't mind paying for you. Especially since I always add his old mentor discount into his total."

"Old mentor?" Aoko raised her eyebrow, intrigued. 'Didn't he just say Jii-chan has never taken on a student?'

"Kuroba-sama and I merely advised him on a few performances and investment details." Jii-san answered with visible nostalgia.

"'Details!?' Absolutely not Konosuke-kun! What you both had done was nothing so small or trivial, and I've told you this before!" Haido-san looked offended and locked eyes with Aoko. "Kuroba-kun and Konosuke-kun had helped me through some of my toughest times. They encouraged me when no one else would and believed in me when no one else had. Back before I was in charge of The White Rabbit at night and doing travelling shows, I was a kid on the street. No money, no plans, and most damning of all- no connections." He took a deep breath and continued. "I was preforming on the street when I first met Kuroba-kun. Here's a guy that couldn't have been much older than me but had the confidence and talent of a man who's lived lifetimes." His eyes became distant here, and a large smile overtook his face. "He somehow saw talent in me. Offered me a job. I thought it was going to be something sketchy. 'Too good to be true,' I thought. He said he was looking for a stage warmer- an opening act to 'warm up the crowd!'" He chuckled and leaned closer to Aoko's ear. "I thought 'can't get any worse, probably preforming in some hole-in-the-wall place. It wasn't." He leaned back and exclaimed, "It was the Chapeau Magique theatre!"

Aoko's eyes widened both in shock over his volume and in his news. The Chapeau Magique theatre had been renowned for hosting many of the finest performers in the world.

"You should have seen his face when we took him there for the first time. He looked like he would faint." Jii-san added playfully with a wink to Aoko.

"You're forgetting the part I didn't believe you, Konosuke-kun!" Haido-san added pointing an accusatory finger at Jii-san. Both men laughed and Aoko couldn't help joining in. Their good humor was infectious. "That's when I began to open for them until I got noticed by talent scouts. I'll never forget it." He looked at Jii-san gratefully. "It was some of the best days of my life."

The words hung in the air warmly and the trio fell into a short, comfortable silence before Jii-san broke. "I should have called to tell you myself Yuzu-kun. I was just so-" a look of utter anguish fell over Jii-san's face like an unwelcomed cloud. He continued to struggle with his words and Aoko discreetly placed her hand on his arm worriedly. Jii-san looked at her and relaxed.

"Konosuke-kun if I've told you once I've told you a million times, it's alright-" Haido-san began but was interrupted.

"No Yuzu-kun, it isn't alright!" Jii-san sighed and explained, mostly to Aoko's benefit. "My actions after Kuroba-sama's death would've no doubt made him upset had he been alive." He looked back at Haido-san who for his part looked like he's heard this speech a thousand times. "I should have told you, and everyone else he and I met in our travels. He and I loved coming here to watch your shows."

Haido-san smiled at Jii-san tearfully, "I remember how angry he was when I told him I wasn't going to be dancing anymore."

"That's only because he was under the impression you were quitting aerial dance completely." Jii-san huffed in obvious agitation, instantly lightening the mood.

"He wouldn't let me finish!" Haido-san defended. He looked at Aoko and explained, "He asked me when my next show was, I told him there wouldn't be one. He did his thing where his face would go blank and he would shut down." He heaved a sigh, "Before I could tell him why he began his lecture on 'talent is like a blade,' and I couldn't get a word in."

Aoko snorted at that. Jii-san always has the same lecture whenever she began to show signs of defeat. 'Talent is like a blade, it must be routinely sharpened for it to be useful.'

"It took me months to get him to talk to you," Jii-san said angrily.

"Imagine how I felt!"

Aoko chuckled at their back-and-forth causing both men to stop and look at her. "I-I'm sorry," she gasped between laughs. When she calmed down enough to breathe she continued. "I can just tell you all were very good friends. It's funny. . ." She looked down at her lap, "I wish I got to know that side of Kuroba-sensei." She didn't add how she also wished Kaito was here to hear these stories with her. 'It would have meant so much to him,' she thought sadly.

"Did you say 'Kuroba-sensei'?" Haido-san asked. He looked at Jii-san, "Is this the reason you chose her?"

"Jii-san smiled, "it is a part of it, yes." He explained how Aoko was Kaito's best friend and Aoko picked it up from there.

She told him about her life before the Kurobas, and how she met Kaito. She explained how Kaito had changed her life and how his family inspired and encouraged her. She told him of all the things Kuroba-sensei, Chikage-san and Kaito had taught her. Kaito and his family had meant so much to her. After all, if it wasn't for them she wouldn't know where she'd be. She spoke until her voice seemed sore and when she got to the part of Chikage-san's training (she made sure to avoid mention of Kaitou Kid) Jii-san jumped in.

"That's why I brought her here." Jii-san explained while inputting his and Aoko's orders into a tablet-like device. "You see, she has the talent but none of the guidance. The drive but none of the confidence." He looked in Haido-san's eyes. "I wanted to show her what confidence looks like in a performance. Maybe give her a chance to talk to some of your dancers. If you had a job opening she could benefit from that, too."

Haido-san smiled conspiratorially and said, "I'll do you one better." He gestured to the aerial silks tied to the rafters above them. "After tonight's show, I'll show you some exercises."

Aoko gaped, and glanced at the dancers who were slowly, and gracefully descending to the lower floors.

"As for the job, I'm not supposed to hire high schoolers for something as dangerous as preforming aerials." Haido-san cradled his chin in thought. "Becoming a waitress wouldn't help too much with becoming an assistant. I suppose you can be hired on as a part of the skeleton crew, but they arrive very late. Past high schooler curfew in fact." He noticed Aoko's confusion and elaborated. "The skeleton crew are the people in charge of turning this place from a diner to a show and back again." Haido-san gestured to the lights throughout the entire building. "They're responsible for lights, sound, equipment, and clean-up." He looked at Aoko, "That okay with you? We have the latest systems so it'll help you learn some stage-hand things."

"Yes! That's more than okay, it's perfect! Thank you so much!" Aoko bowed her head in gratitude causing Haido-san to laugh.

"You're very welcome Nakamori-chan! Any friend of the Kurobas and Konosuke-kun is a friend of mine! Now that we've talked, how about we watch this show from a better viewpoint?"

Aoko and Jii-san agreed and they headed down to the second floor to watch the dancers go to work. Throughout the performance Haido-san would explain the dancers' movements and hand/ weight placement. Aoko's mind raced with the new information and the excitement that someday soon, she'll be able to do those same maneuvers. She only hoped one day she'd be as graceful.

Hours later when the last patrons were leaving, Haido-san had taken Aoko and Jii-san to the first floor viewing of the hole. He instructed Aoko through the process of climbing up, but she already knew how.

"Impressive. You could have mentioned you weren't a novice Nakamori-chan." Haido-san said disappointedly.

"I am a novice Haido-san, I'm just copying what I saw earlier." She responded while twirling around practicing her speed. She figured out how to turn herself upside down and just hung there. It wasn't too different from the acrobatics at the gym.

"You got all that from just watching?" He now said in interest. He walked forward to where she was hanging and guided her arm and wrist. "Relax your arm a bit more. Like this."

When her body was truly relaxed she held her form stock-still as Haido-san instructed.

"There you go, nice and relaxed. Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Good. Now I want you to pay close attention to your movements. Konosuke-kun is going to play some music and we're going to leave this floor for a bit. Just do whatever feels right as long as your feet don't touch the floor." Haido-san said before his steps faded away from her hearing.

For a while Aoko just hung there feeling the strain of her muscles and somehow weightless simultaneously. Haido-san moved her arms and wrists in a couple of ways and suddenly her body didn't feel as heavy as before. Slowly, Aoko lifted her leg and shifted her weight as some of the dancers had earlier that night. She listened to the music, a piano ballad that started slow and picked up in tempo. It was a wistful song, like someone wanting to confess their love by musically reinventing the lows and highs of their relationship.

'If it were me, who would I confess to? How would I do it? How could I express the life we've lived together?' Aoko pulled an image of the only guy she'd ever see spending the rest of her life with.

Her body began to move and she began to slowly spin with her arms caged in. Before she met him she was alone and scared. She climbed the silk to a higher point and let herself slip down taking care not to hit the floor, and she repeated this two more times. She was just going through the motions, doing what was expected of her but always going nowhere. She stopped at the spot where she began, and twisted spinning wide. He changed everything when she met him. She began to make her spins faster and tighter. Before she knew it she had found herself and her best friend- the two of them becoming true partners-in-magical mayhem. She began to experiment with her movements, taking what she learned from the previous performances and pushing past them. She met his family and each one fit so perfectly together and somehow they still managed to find a place for her, to teach her things that made her believe in the impossible. Aoko twisted and grabbed the silk with her legs keeping her hands free. She arched her back and posed in a flight position. Aoko held that position for a moment basking in the high before the fall. Her body trembled, knowing what is to come.

His father died, debilitating him, his family, and her. Aoko slowly dropped her arms. His death was as sudden as a bolt of lightning, and Aoko dropped. She slid down just above the ground. If she had caught herself even a second later she'd hit the ground. She took a shaky breath and began to climb to her previous spot laboriously. Just remembering the weight of the death and his reaction had made her hyper-aware of her muscles aching. She began to climb up to her starting spot but it was hard, her hands were sweaty and shaking. She didn't know if it was sweat or tears stinging her eyes, but it made it hard to see.

Despite the difficulty she persisted in her climb. Back to her starting spot. She spun in circles until she was tangled within the silk. This is the part where she created her greatest and worst illusion. She began to move her body more mechanically like a puppet on a string. She was a slave to the part she created for herself. She continued these motions until the silk wrapping around her began to tighten to an uncomfortable degree. When it seemed like there was no way out she twisted and turned her body, slowly stripping away the pieces that bound her.

The final part had her upside down, supported by only one leg wrapped in the silk binding. She moved her legs and swung from side-to-side stretching out her arms in the controlled way Haido-san had taught her. She did several consecutive back-flips and at one point she was bold enough to jump from one silk to another and back again. She ended her performance on the same thread line in the same spot, and position she had started out in. Relaxed but now tired, strong and weak at the same time. Her dance felt right, these were the highlights and low-lights of her and Kaito's relationship. It was her life.

There was several moments of silence until she heard clapping from somewhere nearby. She followed the noise to a dark corner of the room she hadn't noticed during her performance. Standing and clapping enthusiastically was Haido-san while Jii-san had his phone out recording the whole thing. Next to Jii-san was a new face she hadn't seen before.

The face belonged to a woman who looked slightly older than Jii-san with dark skin and light, grey curly hair. She applauded as well with a small, polite smile on her face.

"Magnificent! What a show for a first-timer!" Haido-san called out while jogging towards her. "Your body began to shake over halfway through and your gripping was still clumsy, but it was raw and powerful!" He held out his arms and helped Aoko down to the ground complimenting her all-the-while. "If being a magician's assistant doesn't work out for you, you have a promising future as an aerial silk dancer, I'll fund you myself!"

The thought of preforming in front of a crowd while she bared her soul and made her body bend in ways that didn't look painful made Aoko's stomach twist with nausea.

Mercifully, Jii-san came up to them and ended her suffering. "Yes, well she's decided to become an assistant so your funds will not be necessary Yuzu-kun." He turned to Aoko and flashed her a proud smile, "You were excellent Nakamori-san. You really put your all in it."

"Well Konosuke-kun, it isn't as if she couldn't do both. There have been examples of assistants who were also performers in their own right." Haido-san turned back to Aoko, "He is right about one thing Nakamori-chan, it really is just a lack of confidence that stops you." His smile grew wider before he announced, "confidence you can get by performing here!" when he saw the look on Aoko's face he quickly added, 'After practice and training of course!"

The feeling of nausea came back full-force and from what she could tell of Haido-san's expression there was no talking him out of this decision. If there was even a small chance to prevent strangers from seeing her flail on a silk line then she had to try. "You said you're not allowed to hire highschoolers for the dancing portions." She knew what his answer would be but she found herself hoping anyway.

"Well, that was before I knew I was robbing the public of an artist!" Haido-san crossed his arms, but the grin never left his face.

"Are any of you going to introduce me or have I become invisible?" Came a low and feminine voice from behind the men. The woman stepped between them, and gave Aoko a pleasant smile. "Hello dear, my name is Katherine Ohara. You don't know me, but I am the one who tested you," she bowed in introduction.

Aoko bowed lowly, wondering what test the woman was referring to when her mind helpfully reminded her of Jii-san's cryptic text message after the last Kaitou Kid heist. She had completely forgotten to ask him what he meant after he invited her out to The White Rabbit. She'd never (legally) been and was so excited it was pushed to the back of her mind.

"It's lovely to meet you Ohara-san." Aoko responded distractedly.

"It's pretty late Jii-kun would you be a dear and drive me home?" Ohara-san asked politely.

"You got a lot of nerve asking that after showing up hours late to this meeting." Haido-san chided irritably.

"Hey I made it to the important part." Ohara-san gestured to Aoko, causing her to blush and avert her eyes. She was fine with Haido-san and Jii-san watching because after talking with them she felt she knew them a little, but the same could not be said for this lady. She suddenly felt the need to hide, but she's been offered a wonderful oppertunity and she'd hate to ruin it with her nerves.

"Should I stay and observe the skeleton crew?" Aoko asked turning to face Haido-san.

"No, no, you'll have plenty of time when you start this weekend." Before Aoko could ask he seemed to read her mind and answered, "Friday night. We close at midnight, so that's when you'll be showing up."

Aoko nodded and thanked Haido-san profusely before Jii-san eventually towed her out the front door. They loaded into Jii-san's car and took off towards the high-end parts of the city where all the most expensive hotels were. During the car ride Jii-san explained that Ohara-san was the friend Jii-san called to test her. Or rather, she was the main assistant of the friend he called to test her. Apparently her magician partner was Kuroba-sensei's kohai.

"My master had learned under the same master magician Kuroba-san had. Kuroba-san had only one year on master, but they helped and challenged each other. He thought of him as an older brother of sorts." Ohara-san explained while turning around in the front seat to look at Aoko.

"I see." Aoko wondered about the people she's met thus far. Why does Chikage-san have a problem with them?

"When Jii-kun asked me to run a test I knew you had to have some amount of potential, but I'd never guessed how far along you already were." Her eyes lit up with excitement, "I saw your performance under stress at the Kid heist. You were impressive." Her face turned playfully guilty, "I guess I should apologize for giving you a tough time."

"You were the reason Kid had to leave much earlier than planned?" Aoko gaped at Ohara-san. She felt her heart raced and a cold sweat run down her back. how did she even know about Kid?

"Ohara-san and her master are well aware of Kid's creation. They helped Toichi-sama meet the right people and fill out the right paperwork for him to register." Jii-san explained helpfully.

Aoko's confusion skyrocketed. 'Register?' As a thief? "What do you mean by that, Jii-san?" She looked at Jii-san in the mirror.

"Before we get into that, I'd like you to fill out this paperwork." Ohara-san passed Aoko a small packet with a pen attached to the clipboard. "It's the first step to completing your registry. You fill out this paperwork, then you attend your student orientation where you'll receive your I.D. card and be sworn in." She looked at Aoko's alarmed expression and softened hers. "I know it sounds scary, but it's to ensure you of your loyalties- legally."

Aoko took the offered clipboard and pen in suspicion. "So do all first-timers in The House have to go through all this security stuff." Aoko lifted up the different pages in the packet wondering about each question. There was a space for a parent/guardian's signature, and she wondered who would sign that. Surely not her father. The idea of her asking him to fill out the form so she could better help Kaitou Kid sent her heart into a panic. No definitely not!

"About that Nakamori-san. . . Jii-san and I aren't just enrolling you in the Basic Assistant Program. We're enrolling you in The Helping Hand." Ohara-san unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car. "If it's okay with you we can discuss this at a later, more convenient time for you. I was supposed to meet up with you all earlier tonight but unfortunately I was occupied." She handed Aoko a card with her number on it. "Call me when you're ready." She looked at Aoko seriously, "Jii-san told me you already agreed but you can still back out." She smiled at her, "You can return the Basic Assistant forms- it's the top three papers- and The Helping Hand- if you decide to- when we meet next." Ohara-san turned to Jii-san, "Thank you for the ride. I really do believe she has potential." She turned around to leave, but seemed to remember something at the last minute. "Oh, and Jii-kun, Royce-sama told me to tell you to give Kuroba-san our regards." Her voice was hard and icy here. It was very clear to Aoko that despite any amicable message this 'Royce-sama' was trying to convey it was lost in Ohara-san's tone.

Jii-san smiled guiltily and nodded, "will do Kathrine-san, but please remind him I've been trying for years."

"I already had. She's never let him close before, don't know why he thinks she'll start now." Ohara-san waved her hand and bid them goodbye.

Only when Jii-san peeled out of the hotel's round-about did Aoko find the confidence to voice her questions.

"What's the deal with Chikage-san and Ohara-san? Why doesn't Kaito know about Haido-san, or this 'Royce-sama? He was close to Kuroba-sensei wasn't he?"

For a long while Jii-san didn't answer, and after awhile Aoko figured he wouldn't. The fatigue of the aerial dance was setting in, and she was nodding off when he finally responded.

"Kaito-bocchama has no memory of meeting Yuzu-kun, Katherine-san, or even Royce-san, but Toichi-sama had introduced them." Jii-san's grip on the steering wheel turned harsh. "Chikage-sama didn't want Kaito-bocchama involved with The House of Cards. She. . . has lingering resentments towards them and it only increased after Toichi-sama's death."

Aoko blinked a couple of times. "Why?"

Jii-san looked at Aoko soberly. "Remember how I said they helped register Kid?" Aoko nodded and he continued, "As far as Chikage-sama is concerned they are the reason Kaitou Kid continued to exist after the Phantom Lady incident. As far as she can tell, they are the reason he died."

After that bombshell, Jii-san wouldn't breech the topic no matter how hard she pried. He dropped her off at her house and she would've stayed awake all night pondering over the information if she hadn't passed out right after her shower.

Aoko woke up later than expected and was nearly late to class. She didn't know how she was going to pull off the skeleton-crew, but she knew she had to. The aerial silk dance had made her feel confident, and it helped her to relieve some of her emotional baggage. Of course, it was also great for building the muscles necessary for Chikage-san's Hell Regime. She was also excited to learn the ropes of stage set-up and could scarcely wait to get into learning lights and music synchronization.

Aoko collapsed into her desk heavily feeling even more tired than she had last night. Jii-san promised her that eventually she would get used to the scheduling and the strain. She hoped he was right because the last thing she wanted was her grades, or school attendance to suffer. She glanced at Kaito and caught him staring at her suspiciously. Aoko sighed. When she got to thinking about it, all this work was for her to catch up to him. She thought back to their childhood and wondered if there would ever be a day she wasn't chasing after him. Thinking of Kaito had her marveling at him. She had Jii-san and all of his connections to guide her and help with her scheduling. Who did he have other than Jii-san who couldn't even tell him the complete truth? All those heists should be catching up to him too, and does he even eat properly? She decided she could at least help him there. She had a key to his place just as he had a key to hers. Her mother left her a cookbook and there were plenty of dishes she could try. . . 'Where would you find the time?' came the annoying part of her brain. Unfortunately it had a point, the best she could do was schedule herself in such a way that she prepared meals in advance and freeze them for convenience. It was with this thought that Aoko resolved to purchase a pocket-planner for the hectic year she would no doubt be facing, and tuned into the math lecture.

When lunch rolled around, Aoko wasted no time and took off down the halls. She made sure to hide herself in the crowds of the bread line, exited the school building and briskly jogged to the storage unit for the sports equipment. She pulled out her phone and typed out the phone number she memorized the previous night.

This is A.N. from K. Jii, will you be available tomorrow 16:30 (4:00 p.m.)?

It took a couple of minutes but Ohara-san answered back:

Sure, fill the papers out as much as you can and I'll see you at The White Rabbit- my treat!

Aoko paused over the keyboard of her messenger, and thought about the packet that she had already filled out minus one thing.

'I don't know if I will be able to get my guardian to sign,' she was about to type but thought better of it. She'll talk to Jii-san first and then she'll let Ohara-san know. Hopefully he'll have a plan. She sent a quick text to him asking about the signature and pocketed her phone. This day seemed longer to her somehow.

Aoko got a couple steps into the building when she was pulled roughly outside again. She frantically broke free of the hold and faced who snatched her.

Keiko looked back at her furiously causing Aoko to swallow her building worries. An angry Keiko was a dangerous one and she looked ready to maim.

"You told me that if you grabbed a guy that I'd be the first to know!" Keiko shoved her phone in Aoko's face. In the picture Aoko was at a bus-stop bench putting on make-up. "Minami-chan took this picture when she stopped at that new bookstore on her way home. We all know you would never wear make-up, not unless you had a . . . reason~" Keiko retracted her phone and crossed her arms over her chest. The look she gave Aoko was damning.

Aoko pinched the bridge of her brow and sighed in agitation. "How many people think they saw Aoko get ready for a date?"

"Minami-chan showed me, Yuri-chan, and Hana-chan while you ran out of the class probably sending love messages to this mysterious guy!"

A headache began to form, and Aoko just knew Minami-chan and Yuri-chan would make a huge deal out of it, no doubt alerting Kaito if he had been in the room at all. Knowing her luck, he most assuredly was.

"It wasn't a date Aoko was getting ready for!" She felt her shoulders slump, suddenly very heavy.

"Than what were you getting ready for, and why have you been so-so distracted lately?" Keiko's voice turned from frustrated to worried in the span of a sentence. Aoko looked at Keiko and felt her heart crack a little. Keiko's face was creased in distress and her eyes were lit with concern. Even her brown pigtails seemed to droop more than usual. She couldn't let her friend keep on this way, especially not for her. Lying to her outright would feel like too much of a betrayal. This was Keiko Moimoi after all, other than Kaito there was no one who knew her better. She was there for her in her most vulnerable moments, back when she was still figuring out Kaito's secret identity. Back when she thought she was losing him as her best friend due to some mysterious busy workload. She remembered how that made her feel and she'd be damned if she let anyone go through that same uncertainty. If Kaito had just included her she wouldn't have felt that pain to begin with, and it wouldn't have led to her questioning the motives as to why he would not tell her of this supposed job he had. That led her to believe it must have been illegal to some extent which made her pay even closer attention to his constant whereabouts.

Aoko couldn't tell Keiko about Kaito nor The Helping Hand, but she could tell her a bit of the truth. Despite what certain boys in the class believed, Keiko could keep a secret provided it wasn't too bad and the person she was protecting was her friend. Besides, Jii-san said she could use it as an alibi. Aoko made a final decision and quickly grabbed Keiko's hand and took her to an area of the school where she knew no one would be listening. She looked around and when she was sure no one was eavesdropping she told Keiko about her workout regime.

"I was getting ready for an interview when Minami-chan took that picture." Aoko waited until Keiko seemed to figure out why she brought her here, a place with no witnesses. Why she dropped referring to herself in the third person. It was clear the game was up.

"Why would that be something to hide? Our school allows students to have part-time jobs." Keiko's eyes widen, "unless it's something illegal." She looked at Aoko worriedly no doubt imagining all types of salacious activities.

Aoko sat down and gestured for Keiko to follow. When the invitation was accepted she began. "Remember how I was when we were little?"

"You mean back before you stopped breaking into places, and doing magic tricks with Kuroba-kun?"

That shocked Aoko. For some reason she figured everyone had forgotten how different she was originally. Not even Kaito showed any signs of remembering how she loved to preform magic tricks as much as watching them.

Keiko noticed Aoko's contemplative look and misinterpreted it as a deep hurt. "You don't have to tell me if-"

"No, I want to. Need to, so you wont worry. This job, these exercises. . . make me feel how I felt back then. Back before Kaito's dad died. Back when I was learning, and everything was new and exciting." Aoko looked at Keiko with a wistful smile on her face remembering the Kid heists she's helped and the dance she had done. She really had come a long way.

Keiko placed her hand on Aoko's shoulder, leaning in. "What is it? This job."

Aoko's smile turned serene, "In short, I'm a stage-hand and student dancer."

It took the entire lunch period, but she explained the aerial silks, and acrobatics making sure to omit the self-defense and assistant training. She told the truth about how the manager wasn't supposed to teach highschoolers due to the danger factor. He made an exception with her though and she made sure to describe the dance she did minus the fact that Kaito was her muse. If she could gush about being an assistant she would, but seeing as how that part was to remain a secret she substituted it by telling her about the skeleton-crew opportunity.

Keiko laughed "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were more excited about the stage stuff than about the dancing."

The bell rang interrupting Aoko's excited babbling, but before she could stand up Keiko stopped her.

Keiko placed her hand in Aoko's and with the most serious tone and expression she's ever seen of the bespectacled girl, asked "It's not a . . . strip show is it?"

Aoko sputtered completely blindsided, "NO, IT ISN'T!" Aoko blushed and ran into the building with a hysterical Keiko hot-on-her-heels.

Just as they were about to enter the classroom, Aoko thought of something and grinned. She spun around and added "unless I say so!"

Keiko made an embarrassing sound between a cough, chuckle, and a snort making the class erupt in laughter.

"What sound was that Moimoi-san?"

"Are you imitating a whale?"

Keiko paid them no attention and laughed heartily. She wrapped her arms around Aoko, "I've missed you, welcome back!"

The classroom looked at the scene in confusion. They would never guess the true meaning behind Keiko's words. As far as she was concerned, the real Aoko had finally woken up from a long hibernation.

Aoko could just feel Kaito's intense stare at the back of her head. She didn't know what question he was burning to ask but she knew she'd have to pay for it later.

Sure enough, after class ended Kaito wasted no time in cornering Aoko. She couldn't blame him. For the past few months she's been going immediantly to the gym, and while she still has to go today she missed talking to Kaito.

She smiled, suddenly thinking of a way to hang out with him. "Hey Kaito, what's up?"

Kaito opened his mouth to say something but seemed to change his mind. He smiled innocently, causing Aoko to panic. That was the smile he flashed her before he flipped her skirt or pulled a prank. She was too tired to deal with that today and she'd have to conserve her energy for the gym.

"Heard some poor soul got stuck going on a date with you. Who do I need to apologize to in your place?"

After that statement she almost wished he had flipped her skirt or played a prank on her instead. Her good mood shifted and she felt her smile drop from her face. 'So he did hear Minami-san's guess after all.' A lump got stuck in her throat and her hands began to shake. 'Why'd he have to say ask it like that, though?' Her confidence stung and her heart felt unbearably heavy all of a sudden. Logically, she knew he didn't have any real malice behind his words, but it still hurt most times. She knew he wouldn't say those things if he knew her feelings, would probably avoid her entirely if he ever found out. She doubted she would ever forgive herself for falling for him. It wouldn't hurt if she hadn't.

"Bakaito, there was no date!" Aoko took her school bag from her desk and walked out the door. She was going to offer to pay for dinner so they could hang out, but was now reconsidering.

Kaito followed after her not to be deterred, "Well don't blame me! Kazumi-san was the one who said you went on a date, she even had a picture." He glanced at Aoko smiling cheekily, "I was so proud of you. Finally wearing make-up and acting like a girl."

Aoko glowered feeling her blood boiling even as a pain shot through her chest and head simultaneously. Just once could he drop this attitude and talk to her like before? Before she hit puberty and things became sticky and awkward. She felt the mask of the ditzy, childhood best friend crack. Maybe it was because she hadn't completely recovered from last night's exhaustion. Maybe it was because a large part of her wanted him to recognize and remember the little girl he used to teach magic tricks to. Whatever the reason, Aoko found herself dropping her act somewhat, and she snapped. "Whether I wear make-up or not I'm still a girl Kaito, and it used to not bother you!" She glared at him fiercely daring him to test her further. When it was clear that he wasn't going to she spun around and viciously put on her shoes all while muttering angrily.

Kaito had a lot of faults but at least he knew when to back off. It may have also helped that she once again switched her speaking patterns. She didn't know if she wanted to go back again. 'Screw cute, I'm pissed! Let him figure it out!'

He put his shoes on silently, stealing glances at her. Aoko figured he would leave without her, and she felt angry at herself for feeling sad about it. 'It's his fault!' She turned around to leave and was surprised to find him standing by the entrance waiting for her.

"Why'd you wait?" She asked, walking up to him.

"What, you don't want to walk with me?" He smirked showing her he was joking, "Guess I'll leave then." He called making the slowest turn-around she'd ever seen.

It wasn't an apology but Aoko felt her traitorous lips quirk up in a smile anyway. She was supposed to be mad at him, and he knew it.

Aoko sighed dejectedly and checked the time on her phone. She could make time. "I was going to invite you to eat with me before I head home but then you had to go and ruin it." She pushed past him and she felt him reach for her phone in her pocket and she smiled. No doubt he was planning on holding it over her head in an attempt to distract her from her issues with him, but he didn't plan on her taking something of his too.

Just as he made her phone "appear," over her head she held out his. His eyes locked onto the phone she held in her hand, and the innocent smile on her face.

Kaito narrowed his eyes at her and pouted. "Trade." He said holding her phone out to her. Aoko smiled wider and swapped his phone for hers.

"So Kaito, is that a 'no' for dinner, then?" She asked casually, fully expecting him to turn her down. She knew she revealed too much of her 'old' self today. Maybe it was time she came up with a way to distinguish herself from the Aoko's that came before. B.K.D. (Before Kuroba-sensei's Death) Aoko was the closest to her true self she's been but even that isn't the same anymore. She's growing up now and not for the first time she wished she could grow up with Kaito so she wouldn't have to feel so alone.

I thought I 'ruined' that." He replied, easily falling into step with her.

The response shocked her. Didn't he feel uncomfortable with her behavior?

"You still didn't tell me what the picture was about. You've been weird lately, too." He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, "weirder than usual, that is."

"Let's go to that cafe by the library. We hadn't been in awhile and I heard they added new items." Aoko jogged ahead of him towards the destination not even giving him the option. She was too happy he still wanted to hang out with her after snapping at him.

The cafe not-date went off without a hitch. They actually had a relatively peaceful conversation much to Aoko's relief. It was around dessert when when the conversation grew deeper.

She knew she should just leave well-enough-alone but there was still that part of her that wanted to reach out somehow. He didn't deserve to feel as she had when he started pushing away. "Kaito, can I ask you something-" Aoko caught his eyes and quickly added "- that isn't this exact question?"

He slouched, caught. "Sure." He reached across the table and took a scoop from her sundae.

"Did you ever feel like your life wasn't your own?" She asked, realizing the moment it left her mouth how jarring that sounded. She quickly clarified, "Like you want a change? A big one."

Kaito looked at her and though his face was carefully neutral, his eyes told her everything he wasn't saying. He was slightly concerned but mostly intrigued with where this conversation was going.

She and him both, really.

"Aoko?" He prompted.

Aoko sighed, and tried to explain "It's just . . ." she rubbed the temple of her head, struggling. 'What's the best way to tell him what I told Keiko?'

She thought about what she felt, and looked at Kaito whom she had the full attention of. His bright blue eyes seemed to search her soul looking for an answer she wasn't sure if she was ready to give, but she started this. It's her show now, but man, was she bad at solo acts. His hair was as messy as ever and yet short enough for it to be considered stylish rather than unkempt. At the moment he was frowning but she knew more than anyone how the world lights up when he smiles.

"I fell in love, I guess." She said out loud.

Kaito's eyes widened before his expression turned blank and unresponsive. Aoko could already read the wrong that was going through his head. "With a career Kaito, gosh!" She not-quite-lied. If she didn't know better she would say he looked relieved by this news, but she did know better than that. Kaito was so much out of her league she often wondered if they were even playing the same sport.

He tilted his head comically before asking rather huffily, "how was I supposed to know that?"

"Because I told you it wasn't a date!" Kaito looked at her judgingly causing Aoko to laugh outright. "I mean recently I've been trying different . . . hobbies or skills. I think- no I know that I want to continue with one of them, and. . ." Aoko looked down at her lap, her smile disappearing. "It isn't anything anyone would expect it to be. It isn't what I expected either." She faced Kaito and gazed into his eyes searching for any sign that this was a bad idea. "I think I'm growing up, but I don't know who I'm becoming." 'Or if we'll still be friends by the end of this.'

Kaito scrutinized her some more before relaxing in his seat. "Ahouko, no one can tell you who to be or what to like. You decide that for yourself." He sighed exasperatedly as if she worried him over nothing but she knew he was concerned. She could almost feel it in the way he carried himself as he leaned back into his seat. "As for not knowing, I don't think anyone really knows until it happens." He looked back at her. "Do you know the type of person you want to be?"

Aoko nodded mutely.

"Do you trust yourself?"

This one took a couple of moments of deep reflection but in the end she nodded.

"Then trust the you that you're growing into and don't let anyone stop you." He took another bite from her sundae. "I'll support this job of yours provided it isn't dangerous, or super illegal."

Aoko responded that it wasn't despite knowing full well it was almost as dangerous and illegal as being Kid himself. She could almost laugh, cry, or both at how she'd support him through anything. Even things he wouldn't support her on, it seems. One thing she did promise.

"I promise to tell you about my job when I'm ready, okay? Until then can you trust me?"

Kaito looked as if he was going to protest but changed his mind. He gave an annoyed groan, "fine, but don't think I don't know what this is really about."

Aoko's heart seized in terror.

"You just don't want to tell me where you work because you're afraid I'll embarrass you!"

Aoko had to physically stop her relief from showing. "Would you?" She asked playfully across the table.

Kaito laughed, "of course!"

It was a pretty great not-date.

A/N: THIS TOOK SO LONG! Okay, so originally a good chunk of this chapter was also supposed to be in the last chapter but due to personal reasons and because I felt this would flow better, I had to post it in this behemoth of a read. Seriously, this could have been it's own one-shot if that was the story I was writing. I am sorry about the short chapter last time. I just wanted the Kid heist to be its own thing while Aoko's Helping Hand business is separate. She may have gotten into this lifestyle because of Kaito but now she's in it because of her own decisions. Her own goals. Anyway, I thank all of you for your patience in my hectic updating schedule.

Some additional notes: The Chapeau Magique is a fake theater I created for the purposes of this story. I hope somewhere down the line I'll start using real-world theaters as settings for the story.

Also did you catch the Balancingdiet "Every Friday," reference I made? No? You should go read it, it's wonderful and on my favorite stories list. Seriously people are so talented. Honestly, every story in my favorites list has been a huge inspiration for this story. I think it's pretty wonderful that we all can fan over these characters together, makes me not feel so alone. Reviews help too of course because they let me know if there's anything I need to work on, or what I'm doing right. While it's true I will write the story I want to, it's really you guys that have the biggest say in how I communicate that story through words on a screen. Even if there's only one person reading, you all are beautiful people who really make it seem worth it. Thank you. I hope you're all staying safe. Much love.