Hello, here's chapter 26. Hope you folks enjoy it.

I do not own RWBY and make no monetary gain from this. Writing is for entertainment purposes only.

The little café Weiss ended up suggesting was luckily one Ruby had never visited before. She had spotted it in passing last time they were in town, her interest having been piqued by the rustic feel of the place and so she decided to take a closer look at it, on account of not having had much of a plan besides a spontaneous date thanks to Yang barging in on them. The fresh smell of coffee and grilled cheese sandwiches that wafted out from the open door had been heavenly, making her salivate and solidified her decision then and there.

The interior consisted of small wooden tables for two, with a checkered red and white tablecloth and matching cushions for the chairs. The brick walls were covered with old farming tools as decoration, broken up by the sporadic painting with nature motifs. It gave the establishment a cozy atmosphere that made her relax and want to spend time just sitting there and leisurely eat breakfast. The few patrons already present seemed to be in no hurry either, sipping on hot beverages or reading newspapers.

After ordering from the elderly couple who ran the establishment, they occupied one of the corner tables near a window while they waited for the food to be prepared. The sunshine streaming in enveloped them in pleasant warmth, and to Weiss, Ruby looked a little extra lovely as she sat there and basked in its rays, eyes shimmering with happiness and a content little smile plastered on her inviting lips.

She kind of reminds me of a very pleased cat at the moment. It's very cute.

The small smile Weiss donned widened ever so slightly.

"I didn't even know about this place. Well, I knew, but for some reason I never got around to checking it out," Ruby admitted as she looked around lazily, casting appreciative glances at the various features of the café. "It's really nice, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," Weiss agreed. Then she smirked. "They don't appear to serve any cookies though, so it's not really surprising you've never visited, now is it?"

Ruby chuckled, looking faintly embarrassed over the truth of the friendly little jab. It caused a warm, fuzzy feeling to surge in Weiss. Under the table, she stroked her leg against Ruby's outstretched ones, instantly eliciting another cute smile from her girlfriend. It made her want to do it again, over and over.

"Hey, I'm not that bad. It's just difficult to break old habits and try out new things or visit new places," Ruby defended, reciprocating the subtle flirting in kind.

Weiss nodded, feeling how a faint blush began to creep up her neck from their little game. "I know what you mean. In Atlas, I tended to frequent the same few stores whenever I went shopping instead of of branching out. Thankfully, a certain someone has made me learn to go against the expected."

Ruby just winked at her and reached over to stroke her hand affectionately.

They spent a few minutes talking about shopping habits and whatever else came to mind. Nothing of any real importance was said, but that wasn't necessary either. The casual, easygoing atmosphere was lovely. Ruby kept a light grip around her hand all the while. Below the table, their legs continued to make contact.

Weiss had a semi-permanent faint blush at this point, but whatever embarrassment she felt from the innocent flirting was overcome by how happy she was. The day was perfect.

Not that there weren't topics to fluster her severely, but to Weiss, their late night activities and Yang walking in on them still felt surreal - the former in a good way. After they had fled the house, neither Ruby nor her had talked about it anymore than the two unanimously deciding to postpone any serious discussion until after they'd had breakfast. The mood hadn't been awkward though; instead Ruby had been even more clingy than usual, holding her hand and humming to herself as they walked, intermingled with occasional light kisses to her cheeks and lips.

Strangely enough, Weiss felt very calm regarding the whole matter. They'd slept together almost naked and Yang had caught them in the aftermath… and yet she was somehow alright with that - if quite perturbed Yang had barged in like that. She certainly didn't regret her request to Ruby last night. Indeed, she was already hoping they could do it again. And she certainly couldn't complain over how affectionate either of them were feeling at the moment. Weiss couldn't help herself, even if she thought her own behaviour a bit silly. From the moment things had calmed down she'd felt so so happy and so full of love for Ruby that she almost didn't know what to do.

She sent her girlfriend another fond smile, the girl not catching it as she was animatedly explaining what her next plan was for upgrades for Crescent Rose.

As she listened, Weiss found herself drinking in the sight before her. Ruby was just extra attractive today - more vibrant, a gleam in her eyes and a smile on her lips that seemed a pinch more full of life than usual. It made tearing her eyes away from her difficult, reminding her of how she'd marveled at the smallest show of affection after they became an item.

And Ruby clearly noticed her mood, if how often their eyes met, how many smiles they exchanged, or how she would subtly give her leg a quick stroke with one of her own. Or how every now and then Ruby would reach out and take her hand for a moment, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go, or just holding it for some time, almost reverently running her thumb over the smooth skin.

Their little game of flirting by ways of such small gestures had been going on since they left home and didn't appear to let up anytime soon. There was an excited, affectionate air between them that compelled her to act so sappy. Weiss loved every moment of it.

It's a wonderful feeling and I wouldn't mind if this happiness lasted forever. She did so much for me yesterday, just like any day, selflessly being there for me… I'm so incredibly lucky. My life is perfect right now.

She chuckled to herself. For so many years of her life she had strived to be perfect, only very late realizing the futility of such and path, one that hadn't brought her a sliver of happiness. In turn, by not striving for perfect life and abandoning such an unreasonable goal, it had landed right in her lap. Weiss didn't fail to appreciate the irony of it.

Ruby's stomach growled audibly enough for her to pick up on after another minute, making Weiss take a few shaky breath as she tried to reign in her giggles. She never could quite understand how someone as small as her girlfriend could have such a ravenous appetite. It was just another thing that made Ruby so cute. "You adorable glutton," she jested.

"The smells are too much, Weiss. I'm salivating just from sitting here," her girlfriend elaborated. "I wonder when the food's done. Grilled sandwiches are like the best thing there is."

"Especially together with a cup of coffee. Why don't we check with Yang if we can make them for breakfast someday?" Weiss suggested, sympathetic to Ruby's plight. It was nearly lunch and she never went this late without a meal. The hunger was palpable, especially thanks to their morning walk.

"Yeah, let's do that! We have bread, cheese and ham and everything else already. Maybe I need to buy cream cheese, but otherwise I think nothing's missing," Ruby said, adding, "Except cookies. We always need more of those." Her tongue subconsciously darted out and gave her lips a quick swipe.

Weiss just rolled her eyes over her gluttonous girlfriend.

Ruby noticed. "I really can't help it Weiss. You know I have a great appetite, and especially today. In more ways than one," she explained helpfully, winking at her.

Weiss blushed up to the tip of her ears over the flirtation, again recalling the late night activities of yesterday. So much for thinking she was composed. Weiss secretly felt it was unfair that she could be so easily flustered while Ruby so effortlessly appeared to be unfazed. It took some rather bold actions on her part to really conjure a blush from Ruby these days.

Perhaps I'll be able to hold my ground a bit better after we… move forward.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought, and she shifted in her chair, feeling restless all of sudden. Ruby's leg made another pass at her, sending the butterflies into overdrive.

Luckily, her own stomach decided to growl in that moment, distracting Ruby and making her let out a subdued laugh.

"I guess I'm no better than you," Weiss conceded. In a futile bid to lessen her sense of embarrassment, she glanced at the visible kitchen area where the older gentleman just stepped out from. In his hands, he held two plates and their respective drinks. "It looks like it's our breakfast is here," she added, already feeling her mouth beginning to water.

Ruby let out a blissful sigh as he walked over to them and put down the plates. "Here you go, ladies. Please let me or my wife know if you need anything else," he said and nodded towards his wife who manned the counter.

Weiss didn't fail to note the fond glance he threw the old, apron-clad lady. The ring on his left ring finger gleamed in the light coming in from one of the windows. His wife noticed him looking, and sent him an equally fond smile in return.

What an adorable old couple. I wish I can be happily married even in my twilight years. Maybe I can, if things work out… I shouldn't get ahead of myself though, but a girl can daydream.

While she was trying to not turn crimson from that hopeful though, Ruby began to dig into her two steaming hot cheese and ham sandwiches. Composing herself quickly, Weiss cut a piece from one her own tomato and pesto-filled ones.

"This is great!" Ruby happily exclaimed, subconsciously licking her lips after the first taste, already spearing another piece on her fork.

Weiss sent Ruby another fond smile before taking the first bite from her own sandwich. The juicy and rich taste of the sandwich filled her mouth, making her draw an inward sigh of relief at having picked an establishment where the food tasted even better than it smelled.

A lot had changed between them over the past twelve hours, and yet things were still the same. She loved Ruby and Ruby loved her. They were talking, flirting, showing affection, and joking like they always did, not a real care in the world besides any remaining teasing Yang felt she had to get out of her system once they got back.

Weiss was happy with the progress she'd made that night, and for venting her anxieties earlier in the day. The most peculiar part of it all was how unaffected she felt. Or well, maybe unaffected was a misnomer. At ease and happy was a more accurate description. It was okay to be nervous over being intimate. It was okay to not be sure what to do, or how to do it. But everyone felt this way - Ruby too. That had been very reassuring, and now that Ruby understood her feelings she felt safe in the knowledge that they were be on the same page. To say that she was grateful for the support, and for Ruby always nudging her along, was an understatement.

Now it's just a matter of finding a time and place for it. Hopefully soon, she admitted to herself. After yesterday… I want to experience that again. And more.

"Want a bite?" Ruby said then and waved the fork in front of her face, dispelling her recollection of how wonderfully warm and soft said girl was.

Weiss nodded, opening her mouth. While chewing slowly and appreciating the difference in flavor, she reciprocated the gesture to Ruby's great delight.

Maybe it was a little inconsiderate to the other people in the room, but she was sure their little flirtation wouldn't raise a fuss. And sure enough, when she looked around, one of the newspaper-reading patrons winked at her and shot her a kind smile. Nobody else paid them any heed. It felt wonderful to be able to do this without any hesitation. Sure, she was emboldened today, but she wouldn't have shied away from it either way. It made her feel very proud over how far she'd come in such a short time.

"This is nice," Ruby said after wolfing down another bite.

"Yes, I agree. When we're back at Beacon, why don't we go out and eat more often?" Weiss suggested, already running through a mental list of potential locations.

"That would be a fun thing to do on the weekends. Or at least some of them; I'd like to sleep in some too. And there's the pancake breakfasts to consider as well," Ruby noted with some longing in her voice. "I miss them already, especially with strawberries rolled in powdered sugar, or with that amazing raspberry and blueberry jam mix Ren made."

That was an important consideration. Even if it tended to get loud, borderline chaotic at times, Weiss still enjoyed their little gatherings on weekend mornings. "I wouldn't want to miss the pancakes either. I've grown rather partial to them lately. I was just thinking that when our schedules don't conflict, we could perhaps once a month or so aspire to go out and eat. Just the two of us." She said the last words slowly and tried to put a little seductive touch to the words, then stroked Ruby's leg under the table again for emphasis.

Weiss took great delight in how Ruby's cheeks became red-tinted. Flirtations aside, she looked forward to the prospect of a semi-regular activity they'd both enjoy. It would be such a simple way to spend time together, and she already anticipated investigating a few places they could eat at beforehand. The mental list of locations she'd already prepared was expansive and needed pruning.

"Deal!" Ruby said. "Speaking about pancakes… I wonder what Jaune and everyone else is up to at Beacon. What do you think?" She took a gulp from her glass of orange juice, blinking involuntarily as the sourness hit her.

"Well," Weiss began, barely stifling a laugh at the sight, "Between Pyrrha insisting they should continue their training, and Nora on a week without any obligations, I think they're having fun. I almost feel sorry for Jaune and Ren. Or maybe Ren can handle it, but Jaune's probably in for an exhausting two weeks." She speared another piece with her fork, silently thanking her lucky star that she hadn't ended up on the same team as Nora. Not that she disliked Nora - the girl was kind - but she could be a bit too enthusiastic.

"He's going to need another break to recover," Ruby said and chuckled. "I'm probably going to bring a few video games with me back. Can you remind me about that before we leave? And do you want to play together with me and Jaune sometime?"

Weiss nodded, not surprised in the least that the requests had come up. "Yes, I can do that. I'm still not very good at it, but I'm sure it'll be fun."

"Thanks, Weiss!" Ruby practically beamed with joy. Then her face took on a slightly hesitant expression. "And, uhm, I'm glad you don't hold a grudge against Jaune anymore. He's just denser when it comes to catching a hint than one of those special anti-Grimm tungsten bullets. I kinda wished I had given him a stern talking early on," she explained and looked apologetic.

Weiss shrugged, smiling as she recalled his dumbstruck expression when she came out to JNPR. "It was my fault for wanting us to keep it a secret to begin with. He is your friend, Ruby, so of course I want to get along with him. He's already proved to be friendly enough once he stopped trying to swoon me." She smirked, recalling how jealous Ruby had been. It was time to tease her a bit over it. "The only negative aspect of all of this is that I no longer will get to see you get so possessive and jealous several times a week. It was adorable." A cheeky grin and a bump against Ruby's leg accompanied her words.

Ruby blushed furiously and squirmed in her seat. "Did you have to bring that up again?"

"Of course I did. You're really cute when you're so self-conscious too."

Ruby sagged a bit in the chair. "I can't believe how I acted back then. I was just so mad at him at times!"

"Yes you were. And the way you scowled at him and balled your fists was precious," Weiss teased, greatly enjoying how Ruby groaned and looked away in shame. Then she let her voice take on a much softer, gentler tone as she took Ruby's hand in her own, adding, "It made me feel so cared for.."

Ruby interlaced their fingers automatically. Her features grew slightly embarrassed, her skin still glowing a subtle red. Still, there was amusement in her eyes when their eyes met. "I guess me being so possessive and wanting to keep you all to myself is a good thing then."

Weiss felt a blush creep up her neck over what she wanted to reply. It was a very intimate thing, not for anyone else's ears... and she was sure Ruby would love it. She held her breath for a moment, then exhaled. "I don't mind. I... like when you get possessive. It makes me feel loved and safe."

Her heart skipped a beat as the words left her. It wasn't like Ruby couldn't have figured it out from the way she had acted so many times, but she had never until today admitted it out loud - thereby giving her more submissive tendencies a voice. It really wasn't that strange when she thought about it. With her childhood and lack of a normal, loving, family, seeking safety was a strong subconscious trait she had acquired.

While waiting for Ruby to process her words, she studied the closest brick wall intently, the searing hot blush gaining traction rapidly.

"O-Oh…" Ruby eventually stammered out. A quick glance confirmed she was startled, if pleased, by the revelation. "That's… I guess I'll keep doing what I do best!"

Ruby shot a grin at her, and Weiss gave her a shy smile back. "I'd like that," she added. It was an intimate piece of information - something that went so against what many would deem a core part of her personality. For that reason alone, she wanted nobody else than Ruby to know. Yang and Blake probably had an inkling, but they hadn't asked yet, and Weiss had no plans to bring it up of her own volition.

With both girls composing themselves eventually, the next half hour was spent doing nothing besides slowly eating, sipping on their drinks and just talking. Ruby ordered a breakfast muffin along with a refill of her orange juice since the sandwiches wasn't enough to sate her hunger, and Weiss purchased another coffee. But apart from that, they spent their time leisurely, both girls enjoying basking in the warm sunlight and slowly digesting their food. Plans were made for the following days and they delved into a discussion of visiting the local library.

However, they couldn't delay the inevitable talk forever. They both knew in the back of their minds that someone had to broach yesterday sooner or later. With full stomachs and with no immediate plans, the topic surfaced naturally.

"So…" Ruby began somewhat awkwardly. "How do you feel after yesterday?"

Weiss knew what she was referring to without saying the words. As embarrassed as she would feel, she appreciated it all the same; it wouldn't do to not talk about it. "It was great until Yang woke us up," she quipped, setting the tone intentionally.

Ruby snorted in amusement. "Yeah, it was pretty awesome up to that point. I can't believe they were betting on us!"

"Neither can I," Weiss said with a resigned sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "But it was fairly satisfying to see Yang thinking she'd won, if only to put her in place."

"Revenge is sweet," Ruby said and nodded sagely. Then she grew serious again. "But about yesterday… how do you feel... " she searched for words for a moment, her forehead creasing as she thought, "about everything."

Weiss drained the last remaining coffee, searching for words herself as she nursed the cup in both hand for the lingering heat. "I'm really glad we got so much off of our chests yesterday. It feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders, both because of our conversations in the living room and later in the hammock, but also because we talked about… sex." She lowered her voice a bit at the last word, just in case any of the other guests would risk overhearing them. Not that it was likely, since a radio on the counter was playing a rather upbeat piano piece.

Saying 'sex' out loud like that made her want to hide somewhere. There were so many other words to describe it, like 'physical intimacy', a term she preferred to use. For whatever reason, those three little letters carried more weight though. Naturally, it flustered her to no end. In part, that was because she now knew what she wanted and the hesitation was gone. The idea of experiencing that kind of shared pleasure was tantalizing.

Another thing I was worrying over. I'm glad I no longer feel that way, and I should learn to talk to Ruby instead of overthink things for myself until it grows into a big ball of anxiety like that.

Ruby nodded, her eyes soft. "I'm glad I could help you."

"And when it comes to what we did…" Weiss felt her face burn as she considered her next words. "I wouldn't mind… if we sleep like that again. I liked it a lot." That was the honest truth, and Weiss wasn't going to - no matter how embarrassing it was to say it - not be truthful towards Ruby. She wanted her girlfriend to be perfectly clear that it had been a very enjoyable experience for her.

She saw how Ruby's eyes momentarily widening, before taking on a very happy gleam. "I'd like that too," she said, her lips quirking upwards into a dumb smile, the serious mood flying out the window again. "I've never slept as good as yesterday. You're really warm and soft."

Weiss had to avert her eyes - there was no way she could meet Ruby's gaze. Especially not when she remembered how almost painfully excited she'd felt as her hands roamed over warm skin and soft features, and how even just the memory of yesterday was enough to fill her with longing. She fidgeted with a corner of the paper napkin for a moment. "Likewise," she replied.

"A nice bonus is that Yang will never again walk in without knocking, so we can sleep in all we want from now on," Ruby added happily, the same stupid grin plastered on her face.

Weiss couldn't help but to let out a giggle. "That is a very good point. I hadn't considered that, but it's true."

Ruby hummed. "Just remember, Weiss… you set the pace, okay? I love you, and I want you to be comfortable and only take the next step when you're ready."

Their eyes met, and Weiss nodded. "Thank you." Gratitude towards Ruby was an often-experienced emotion in her, and she felt it yet again. "I love you too."

That was the end of their little talk, and once Ruby had finished her drink, they walked up to the register to pay for their meal. "I'll pay," Ruby announced and reached for her wallet.

But Weiss wouldn't have any of that. This date was her idea, and she wanted to treat Ruby. "No, Ruby, I will pay. You already treated me with that picnic. It wouldn't feel right."

"But you gave me cookies before that," Ruby retorted cheerfully. "And I only want to spoil my beautiful girlfriend. Can't I get to do that?"

Weiss blushed but stood her ground, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "I can say the same thing. Don't think you have the advantage here, Ruby Rose."

"Oh, a little lover's quarrel?" The old lady piped up teasingly, making both Ruby and her blush over their antics.

Ruby laughed sheepishly, and they both silently agreed to drop the good-natured dispute. "Sorry about that, let's split instead. Is that okay with you, Weiss?"

Weiss nodded and the lady laughed heartily. "My husband and I still argue over the same conundrum after all these years. Isn't that right, Richard?" she said and turned around to her husband, who was refilling the counter shelf that held pre-packaged sandwiches for people on the go.

Her husband chuckled and pulled her into a side hug. "That we do, love." He leaned in closer conspiratorially towards the two of them, whispering exaggeratedly. "But between the three of us, I tend to pay before she even has the chance to object. Got to spoil the missus." His face contorted in deeply set laugh lines and bushy eyebrows.

Weiss couldn't help but to let out a giggle. They were just too adorable.

After saying goodbye to the owners, promising to come back next week, they left the cafe. Their next destination was the library, only a few minutes walk away. It wasn't the largest library Weiss had ever seen - much smaller than the one at Beacon, but the books were well-used, and to Weiss that was what was really important. She scoffed to herself as she remembered her father's study and the thousands of untouched volumes that lined the walls.

They spent close to half an hour there, perusing various books and debating the pros and cons with their next shared reading project. Ruby also took the opportunity to renew her library card and in the end they borrowed a few bookings that caught their interest.

When they walked back outside, it was well past lunch and the weather had unfortunately taken a turn for the worse, with grey clouds beginning to cover the sky.

"Do you think it'll rain?" Weiss asked, throwing another apprehensive glance at the skies. She couldn't help but be a bit worried, since neither of them had an umbrella. Thankfully, it was still warm outside.

Ruby ponders it for a moment before shaking her head. "No, I'll be fine. The clouds aren't dark enough. So, what do you want to do now?"

Weiss considered it for a moment. She really wanted to give Ruby a gift, but she wasn't sure what exactly. However, there was something she wanted to do now that things had calmed down… and it could double as a gift. The last time they'd been here, too many things had been on her mind to enjoy her favorite kind of clothes shopping.

Filled with determination, she grabbed Ruby's hand and began to lead her to the clothes store she'd visited earlier the same week. She trained her eyes into Ruby's, gradually letting a smile form as she took in Ruby's puzzled look. "I have something in mind that we haven't done in a long time. Wait and see."

It's been too long since she was my personal dress up doll, and she will deserve a reward afterwards.

Ruby burst into laughter once they arrived, giving her hand a squeeze and leading her in without any objections. "You're going to dress me up, aren't you?"

Weiss felt how her cheeks tinged red at the spot on guess. "You're not wrong, but I was thinking that your wardrobe could do with a bit of expanding in any case. I'll buy an outfit you like and then we'll visit the bakery you love so much."

Ruby opened her mouth to object at the gift, but Weiss promptly put a finger to her lips. "I want to. You dote on me so much already that I want to give back whenever I can, even if I know that it's not a contest. I just enjoy how happy it makes you, so it's really your fault."

"Well," Ruby began, looking quite pleased, "I guess when you put it like that I have no choice but to graciously accept your affections." She curtsied and then broke down in a fit of laughter, dragging her into the store the next moment.

Once inside, Weiss quickly picked out a few sets for Ruby. To her delight, Ruby was engaged in the conversation and even brought up a few different ideas herself. It seemed she had put some thought into the subject in her spare time, and Weiss loved being able to bond over something she felt passionate about.

As they talked and considered various items for both of them, Weiss found herself with a certain sense of pride over the fact that Ruby displayed curiosity and looked like she was enjoying herself as they perused various combinations of skirts, shirts and t-shirts. It seemed that influence wasn't a one-way street.

Once a suitable assortment of options had been acquired, Ruby went inside the changing booth, and Weiss patiently waited while she heard the rustling of clothes from inside, which sent her mind drifting as her imagination went into overdrive. An instinctive whim to join Ruby appeared in her mind, making her face grow red. It would be tempting and Ruby wouldn't mind - quite the contrary - but it wouldn't be right, nor did the store offer enough privacy to do so inconspicuously.

A beep of her Scroll beeping pulled her out of her thoughts. She fished up her Scroll and saw a text message from Yang addressed to both her and Ruby.

Hi guys, just wanna say sorry again for the little bet Blake and I had going. We'll be going out for a short hike, so won't be back for the next few hours. Enjoy your date!

As soon as she'd read it, her Scroll vibrated again. This time it was a message from Yang addressed to no one besides herself.

Hey Weissy! Sorry about earlier again… I was a little surprised but I'm sorry for teasing you like I did. Look, I trust you and know you make Ruby happy. That's all that matters to me.

Weiss made a strangled noise in the back of her throat upon reading it. She knew exactly what Yang was hinting at. She absolutely appreciated it, but fervently wished Yang wouldn't have brought it up. That was one conversation she never, ever, under any circumstances wished to hold with a family member of her girlfriend. She knew she was a shy and prudish due to her upbringing, but talking about her sex life with anyone besides Ruby was something she would never agree to.

Nevertheless, she quickly typed up a short reply and sent it. There wasn't really much she could say besides accepting the apology and thanking her.

A moment later, Ruby stepped out of the dressing room wearing a rather cute combination of an open button-up shirt resting over a black top, accompanied by a pair of tight-fitting denim jeans. It suited her, not looking overly fancy but still retaining a distinct sense of casual style.

Weiss looked at her girlfriend approvingly, nodding to herself as she drank in the fruit of her labor. Her mind went back to the previous time they'd done this, remembering how much fun that had been. She even had an excuse brewing to repeat it again.

She hasn't rolled up the sleeves and the pant legs are too long. She should probably try the other size I insisted on, or maybe folding them once would be enough. We could always shorten them afterwards. I need to give her a hand in any case.

It was a weak justification, and there were some risks to consider. However, the temptation was too great and it only took a heartbeat for her instincts to capitalize on her desires and win her inner struggle.

"It's not bad, but I think we need some adjustments," she said, failing to keep the anticipation out of her voice as she pushed Ruby back into the changing booth with maybe a little bit more force than necessary. Her face had a distinct blush to it. "Let me help you."

"Why did I do that? The clerk definitely knew what we were doing!" Weiss exclaimed regretfully as they stepped out from the store, red-faced and clutching her shopping bag tightly.

Ruby, despite looking faintly embarrassed, was clearly enjoying how flustered she was, which only made things worse. She shrugged and patted her shoulder consolingly. "It's fine, Weiss. It wasn't like she was upset or even mentioned it. She just looked a bit amused when we checked out. It's possible she didn't notice all the time we spent in silence in there."

Weiss shot her a hopeful look, partially regretting that she had given into her desire to make out with Ruby in the changing booth. She just hadn't been able to help herself.

"Or maybe she did," Ruby said lamely, crushing the hope as soon as it had rekindled. In the next second she perked up though. "But it was fun."

"Lesson learned I suppose," Weiss replied and groaned. At least she'd bought a gift for Ruby, had gotten to play the dress up game like she wanted to, and had shared plenty of kisses.

I need to calm down a bit. Yesterday's really affected me badly.

"And you know, this isn't the first time I've noticed you really seem to like to kiss where we can get caught, despite your protests." Ruby had a mask of innocence, idly examining a storefront.

Weiss' face grew very red, and she cursed her pale complex for the umptenth time for giving it away. Ruby could be so astute when she wanted to. "It's maybe… a bit exciting," she admitted. She still hadn't examined that part of her, preferring to keep it at a safe distance until more pressing matters were resolved.

Ruby giggled. "That's so cute, you know? We all have some things we like a lot."

Weiss threw a long glance at her girlfriend, noting how her cheeks were flushed. She wanted to ask, but decided at the last moment against it. A public setting like this wasn't exactly ideal for such a conversation. And maybe she needed to consider her own feelings concerning her kinks a bit more first.

"I haven't given it much thought yet, but I probably should do that sometime," she deflected. Weiss looked up at the sky and found that the grey clouds had turned a shade darker. A chance to change topic had materialized. "Didn't you say it wouldn't rain?"

Ruby chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment. "Yeah, guess I was wrong. The weather is a bit unpredictable sometimes. It can shift quickly. Let's buy cookies and then head home before it starts pouring down! Otherwise we might be stuck here the entire day. I guess it wouldn't be that bad, but it's cosier at home and we can play with Zwei."

They quickly procured freshly baked cookies and, courtesy of Weiss, cinnamon buns to share with everyone later, and set out towards home.

Unfortunately for them, the skies grew increasingly dark, and with another five minutes of walking ahead of them, their luck ran out, and rain started pouring down.

They ran as fast as they could through the downpour. Ruby was actually laughing, seemingly unaffected by it despite how cold it was. For Weiss, laughing was the furthest thing on her mind right now. Her clothes were soaked through and she felt chilled to the bone despite running, her extremities beginning to go numb already.

She'd lived in Atlas for almost her entire life and she still disliked the cold. Weiss wondered what Yang would think about that. She would probably find it amusing. Had it been just a light shower it wouldn't have been so bad, but the heavy rain was already forming puddles and drenching their surroundings, cooling the air around them from the sheer size of the downfall. She wiped her forehead before she got any more water in her eyes.

"We're almost there," Ruby shouted, and turned around to cast Weiss an encouraging smile. Her wet hair was slick against her face and despite her soaked state Weiss couldn't help but to find the sight impossibly attractive. Or perhaps that was precisely why. Running ahead of her on the dirt road, Ruby looked so… alive. And when the clouds parted for a heartbeat and framed the girl she loved in sparkling rays of sunshine, it took her breath away.

They reached home a minute later and barged into the hallway. Weiss let out an audible sigh of relief as the much warmer indoor temperature washed over her. It was a small comfort compared to how cold she felt, but it was better than nothing. She was panting lightly from the exertion, again reminding her that she needed to work on her stamina.

"My shoes are soaked," she complained, hugging herself to preserve warmth after putting down her bag. She hated how the water was dripping from her clothes and how they clung to her skin.

"Sorry, I didn't think the weather would shift so rapidly. We would've made it if I hadn't bought cookies," Ruby apologized as she removed a wet sock and put it over the closest radiator. She was equally drenched, with rain water staining the floor around her.

"It's fine. You can't control the weather, and I did have to work on my cardio," Weiss joked once she'd caught her breath, already feeling her mood soar simply by not being outdoors. "Let me just change clothes and I'll be fine."

"You should take a shower, Weiss. You look really cold." Ruby suggested, throwing her a worried look and critically examining her drenched appearance.

Weiss nodded. A shower was an excellent proposition. "Yes, thats a good idea. I'm soaked to the bone. But don't you need to take one too?"

Ruby shook her head. "Nah, I'll cozy up in a pile of blankets while I wait. I'll be fine."

The suggestion didn't sit entirely right with Weiss. She knew Ruby was just as cold as she was, so she would at least make sure to make it a quick deal.

"Or you know, why don't we shower together!" Ruby joked with a laugh in the next second, sending her a gleeful look, all too happy at trying to fluster her.

Weiss heart skipped a beat. She knew precisely what she wanted in that moment. She became acutely aware that they were alone in the house and would be so for the next few hours. It offered endless possibilities.

Isn't this precisely the kind of situation I should take advantage of? But am I ready for that? I admit I'm still nervous, but after yesterday… I need to stop fretting so much! I want it, and I'm sure Ruby wouldn't mind. And if things just happen to escalate… I don't think I would be opposed.

Maybe it was the memory of Ruby's body pressed against her, or the fantasizing she'd done over the past months, or how extra smitten she'd felt since she woke up…. Weiss wasn't entirely sure what gave her this sudden confidence boost, but she knew that she had no pressure or expectations to live up to. So for precisely that reason, she wanted to be selfish and throw caution to the wind.

Making up her mind, Weiss opened her mouth and, with her heart in her throat, suggested something she half a year ago wouldn't have dared to even imagine.

"You can join me," she said quietly, eyes not quite brave enough to linger on her girlfriend.

I've always wanted to leave a chapter on a cliffhanger. Did I succeed?