

Times one, times two, times three, the clock goes inching by, tick tock, tick tock, tock...

Gnaw, rats, growing crawling agony aching aching aching...

Weary, heavy, dull, tired of the world. Not good enough. Never, never good enough. Nothing more said.

Fleeting, eyeblink, glance, gone. Flicker, candle, whip, fizzle out. Die. Away, fly, float, watch all pass like a subway cyclone, dead.


Dead walking, breathing, seeing, knowing, thinking feelingsmellingsmilinglaughingbouncingjumpinghappyrunningfall. Dead dead dead. Leaden weights dropping into the middle.

Reach out one finger. Touch, tip, ripple ring ring ring ting. Folds of liquid smooth messy paint-swirled reality. Tunnel perfection breaking up and over, maybe up and over all in time? Wait a little more. Wet. Drip drip.

Stand on the platform, watch the train pass you by. Encounter a friend and a half, expect with the eyes, don't slow the steps they can't know, half smile lips open say hi there for today's sake. Talk bright lively, sweep up and by in a wind, breeze you by. Left in the dust of humiliation. Still keep on, don't slow don't stop don't look around. Too tired.

No color no brightness awash in gray sea. Wave in down abyss wave out, come and go and gone again. Rush, clean and fast. Sky horizon water clouds greenbrowngrayblackit'sallthesameanyway. Cold and heavy. So heavywet fell into the swimming pool in your coat.

Running is life. Running is free, elsewhere, blur of unreality. Run away. Blue eyes mirrorhatredeternityturncoatnothingtobedoneforhersirrunawayawayawayfromeverything.

But sometimes, even the Quicksilver gets sick and tired of the world.


Info: Lessee… This is set after The HeX Factor and Day of Reckoning Parts I-II, with all the events that implies… kinda. You'll see. ^-~

A/N: Okay, I'll admit it, this was a piece of crap even for my first X-Men Evo fic… er. I hate it, and I was just writing with my eyes closed to get over writer's block, which resulted in flash of inspiration being twisted into a complete mess. But somehow more inspiration struck just as I finished this (O_O Inspiration doesn't hate me?!) and now there's more to come! O_o Better run for your lives peeps. *sigh* Shortest thing/chapter I've ever written. That's probably a good thing. -_- The next installments will be… somewhat different.

Tribute: This odd bunch of nonsense was inspired entirely by reading and extensive rereading of Naisumi's deep fics. They're so deep you'll drown in 'em if you're not careful. Kudos to you, Nai. ^-^ Her incredible fics are infinitely better than this pieca shit.

Ending Note: I'm outta here. *ducks flames* Constructive criticism would be mucho apreciado, gracias! *flees*

Next Installment: Retrospection