An undetermined amount of time later:
Jareth awoke at the bottom of the pile, and groaned.
Cold feet. Of course. How did I ever manage before I had to share my bed I'll never know. I really need to invest in socks. Thick, wool socks. Lots of socks. Then perhaps this wouldn't happen. Who am I kidding.
"Sarah." he said, trying to get the attention of his wife...wherever she was on the bed.
She must be here somewhere.
"Sarah." he said slightly louder.
"Mmmph. What is it? "
"Do you mind doing something about this? "
He felt the bed shift. "Like what? Kick them out?"
"There's a thought."
He shifted an arm here, a leg there, and slid out from under everyone. He promptly landed on the floor, with an ungraceful thunk.
The direct result was sets of 3 feminine giggles from the bed.
He looked up to 2 pairs mischievous blue eyes, not unlike his own, peeking at him. "Sorry papa." The two little cute faces the eyes happened to belong to sang out in unison.
His heart melted a little. "It's fine, loves. I'll survive."
"Okay you two, you've tortured your father enough for one night. Go get dressed and we'll come and fetch you for breakfast."
The bed bounced around a bit as Jareth watched, followed by the sound of 2 pairs of children's running feet as they dashed away, the door opening, then closing behind them.
Sarah looked over the edge at him. "You okay there, Your Majesty? "
"Hmph." He grunted getting up off the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. "You've got to stop encouraging them to sleep in our bed whenever they want, love. Or we may never have sex again."
"It was cold last night."
"Yes, and they've inherited your circulation issues, apparently."
Sarah laughed and moved over to her husband, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him on the shoulder. "You wanted heirs, Jareth. That typically involves kids. Not my fault we somehow managed to have 2 at once. You're just grumpy because you didn't get any last night."
"You know I adore our offspring, but how about sending them away to Uncle Toby for a weekend?" He looked at her hopefully.
"Hah. Maybe, but for now let's get up, get dressed, and go to breakfast with our children. Then we can send the girls to Uncle Hoggle, Uncle Didymus, and Uncle Ludo for the afternoon, lock the study, and we can get done? Fair compromise?" Her green eyes flashed with unspoken promises.
" Sounds lovely, wife. But I'm still buying you all socks for Yule this year."
" You always say that. But we'd rather have you warm our feet." she laughed.
" I'm cursed, all the women in my life live to conquer me, continually." Jareth replied with an exaggerated moan.
"And you wouldn't have it any other way."
"Likely not." he couldn't resist her smile.
"Still love me?"
He answered her with a kiss. "Always."
This just came to me tonight and it made me laugh so here you go. I just can't quite let this version of JS go yet hehe.
I figured this somewhere in the future and Sarah and Toby reconnected, Toby is probably married with his own kids, he knows about the whole underground/GK thing and it's all good.