Naruto was cooking pancakes and eggs for breakfast. He had gotten out of the shower awhile ago. He considered putting on some clothes. However, he figured it was pointless since Sakura was going to rip them back off eventually. So he decided to just put back on his bathrobe.

This gave him time to think about how to go about Sakura's training. Wondering just what would she be capable of once she figures out how to tap into the power Kurama gave her. Figuring the best way to do so was simply having her meditate. He seriously hoped that nothing backfired. While him and Kurama are on good terms now and Naruto trust him. It was still dangerous giving bijuu chakra to someone who has never used it before.

He was happy that Sakura was finally returning his affections. It was hard to believe still considering not even a full day ago he thought he would never receive her feelings in return. Everything was going great in life for him. Now his only problem is to stop Madara in the upcoming war. Naruto didn't want to go to war. But to protect Konoha and all of his friends. He will do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

When he was in the shower. Kurama was reminding him that when the war does start. He shouldn't try to shoulder everything alone. Naruto knew that but Kurama told him he still needed to hear it. Because he has a habit of trying to take on the world alone sometimes. The blond couldn't disagree with that statement.

While being stuck in his thoughts. Sakura had just returned. She was outside so she knocked lightly before opening the door. After closing the door and taking off her boots. She walked down the hall to see Naruto in the kitchen cooking. He seemed not to notice her presence. Sakura decided to greet him and she changed. So she snuck quietly into his room. Taking out her storage scrolls, the pinkette opened one of them. When she released her belonging inside of it. Her own bathrobe was quickly found. So deciding to match Naruto. Sakura undressed herself completely before putting on her bathrobe. Tying it up around her waist. She walked out of his room and quietly stepped into the kitchen to sneak up on him.

'He must really be thinking hard about something if he has yet to notice my presence.' Sakura thought to herself before hugging him from behind. "I'm back Naruto-kun." She announced.

Naruto's jumped slightly feeling her suddenly hugged him. He couldn't believe that he didn't notice he was here. 'Man if she was an enemy I would've been dead right now.' He thought.

'Possibly but you would've sensed any negative emotions if that were the case. She didn't have any. I still sensed her chakra signature when she arrived. Only reason I didn't mention it was because you were really deep in your thoughts. Next time though kit, pay more attention to your surroundings.' Kurama said to him.


The blond looked back to see Sakura in nothing but her bathrobe just like him. 'She even had enough time to change before I noticed her.' "Welcome back Sakura-chan. Breakfast will be ready in 5 maybe 10 minutes tops. So just relax for now." He told him.

"Ok." She kissed her cheek before walking to the table.

The blond felt a small blush rise to his face. "Is this what it's like to have a girlfriend? I know this isn't the first time she's kissed my cheek. But still it feels unreal that this is even happening. Feeling Sakura-chan lips feels so nice. I could definitely get used to this.' Naruto wondered to himself.

Sakura was having her own thoughts as she sat at the table. 'Somehow I couldn't possibly imagine myself being in this scenario with no one other than him. I never had a boyfriend before but it feels so natural doing things like that to Naruto. Has sex really opened up my eyes that much? I guess so and I'm not complaining one bit. It feels nice to be wanted in someone's presence like this. It feels wonderful to feel so loved by someone.' She watched Naruto finish cooking their breakfast.

Once he made their plates, he brought them to the table. Then went back to go get two cups and a big carton of orange juice from his refrigerator. Thankfully he already had the syrup and butter already set on the table.

The two ate their meal in comfort. They conversated with each other as well.

"Hey Sakura-chan, I never asked you this before but how are your parents?" Naruto asked.

Sakura's narrowed in irritation at the mention of her parents. Naruto caught on so he quickly spoke back up. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I was just curious."

The pinkette waved him off. "Thanks Naruto-kun but it's fine. I did say that we should learn more about each other so I don't have a problem talking to you about this. I haven't really talked to anyone about it to be honest."

Naruto nodded, he waited for her to continue.

She sighed. "I'm not on the best terms with them right now. I haven't been for the last year. The reason I'm living in an apartment now is because I wanted to get away from them."

"Ohh I'm sorry to hear that. Umm you don't have to answer but what made you move out?" Naruto asked.

"My parents never supported my decision into becoming a shinobi. It's not that they don't respect them. It's the fact that they don't want me to risk my life. We are nothing but just an ordinary civilian family. That's what they always tell me. So to them, me risking my life when I'm just a regular civilian girl is pointless to them. They think I'm risking my life recklessly. For years we've always fought about this. However it didn't get bad until I started training with Tsunade-sensei. They originally assumed that I was going to quit before I made it to chunin. However, I wasn't the same girl anymore by that time. I had a drive to protect you and Sasuke ever since our encounter with Orochimaru in the forest of death. While our fight with Zabuza gave me a glimpse of how unprepared I was. Going against Orochimaru really told me how weak and useless I was. He didn't even see me as a threat. I was ignored that whole time basically. You and Sasuke had to protect me while I just sit back and watch. That day really hardened my resolve to protect you two. It only kept growing stronger as the exams went by. My fight against Ino. Your fights against Kiba and Neji. Sasuke going against Gaara. Then the time came when Sasuke finally left the village. Never had I felt so helpless that I couldn't do anything to help him. Then I had to go to you and cry and beg you to bring Sasuke back. Because I knew If anyone could it was you. My parents didn't know just how much I went through. So when I told them I was being trained by Tsunade-sensei. That's when they realize just how serious I was about my career. So our fights got worse. I had gotten so fed up to the point of not having their support that once I became a chunin. I moved out and never went back to talk to them. I don't plan on it either. Some of the things they said to me. Like telling me I had no chance of being a successful shinobi. It really hurt to hear my own family say such a thing. I know they wanted me to be safe. But I can't just forgive them for having so much doubt in me. To the point where they would say anything just to break my resolve and quit being a shinobi. After everything I went through to get to where I was at during that time. I just couldn't take being around them anymore. They didn't even try to apologize either. So I moved all of my things out one day while they weren't home. To them it's probably like I just went and disappeared. I could be dead for all they know." Sakura explained. Feeling slightly better that she got that off of her chest. It's been bugging her for a long time now.

Naruto didn't expect for Sakura to be dealing with issues like that. He felt bad that she had to go through that. "Sorry to hear about that Sakura-chan. Maybe one day you'll make up with them." He offered some words of comfort.

Sakura shrugged. "I don't really care if we never do make up. My life has been less stressful without them being involved. I still love them. But I don't want to be around them for a long time. It also helps that Tsunade-sensei has been a second mother to me over the years. Her and Shizune are really my only family now."

"Question if your parents didn't want you to be a shinobi. How did you join the academy?"

"I got the papers and forged their signatures. It was nothing they could do at that point. A parent can't take their child out of the shinobi program once they are signed up. It's the child's decision to make if they want to continue being in the program or not." The pinkette answered.

"Oh I get it. Well I'm glad that you did that. We wouldn't have met if you hadn't and I couldn't imagine my life without you being in it." Naruto admitted.

Sakura blushed at his words. "Baka must you alway say such sweet things to me?"

"Hey I'm just being honest Sakura-chan." He grinned.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Oh don't I know it."

After breakfast was finished. Naruto made a clone to wash the dishes. Sakura had asked him.

"So what did you want to do for the day?"

"Well since the village is treating me like a hero after defeating Pain. People have been offering me a bunch of free stuff. At first I didn't want to take anything because it just didn't feel right accepting gifts like that. But Shikamaru convinced me to start accepting some of them so I don't come off as rude. It took awhile before I reluctantly agreed to it. About a couple weeks before I went to train with Killer Bee. Some guy at an electronics store saw me walking down the road. He basically forced me to accept two brand new TVs along with over a hundred DVDs and a DVD player. I only ended up watching one movie so far. I'm thinking we could spend the day watching movies together. I'll send a clone to go get us some lunch and dinner later on unless you want to go out to eat." Naruto told her.

Sakura was surprised by this. It proved just how far he's come if the villagers are giving him gifts instead of thinking the worst of him. "Well that's nice of them to do. How many gifts do you accept?" She wondered.

"I try to balance it out to keep it 50/50. So about half of them I accept. It's weird but I just have to deal with it. It's a lot better than being glared at." Naruto answered.

"I'll bet. So have you had any fangirls on your tail?" Sakura was really curious about this.

Naruto chuckled sheepishly. "You wouldn't believe how shocked I was to learn that I actually do have a group of fangirls now. I try to be friendly to them but sometimes they can be a bit much. Luckily I can escape them any time I want to."

"Well then I guess I'll have to send the message that your off limits. You're mine now so they better get used to it or else I'll unleash hell on them." Sakura said with a tone of finality.

"You have no complaints from me. It would be nice to not have to deal with them. But please don't be so mean to them. I don't think they could survive your superhuman strength. Especially when your pissed." Naruto told her.

"Oh don't worry, I won't go that far. I'll only do enough to make sure they get the picture. A warning is all a person needs sometimes." Sakura replied.

Naruto just knew that he was going to have to hold back Sakura from killing a couple people. "Well what about you? Do you have any fanboys? By the way do you wanna watch movies in my room or in the living room?"

"Shouldn't you call it our room. I am going to be sleeping in there with you for awhile. I did bring enough clothes to last a couple of weeks." Sakura teased him. "To answer your other questions, I would prefer to be in the bedroom. And I honestly don't know if I have fanboys or not. I know Ino has her share but not so much with me. For all I know I could have some."

"Well that's nice to here. I won't have to deal with too many guys trying to hit on you then. The collection of movies are in the room so come on let's go pick something." Naruto stood up from the table. He walked around and grabbed Sakura's hand. Leading her back to the bedroom.

When they entered, this is when Sakura began to actually look around the room. Now she saw the tv and movies he was talking about. She also saw the poster of ramen on his wall. Looking over to his night stand. Sakura found their team pictures on it. One was the first one they ever took back when Sasuke was still a leaf shinobi. The second picture was of Naruto, her and Kakashi. That was taken a few weeks after Naruto came back from his training trip. There was a third picture of two people. First one Sakura recognized was the fourth hokage Minato Namikaze. She knew that Naruto was his son. The second person was the most beautiful woman Sakura has ever seen. She had long red hair with violet eyes. Her face was similar to Naruto. Sakura instantly realized that she was looking at his mother. She also noticed that Kushina was pregnant with Naruto while this picture was taken.

"So that's what your mom looks like." Sakura said out loud.

Naruto looked back from the rack of movies. He saw Sakura looking at the picture of his parents. "Yeah Baachan gave that to me once I told her about my training with Bee. She said she had found it recently while going through old man third hokage's stuff. Apparently there's some other things that's for me but nobody can access them since they sealed inside a scroll with a blood seal on it. The only one who can open it is me because I share my father's blood. I just forgot about it until now actually."

"Really? You should go and get that scroll. Your father could've let something really valuable in that scroll." Sakura said.

"I will but I'm not really worried about it now." Naruto voiced.

Sakura walked up behind him. "Alright just make sure you don't forget about it Naruto-kun."

"Ok, what kind of movie do you want to watch?"

"Hmmm something entertaining. Like with a lot of action." Sakura suggested.

"Never took you for the action type." Naruto commented.

"Well that's just one more thing you learned about me today Naruto-kun. My favorite genres are action and horror. I like romances as well. Drama can get annoying to me tho."

"Well if you want action. I think I just found one." Naruto took out the case. "It's about a ninja fighting his arch nemesis to stop them from trying to destroy the world."

"That sounds very generic. Find something else please." Sakura said.

Naruto picked out a different one. "This one says it's about a man who has to fight his way to the top by killing anybody who stands in his way. From what the description says. It's supposed to be a lot of action and blood in it."

"That's fine." Sakura turned around to go lay down on the bed.

Naruto put the movie in. When he turned around, he was greeted with the sight of a naked Sakura. She had a spot ready for him to join her.

"What? You didn't think I was going to keep that on did you? I figured you would want to cuddle with my naked body." Sakura smirked.

"A part of me did yeah I won't lie. And you're right about the second part." The blond took off his own robe and joined Sakura in bed.

They were cuddled up against each other with the blanket covering them.

The movie was really great. It showed how far the main character had to go in order to reach the top of the hierarchy. He wanted power to control his country to make it a better one. Apparently the previous rulers were selfish and did not think of the residents of the country. That led to the main character declaring that he was going to change things. The only way for him to do that is to take out every major power that stood in his way. So he had to train for himself for months in order to go after his goal.

When the training was over, he set out to take out the lower powers first. His journey took time. A lot of blood was on his hands from all the people he's killed. His name became known all throughout the country. Most praised him for his actions while others feared him. He had plenty of support behind him. It took him awhile before he got rid of everyone under the rulers. Fighting so many people also helped him become even stronger. Fighting against the rulers proved to be his greatest challenge. He was beaten down many times but he never gave up. The man continued fighting until he finally took down the corrupted rulers.

After that was settled, he took over and started changing his country for the better. He even ended up marrying a woman he met at a bakery.

That movie lasted 3 hours. Next movie was a horror film about a serial killer who likes to torture his victims before he kills them. Just for the fun of it.

By the time that movie was over. It was the middle of the afternoon.

"Are you hungry Sakura-chan?" He looked over to the pinkette who was laying on his chest.

"No I'm fine, make a clone to put in the next movie. I'm too comfortable and I don't want you to move from the bed." Sakura said.

Naruto did just that. The next movie was a comedy. It had the couple in tears by how funny it was. The main character was a man who kept having the worst luck for one whole day by getting into crazy situations. One situation reminded Naruto of Jiraiya. Basically the MC had gotten beaten up by a group of women by accidentally walking into the wrong side of the hot springs.

The day went on as they continued to watch whatever movie that was picked. Sakura was enjoying herself immensely. She never thought spending time with the person you love could be so fulfilling. All she did was lay in bed with Naruto all day and it turned on to be one of the best days she's ever had.

Her and Naruto also talked about some things while the movies were playing. The blond sent a shadow clone to go get them ramen for dinner. By the end of it all, it all ended with them having sex with each other again.

Sakura was riding Naruto's dick like stallion. She wanted to make him cum by her own movements. The blond watched her bounce up and down on his dick continuously. Having his hands on her hips. He loved watching her ride him. This was the part of the day that he was looking forward to the most.

The pinkette was slamming herself down on his shaft. Feeling the wave of pleasure that she quickly became addicted to. She was watching Naruto's facial expressions as she rode him. They ranged from shock, happiness, love and pleasure. Somehow the pinkette was able to see all of that in his expressions. She thought some of the faces he made were just so cute.

Their next position was different. They were fucking on the wall. Naruto was holding Sakura up by her legs against the wall. Sakura had both her legs and arms wrapped around Naruto as he pumped his dick inside of her pussy. Both of them were sharing a heated kiss with each other. Exploring the other's mouth. Saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.

It was a wonderful experience for both of them. Sakura had tears of happiness flowing down her eyes. She wanted to share this experience with only Naruto. The love she was feeling from him through their link was overwhelming to her in a good way. She forced as much love as she could back through the link so he could feel her love for him.

Naruto felt her emotions and decided to go wild. He stepped away from the wall while still holding her legs up. Now he was moving both his and Sakura's hips while standing tall.

The pinkette rested her head back to scream in pleasure. Naruto was hitting so many more spots than he did just a moment ago. Sakura felt that familiar knot get tight in her stomach. Her pussy squeezed Naruto dick and came hard on it. She was also milking him for his cum as she felt his warm semen burst into her again. Kurama was still giving her his chakra every time Naruto came inside of her.

Next position was missionary only this time. Naruto was standing at the end of the bed. He had Sakura's legs stretched out. But held them to his chest. Her feet were side by side to his head. The blond was pounding into her hard. Sakura could feel his balls slapping against her every time he slammed into her pussy. She loved it when he was rough. His dick was threatening to break past her womb.

Naruto surprised both her and himself when he took hold of Sakura's left foot. He stuck her toes into her mouth and started sucking on them. Before losing her virginity, Sakura would've been disgusted by what Naruto was doing. Now she was loving every bit of it. For some reason when he did that, the pleasure she was feeling increased.

Keeping up at this rough pace. It brought Sakura to another orgasm. She squirted all over Naruto. Her cum covered a good portion of his pelvis. Naruto released himself inside of her soon afterwards.

When Sakura caught her breath after that intense round she asked. "What made you start sucking on my toes?" She asked with curiosity.

Naruto blushed hearing her question. "D-Did that weird you out?" He asked nervously.

"No." Sakura answered immediately. She could see his worries of him possibly making her uncomfortable. "If you would've done something like that before we took each other's virginity. Then I probably would be a bit weirded out. But that's not the case. It actually turned me on even more when you did that. I felt a jump in the amount of pleasure I was feeling." She blushed while smiling at him.

Naruto sighed in relief. "Oh thank kami I thought I took it too far. But it had suddenly came to my mind out of nowhere. I just had to urge to try that. I didn't think I would like doing that but I was wrong. Turns out I liked it a lot."

Sakura giggled before an idea came into her mind. She scooted back a little and maneuvered her legs a bit. Using her left foot, Sakura rubbed against Naruto's dick. She was pleased by his reaction.

The blond jumped feeling Sakura's foot on his shaft. He didn't know why but he really enjoyed it. Now she had his length in between her big toe and long toe. Sakura smirked seeing just how much control she had over Naruto.

This time she used both of her feet to rub against Naruto's dick. She moved them in the same way as if she was jerking him off. The pinkette surprisingly enjoying pleasing Naruto with her feet. Slowly increasing her pace. Sakura got more and more into.

Naruto couldn't hold it anymore. Sakura felt felt way too good on him right now. Said girl was pleased when she got her reward. The blond came all over her feet. Some of it shooting far enough to land on her body and a bit on her face as well. Sakura scooped the little amount off her face and licked it off her finger. She did the same to the cum on her body. Tasting the sweet flavor of Naruto's seed.

"Mmmm so good.." She moaned.

"I'm glad you like it so much. I love your taste as well." Naruto commented.

"Good, well looks like you have a foot fetish Naruto-kun. But I think it's only for me since you never felt that urge until today right?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah today was the first time I ever had that type of urge. Umm did you like doing that? If not we don't have to do it again." Naruto voiced.

"What are you talking about? Of course I liked it. I wouldn't have continued doing it if I didn't. We are going to be adding that in our foreplay. It makes me wonder what other weird things will we discover about each other." Sakura said.

"Oh great and yeah maybe we could try anal?" Naruto suggested.

"Yeah but let's save that for another time. I'm still pretty horny mister. I want to feel you pounding my pussy again." Sakura said in a seductive tone.

"What position would you like next hime?" Naruto voiced huskily.

"Oh fuck it's so hot hearing your tone like that. I'm getting wet from it. I don't care what position. Just fuck me all night again my handsome Naruto-kun." Sakura told him.

"Lay on your side." Naruto said.

The pinkette quickly turned on her side. Naruto laid down behind her. He decided to do their next round in this position. When he stuck his dick inside of Sakura again. The blond slid his arm under her body so he could hold her close to him.

When Naruto started moving, Sakura was once again introduced into a new level of pleasure. It only intensified when the blond found his rhythm and increased his pace. Sakura had pulled his hand away from her stomach and held it in her hand. She did the same with her other hand. She intertwined their legs together. Naruto was plowing through her womanhood.

Moaning his name to her heart's content. The pinkette quickly fell in love with this position. Her back was arched with her head leaning on Naruto's shoulder. This position made her cum quicker than she expected.

Naruto continued on fucking her like this. When Sakura moved her legs from his. He lifted one of them up in the air. Said pinkette felt her pleasure intensify even more due to this little action.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Right there Naruto-kun me! Don't stop!" She cried in pleasure.

Oh the blond had no intentions of stopping. When he released his semen inside of her again. They switched positions. For the rest of the night, Naruto and Sakura were having a night full of intense and passionate sex.