Hey everybody, I regret to inform you all that I shall no longer be updating this story. I have decided to discontinue this story for a number of reasons but I'm just gonna stick to the main few just to keep this short.

1: I haven't felt the same passion that I did for it since the first chapter. In my opinion they were not the best that I could do. They were lazily thrown together because I just wanted to get through it and update a story that I was much more interested in

2: I rushed into the relationship aspect for the same reason that I said the chapters weren't good.

3: I got a lot of information about the Astral Chain world incorrect.

4: I didn't have an endgame for the story, I had an idea but no place to take it. I was simply going through each chapter with a flimsy structure in mind.

All of these issues combined sorta killed my interest for the idea and it made me not want to write it, but I had stopped wanting to write it a while ago but I kept doing it because I was afraid of disappointing all of the people who wasted their time on the story.

I'm going to be orphaning this story after I post the next Slaughterhouse Woods chapter, if one of you guys would like to pick it up than go right ahead.

That's it for now, peace.