Tori and Jade had waited until lunchtime to tell their friends about their secret relationship. Robbie and Rex, Cat, Beck, and Andre were already sitting at their normal table in the Asphalt Café when the couple joined them.

"So, Tori, are you gonna tell us who your mystery man is?" Andre said.

"Yes, but it's…uh… not a man." She looked around cautiously, unsure of how to tell them. After a moment she just spit it out. "It's Jade."

Robbie choked on his soda as the rest of the group sat with varying looks of bewilderment.

"Yep, we're dating." Jade snickered, amused at their shock. She took Tori's hand and kissed the back of it as if to prove that she was telling the truth.

Robbie stopped coughing and turned to Tori, "Is Sikowitz making you do this?".


"Then why would you date her?" Robbie couldn't wrap his head around this news.

"Because I like her! We've been dating for a couple months now." Tori exclaimed at the boy's stupidity.

"Three months, thirteen days." Jade chimed in.

"But Jade is Jade. She's mean to everyone and you are one of the nicest people I know." Robbie said to Tori.

"Are you implying that she can do better?" Jade slid a pair of scissors out of her boot and pointed them at the ventriloquist. "Because if you think I'm going to sit here while you-"

"JADE!" Tori cut off her threat with a slap on the goth's arm.

"Yay! Jade is gonna be nice to everyone now!" Cat giggled.

"Why would I do that?" Jade sneered at the red-head.

"Because you're in love with Tori." She beamed as if that explained everything.

"I didn't say that." The goth deadpanned, causing a slight frown to form on her girlfriend's face.

No one spoke for a moment, so Andre interjected, "Well, I knew something was up. It makes sense now. You two haven't been fighting, at least not like you used to, and Jade doesn't complain when you guys get paired up for assignments together."

"I thought that Tori would've dated Beck after his and Jade's break-up. He's more likeable and easy-going. And he doesn't throw my ice cream out the window." Cat said.

"No, Tori and I would never happen. Tori rejected me when I tried to kiss her… because she had feelings for Jade." Beck got up from the table and left while the group continued their discussion.

"So, did Jade make those bruises on Tori's neck? Jade had one too." Cat inquired to the group. Tori blushed and looked away.

"I never thought Cheekbones would have the guts to get it on with anyone, much less Jade, but I gotta say that's hot!" Rex stated.

"That's it!" Jade yelled at Robbie and threw Rex across the Asphalt Café in anger.

"Rex!" Robbie squealed and ran after him, leaving only Andre and Cat left at the table with Jade and Tori.

"I think that's the bell. I better go." Andre took off so he wouldn't be under Jade's unnerving glare.

"Wait, Andre! I hear it too!" Cat ran after him.

"That was just delightful," Jade used her fake voice to mock Vega, "do we get to tell anyone else today about our personal lives? I'm sure Sinjin or Sikowitz could use a good laugh!"

Tori was just as upset as Jade was, but she tried to make the best of it, "I know it's shocking for them that we are together, but they needed to know eventually!" she whined.

"All they did was make fun of me! I'm just the evil monster that kidnapped the pretty princess with Stockholm syndrome!" Jade growled and walked away before Tori could answer. She needed to be alone to build up a stronger immunity to their friends' ridicule.

After the day's classes were over, Tori sat on her couch at home and texted Jade, "Will you come over?"

The reply was swift: "No".

"Please? I want you here with me." Jade had avoided everyone for the rest of the school day, and Tori couldn't put up with the isolation any longer. Two minutes passed before there was a reply.


Jade's car pulled up ten minutes later.

"What do you want, Vega?"

"You. Just you. I don't care what other people think about us. I see the good in you, even if you don't. That's why I love you." Tori embraced Jade and they kissed. Tori's hands cupped Jade's face to deepen the kiss, while Jade wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist.

Tori broke the kiss after a minute or two and whispered in Jade's ear, "Can you stay all night?"

"Why wouldn't I, My Love?" Jade breathed back at her.

Tori awoke to a knock at her bedroom door. Her mother was on the other side of the door.

"Honey, do you want a ride to school? You'll be a bit early 'cause I'm on my way to work."

"No, Mom. I'll catch a ride with a friend."

"Okay, I'm heading out." Thankfully, her mother did not open the door to see Tori and Jade sleeping next to each other naked in Tori's bed. Tori nuzzled into Jade once more and drifted back into sleep in the goth's arms.

That is until Trina bounded into the room noisily without knocking. She went to the younger Vega's closet to borrow a shirt.

"Trina, get out!" Her sister grumbled, still half asleep.

"Does Mom and Dad know about your nocturnal activities?" She pointed at Jade with a grimace, who was now awake.

"They do not need to know."

"They'll find out eventually. Probably when they assume you're having night terrors and burst into your room from the screaming you do all night long. Yes, I heard you both last night." Jade gave Trina a glare as she skipped out of the room and shut the door.

Jade started to get up and removed her arms from the other girl's torso. Tori let out a frustrated whine and reached out for Jade. Tori grabbed the goth's wrist.

"Come on. You don't want to be late for school, Miss Perfect Attendance." Jade teased.

"Can't we skip today? I just want to lay here with you." Tori looked the girl up and down. "I really am the luckiest girl in the world to have the privilege of dating Jade West."

Although she was shocked at the honor student's suggestion to skip, Jade could not resist the compliment and, with a smirk, resettled herself in the bed next to her girlfriend. Tori yawned and laced their fingers together, drawing the goth closer. Jade imagined what their friends will think when they don't show up for class, but then again, she didn't really care about anyone else at the moment besides Tori.

Tori laid her head on Jade's chest and mumbled something about being happy as the goth's arm wrapped around her. Jade kissed the top of her head as Tori was lulled back into sleep by the steady beats of her lover's heart.

A/N: I usually write shorter chapters with more smut, but I'm trying new things. Next chapter will be about what they're doing while skipping school. I feel like Vega's parents should know about the relationship too… I'll write more in the coming week. Feedback is always appreciated!