Chapter 12: Car Crash

(A/N: ...So. I'm back. Hi?
Right, hear me out. I have been extremely busy and will continue on being extremely busy for the next few months but I will promise that I will try my best to upload.
I've also realized how crappy my writing is in this story but I'm not giving up on It because I don't want to leave you all hanging.

Annabeth POV:

It had been three days since I had come back home. Helen and dad still beat me like usual, but other than that, it was normal.
"We have to do something," Percy declared as we walked in the park.
"We are doing something." Piper pointed out.
"We are?" Leo asked, confused.
"Yes, you doofus." Calypso smacked his head.
"Then what are we doing?" Jason asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe... Breathing? Did that ever occur to your pea sized brains?" I rolled my eyes.
The boys stared at me while the girls rolled their eyes.
"We are also having a stroll in the park." Juniper offered.

"That's not what I meant!" Percy exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "We have to do something that's planned."
I fake gasped. "Seaweed brain planning? The world is ending!"
He rolled his eyes. "Come on wise girl. Please?" He pouted and did his baby seal eyes.
I tried not to look at him but eventually gave in. "Fine." I grumbled. Geez, I really needed to not give in so easily.
"Yes!" Percy punched the air.
The girls looked at me and I shrugged. "It'll be fun."

"Okay." Frank. "Where are we going?"
Percy froze and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know. I didn't think I'd get this far."
We laughed and Grover piped up. "We should go to the beach!"
"Good idea. We'll take our swimsuits to swim in the sea."
I froze. The beach? But all my scars will show in the water.
Bianca and Thalia must have sensed my discomfort. "It's okay." Thalia said. "You don't have to."
"Yeah. You can just chill on the beach." Bianca put her hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks guys." I mumbled.
"Why?" Leo asked. "Don't you know how to swim? It's okay if you don't. You can just wade."
"It's not that..." I said.
"Ohh." Calypso realized. "It's okay. We won't mind."
"Yeah. You can do whatever you want on the beach." Hazel told me.
"It's your choice." Piper said.

Rachel, Juniper and Reyna nodded and smiled at me comfortingly. "We won't be able to make it though," Reyna said, "I have a meeting with Rachel with our parents."
"And Grover and I already have something planned," Juniper added apologetically.
"It's okay, maybe another time," Piper smiled and I nodded.

I smiled at them, but the boys were still clueless. "I don't get it." Nico and Jason said in unison.
We rolled our eyes. "Whatever. So, what time do we go?" Thalia asked, changing the subject.
"We should leave the house at nine, then we'll come back at five. Sound good?" Percy asked and we nodded.
"Alright. We'll meet at the park that's twenty minutes from here. Then we'll all go together." I said.

"Me, Thalia and Annabeth can go together to get to the park. We have to get stuff anyway. Okay?" Bianca told the other and they agreed.
"Alright then!" Leo said. "That's settled, we'll meet at the park, then go to the beach from there."
I nodded. "My brothers are gonna be at their friends house so it'll be fine."
"Great!" Jason cheered. "Tomorrow it is then!"
"Bianca, you take the car." Nico said and Bianca grinned.


I groaned and got up off the floor. Helen and dad had just finished my morning beating. I had some bruises over my body and my lip was bleeding and there was a cut on my bicep. It wasn't too bad, which was good. I was wearing a top and jeans, but my beach clothes were in the bag I was holding.
I shook my head. I'll treat myself when we get there. I'm already late.

I walked to the door and opened it and saw Bianca and Thalia, just pulling up in the car. Bianca was driving and Thalia was in the passenger seat. I walked up to them and got into shotgun seat. "Hey."
"Hi." Bianca looked at me. "You okay?"
I nodded. "I'll treat myself later. Let's go."
"If you say so." Thalia said. "We better go, we already have the things, the others are still at the big house. We'll get there first."
I nodded and we began the short journey.

Percy POV:

My phone rang. I was sitting in my room, with the gang, except for Thalia, Bianca and Annabeth. "One second guys." I said and took my phone out and saw the caller.
Wise Girl
I grinned. "It must be Annabeth." Nico said. "Only she makes him grin like that."
I rolled my eyes and picked up and put on speaker. "Hey wise girl." I said. "You're on speaker."
"Hi seaweed brain." Annabeth's voice came. "You're on speaker too."
Thalia spoke next. "Hey, where are you guys? We're about ten minutes away."
"Oh." Jason said. "We haven't left yet."

"Stupid ducks." Bianca laughed. "Hurry up then."
"Alright." Calypso said. "We're coming."
"That's good. So anyway- BIANCA LOOK OUT!" Annabeth screamed.
There was a screech of tires and shouting. "Annabeth? Annabeth what is it?" Piper cried.
She didn't answer but there was another scream and a crash. "THALIA BEHIND YOU!" Bianca shrieked and we heard another scream.
"What's happening?! Thalia?! Bianca?! Annabeth?!" Hazel shouted.
We heard a shout and I looked at my friends in horror. "ANNABETH!" Bianca and Thalia shouted at the same time.
We heard three more screams and I recognized them. My cousins and Annabeth. There was a huge crash and a thump sound and the line went dead.

We all stared at each other for a few seconds before sprinting downstairs where all the adults were, nearly hysterical.
"Children we- what's wrong?" My mum asked, raising an eyebrow in concern
"Thalia- Bianca- Annabeth- Scream- Crash-" Piper spluttered.
"What?" Zeus asked, standing up.
"What is it? What's this to do with the three girls?" Hades asked, impatiently.
"We have to go!" Jason yelled, angrily.

"Will someone tell us what's happening, calmly?" Hera asked.
"T-they called us." Calypso started, shakily with tears running down her face. "Then Annabeth screamed for Bianca to look out. Then we heard a crash. And- and all of them screamed."
The adults paled and my mum threw me the keys to her truck without speaking. I didn't reply but dashed out of the door and into the driver seat, starting the engince.

As soon as the last door shut, I took off, probably breaking all the speed limits, "Where did they say they were?" I asked, my voice shaking.
Leo gulped. "They didn't."
I cursed and smacked my head.
"They said they were ten minutes away." Frank mumbled.
All of a sudden, half a dozen police cars whizzed by, their sirens screaming.
"Follow them!" Hazel urged.
I obliged and closely followed the police cars until they stopped.

I gasped, as did everyone else. A lot of cars were damaged and some were even turned over, but there was one on its side and I recognized it. I parked the car and ran out, with the others following quickly.
The car I recognized was ours. I knew it. All of us started sprinting towards it until a policewoman stopped us. "You can't pass this point."
"Please!" I begged. "My cousins and my best friend are in that car! We have to see them!"
The woman shook her head. Nico and Jason stormed their way to the front. "Listen." Jason snarled. "My sisters are in there."
"If you don't let us through." Nico fumed. "I will force my way through."

(A/N: And stop! Yes, I realize that absolutely no one would let a bunch of teenagers here and wouldn't even dream of letting one rescue the other but this is crucial to the story so please, no hate on this. I know perfectly well that the fire department would cut the passengers of the car out and that the policemen and hospital staff do not work like this. It's just important to the plotline. Thank you and continue reading.)

The woman gave in. "Fine." She muttered.
All of us sprinted to the car. It was on its side, and was the most damaged. "Open the door!" Grover said.
I opened the driver's door, which was facing the air, with difficulty and saw Bianca's limp body. "Bianca!" I breathed.
A policeman came running over. "Stay back! We'll handle this!" He cried.
"Well what are you waiting for?!" Piper screeched. "Get them out!"

The man obliged and first he took Bianca. "Sheesh, she doesn't look too good."
"You think?!" Calypso shouted, almost slapping the man.
He put Bianca on the floor, and immediately all of us crowded around her. She had several cuts on her, due to the glass breaking and her ankle was bent slightly at an awkward angle.
"Bianca." Nico choked.
Blood was soaking her right sleeve and her cheek was bleeding. She was breathing slowly and her brown hair was on her face. Nico gently pushed the hair away and caressed her cheek softly.

The policeman then went to the back door and pulled out Thalia. He placed her gently on the floor next to Bianca and we examined her closely. "Oh my God Thalia..." Jason whispered as a tear went down his cheek. She had more cuts than Bianca but didn't look like she had any broken bones. Her temple and nose were bleeding as were her arms. Jason ran his hand through Thalia's hair and choked back a sob.

"There's another one in there. But I can't reach her." The police man said sadly, walking towards us. "Try again!" Leo pleaded.
"I did. Three times. I can't reach her. And I'm too big to fit through the window. If I go in, the whole thing could collapse. We'll have to get the fire department-" The police man- whose name I had found out to be Roger- said.
I stood up abruptly and marched over to the car and carefully went inside. "Hey kid!" Roger yelled. "You can't go in there! The car could cave in! Hey! Stop!"

I ignored him and looked around. I was in the passenger seat and there was glass and some blood everywhere. I slowly walked over to the seat Annabeth was in and took her seatbelt off. I picked her up and brought her to the passenger seat delicately. I then checked for broken bones and hoisted her onto my shoulder. Then I passed her over to the other side where everyone was waiting.
I waited until Annabeth was carried over, then I went out. I landed on the floor and my friends quickly helped me up.

I waved them off and ran to the three girls. Annabeth had many cuts and scratches on her and her lips were bleeding. There was a gash on her forehead and her breathing was shallow. Her leg had a large cut on it and there were bruises everywhere.

"Get a medic over here!" Piper screamed.
Another policeman came over and spoke into his walkie talkie. "We urgently need an ambulance over here. Three unconscious and injured young women. Code red."
Just as he finished speaking, an ambulance whizzed over and put Bianca, Thalia and Annabeth on stretchers and carried them away.

"Wait!" I cried and ran over to the ambulance. "We need to come with them! Please! We have to!"
The two nurses looked at each other, then at me. "Sorry sir. They are in a critical condition. We can't let anyone in." The first one said.
"Let us go in!" Hazel begged. "Please. They need us!"
The nurses shook their heads and climbed into the ambulance and drove away.

My knees buckled and I sat on the floor, a single tear trickling down my cheek. The rest of my friends did the same and I could hear Hazel's soft, muffled sobbing and Piper's angry shouts.
"I swear." Jason trembled, rubbing Piper's back. "I swear if anything happens to any of them. I will never forgive myself."
Calypso leaned on Leo who held her tightly while Nico punched the ground and yelled angrily.

I clenched my hands into fists. "This is all my fault." I murmured, "If I hadn't suggested going somewhere, this wouldn't have happened."
Calypso looked up. "It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Understand? They'll make it through. We're talking about Bianca di Angelo, Thalia Grace and Annabeth Chase. They're the strongest. They'll survive." Another tear went down her cheek and she looked down.

I looked up and saw my mom running towards me with all the adults running behind her. She saw the state of us and stopped in horror. "Where are they?" She whispered. "Where's Thalia? Where's Bianca? Where's Annabeth?"
None of us said anything but looked up at the adults so they could see our tear-stricken faces.
"T-they went in an a-am-ambulance." Hazel choked out then broke down again.

The ladies gasped and a few of them went over to the nurses standing a little way away while the men were furious. "Where's the police?" Zeus scowled.
Piper turned and pointed to a few policemen walking towards us.

"Hello sir. How are you?" One of them began, putting out his hand to shake.
"How am I? I'll tell you how I am, what crap is this? My daughter was in a car crash! And you're asking me how I am!" Zeus bellowed.
The policemen flinched and the one with the outstretched hand immediately pulled back.
"What were their names?" Roger asked coming up.

"Thalia Grace, Bianca di Angelo and Annabeth Chase." Hera said quickly, trying to avoid any more arguing.
Roger nodded and wrote it down on his clipboard. "Sir, they are going to the nearest hospital which is Baymouth Hospital."
(That is a random hospital I made up in five seconds. It is not real. At least, I don't think so because I just made it up.)

Hades nodded grimly. "Thank you, officer."
The police left and Hazel spoke. "Let's go then!"
"We can't." Aphrodite replied.
Piper stood up, furious. "Why not?"
The adults were taken aback. "They just got there; the doctors won't let anyone in."
Jason got up. "So? We could at least be there!"
The adults shook their heads.

"Come on Percy," My mother said softly, coming over, "Let's go home. We'll check on them right now while you kids go rest. It's been a long day."
"I don't want to home." I muttered stubbornly.
"Now Perce-"
"No." I scowled, wiping my face. "I'm not going home."


We went home.

Our parents let us have a sleepover for the night but we all just spent the time sitting in a circle until Piper fell asleep in Jason's lap. The rest of us decided to turn in and for the next four days, just ate and slept. Reyna, Rachel, Juniper and Grover were all out of the country but we briefly explained what happened.
Their replies were not PG.

"Hey kids we can go visit-"
My mom stopped short and stared at us all. I was the only one awake and was sprawled on the floor, staring at the ceiling. I sat up and looked at her silently.
"We can go visit the girls today-" She continued and my eyes widened. I stood up so fast that I almost fell back down but managed to steady myself. "We can?" I yelped.

"Whasthematta-" Leo shot up and looked around sleepily while Calypso who had been leaning on him, fell on the floor and was jerked awake, accidentally slapping Nico in the process who woke up.
"Huh?" Piper yawned, sitting up and she nudged Jason awake whose hair was sticking in random directions.

"We can go visit them today!" I practically yelled.
There was no need to tell everyone who 'them' referred to. All of us already knew and they suddenly looked more awake.
"Lesgo!" Jason yawned and walked to the door.

But my mom blocked the way.
"Oh no," She said, frowning, "You all have to shower and look presentable first. You all look terrible."

I sighed before grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom and stopped to look in the mirror and winced.
My mom had been right. I did look terrible. There were bags under my eyes and my eyes were red rimmed. My hair was messier than usual and greasy with sweat and I quickly stripped and stepped in the shower, letting the warm water run down me, thinking deeply.


The hospital was too quiet for my liking.

The white walls seemed to close in and the pale blue colours, slowly turning grey was unnerving. I loved blue but this just didn't seem right. I shifted uncomfortably in the seat I was in and waited for my mum to check in with the hospital staff. She was the only one from the adults who came. The others had already seen the girls and were now working and my mum had volunteered to take us.

Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso and Nico were sitting on either side of me. All of us were silent, staring at the white tiled floor or the plain dull walls.
"Come children," My mother said softly, walking back to us. We stood and followed her into an elevator silently and went up to the third floor. We went to another waiting room. This one was filled with people.

I moved to the back of the waiting room and sat on one of the few chairs there. The rest of my friends either sat on the remaining chairs, or on the floor.
We waited for half an hour, all of us extremely bored until I felt a tapping on my shoulders and looked up to see my mum gesturing to follow. I hadn't even realized that our number had been called out.

We stood up and a doctor smiled at us, "Hello. Visitors?"
We nodded.
The doctor seemed to smile wider, his teeth nearly blinding us, "I'm doctor Solace. Call me Will! And you must be here to see the three girls," His smile faltered but almost immediately turned back to his cheery grin, "Follow me please."

Jason glanced at me before shrugging and the nine of us walked to a large room and stepped in.
The room was quite big and looked much nicer than the rest of the hospital. It looked more homey with a large TV screen at one end and a forget me not blue colour painting the walls. There were yellow curtains and the place made me feel cosy.

Will moved to the smile and made a gesture and we heard a loud shriek.
I turned to see Thalia waving wildly, in a hospital bed, grinning from ear to ear. Jason was the first to rush over and we all followed, gathering around her bed.
"Thalia!" Jason exclaimed, hugging her tightly and said girl grunted.
"Nice to- see you- too- Jason."

Jason quickly let go and looked at his sister, "Are you okay? What happened? How badly hurt are you? Did you break anything? Did you-"
"Slow down there," Thalia laughed and I hugged her gently.
"Thank god you're okay," I murmured and she smiled, her nose slightly bent.
"'Course I am," She sniffed, "I'm tough enough."

We laughed and Piper, Calypso and Hazel hugged her as well before sitting down around her bed.
"Where's Bianca?" Nico asked anxiously after Thalia had ruffled his hair fondly.
"Right here," I heard someone yawning and turned around, "Good morning."

Bianca was just sitting up in her bed which was next to Thalia's and the next thing we head was a loud grunt as Nico launched himself onto her, hugging her tightly.
Bianca's muffled laughter came through as she hugged Nico, "Hey Neeks," She smiled, "How you doing?"
"You are so dead," Nico mumbled in response before letting her go.

I quickly moved to Bianca's bed and hugged her tightly.
"You are never driving again," Nico grumbled and Bianca gave a bark of laughter.

A few minutes later, we had joined up Thalia and Bianca's beds together with the help of Will and my mom before the two of them went over to discuss something.
"What happened?" Hazel asked softly and Bianca and Thalia winced.

"Well I was driving to the park," Bianca started, "And I looked to the left for a second before Annabeth screamed. I looked forward and this truck was heading straight for us and then something smashed through our back windscreen heading for Thalia's head and-"
"And then glass sprayed on us- mostly me because I was at the back," Thalia interrupted, "And something hit the back of my head. And then something went through the glass on Annabeth's side and then I screamed and I went unconscious."
"After Thalia dropped, something hit Annabeth and then I fainted so I don't know what happened after that." Bianca finished.

We stared at them.
"Speaking of her," Piper stammered out, "Where is Annabeth?"
Thalia shrugged, "I woke up a day after I got here and haven't seen her. Bianca woke up after me so none of us had seen her since we got here."
I frowned lightly, "Maybe-"

Just then, mum and Will came back. Will smiled at my cousins, "Ah, good to see you're up. So, here's the verdict," He began to explain what their injuries were, "Bianca will have to stay in the hospital for another 10 days. She has a badly twisted ankle and a few cuts on her body but they all have been treated to. Luckily, she didn't have to undergo a surgery but after she's been discharged, she'll have to be careful in walking for about three months."
Bianca groaned and leaned back in her pillow and Will continued.
"Thalia has a fractured nose and several more gashes on her body. She'll have to stay for one or two weeks. We had to give her stitches but no surgeries so that's good. She will have to rest in bed for at least two weeks when she is released. Oh, and you have a concussion." He added and Thalia grumbled.

"But where's Annabeth?" Calypso asked.
"She's in another room, sweeties," My mother replied quickly.
"Can we see her?" I asked.
Will glanced at my mom before nodding, "If you want to..." He said gently.

We all said goodbye to Thalia and Bianca with the promise of coming to visit soon before leaving the room. As soon as I stepped out, I bumped into Frank who was staring at two people emerge from a different room.
It was a lady and a man screaming as they exited the room, looking furious. On closer inspection I noticed it was-
"Those two twits." Piper hissed.

Helen and Frederick Chase were yelling while a nurse was trying to calm them down. Helen took one look back inside the room before scowling and marched out back into the elevator, followed closely by Frederick, promptly leaving the hospital.
We glanced at each other and Will walked towards the nurse, "Kayla? What happened?"

The nurse- Kayla- shook her head, "That girl's parents. Quite furious. Said they weren't going to come back... Not sure what that meant."
Will raised an eyebrow, "We'll have to sort it out later. In the meantime..." He looked at us, "Are you sure you want to see her?"

"Of course we do," Leo snorted.
"Why wouldn't we?" I raised an eyebrow as Will, looking guilty, pushed open the doors. I saw my mother's eyes watering and stepped in the room.
"Annabeth?" I called and looked at the others.
"Are- are you okay Sally?" Hazel asked as a tear slipped down my mum's cheek.

"I'm sorry," Will said quietly, leading us over to a bed with curtains around it. "But..." He pulled the curtains, showing Annabeth sleeping on a bed, pink scars on her cheek with her blonde hair spread over the pillow and I reached forward but Will spoke. "But Annabeth is in a coma."
My hand went limp.

(A/N: Don't kill me.
So, I know it's been so awfully long but I do hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger though, lol. I'm not sure when I'll post next but I assure you all that it will not be after a few months.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and time for...

Shoutouts for FF:

Hades Wolf: I'm so glad you enjoyed! More Percabeth will come soon!
WOLFIECHEESE: Glad you're still here! And though I have no idea who Tim Bradford is, I'll take it, lol.
Cabin8hufflepuff: I won't kill Annabeth! Promise!
IvyAntionette: I'm so glad you like it! I will try update RTSL soon too.
v NiGhT ShIfT v: Thank you so much! Glad you like my writing! Yes, some of the stuff in this book is absolute crap and so not true but what can I say? I was naïve ;-;
StarOfOlympus: Yes, I completely agree. I adore that quote and it should really be more well known.
captainMcShizzle: Thanks! Keep being awesome to you too!
A random mortal: Yeah it was kinda OOC at the start. Glad you liked it!

Shoutouts for Wattpad:

Aaruc22: Glad you liked my story so much you managed to read it in a day, lol. Hope you enjoyed this this chapter!
Alex_Rose_2: Thanks Emma! Don't kill me for the cliff hanger...
Thantheera: I stopped procrastinating!
underlandlover36958: Glad you enjoyed!
_Daughter_of_Nike_: So glad you enjoyed and told more people!

...That was a lot of people. Thank you all for reading! This was about 10 pages and 4496 words long.

'Till next time!
Angel of Olympus- OUT!)